WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:12.070 Thank you for your patience. 00:00:12.070 --> 00:00:14.490 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:00:14.490 --> 00:00:18.030 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:00:18.030 --> 00:00:29.850 you for your patience. 00:00:29.850 --> 00:00:32.270 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:00:32.270 --> 00:00:35.810 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:00:35.810 --> 00:00:47.630 you for your patience. 00:00:47.630 --> 00:00:50.049 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:00:50.049 --> 00:00:53.590 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:00:53.590 --> 00:01:05.420 you for your patience. 00:01:05.420 --> 00:01:07.909 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:01:07.909 --> 00:01:11.530 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:01:11.530 --> 00:01:20.489 you for your patience. 00:01:20.489 --> 00:01:23.980 Welcome to the Public Participation Hearing, where we 00:01:23.980 --> 00:01:27.980 will take public input on California, Southern California 00:01:27.980 --> 00:01:33.939 Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric Companies 2021 00:01:33.950 --> 00:01:37.609 Nuclear Decommissioning Costs Triennial Proceeding 00:01:37.620 --> 00:01:44.310 on this day Tuesday, January 10, 2023. 00:01:44.310 --> 00:01:48.590 Thank you Operator. Um, can the court reporters confirm 00:01:48.590 --> 00:01:51.510 that they're ready to begin? 00:01:51.510 --> 00:01:55.730 Ready. I'm ready, I'm ready. All right, thank you then 00:01:55.730 --> 00:01:58.400 let's go on the record. The Commission will come to 00:01:58.409 --> 00:02:05.640 order. It is now Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at approximately 00:02:05.640 --> 00:02:09.819 5pm. This is the remote Public Participation Hearing 00:02:09.830 --> 00:02:12.930 of the application of Southern California Edison 00:02:13.110 --> 00:02:17.909 (SCE) and San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) 00:02:17.909 --> 00:02:23.379 for their 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Costs Triennial 00:02:23.379 --> 00:02:28.490 Proceeding (NDCTP). The application number is 00:02:28.500 --> 00:02:35.009 2202016. Please note that the audio and visual feed 00:02:35.020 --> 00:02:38.270 of this public hearing is being recorded, and can be 00:02:38.270 --> 00:02:42.469 viewed on the CPUC website. If you do not wish to 00:02:42.469 --> 00:02:47.030 be recorded please disconnect now. Good evening, my 00:02:47.030 --> 00:02:51.599 name is Elaine Lau, and I am the assigned, Assigned Administrative 00:02:51.599 --> 00:02:55.050 Law Judge on this proceeding. I am here with Commissioner 00:02:55.060 --> 00:02:59.009 Darcie Houck, who was assigned Commissioner on the proceeding. 00:02:59.419 --> 00:03:02.370 The purpose of today's hearing is for the California 00:03:02.370 --> 00:03:07.159 Public Utility Commission or CPUC. To hear from SCE 00:03:07.159 --> 00:03:10.840 and SDG&E's customers, and members of the public 00:03:10.849 --> 00:03:14.639 about the impact of this application for them. The 00:03:14.650 --> 00:03:18.110 CPUC is the state agency that has regulatory 00:03:18.110 --> 00:03:21.650 authority over both SDG&E and SCE. 00:03:22.039 --> 00:03:26.870 The CPUC consists of five Commissioners, who 00:03:26.870 --> 00:03:29.500 are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the 00:03:29.500 --> 00:03:32.520 California State Senate. The Commissioners are the 00:03:32.520 --> 00:03:35.639 ones who will determine the outcome of this application. 00:03:35.650 --> 00:03:39.719 As a Judge on this proceeding, my role is to evaluate 00:03:39.719 --> 00:03:43.319 the evidence in this proceeding and to write a proposed 00:03:43.330 --> 00:03:47.110 decision based on the evidence. The Commissioners can 00:03:47.110 --> 00:03:50.389 either vote to adopt my proposed decision or they can 00:03:50.400 --> 00:03:55.740 adopt their own alternate decision. If you want to 00:03:55.740 --> 00:03:59.460 participate today and provide public comments on this 00:03:59.469 --> 00:04:06.560 application, you will need to call 1-800-857-1917. 00:04:06.569 --> 00:04:13.830 As provided on the screen enter, passcode 1767567, 00:04:13.840 --> 00:04:17.649 and then press *1 on your phone. By pressing *1, 00:04:17.649 --> 00:04:20.720 you will alert the operator who's queuing the public 00:04:20.720 --> 00:04:24.500 speakers. Please provide the operator with your name. 00:04:24.509 --> 00:04:28.050 If you're a public official please notify the operator 00:04:28.050 --> 00:04:31.189 of your title and position, in addition to your name. 00:04:31.199 --> 00:04:34.319 This line is only for providing public comments to 00:04:34.319 --> 00:04:38.439 this application. Now we have separate phone lines 00:04:38.449 --> 00:04:41.790 for customers to ask questions about the application 00:04:41.800 --> 00:04:45.480 or to ask questions about their bill. If you have any 00:04:45.480 --> 00:04:49.850 questions regarding the application. SCE and 00:04:49.850 --> 00:04:53.439 SDG&E, the applicants to this proceeding, are available 00:04:53.439 --> 00:04:56.959 this evening from 5pm to 8pm. To answer your 00:04:56.959 --> 00:05:01.959 questions at, at this number on the screen 213- 00:05:01.959 --> 00:05:08.079 297-0156. If you have a customer specific question, such 00:05:08.079 --> 00:05:11.790 as a question about your bill or service. SDG&E 00:05:11.790 --> 00:05:16.329 and SCE customer service representatives are available 00:05:16.339 --> 00:05:19.379 from 5pm to 8pm this evening to answer your 00:05:19.379 --> 00:05:23.009 questions. To ask questions about your bill or service 00:05:23.019 --> 00:05:36.050 SCE customers may call 1-800-655-4555. SDG&E customers may call 00:05:36.050 --> 00:05:39.649 1-800-411-7343. These phone numbers are also provided 00:05:39.649 --> 00:05:43.709 on the screen. If you cannot call in today, you can 00:05:43.720 --> 00:05:47.740 also submit written comments. By visiting the link you 00:05:47.740 --> 00:05:53.720 see on the screen, apps.cpcu.ca.gov/ 00:05:53.720 --> 00:06:00.509 c/A2202016. Please make sure you 00:06:00.509 --> 00:06:04.060 click on the Public Comment tab. As of today, we have 00:06:04.069 --> 00:06:08.589 we have received a total of 11 written comments. At 00:06:08.589 --> 00:06:12.509 this time, I would like to ask Commissioner Houck if she 00:06:12.509 --> 00:06:16.220 would like to open it, open us up with the remarks? 00:06:17.879 --> 00:06:21.220 Thank you Judge Lau. Good evening everyone. As Judge 00:06:21.220 --> 00:06:24.709 Lau said, my name is Darcie Houck. I'm the assigned Commissioner 00:06:24.709 --> 00:06:28.279 for this proceeding. I want to thank Judge Lau for 00:06:28.279 --> 00:06:31.959 facilitating, um tonight's Public Participation Hearing. 00:06:31.959 --> 00:06:34.269 As well as all of the Staff that work to make it 00:06:34.269 --> 00:06:37.884 possible. I also I want to specifically recognize our 00:06:37.894 --> 00:06:41.584 IT staff, Robert Stanford and Joseph Hega. Our court 00:06:41.584 --> 00:06:45.774 reporters um, Doris Newman and Lisa Welch. And the Public 00:06:45.774 --> 00:06:48.995 Advisor's Office, Allison Brown, Claudia Sanchez and 00:06:48.995 --> 00:06:52.245 Eric Sawyer. We could not be here in this virtual hearing 00:06:52.245 --> 00:06:55.509 without the support they provide. I want to thank the 00:06:55.509 --> 00:06:58.540 public for your participation in today's Public Participation 00:06:58.540 --> 00:07:02.689 Hearing. The purpose of tonight's hearing is public 00:07:02.699 --> 00:07:05.819 on the issues pertaining to this proceeding. The Nuclear 00:07:05.819 --> 00:07:09.189 Decommissioning Costs Triennial Proceeding or 00:07:09.189 --> 00:07:13.110 NDCTP, as Judge Lau indicated earlier. Um, this is 00:07:13.120 --> 00:07:15.649 for both Southern California Edison and San Diego 00:07:15.649 --> 00:07:18.620 Gas and Electric. I also want to thank the parties 00:07:18.629 --> 00:07:21.560 for their ongoing participation throughout the proceeding. 00:07:21.569 --> 00:07:24.990 I understand the importance of the proceeding. California 00:07:24.990 --> 00:07:28.399 adopted a framework to ensure adequate financial resources 00:07:28.410 --> 00:07:30.930 for the decommissioning of California's nuclear power 00:07:30.930 --> 00:07:34.209 plant. The California Public Utilities Commission has 00:07:34.220 --> 00:07:37.600 the responsibility to conduct a review of nuclear decommissioning 00:07:37.600 --> 00:07:41.240 costs. And ensure that the expenses incurred are reasonable, 00:07:41.240 --> 00:07:43.709 and meet the financial resource requirements of the 00:07:43.720 --> 00:07:47.089 framework adopted by California. And as required by 00:07:47.089 --> 00:07:50.120 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. We conduct this 00:07:50.120 --> 00:07:53.829 review and issue a decision um, here in this proceeding. 00:07:53.829 --> 00:07:56.329 And we're here tonight again to hear from all of you 00:07:56.329 --> 00:07:59.250 the public. The assigned Administrative Law Judge and 00:07:59.250 --> 00:08:01.720 I will carefully consider all of the comments made 00:08:01.720 --> 00:08:04.300 by the parties during this hearing tonight. As well 00:08:04.300 --> 00:08:07.120 as the written comments that are submitted to the Commission 00:08:07.129 --> 00:08:11.389 um, through our docket. And I will conclude my comments 00:08:11.389 --> 00:08:13.910 with that. And again, we're here to listen to you this 00:08:13.910 --> 00:08:16.649 evening and I look forward to hearing from everyone 00:08:16.649 --> 00:08:21.680 that's going to provide comments this evening. 00:08:21.680 --> 00:08:26.189 Thank you Commissioner Houck. Um, to begin I would like 00:08:26.189 --> 00:08:30.089 for us to uh, I would like to begin with a short 00:08:30.100 --> 00:08:34.970 summary. A brief summary of the application. Afterwards 00:08:34.980 --> 00:08:37.700 SCE and SDG&E, who are the applicants to 00:08:37.700 --> 00:08:41.009 this, who are the applicants to this application. Will 00:08:41.009 --> 00:08:44.429 then provide a more detailed presentation of their 00:08:44.429 --> 00:08:48.580 joint application. After their presentation, Commissioner 00:08:48.590 --> 00:08:52.850 Houck and I will then hear from the public. 00:08:52.850 --> 00:08:56.929 To give a brief summary of the application, the objectives 00:08:56.940 --> 00:09:00.450 of this Nuclear Decommissioning Costs Triennial Proceeding, 00:09:00.460 --> 00:09:04.480 NDCTP. As provided in the California Nuclear 00:09:04.490 --> 00:09:09.600 Facility to Commissioning Act of 1985, are to set the 00:09:09.600 --> 00:09:12.200 annual revenue requirements for the decommissioning 00:09:12.200 --> 00:09:16.809 trust for the nuclear power plants owned by SCE and 00:09:16.820 --> 00:09:21.139 SDG&E. And to also determine whether the expenses 00:09:21.149 --> 00:09:24.710 incurred by both utilities for the decommissioning 00:09:24.710 --> 00:09:28.730 activities are reasonable and prudent. SCE and SDG&E, 00:09:29.429 --> 00:09:33.240 are currently decommissioning the San Onofre Nuclear 00:09:33.240 --> 00:09:37.789 Generating Station referred as SONGS. The application 00:09:37.799 --> 00:09:41.000 also includes the costs for the future decommissioning 00:09:41.009 --> 00:09:45.159 of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, which 00:09:45.159 --> 00:09:49.789 is operated by the Arizona Public Service. And in which 00:09:49.799 --> 00:09:53.789 SCE has a minority ownership share SCE and 00:09:53.789 --> 00:09:56.809 SDG& E are not requesting an increase in customer 00:09:56.809 --> 00:10:01.059 rates in this application. This application only addresses 00:10:01.070 --> 00:10:04.490 the cost of decommissioning and does not address whether 00:10:04.490 --> 00:10:08.129 or not to decommission solved. Now we are ready 00:10:08.129 --> 00:10:12.549 for the applicants. If Mr. Perez and Ms. Garcia are ready 00:10:12.559 --> 00:10:16.610 to make a brief presentation. Can we bring Mr. Perez 00:10:16.610 --> 00:10:20.460 and Ms. Garcia to the front view? 00:10:20.460 --> 00:10:25.429 I'm ready. Thank you. 00:10:25.429 --> 00:10:27.409 This is the presentation to be put on the screen, as 00:10:27.409 --> 00:10:33.159 well? 00:10:33.159 --> 00:10:37.190 Thank you. So as uh, the Judge said. Uh, Sue and I 00:10:37.190 --> 00:10:40.049 will be taking you through a little bit more detailed 00:10:40.059 --> 00:10:43.860 discussion of the application and testimony that we 00:10:43.860 --> 00:10:48.580 submitted. And I will lead it off. So let's go to the next 00:10:48.580 --> 00:10:55.929 page please. 00:10:55.929 --> 00:10:58.500 So first I'll go through the discussion of what SCE 00:10:58.500 --> 00:11:02.269 submitted, as its portion of the application testimony. 00:11:02.269 --> 00:11:05.330 And then Sue will walk through the SDG&E items. 00:11:05.340 --> 00:11:08.759 As the Judge said, we submit this application every 00:11:08.759 --> 00:11:12.269 three years. And it's a review of the recorded cost 00:11:12.279 --> 00:11:15.700 for the triennial period. As well as a review of the 00:11:15.700 --> 00:11:18.059 decommissioning cost estimate, otherwise known as the 00:11:18.059 --> 00:11:21.159 DCE. And it's reviewed for reasonableness free 00:11:21.299 --> 00:11:26.820 of the estimated costs. We also taking, we also provide 00:11:26.820 --> 00:11:30.669 the financial assumptions. To be used in an analysis 00:11:30.669 --> 00:11:34.570 to determine the assessment or the adequacy of the 00:11:34.570 --> 00:11:38.980 trust funds. So let's go on to the next page. 00:11:38.980 --> 00:11:42.200 So we submitted this application in February of last 00:11:42.200 --> 00:11:45.269 year, and it's a joint application as you've heard. 00:11:45.279 --> 00:11:50.070 The recorded cost in this application are from approximately 00:11:50.070 --> 00:11:54.549 January 1, 2018 through the end of 2020. Although some 00:11:54.549 --> 00:11:58.279 cost did roll over from the 2021, for a project that 00:11:58.279 --> 00:12:02.559 was completed as at that point in time. It is categorized 00:12:02.559 --> 00:12:06.509 as a rate sitting application. However, our analysis 00:12:06.519 --> 00:12:09.490 of the trust fund adequacy shows that we do not need 00:12:09.500 --> 00:12:12.320 to collect any amounts from customers. Based on the 00:12:12.320 --> 00:12:15.980 assumptions in the DCE and the financial assumptions. 00:12:17.220 --> 00:12:20.820 Our testimony is provided as you see there, the volume 00:12:20.820 --> 00:12:24.409 of testimony for policy. Uh, there's a section on the 00:12:24.409 --> 00:12:27.220 reading list of costs that were recorded for San Onofre 00:12:27.320 --> 00:12:33.299 Unit 1, and that was about 3.11 million. Then there 00:12:33.299 --> 00:12:35.889 is a volume of testimony surrounding the release of 00:12:35.889 --> 00:12:39.909 costs recorded for SONG 2 & 3. That was about 00:12:39.919 --> 00:12:43.159 600 million that was recorded. There's one volume of 00:12:43.159 --> 00:12:45.980 testimony for the decommissioning cost estimates. It 00:12:45.980 --> 00:12:49.610 included both SONGS 1 and SONGS 2 & 3. And 00:12:49.610 --> 00:12:53.139 a separate volume for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating 00:12:53.139 --> 00:12:59.179 Station. That estimate is currently at about $595 million. 00:12:59.720 --> 00:13:02.799 We also have a volume of testimony which is a proposal 00:13:02.799 --> 00:13:07.950 to the Commission. That we take proceeds from litigation 00:13:07.950 --> 00:13:11.580 against the Department of Energy, and put them into 00:13:11.580 --> 00:13:14.620 our non-qualified decommissioning trust fund. As the 00:13:14.620 --> 00:13:18.090 Department of Energy has not yet picked up our nuclear 00:13:18.090 --> 00:13:21.279 spent fuel from the San Onofre site. And we do need 00:13:21.279 --> 00:13:26.279 the funds to continue to monitor and safely store that 00:13:26.279 --> 00:13:29.100 fuel at our facility. And I've got a more detailed 00:13:29.100 --> 00:13:31.679 flight in the package, which will provide a little bit 00:13:31.679 --> 00:13:35.039 more information. So we have volume of the financial 00:13:35.039 --> 00:13:37.929 analysis which includes the rate of return assumptions, 00:13:37.929 --> 00:13:42.409 as well as the escalation assumptions. And the net of 00:13:42.409 --> 00:13:46.029 that analysis shows, that the funds are based on those 00:13:46.029 --> 00:13:49.559 assumptions are adequately funded at this time. Last 00:13:49.559 --> 00:13:52.799 two volumes of testimony. One deals with the compliance 00:13:52.799 --> 00:13:55.450 with prior Commission decisions. And then the last one 00:13:55.450 --> 00:13:57.980 which is a joint exhibit with us and San Diego Gas and 00:13:57.980 --> 00:14:02.399 Electric. Provides our major projects and their estimated 00:14:02.399 --> 00:14:05.389 completion dates with an estimate of which NDCTP 00:14:05.389 --> 00:14:08.960 those will be reviewed in. Let's go to the next 00:14:08.960 --> 00:14:12.059 slide. And we'll go through a more detailed discussion 00:14:12.070 --> 00:14:15.679 of the DCEs. So I said we have one 00:14:15.679 --> 00:14:20.539 volume for both SONGS 2 & 3 and SONGS 1. However, 00:14:20.539 --> 00:14:23.159 they are separate chapters. So it's easy to determine 00:14:23.169 --> 00:14:26.669 the cost for SONGS 2 & 3 versus SONGS 1. As 00:14:26.669 --> 00:14:30.720 we have in the past, an outside expert uh, KRG 00:14:30.720 --> 00:14:34.539 prepared the estimate for us. And there is an extensive 00:14:34.539 --> 00:14:38.629 process that they followed to prepare that DCE, 00:14:38.629 --> 00:14:41.539 in conjunction with us. And we had it reviewed by an outside 00:14:41.549 --> 00:14:46.080 independent party to review the reasonableness of that 00:14:46.080 --> 00:14:49.480 DCE, before we submitted it to the Commission. As I mentioned 00:14:49.480 --> 00:14:52.970 before, the estimate for SONGS 2 & 3, is $4.7 00:14:52.970 --> 00:14:56.340 billion. That's the 100% share which includes San Diego's 00:14:56.340 --> 00:14:59.730 share. As well as the share of two minority owners 00:14:59.740 --> 00:15:03.490 or participants, I should say. That is the city of Anaheim 00:15:03.490 --> 00:15:06.590 and the city of Riverside. The dollars that we present 00:15:06.590 --> 00:15:10.360 in this proceeding, are all, is always done in 2014$. 00:15:10.370 --> 00:15:14.169 As that is the first DCE that we submitted and 00:15:14.169 --> 00:15:17.320 was adopted by the Commission shortly after the shutdown, 00:15:17.320 --> 00:15:21.240 permanent shutdown of SONGS. The SONGS 2 & 3 00:15:21.240 --> 00:15:24.620 number is a total estimate. It includes a recorded 00:15:24.620 --> 00:15:28.700 cost since the shutdown, the permanent shutdown. The 00:15:28.700 --> 00:15:30.940 start of the Commissioning, all the way through the 00:15:30.940 --> 00:15:33.950 estimated completion of the Commission. Which currently 00:15:33.950 --> 00:15:40.379 is assumed to be 2053. For SONGS 1 however $225.9 million, 00:15:40.389 --> 00:15:43.690 is a to-go only estimate. But once again, there we keep 00:15:43.690 --> 00:15:48.509 it in 2014$ to reduce the potential confusion. It 00:15:48.509 --> 00:15:51.909 is also at 100% share. SONGS 1 though is owned only 00:15:51.909 --> 00:15:56.840 by SCE and San Diego Gas and Electric. Let's go to 00:15:56.840 --> 00:15:59.960 the next page. And we'll talk about the Palo Verde DCE. 00:15:59.960 --> 00:16:04.690 As we mentioned earlier, the plant is operated by 00:16:04.700 --> 00:16:09.750 APS, Arizona Public Service. And they engaged a specialty 00:16:09.750 --> 00:16:14.460 contractor by the name of TLG, who does DCEs for 00:16:14.470 --> 00:16:18.440 many plants in the industry. We take that, we took that 00:16:18.440 --> 00:16:22.750 DCE, and we adjusted. Based upon our decommissioned 00:16:22.750 --> 00:16:26.789 experience and added some additional estimates for 00:16:26.789 --> 00:16:30.080 monitoring. And the spent fuel on its site, as well as 00:16:30.080 --> 00:16:33.330 adjusting the contingency. And that's what evolved 00:16:33.330 --> 00:16:38.820 into the $594.3 million estimate. This is our share, 00:16:38.960 --> 00:16:42.080 SCE's share. San Diego does not own any of the Palo Verde 00:16:42.080 --> 00:16:45.500 plant. And this estimate when it was issued by APS, 00:16:45.500 --> 00:16:50.460 the operator is in 2019$. Should point out that as 00:16:50.460 --> 00:16:54.370 you heard the Judge say, Palo Verde is not shut down 00:16:54.370 --> 00:16:57.259 right now. It is still operating and it is anticipated 00:16:57.259 --> 00:17:03.350 to operate through at least 2045-47 timeframe. Go to 00:17:03.350 --> 00:17:07.700 the next slide. So now the other piece of the 00:17:07.700 --> 00:17:10.559 NDCTP reasonableness review of the recorded 00:17:10.559 --> 00:17:15.400 costs. For SONGS 1, there's $3.1 million that we identified. 00:17:15.410 --> 00:17:19.410 Primarily for the maintenance of the spent fuel on 00:17:19.410 --> 00:17:24.349 the site. Includes the non-labor costs such as NRC fees 00:17:24.359 --> 00:17:28.609 and other similar fees. For SONGS 2 & 3 00:17:28.609 --> 00:17:32.099 as I mentioned, it was $600 million or so of recorded 00:17:32.099 --> 00:17:34.819 cost. There's two major projects that were submitting 00:17:34.819 --> 00:17:37.609 for reasonableness review. One, first one is the 00:17:37.660 --> 00:17:40.549 (inaudible) which is the dry cast storage facility. We 00:17:40.549 --> 00:17:43.809 constructed it and we moved all of the spent fuel out 00:17:43.809 --> 00:17:46.740 of the pools. Where they had been residing for a long 00:17:46.740 --> 00:17:49.940 period of time and put it into dry cask containers. 00:17:49.990 --> 00:17:52.690 The other major project that we have in this train 00:17:52.690 --> 00:17:56.789 of proceeding. Um is the permitting to allow the start 00:17:56.799 --> 00:18:00.069 of the decommissioning process. There are some other 00:18:00.069 --> 00:18:02.700 smaller projects, but these are the two major ones. 00:18:03.140 --> 00:18:06.799 The other category of costs that we have here is the 00:18:06.809 --> 00:18:10.359 undistributed cost is that identified in our DCE. 00:18:10.369 --> 00:18:15.240 Those costs are for labor, from SCE, non-labor cost, 00:18:15.240 --> 00:18:19.089 (inaudible) insurance, NRC fees and other 00:18:19.099 --> 00:18:23.289 costs that are incurred on a daily basis for this 3- 00:18:23.289 --> 00:18:25.869 year period. 00:18:25.869 --> 00:18:28.829 Next slide please. 00:18:28.829 --> 00:18:32.220 As I mentioned at the beginning uh, the Department of 00:18:32.220 --> 00:18:35.710 Energy is required to take our spent fuel and put it 00:18:35.710 --> 00:18:39.539 into a permanent repository. Similar to that of other 00:18:39.549 --> 00:18:42.329 nuclear plants across the country. Unfortunately to- 00:18:42.329 --> 00:18:44.990 date, such a site has not been identified by the federal 00:18:44.990 --> 00:18:48.339 government. And therefore we've been forced to file 00:18:48.339 --> 00:18:52.619 claims against the DOE. And through litigation 00:18:52.630 --> 00:18:56.490 on behalf of our customers, we recover costs associated 00:18:56.490 --> 00:18:59.700 with maintaining and storing that spent fuel on site. 00:19:00.069 --> 00:19:03.549 to date. We've refunded those funds to customers through 00:19:03.549 --> 00:19:09.140 the ERRA process. However, the DOE continues to delay 00:19:09.140 --> 00:19:12.640 its pickup date. And we believe that at this point, they 00:19:12.640 --> 00:19:16.000 may be appropriate to instead of refunding those funds 00:19:16.000 --> 00:19:20.269 to customers. Put those funds from litigation into 00:19:20.269 --> 00:19:23.299 the non-qualified decommissioning trust for future 00:19:23.299 --> 00:19:25.900 use. So that's a proposal that we've submitted to the 00:19:25.900 --> 00:19:29.829 Commission and NDCTP. And now I'll pass the 00:19:29.829 --> 00:19:34.789 baton to Sue. 00:19:34.789 --> 00:19:38.609 Next slide please. 00:19:38.609 --> 00:19:42.569 My name is Sue Garcia and I'm the Manager of Nuclear Decommissioning 00:19:42.569 --> 00:19:46.359 at San Diego Gas and Electric. Um, SDG&E 00:19:46.369 --> 00:19:52.170 is a 20% owner of SONGS 1, 2 and 3. Our testimony 00:19:52.180 --> 00:19:55.509 for this proceeding includes sections on SDG&E's 00:19:55.509 --> 00:19:59.720 oversight at SONGS, Department of Energy litigation 00:19:59.720 --> 00:20:05.609 proceeds and compliance with CPUC decisions. It also 00:20:05.609 --> 00:20:08.329 includes a reasonableness review of recorded costs 00:20:08.339 --> 00:20:12.900 for 2018 through 2020. Decommissioning cost estimates, 00:20:12.910 --> 00:20:17.700 financial modeling, trust fund contribution, tax issues 00:20:17.710 --> 00:20:21.690 and regulatory accounting. Decommissioning costs are 00:20:21.690 --> 00:20:25.730 paid for from Nuclear Decommissioning Trust. Which were 00:20:25.730 --> 00:20:30.220 previously funded by SCE Sand SDG&E ratepayers, 00:20:30.230 --> 00:20:35.079 when songs was operational. Like SCE in this proceeding, 00:20:35.089 --> 00:20:39.079 SDG&E is neither requesting any additional funding 00:20:39.089 --> 00:20:42.420 to the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust nor requesting 00:20:42.420 --> 00:20:47.480 any changes to electric rates. In addition to our 20% 00:20:47.480 --> 00:20:51.059 share of costs filled by Southern California Edison. 00:20:51.069 --> 00:20:56.380 SDG&E includes SDG&E only costs in its testimony. 00:20:56.390 --> 00:21:00.799 SDG&E only costs are expenses incurred by SDG&E to 00:21:00.799 --> 00:21:05.430 carry out its oversight role at SONGS. SDG&E is 00:21:05.430 --> 00:21:09.099 requesting that the CPUC find reasonable the forecast 00:21:09.109 --> 00:21:14.579 of $19.4 million for SDG&E only costs. In addition, 00:21:14.589 --> 00:21:18.230 SDG&E is requesting that the CPUC find reasonable 00:21:18.240 --> 00:21:24.000 2018 through 2020, SDG&E only costs of 4.5 million. 00:21:25.160 --> 00:21:30.099 Finally, SDG&E is requesting that the CPUC approve 00:21:30.109 --> 00:21:34.549 that future Department of Energy settlement proceeds 00:21:34.559 --> 00:21:38.400 get deposited back into the Decommissioning Trust for 00:21:38.400 --> 00:21:47.819 future use. 00:21:47.819 --> 00:21:52.029 That concludes our presentation. 00:21:52.029 --> 00:21:55.599 Alright, thank you. Um 00:21:55.599 --> 00:22:00.779 uh, Joe or Francisco. Can you bring the our, our slide 00:22:00.779 --> 00:22:06.349 up? That has the call-in number for members of the public 00:22:06.359 --> 00:22:10.329 to call-in, if they want to make a public comment. So 00:22:10.329 --> 00:22:15.950 thank you, um SCE and SDG&E for giving that detailed presentation. 00:22:15.960 --> 00:22:20.589 We are now ready to take uh, comments from the public. 00:22:20.599 --> 00:22:24.160 Commissioner Houck and I are here to listen to you today. 00:22:24.170 --> 00:22:27.519 A court reporter will also be transcribing what is 00:22:27.529 --> 00:22:31.519 said today. If you speak, I ask that you speak slowly 00:22:31.519 --> 00:22:34.759 and clearly. So that the reporter can capture everything 00:22:34.759 --> 00:22:38.640 you say. Before you begin, I also liked to ask that you 00:22:38.640 --> 00:22:42.019 spell your first and last name, and also let us know 00:22:42.019 --> 00:22:45.400 the city where you're coming from. So that can be transcribed 00:22:45.410 --> 00:22:49.519 in the transcript. A written transcript of today's 00:22:49.529 --> 00:22:53.710 hearing will be posted publicly on the Commission website, 00:22:54.329 --> 00:22:58.349 on the docket card of this proceeding. I want to remind 00:22:58.349 --> 00:23:01.420 the audience that if you want to provide comments. 00:23:01.430 --> 00:23:09.569 We ask that you call 1-800-857-1917. As provided 00:23:09.569 --> 00:23:17.039 on the screen, enter passcode 1767567 and then press 00:23:17.039 --> 00:23:21.160 *1. Again, you may also submit written comments 00:23:21.170 --> 00:23:24.890 by visiting the link you see on the screen and quick on 00:23:24.890 --> 00:23:29.210 public comment tab. Operator, how many callers do we 00:23:29.210 --> 00:23:33.279 have on, online now? 00:23:33.279 --> 00:23:38.230 We have uh, 4 callers wishing to make comments out 00:23:38.230 --> 00:23:41.259 of a total of 13. 00:23:41.259 --> 00:23:45.930 Uh, are there any public officials? 00:23:45.930 --> 00:23:51.970 Uh, no ma'am. Alright, can you please announce the first 00:23:51.970 --> 00:23:58.890 speaker? Yes. Public comment line is now open and our 00:23:58.890 --> 00:24:02.349 first speaker is the Deed Bratsties, your line is open. 00:24:03.619 --> 00:24:07.279 Hello. 00:24:07.279 --> 00:24:11.329 My comment is that, about ratepayers not responsible 00:24:11.329 --> 00:24:15.849 for waste of capital asset. Ratepayers should not 00:24:15.859 --> 00:24:19.970 be obligated to pay any part of the costs associated, 00:24:19.980 --> 00:24:24.670 with taking the San Onofre plant offline. That plant 00:24:24.680 --> 00:24:28.519 was a capital asset. For which the utilities were probably 00:24:28.519 --> 00:24:32.410 taking depreciation deductions on their corporate income 00:24:32.410 --> 00:24:37.869 tax, since the plant opened. If owners choose to decommission 00:24:37.880 --> 00:24:42.019 the nuclear plant, rather than hold Mitsubishi responsible 00:24:42.029 --> 00:24:47.000 for their defective product. That is the capital expense. 00:24:47.009 --> 00:24:51.809 The same principle applies to Palo Verde Nuclear Generating 00:24:51.809 --> 00:24:56.299 Station. The cost of decommissioning a capital asset 00:24:56.309 --> 00:25:01.869 is a capital loss. Ratepayers are customers not shareholders. 00:25:01.880 --> 00:25:06.579 Customers do not receive any portion of capital profits, 00:25:06.589 --> 00:25:10.930 and are therefore not accountable for capital losses. 00:25:10.940 --> 00:25:15.259 Ratepayers are only responsible for the amount of product 00:25:15.259 --> 00:25:19.529 they purchase i.e., the electricity they use. If the 00:25:19.529 --> 00:25:23.160 grocery store burns down, the customers are not liable 00:25:23.160 --> 00:25:27.430 for his loss. Perhaps the PUC's the wrong venue for 00:25:27.430 --> 00:25:31.079 deciding this matter. Perhaps the situation belongs 00:25:31.079 --> 00:25:34.269 in the federal courthouse. Where property issues can 00:25:34.269 --> 00:25:39.000 be decided without bias. 00:25:39.000 --> 00:25:44.009 That's for me. Can you spell your first and last name 00:25:44.009 --> 00:25:51.349 and state the location where you're from? D. E. E. D. 00:25:52.059 --> 00:26:01.839 Bratsties. B. R. A. T. S. T. I. E. S. San Diego. 00:26:03.599 --> 00:26:07.099 Thank you. 00:26:07.099 --> 00:26:12.730 Operator, can we queue the next speaker? Yes. Our next 00:26:12.730 --> 00:26:19.180 speaker is Brenda Davis, your line is open. 00:26:19.180 --> 00:26:21.359 Hello? 00:26:21.359 --> 00:26:25.319 Hi. You may now speak, but before you begin. Can you 00:26:25.329 --> 00:26:28.059 also spell your first and last name and give us the 00:26:28.059 --> 00:26:31.950 location where you're calling from? Yes. On my electric 00:26:31.950 --> 00:26:35.000 bill, the name is under my husband's name. Royce, R. 00:26:35.000 --> 00:26:40.990 O. Y. C. E. Davis, D. A. V. I. S. And I'm 00:26:40.990 --> 00:26:45.079 calling from Lancaster, California. 00:26:45.079 --> 00:26:49.210 And actually the lady that just spoke she, she brought 00:26:49.210 --> 00:26:54.759 up a point. About uh, customers having to pay all these 00:26:54.759 --> 00:27:00.180 expenses. When uh, the what I would call shareholders 00:27:00.180 --> 00:27:02.380 are the ones that should be picking up the cost. And 00:27:02.380 --> 00:27:05.380 I believe she's correct. That this should be actually 00:27:05.380 --> 00:27:08.980 handled under the federal court and not, you know, with 00:27:08.980 --> 00:27:12.519 the PUC. But that's just my opinion, from having worked 00:27:12.519 --> 00:27:15.940 in legal for many years before I retired. I was actually 00:27:15.940 --> 00:27:19.539 concerned about how this is gonna affect my electric 00:27:19.539 --> 00:27:23.109 bill. And I'm looking at the the flyer that was included 00:27:23.109 --> 00:27:26.089 with my last bill. And this under, where it says how 00:27:26.089 --> 00:27:29.079 could this affect my monthly electric rates? And it 00:27:29.079 --> 00:27:34.220 says SCE and SDG&E are not requesting any changes 00:27:34.230 --> 00:27:38.640 to electric rates in this proceeding. And that's the 00:27:38.640 --> 00:27:41.210 part that I'm concerned about. They're not asking for 00:27:41.210 --> 00:27:44.410 a rate increase in this proceeding. But what's gonna 00:27:44.410 --> 00:27:50.039 happen after this, depending upon what your Administrative 00:27:50.039 --> 00:27:52.700 Law Judge determines here. This is why I think this 00:27:52.700 --> 00:27:55.740 would be better handled in federal court, as the previous 00:27:55.750 --> 00:28:00.240 uh, caller said. Because the bills are just absolutely 00:28:00.240 --> 00:28:03.259 off the charts right now. And there are a lot of senior 00:28:03.259 --> 00:28:06.650 people like myself. Who feel like we're being robbed 00:28:06.650 --> 00:28:10.099 blind with these rates. And so I'm really concerned 00:28:10.109 --> 00:28:14.250 how much more will the bill go up, if they are granted 00:28:14.700 --> 00:28:19.140 the rate for this uh, project or whatever you wanna 00:28:19.150 --> 00:28:21.730 call it? Anyway, that's basically what I want to say. 00:28:21.730 --> 00:28:25.450 I'm very concerned about my, my rate going higher. Because 00:28:25.450 --> 00:28:29.539 we're struggling paying it now. And that's, that's it. 00:28:29.549 --> 00:28:33.230 That's pretty much what I want to say. 00:28:33.230 --> 00:28:38.599 Thank you. Um Operator, can you queue the next speaker? 00:28:40.619 --> 00:28:44.069 Our next speaker is Gary Headrick, your line is open. 00:28:45.619 --> 00:28:50.920 Hi. Hi. My name is Gary Headrick, spelled G. A. R. Y. H. 00:28:50.930 --> 00:28:55.160 E. A. D. R. I. C. K. And I'm the co-founder 00:28:55.160 --> 00:28:59.579 of San Clemente Green. Representing about 5,000 concerned citizens 00:28:59.589 --> 00:29:03.779 living near San Onofre. This is pertaining to the 14 month 00:29:03.779 --> 00:29:08.079 shutdown in SONGS. The fact that SONGS owners would 00:29:08.079 --> 00:29:11.299 ask to be repaid for their own blunder is not surprising. 00:29:11.309 --> 00:29:14.210 But it does add insult to injury, for those of us who 00:29:14.210 --> 00:29:18.019 narrowly escaped a major nuclear catastrophe. It's 00:29:18.019 --> 00:29:20.920 enough that we were forced to live with over 3 million pounds 00:29:20.920 --> 00:29:23.549 of nuclear waste, stranded on our shores. Even if it 00:29:23.549 --> 00:29:26.670 was being handled properly. Certainly, that's not the 00:29:26.670 --> 00:29:30.279 case when a 40 ton container could have fallen 18 ft, 00:29:30.289 --> 00:29:33.950 and split open the thin stainless steel canister. Containing 00:29:33.950 --> 00:29:36.839 more radiation than was released in the entire Chernobyl 00:29:36.839 --> 00:29:41.440 accident. After 14 months of deliberation and analysis 00:29:41.440 --> 00:29:46.079 of what went wrong. Edison was only fined $116,000 00:29:46.089 --> 00:29:49.089 and was allowed to continue using the whole tech system 00:29:49.099 --> 00:29:53.650 that is inherently flawed. Instead, we now have canisters 00:29:53.650 --> 00:29:56.869 that have been compromised by gouging on downloads. 00:29:56.880 --> 00:29:59.650 Because of the misalignment issue that was known even 00:29:59.650 --> 00:30:03.539 before the near drop. This shortened the already short 00:30:03.539 --> 00:30:06.309 lifespan of the canisters, that threaten our livelihoods 00:30:06.319 --> 00:30:10.240 and property for generations to come. SCE attempted 00:30:10.240 --> 00:30:13.430 to hide the blunder that could have made such a, so 00:30:13.430 --> 00:30:16.950 much of Southern California uninhabitable. And now 00:30:16.950 --> 00:30:19.369 they ask us to reward their negligence, by giving 00:30:19.369 --> 00:30:23.650 them $45 million. Instead of contemplating financial 00:30:23.650 --> 00:30:26.220 relief for SONGS owners. We should be considering how 00:30:26.220 --> 00:30:28.809 much the additional expenses that their blunders might 00:30:28.809 --> 00:30:31.640 cost the ratepayers. The near drop highlighted the 00:30:31.640 --> 00:30:35.549 need for an on site dry transfer facility, also known 00:30:35.549 --> 00:30:39.250 as a hot cell. To handle a damaged or failing canister. 00:30:39.259 --> 00:30:42.059 There's no such remedy available anywhere in the country 00:30:42.059 --> 00:30:45.079 at this time. It shouldn't take a whistle blower to 00:30:45.079 --> 00:30:48.180 expose the reckless behavior Edison has exhibited, yet 00:30:48.180 --> 00:30:51.430 again. And it shouldn't take a group of concerned citizens 00:30:51.430 --> 00:30:54.960 to advise the CPUC about something so obvious. Please 00:30:54.970 --> 00:30:57.269 do the right thing and hold them accountable. Don't 00:30:57.269 --> 00:31:00.089 reward their bad behavior. That's how we got in this 00:31:00.089 --> 00:31:03.460 place to begin with. Please heed the advice given by 00:31:03.470 --> 00:31:07.730 A4NR, Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, in 00:31:07.730 --> 00:31:10.700 this proceeding. We agree with them wholeheartedly. 00:31:10.710 --> 00:31:14.049 Thank you. 00:31:14.049 --> 00:31:17.339 Thank you, Mr. Headrick. Operator, can you queue the next 00:31:17.339 --> 00:31:19.680 speaker? 00:31:19.680 --> 00:31:23.240 Our next caller is Judy Jones, your line is open. 00:31:24.819 --> 00:31:28.359 Hello. Um I was afraid that I would be listening to 00:31:28.359 --> 00:31:32.529 myself on my computer too. Yes. My name is Judy Jones, 00:31:32.539 --> 00:31:38.269 J. U. D. Y. J. O. N. E. S. I live in San Clemente. 00:31:38.269 --> 00:31:43.400 Um, is that all you need before I start? Yes, thank 00:31:43.400 --> 00:31:48.180 you. Okay. Um, I've lived in San Clemente and I've been 00:31:48.180 --> 00:31:52.630 an SDG&E customer for 27 years. I am a board member 00:31:52.630 --> 00:31:56.880 of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility. Um, but 00:31:56.880 --> 00:31:59.569 I'm speaking tonight as an Orange County resident and 00:31:59.569 --> 00:32:03.700 ratepayer. Not as part of the alliance formal intervention. 00:32:04.269 --> 00:32:07.500 So I have comments on two issues now before the CPUC, 00:32:07.500 --> 00:32:12.329 and the SONGS decommissioning proceeding. So first 00:32:12.339 --> 00:32:17.470 um, I oppose the unsupported attempt by SEC and SDG&E. 00:32:17.470 --> 00:32:21.519 To charge the ratepayer funded trust for the 00:32:21.529 --> 00:32:32.890 $45.9 million increased decommissioning costs. Attributable to the delays caused by August 2018 cast loading mishandling 00:32:32.900 --> 00:32:37.559 incidents. On their own website, the NRC has described 00:32:38.180 --> 00:32:43.180 SONGS culpability as quote "dry cast personnel, lacked 00:32:43.180 --> 00:32:46.990 the proper training and certification, to operate the 00:32:46.990 --> 00:32:52.359 important safety equipment. Dry cast storage procedures 00:32:52.369 --> 00:32:56.019 did not provide adequate directions for how to determine 00:32:56.029 --> 00:32:59.519 whether the spent fuel storage canister was being supported 00:32:59.529 --> 00:33:04.589 by the downloader sling. Procedures do not include qualitative 00:33:04.599 --> 00:33:08.190 or quantitative measures to determine when the things 00:33:08.200 --> 00:33:13.160 were no longer supporting the load. Finally, no licensee 00:33:13.170 --> 00:33:18.069 oversight staff were in direct visual observation of 00:33:18.079 --> 00:33:22.329 important to safety activities during downloading operations 00:33:22.339 --> 00:33:28.619 on August 3, 2018." SEC has failed in 00:33:28.619 --> 00:33:32.200 this instance to demonstrate prudent management and 00:33:32.200 --> 00:33:37.150 oversight processes, under their control. And as ratepayers, 00:33:37.160 --> 00:33:41.029 we should not be paying for their failures. Second, 00:33:41.039 --> 00:33:46.980 the CPUC should um, disapprove as unreasonable. The 00:33:46.990 --> 00:33:51.269 SONGS decommissioning cost estimates unless it is conditioned 00:33:51.279 --> 00:33:57.200 the requirement that SPEs and SDG&E's 2024 00:33:57.210 --> 00:34:01.230 decommissioning filing. Reflect the full removal of 00:34:01.230 --> 00:34:08.130 all units 2 and 3 sub-structures, as soon as practicable. 00:34:08.460 --> 00:34:12.329 After approval by the Coastal Commission of the Permit 00:34:12.329 --> 00:34:16.190 Amendment required by their Coastal Development Permit 00:34:16.199 --> 00:34:20.500 Special Condition 3. Failure to do this, may mean 00:34:20.510 --> 00:34:24.769 remaining offshore structures and SONGS would become 00:34:24.769 --> 00:34:29.170 exposed in the future due to coastal erosion or climate 00:34:29.170 --> 00:34:33.280 change. And impact the usefulness of this future public 00:34:33.289 --> 00:34:37.079 beach and recreational resources. Thank you for this 00:34:37.079 --> 00:34:40.519 opportunity to express my concern. That ratepayers would 00:34:40.519 --> 00:34:43.500 not be paying for SONGS failures in recording, training 00:34:43.500 --> 00:34:47.150 and oversight. 00:34:47.150 --> 00:34:52.250 Thank you. Operator, can we queue the next speaker? Our 00:34:52.250 --> 00:34:55.860 next speaker is Diana Lee Luxenberg. Your line is 00:34:55.860 --> 00:34:58.639 open. 00:34:58.639 --> 00:35:04.809 Hello, my name is Diana D. I. A. N. A. Lee, L. 00:35:04.820 --> 00:35:14.960 E. E. Luxenberg. L. U. X. E. N, like Nancy. B, like boy. 00:35:14.969 --> 00:35:23.300 E. R. G. I'm going to state that. 00:35:23.300 --> 00:35:28.369 Uh, Ms. Lee Luxenberg. Actually you are kind of phasing 00:35:28.369 --> 00:35:32.219 in and out. So after you spelled your name. I think I 00:35:32.219 --> 00:35:36.400 didn't catch the, so if you can um restart again. And 00:35:36.400 --> 00:35:38.920 also provide the location you're calling from. Thank 00:35:38.920 --> 00:35:44.019 you. I'm on a cell phone because we've just lost power. 00:35:44.030 --> 00:35:49.949 So I no longer have my phone. And the cell phone connection 00:35:49.949 --> 00:35:54.840 is not that good. So Diana, D. I. A. N. A. Lee, 00:35:54.849 --> 00:36:02.699 L. E. E. Luxenberg. L. U. X. E. N. B. E. R. G. 00:36:02.710 --> 00:36:07.760 And I'm in Three Rivers, California. I would like to 00:36:07.760 --> 00:36:11.230 state that the information that was given to us on 00:36:11.230 --> 00:36:16.929 this application is woefully inadequate. And that I 00:36:16.929 --> 00:36:20.079 would think that if you really wanted transparency. 00:36:20.079 --> 00:36:23.739 You would have been divulging what the costs were in 00:36:23.739 --> 00:36:29.519 the past. That you have agreed that SCE has been 00:36:29.519 --> 00:36:35.039 able to generate or require others to pay. That's one. Two, 00:36:35.039 --> 00:36:38.570 although SCE says they're not requesting a rate increase 00:36:38.579 --> 00:36:42.610 in this application. We can be almost sure that they 00:36:42.610 --> 00:36:47.289 will in the future. Because they have been woefully, 00:36:47.300 --> 00:36:54.719 woefully um, unprepared to think about future needs, 00:36:54.730 --> 00:37:02.309 and efficient and less expensive solutions. 00:37:02.309 --> 00:37:06.719 Finally, I would also like to add. That if the Trust 00:37:06.719 --> 00:37:10.530 was set up and ratepayers in the past have put money 00:37:10.530 --> 00:37:15.389 into that trust. 00:37:15.389 --> 00:37:18.949 You should disclose the amount of money that's there. 00:37:18.960 --> 00:37:23.389 And give an interest rate which has skyrocketed under 00:37:23.389 --> 00:37:27.920 this current administration. I would imagine that the 00:37:27.929 --> 00:37:32.150 funds should have increased substantially in that trust 00:37:32.159 --> 00:37:34.480 fund. 00:37:34.480 --> 00:37:39.199 So that if they're receiving monies. Those monies in 00:37:39.199 --> 00:37:43.210 fact should be given back to the ratepayers. Because 00:37:43.219 --> 00:37:48.349 they have failed again and again and again. To put the 00:37:48.349 --> 00:37:53.230 onus on their shareholders. It is always the ratepayers 00:37:53.940 --> 00:37:57.829 that have to bear the burden. And no matter what we 00:37:57.829 --> 00:38:06.170 do using less electricity, our rates are going up. 00:38:06.170 --> 00:38:09.809 So I would like 00:38:09.809 --> 00:38:15.210 there to be substantial emphasis. That ratepayers are 00:38:15.210 --> 00:38:21.380 not going to have anything connected with the nuclear 00:38:21.380 --> 00:38:27.219 plant's decommissioning or otherwise. That's the shareholders 00:38:27.219 --> 00:38:32.960 problem not ours. And I would like to also state that 00:38:32.960 --> 00:38:38.880 I agree with the other um, individuals who have spoken 00:38:38.889 --> 00:38:41.650 so far. 00:38:41.650 --> 00:38:47.630 That the p, California Public Utilities Commission has 00:38:47.630 --> 00:38:56.769 been negligent in their oversight of SCE. 00:38:56.769 --> 00:39:00.550 And perhaps another venue would be more appropriate. 00:39:07.059 --> 00:39:11.949 Um, does that conclude your comments? I would like to 00:39:11.949 --> 00:39:17.219 ask that the Trust 00:39:17.219 --> 00:39:23.300 Funds be publicly placed on a website someplace. 00:39:23.309 --> 00:39:27.800 So we know exactly how much money they have. It should 00:39:27.800 --> 00:39:31.909 be public knowledge. 00:39:31.909 --> 00:39:35.610 And also to wonder 00:39:35.610 --> 00:39:42.340 if a plant is going to be kept online for longer 00:39:42.349 --> 00:39:49.500 than noticed. Then was originally um, decided upon. 00:39:50.050 --> 00:39:54.739 That Newsom should be putting aside funds 00:39:54.739 --> 00:39:58.940 from our government. To make sure that any increase 00:39:58.949 --> 00:40:04.230 in costs come from their budget and not the ratepayers. 00:40:09.650 --> 00:40:13.909 And again disclosing the actual decommissioning costs, 00:40:13.920 --> 00:40:20.670 would be highly useful. 00:40:20.670 --> 00:40:24.349 And if the CPUC can see them, there should be no 00:40:24.349 --> 00:40:29.889 reason on earth why the public can't see them easily. 00:40:30.619 --> 00:40:33.730 Thank you very much. 00:40:33.730 --> 00:40:38.000 Thank you. Operator, do we have a next speaker on the 00:40:38.000 --> 00:40:43.920 line? Yes, our next speaker comes from Dan Konigsbach. 00:40:43.920 --> 00:40:47.110 Your line is open. Thank you. That was, that was very 00:40:47.110 --> 00:40:51.110 good at pronunciation of the name. So um, let me uh, 00:40:51.119 --> 00:40:55.960 I live in San Diego. My name is Dan Konigsbach. First name, D. 00:40:55.960 --> 00:41:01.230 A. N. Last name, K. O. N. I. G. S. B. A. 00:41:01.230 --> 00:41:06.289 C. H. Um, what I'm going to say will substantially um, 00:41:06.300 --> 00:41:09.940 overlap some of the other comments made. But I'll put 00:41:09.940 --> 00:41:12.489 my let's say two cents in. But it's going to be a lot 00:41:12.489 --> 00:41:16.690 more than two cents. But um, the original supposed reason 00:41:16.690 --> 00:41:21.949 for San Onofre, was inexpensive um, cost effective 00:41:21.949 --> 00:41:26.719 electricity. And in order to benefit its shareholders, 00:41:26.730 --> 00:41:35.949 um, SDG&E. Um, has cheated, um the ratepayers of 00:41:35.949 --> 00:41:41.550 part of the useful life of that um, generation facility. 00:41:41.559 --> 00:41:47.019 So it should not be uh, incumbent upon the ratepayers 00:41:47.030 --> 00:41:51.980 um, to um reward SDG&E. For what they 00:41:51.989 --> 00:41:54.860 what they did to benefit their shareholders. Why should 00:41:54.860 --> 00:41:58.210 Edison be able to access the decommissioning funds at 00:41:58.210 --> 00:42:01.429 all? That trust fund is made up of ratepayer dollars. 00:42:01.440 --> 00:42:05.159 It was Edison's decision to install unlicensed replacement 00:42:05.159 --> 00:42:08.000 steam generators at the plant, that were not approved 00:42:08.010 --> 00:42:12.139 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If Edison hadn't 00:42:12.139 --> 00:42:15.190 installed generators that were approved by the NRC. 00:42:15.190 --> 00:42:18.969 Uh, that plant would still be running safely today. 00:42:18.980 --> 00:42:23.079 It's not logical to ask, it's logical to 00:42:23.079 --> 00:42:26.730 the Edison stockholders, not the ratepayers. To pay, 00:42:26.730 --> 00:42:30.969 for the pay for the cost of this debacle, debacle. 00:42:30.980 --> 00:42:34.550 I'm sorry. I'm not all that, a little bit flustered 00:42:34.550 --> 00:42:38.289 there. Sorry. Um that's, that's the extent of my comments. 00:42:41.449 --> 00:42:45.030 Thank you. Operator, do we have another speaker on the 00:42:45.030 --> 00:42:49.210 line? Your Honor, there are no more speakers in the 00:42:49.210 --> 00:42:53.289 public comment, telephone line. 00:42:53.289 --> 00:42:56.710 I know that there are no speakers. Uh wait, waiting 00:42:56.710 --> 00:43:00.550 to make public comment currently. Um, I'd like to take 00:43:00.559 --> 00:43:04.079 a short five minute break. Just in case, there are other 00:43:04.079 --> 00:43:08.230 callers who may want to call in. Um again it's, let's 00:43:08.239 --> 00:43:11.650 take a five minute break, and we will come back. Right 00:43:11.650 --> 00:43:15.050 now for me it's 5:42pm. We will come back in 00:43:15.059 --> 00:43:18.670 5:47 and see if there are any more callers. Thank you. 00:43:45.650 --> 00:44:05.989 I forgot. Let's go off the record. 00:44:05.989 --> 00:44:09.739 If you would like to make a comment, please press *1 00:44:09.739 --> 00:44:13.289 on your telephone keypad. Ensure your phone is 00:44:13.300 --> 00:44:18.000 unmuted and record your name and location at the prompt. 00:44:18.010 --> 00:44:22.500 Again that is *1, if you would like to make a 00:44:22.500 --> 00:48:08.679 comment, thank you. Please stand by. 00:48:08.679 --> 00:48:12.800 Are you guys ready? Yes Judge, I'm ready. I'm ready. 00:48:18.480 --> 00:48:21.300 I wasn't sure if that was that Lisa, right? Doris, are 00:48:21.300 --> 00:48:25.750 you ready? I'm also here and ready, Judge. Thank you. 00:48:26.460 --> 00:48:31.579 Okay great. Um, so we can't, I was. We went off the 00:48:31.579 --> 00:48:35.400 record before we went on break. I called us off the 00:48:35.400 --> 00:48:40.550 record just, just right, you guys got that right. Okay, 00:48:40.550 --> 00:48:44.710 let's uh, let's go back on the record. Um, we took a 00:48:44.710 --> 00:48:48.210 short five minute break. To allow more callers to call-in. 00:48:48.210 --> 00:48:53.309 Operator, are there any callers? Uh, did any callers 00:48:53.320 --> 00:48:59.210 call-in? Yes, Your Honor. Um, the next caller is Debbie 00:48:59.210 --> 00:49:06.780 Kinzinger, your line is open. Hi. And uh, yes I do ask that 00:49:06.789 --> 00:49:11.409 our callers uh, first spell their first and last name. 00:49:11.420 --> 00:49:14.199 And then give us a location where you're calling from. 00:49:14.210 --> 00:49:16.730 Thank you. 00:49:16.730 --> 00:49:21.449 My name is Debbie Kinsinger. I live in La Mesa, a 00:49:21.460 --> 00:49:26.150 suburb of San Diego, in San Diego County. 00:49:26.150 --> 00:49:30.659 And my name is spelled D. E. B. B. I. E. Kinsinger, 00:49:30.659 --> 00:49:36.579 K. I. N. S. I. N. G. E. R. 00:49:36.579 --> 00:49:39.590 I am reminded by the king tide waves that flooded our 00:49:39.590 --> 00:49:44.150 San Diego County coastal communities last weekend. That 00:49:44.159 --> 00:49:47.400 they may be a threat to the SONGS facility storage of 00:49:47.409 --> 00:49:50.320 nuclear waste on the sea cliffs above San Onofre 00:49:50.320 --> 00:49:54.000 beach. A large section of the facility's parking lot 00:49:54.000 --> 00:49:58.300 was lost to the king tide a few years ago. I'm glad 00:49:58.309 --> 00:50:01.000 that the DOE has been sued for not picking up 00:50:01.010 --> 00:50:04.820 the spent fuel. And that they're funding the maintenance 00:50:04.820 --> 00:50:09.280 and the SONGS facility. But there is still no interim 00:50:09.280 --> 00:50:13.820 solution for the storage of this nuclear waste. The 00:50:13.820 --> 00:50:16.989 current situation is not an interim solution, it's 00:50:16.989 --> 00:50:21.960 an emergency solution. Fundamentally, we have no satisfactory 00:50:21.960 --> 00:50:26.650 long term repositories for spent nuclear fuel. And small 00:50:26.650 --> 00:50:29.730 modular reactors are not the solution either. Because 00:50:29.739 --> 00:50:33.289 they use high burn up fuel that can be recycled instead 00:50:33.289 --> 00:50:36.920 of stored. But decommissioning of reprocessing plants 00:50:36.929 --> 00:50:40.489 is expected to produce an amount of radioactive waste 00:50:40.500 --> 00:50:43.980 that's similar to nuclear power stations. But has a 00:50:43.989 --> 00:50:47.800 significantly higher fraction of long lived waste. 00:50:47.809 --> 00:50:50.139 Now, that's a bit technical. But I want to get back 00:50:50.139 --> 00:50:54.639 to our point here that our nuclear industry is petitioned 00:50:54.650 --> 00:50:58.780 on multiple regulatory agencies with conflicting agendas. 00:50:58.789 --> 00:51:01.329 And that's what's putting people in the position that 00:51:01.329 --> 00:51:04.179 they're talking about today, and the concerns that we have. 00:51:04.190 --> 00:51:07.420 We have a separate regulatory agency for each section 00:51:07.420 --> 00:51:12.019 of the industry. Operations, decommissioning, waste 00:51:12.019 --> 00:51:16.420 and storage, transportation and long term repository. 00:51:17.119 --> 00:51:20.380 It's like sections of a bridge that don't perform as 00:51:20.380 --> 00:51:23.750 a single unit during an earthquake. Those sections 00:51:23.750 --> 00:51:29.730 would unseat and you have failure. There is a pro nuclear 00:51:29.730 --> 00:51:32.889 political action committee called the Nuclear Energy 00:51:32.889 --> 00:51:36.730 Institute, NEI. And they've taken the lead on community 00:51:36.730 --> 00:51:40.000 engagement and interagency collaboration about this 00:51:40.000 --> 00:51:43.579 regulation. In these discussion panels, you'll hear 00:51:43.579 --> 00:51:47.190 the buzz phrase interim storage. As if some state and 00:51:47.190 --> 00:51:50.070 federally approved regulatory mechanism to transport 00:51:50.070 --> 00:51:54.360 high level nuclear waste. To interim storage field facilities 00:51:54.360 --> 00:51:59.280 existed, it does not. In a country like the United States 00:51:59.289 --> 00:52:02.539 States, which does not currently reprocess it's spent 00:52:02.539 --> 00:52:06.630 fuel. Waste has remained in storage and reactive pools 00:52:06.639 --> 00:52:11.320 dry silos for more than 30 years, in some cases. This 00:52:11.320 --> 00:52:14.829 radioactive waste was intended to be transferred to 00:52:14.829 --> 00:52:17.980 Yucca Mountain. A huge repository located deep under 00:52:17.980 --> 00:52:22.440 the Nevada Desert. However, after many years of hesitation 00:52:22.449 --> 00:52:26.219 this huge project was abandoned. That was in 2010, by 00:52:26.219 --> 00:52:30.980 the Obama, Obama administration. This decision has sent 00:52:30.980 --> 00:52:33.170 the United States back to the drawing board regarding 00:52:33.170 --> 00:52:37.039 the management of radioactive waste. Which remains dispersed 00:52:37.039 --> 00:52:43.869 among all of the country's power plants. 00:52:43.869 --> 00:52:50.449 So I reminded of a solution from Apollo 13. Houston, we 00:52:50.449 --> 00:52:53.570 have a problem. Now you may remember the iconic phrase 00:52:53.579 --> 00:52:56.440 but not the problem. They had to connect the lunar 00:52:56.440 --> 00:53:00.489 module CO2 scrubbers, scrubbers with round fittings. 00:53:00.500 --> 00:53:04.179 With the canisters from the abandoned command module 00:53:04.190 --> 00:53:07.699 that had square fittings. Now in our current problem, 00:53:07.710 --> 00:53:11.510 federal and state agency directives and industry priorities 00:53:11.510 --> 00:53:14.679 for collaboration on nuclear waste disposal. And long 00:53:14.679 --> 00:53:19.190 term repository are mismatched. It is as dangerously 00:53:19.199 --> 00:53:23.039 shortsighted to continue on the trajectory of approving 00:53:23.050 --> 00:53:27.820 small modular reactors. Which create a situation where 00:53:27.820 --> 00:53:30.639 we have to store this waste for a long time, that's what we're 00:53:30.639 --> 00:53:34.630 doing here. As it would have been to land Apollo 13 00:53:34.630 --> 00:53:39.090 on the moon. So if by the delay that DOE 00:53:39.090 --> 00:53:43.440 is taking. And picking up the fuel that they said they 00:53:43.440 --> 00:53:48.610 would pick up. Is leading to them justifying small modular 00:53:48.610 --> 00:53:52.010 nuclear reactors. I can't really approve that. And 00:53:52.010 --> 00:53:55.530 I have a concern about how that trust fund is being 00:53:55.530 --> 00:53:59.860 used. Because I don't want it to go for small modular 00:53:59.860 --> 00:54:03.429 nuclear reactors in the future. So it's great that 00:54:03.429 --> 00:54:07.530 they're giving us some money. But we, the public need 00:54:07.530 --> 00:54:10.840 to understand how that money could be used, and what 00:54:10.849 --> 00:54:15.679 for, and what the consequences are. Ignoring the problem 00:54:15.679 --> 00:54:18.659 of storing high level nuclear waste near the surface. 00:54:18.670 --> 00:54:21.860 Invites the same kind of justifications as ignoring 00:54:21.860 --> 00:54:26.059 the consequences of Rising CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere, 00:54:26.070 --> 00:54:31.559 on climate change. Because nuclear catastrophe probably 00:54:31.559 --> 00:54:34.949 won't happen tomorrow. And now I'm thinking of Annie 00:54:34.960 --> 00:54:39.739 speaking to Daddy Warbucks. Tomorrow, Tomorrow. It's 00:54:39.739 --> 00:54:44.210 only a day away. That (inaudible) is not going to fix this 00:54:44.210 --> 00:54:51.940 problem. 00:54:51.940 --> 00:54:56.489 Ms. Kinsinger? Does that conclude your comments? I'm 00:54:56.489 --> 00:55:01.179 concluded, thank you. Thank you. Operator, do we have 00:55:01.179 --> 00:55:06.519 another caller on line? Yes and the next caller is Nick 00:55:06.530 --> 00:55:10.860 Ali, I believe. 00:55:10.860 --> 00:55:15.969 Mr. Ali. Can you um, spell your first and last name and 00:55:15.969 --> 00:55:19.730 give us the location where you're calling from? Yes. 00:55:19.739 --> 00:55:23.050 This is Nick, N. I. C. K. And the last name is 00:55:23.059 --> 00:55:27.409 Elmi, E. L. M. I. and the location is San 00:55:27.409 --> 00:55:32.739 Diego. 00:55:32.739 --> 00:55:40.860 Thank you. 00:55:40.860 --> 00:55:46.719 You may begin. Okay. Uh mine is very short. I wholeheartedly 00:55:46.719 --> 00:55:49.590 agree with many of the callers and comments, regarding 00:55:49.590 --> 00:55:54.070 the rate increase. While I agree with the decommissioning 00:55:54.070 --> 00:55:58.440 ASAP. The funds I believe should come from the utility 00:55:58.440 --> 00:56:04.409 company owners, and those who were involved and voted 00:56:04.420 --> 00:56:08.309 to build this nuclear plan to begin with. Technically 00:56:08.309 --> 00:56:12.300 speaking uh, 00:56:12.300 --> 00:56:16.440 nuclear plant is one of the most inefficient way of 00:56:16.440 --> 00:56:19.929 producing electricity. Not to mention its waste the 00:56:19.929 --> 00:56:24.469 locals are going to be stuck with. Not sure what they 00:56:24.469 --> 00:56:28.880 were thinking, but this plant has produced very little 00:56:28.889 --> 00:56:33.619 amount of energy compared to its fossil uh, counterparts. 00:56:34.199 --> 00:56:37.920 And you know SDG&E, should know this for a 00:56:37.920 --> 00:56:42.320 fact. Those who voted yes to this project should be 00:56:42.320 --> 00:56:46.389 paying for it. Thank you. 00:56:46.389 --> 00:56:50.159 Thank you. Mr. ALi. Operator? Do we have any other callers 00:56:50.159 --> 00:56:53.659 on the line? Your Honor, I am showing that there's 00:56:53.670 --> 00:56:58.849 no more commenters from the telephone comment line. 00:56:58.849 --> 00:57:05.809 Alright. Um uh, Commissioner. Would you, I can wait another 00:57:05.809 --> 00:57:10.730 five more minutes or I can also call and end the meeting? 00:57:10.739 --> 00:57:16.420 Um, do you have any preference? 00:57:16.420 --> 00:57:22.789 Um, maybe just wait one more five minute period and 00:57:22.789 --> 00:57:28.480 then we then we should be ready. Okay, okay. Let's go 00:57:28.480 --> 00:57:32.289 on another five minute break. Um, and we will be back 00:57:32.300 --> 00:57:36.409 around about 6:05. We'll take a seven minute break. 00:57:36.420 --> 00:57:40.070 We'll be back at 6:05 to make, to allow other callers 00:57:40.070 --> 00:57:48.019 to call-in. Let's go off the record. Thank you. 00:57:48.019 --> 00:57:50.440 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:57:50.440 --> 00:57:53.980 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:57:53.980 --> 00:58:05.820 you for your patience. 00:58:05.820 --> 00:58:08.239 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:58:08.239 --> 00:58:11.780 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:58:11.780 --> 00:58:23.590 you for your patience. 00:58:23.590 --> 01:03:30.460 The feed for this streaming 01:03:30.460 --> 01:03:33.369 brought to you by adminmonitor.com will begin 01:03:33.369 --> 01:03:46.530 momentarily. Thank you for your patience. 01:03:46.530 --> 01:03:48.949 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:03:48.949 --> 01:03:52.489 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:03:52.489 --> 01:04:04.309 you for your patience. 01:04:04.309 --> 01:04:06.719 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:04:06.719 --> 01:04:10.269 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:04:10.269 --> 01:04:22.090 you for your patience. 01:04:22.090 --> 01:04:24.510 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:04:24.510 --> 01:04:28.050 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:04:28.050 --> 01:04:39.889 you for your patience. 01:04:39.889 --> 01:04:42.309 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:04:42.309 --> 01:04:45.849 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:04:45.849 --> 01:04:57.670 you for your patience. 01:04:57.670 --> 01:05:00.090 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:05:00.090 --> 01:05:03.639 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:05:03.639 --> 01:05:15.449 you for your patience. 01:05:15.449 --> 01:05:17.869 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:05:17.869 --> 01:05:21.409 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:05:21.409 --> 01:05:33.250 you for your patience. 01:05:33.250 --> 01:05:35.670 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:05:35.670 --> 01:05:39.210 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:05:39.210 --> 01:05:51.019 you for your patience. 01:05:51.019 --> 01:05:53.440 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:05:53.440 --> 01:05:56.989 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:05:56.989 --> 01:06:00.150 you. 01:06:00.150 --> 01:06:04.769 I think 01:06:04.769 --> 01:06:08.800 is there. 01:06:08.800 --> 01:06:13.449 Okay, sounds good. Let's go back on the record. We just 01:06:13.449 --> 01:06:18.400 came back from a short 5 to 5, to 7 minute break. 01:06:18.409 --> 01:06:23.889 To allow more callers to call in. Um, remind speakers 01:06:23.889 --> 01:06:29.219 on the line. We'd like that before you begin, you spell 01:06:29.219 --> 01:06:32.090 your first and last name and also give us the city 01:06:32.090 --> 01:06:35.269 where you're calling from. Thank you. Operator, can 01:06:35.269 --> 01:06:40.230 you queue the next speaker? Yes ma'am. Our next speaker 01:06:40.230 --> 01:06:46.710 is Beatrice Hines. Your line is open. Um, yes um. My 01:06:46.710 --> 01:06:53.809 name is Beatrice Hines. I am a homeowner in Encinitas, California, 01:06:54.809 --> 01:07:02.000 and I'm an SDG&E customer. Um I um, you 01:07:02.000 --> 01:07:09.059 know, of course I'm very very, very um. This is of concern 01:07:09.059 --> 01:07:16.590 to me this um decommissioning costs and hence I saved 01:07:16.599 --> 01:07:20.750 the card and wanted to listen to the proceedings. And 01:07:20.750 --> 01:07:26.849 make, make my comment. Um, I'm very horrified that um, 01:07:26.860 --> 01:07:30.710 SDG&E, with the costs that SDG&E wants to 01:07:30.710 --> 01:07:36.880 pass on to its customers. Um, already 900, no 01:07:36.889 --> 01:07:42.789 already 124 million. They say they spent in recorded 01:07:42.789 --> 01:07:47.079 costs. Which include litigation, attorney, and accounting 01:07:47.079 --> 01:07:54.820 fees of $5 million. Are you there? Uh, yes um. Operator? 01:07:54.829 --> 01:09:57.369 Um. 01:09:57.369 --> 01:10:01.529 and other colors. Can you just um, hang on for a moment? 01:10:01.539 --> 01:10:06.229 Just to, hang on patiently. Yes, thank you. To get our 01:10:06.229 --> 01:10:22.920 technical difficulties uh, settled through. Um, 01:10:22.920 --> 01:10:25.550 This is an operator. I've read dot out at the webcast line. 01:10:25.550 --> 01:10:28.619 Can we confirm that it is working? 01:10:28.619 --> 01:10:34.800 Hello. I just want to do testing, testing 1-2-3. 01:10:34.800 --> 01:10:39.239 Looks like everyone can call, can hear me. I can hear. 01:10:39.909 --> 01:10:44.010 Okay uh, and our court reporters, Doris and Lisa? We're 01:10:44.010 --> 01:10:51.140 good? Yes, Judge. Yes I can. Okay good. Um, let's go back on 01:10:51.140 --> 01:10:54.630 record. Sorry. We had to take a sharp break because 01:10:54.630 --> 01:10:58.140 of technical difficulties. But we are back online live 01:10:58.149 --> 01:11:04.359 right now. We have um, Ms. Hines on the line. Ms. Hines, 01:11:04.369 --> 01:11:08.090 can you spell your first and last name, please? Yes. 01:11:08.100 --> 01:11:14.810 It's Beatrice, B. E. A. T. R. I. C. E. Hines, H. I. 01:11:14.810 --> 01:11:20.600 N. E. S. Thank you, you may proceed. Thanks, and start 01:11:20.600 --> 01:11:26.850 from the very beginning. Um, it's like there's an echo 01:11:26.859 --> 01:11:30.750 on my line. 01:11:30.750 --> 01:11:35.859 You still hear an echo in real time? 01:11:35.859 --> 01:11:39.319 Let's go off the record. Um operator, can you help her 01:11:39.319 --> 01:11:44.119 with the echo? Are you having your computer on? I have 01:11:44.119 --> 01:11:48.199 my computer on, is that the problem? Yeah. So the, the 01:11:48.199 --> 01:11:50.640 audio from the computer is feeding into your phone 01:11:50.640 --> 01:11:54.840 line. Can you mute? Okay, I will turn my computer off. 01:11:54.850 --> 01:11:57.880 Yeah. Turn off the sound off your computer and that will 01:11:57.880 --> 01:12:05.130 work. Okay. Excellent, excellent. Okay. Um, all right. 01:12:05.140 --> 01:12:11.489 I have been a customer of SDG&E. Hold on, hold on Ms. Hines. The 01:12:11.500 --> 01:12:16.119 Um, let's let's do a check check first. I don't 01:12:16.119 --> 01:12:18.920 know test it and see if you're still hearing an echo. 01:12:20.140 --> 01:12:26.659 No I'm not. I use my computer. Okay. Okay. Sounds good. 01:12:26.670 --> 01:12:29.270 Let's go back on the record. We have Ms. Hines on the 01:12:29.279 --> 01:12:32.369 on the line. Ms. Hines, can you continue? Can you begin 01:12:32.369 --> 01:12:37.569 from the very beginning? Okay. Um, I am in Encinitas, 01:12:37.579 --> 01:12:41.899 homeowner in San Diego County. Very close to the center 01:12:41.899 --> 01:12:46.800 and opening nuclear facility. And um and I've been 01:12:46.810 --> 01:12:52.270 an SDG&E customer since um, the beginning of 01:12:52.279 --> 01:13:04.130 1997. And um, I'm horrified by these um, by these figures. 01:13:04.140 --> 01:13:08.720 You know, of course I'm like very very, very interested 01:13:08.729 --> 01:13:14.260 in the outcome of this proceeding. Um, it's basically 01:13:14.270 --> 01:13:20.880 SDG&E again passing on its cost to, you know, 01:13:20.880 --> 01:13:27.930 customer customers. It seems like, you know, every bill. 01:13:27.939 --> 01:13:37.720 Many frequently there is um, um an increase um. And the 01:13:37.729 --> 01:13:43.829 the bill is prorated previous costs and, and and. I'm 01:13:43.829 --> 01:13:49.229 concerned that the, the Public Utilities Commission 01:13:49.239 --> 01:13:59.560 is um, it's biased towards the SDG&E, um. 01:13:59.560 --> 01:14:05.119 SDG&E gets the great increases approved. 01:14:05.130 --> 01:14:13.329 Like very you know no, no problem no sweat. And if, if 01:14:13.340 --> 01:14:20.659 these costs get um approved by SDG&E, we're just 01:14:20.659 --> 01:14:26.210 gonna be like homeowners are going to be. 01:14:26.210 --> 01:14:32.920 Ours bills are gonna be like skyrocket. And, and we didn't 01:14:32.920 --> 01:14:38.649 create this problem. We are not at fault. Um, I haven't 01:14:38.659 --> 01:14:45.609 followed, I mean I don't know what the details of of 01:14:45.619 --> 01:14:52.069 of um how this crisis happened. But there was a crisis 01:14:52.079 --> 01:14:58.560 that could have been quite a disaster. And um that, that 01:14:58.560 --> 01:15:04.449 has a big factor in this um in this decommissioning 01:15:04.449 --> 01:15:11.510 process. But um SDG&E ran that facility. They 01:15:11.510 --> 01:15:17.220 were responsible too, for running that facility safely, 01:15:17.229 --> 01:15:25.359 um and responsibly. And for them now to want to pass 01:15:25.369 --> 01:15:32.149 on these, I calculated 119 million already. They 01:15:32.159 --> 01:15:37.640 say they have recorded costs. It sounds like the Public 01:15:37.640 --> 01:15:41.010 Utilities Commission has not approved those costs 01:15:41.010 --> 01:15:45.630 as yet. Um, and then 5 million of litigation costs 01:15:45.920 --> 01:15:50.619 these accounting fees um. 01:15:50.619 --> 01:15:55.449 Expert fees 5 million already they say and now they 01:15:55.449 --> 01:16:00.909 want another like 942 million. Isn't that almost a 01:16:00.920 --> 01:16:10.489 billion dollars? Um, it's just no end to it. I am beseech 01:16:10.489 --> 01:16:15.930 the Public Utilities Commission to 01:16:15.930 --> 01:16:21.500 you know try to be um. 01:16:21.500 --> 01:16:27.819 Look at it from the point of view of the, of the 01:16:28.439 --> 01:16:35.239 customers. The customers are being um, 01:16:35.239 --> 01:16:41.600 you know, we're being asked to pay costs that that um, 01:16:41.609 --> 01:16:48.260 would not have occurred. Had not SDG&E um 01:16:48.270 --> 01:16:56.649 screwed up. And so I vehemently object to their application. 01:16:56.659 --> 01:17:05.899 And I sincerely hope and pray that the, the interveners. 01:17:05.909 --> 01:17:11.390 Um those interveners like they are going to like go 01:17:11.390 --> 01:17:17.020 through the cost with a fine tooth comb. Because you 01:17:17.020 --> 01:17:22.239 know you can make up make up figures, make up figures 01:17:22.250 --> 01:17:31.680 so I just can't see it. And I beg that this not 01:17:31.680 --> 01:17:35.300 be approved. Thank you very much for listening to me. 01:17:37.359 --> 01:17:40.789 Thank you Ms. Hines. Operator, do we have another caller 01:17:40.789 --> 01:17:43.210 on the line? 01:17:43.210 --> 01:17:48.409 Yes. Our next caller is Betty Basil, Boesel. Apologize 01:17:48.420 --> 01:17:54.829 Your line is open. Hey, hi. Just a reminder. This is 01:17:54.829 --> 01:17:57.939 a reminder. Please give us your, spell your first and 01:17:57.939 --> 01:18:00.270 last name and give us the location where you're calling 01:18:00.270 --> 01:18:04.050 from. Thank you. Yes, Your Honor. Um, can you hear me okay? 01:18:05.039 --> 01:18:10.399 Yes. Thanks. Okay. Yeah. Betty Bozzo, B. O. Z. Z. O. Bozzo, 01:18:10.399 --> 01:18:15.930 2 Z's. And uh yeah, I would. It's really sad to hear 01:18:15.930 --> 01:18:19.539 all this way everything costs. We know we have to pay 01:18:19.539 --> 01:18:22.449 it some way or the other, but it's just the demand. 01:18:22.460 --> 01:18:25.670 That's just my opinion that we're all gonna have to 01:18:25.670 --> 01:18:30.109 have it. And we need more of it because we need energy. 01:18:30.119 --> 01:18:33.260 And we use it and we just have to make it safe. 01:18:33.260 --> 01:18:37.529 And mine's just gonna be short and um to the point. 01:18:37.539 --> 01:18:41.569 That we need everything that uh, inner earth in our 01:18:41.569 --> 01:18:47.930 sky and our wind and water to use. We can use it 01:18:47.930 --> 01:18:51.409 we have it all. And and we just need to use it 01:18:51.409 --> 01:18:57.439 all. And and make it safe and uh and get help from 01:18:57.439 --> 01:19:00.560 the customers, customers are paying for this. Taxpayers 01:19:00.560 --> 01:19:04.970 are paying for this. Um and uh, no matter what it's 01:19:04.979 --> 01:19:07.899 gonna cost. We just have to get it better and safer. 01:19:07.899 --> 01:19:11.380 That's all I can say. Thank you, Your Honor. And have 01:19:11.380 --> 01:19:13.500 a good evening and thank you for the opportunity for 01:19:13.500 --> 01:19:17.399 our comments and points. 01:19:17.399 --> 01:19:23.430 Thank you. Um, Thank you Miss Bozzo. I've ever tried 01:19:23.430 --> 01:19:27.359 not to pronounce but thank you for your comment. Operator, 01:19:27.369 --> 01:19:31.550 do you have a next caller? Yes. Our next caller is Ace 01:19:31.550 --> 01:19:35.329 Hoffman. Your line is open. Alright. Thank you for 01:19:35.329 --> 01:19:39.039 taking my call. Can you hear me okay? Yes. Can you 01:19:39.039 --> 01:19:41.729 please spell your first and last name and give us the 01:19:41.729 --> 01:19:45.439 location where you're calling from. My first name is 01:19:45.449 --> 01:19:50.880 Ace, A. C. E. My last name is Hoffman. H. O. F, 01:19:50.880 --> 01:19:54.909 like in Frank. F, like in Frank M. A. N. And I'm 01:19:54.909 --> 01:19:59.520 calling from Carlsbad, California. And I'd like to point 01:19:59.520 --> 01:20:03.850 out that I did not hear anybody take any responsibility 01:20:03.850 --> 01:20:07.810 for the long term problems. That this waste might create. 01:20:08.579 --> 01:20:15.210 Uh the utility gives both utilities say that it's the 01:20:15.220 --> 01:20:17.750 the federal government didn't take the waste. And so 01:20:17.750 --> 01:20:19.720 therefore it's not their problem. It's the federal 01:20:19.720 --> 01:20:21.909 government, but the federal government won't take the 01:20:21.909 --> 01:20:25.489 waste. So they're not taking responsibility either. And 01:20:25.880 --> 01:20:29.640 the CPUC should therefore consider taking responsibility. 01:20:29.640 --> 01:20:32.109 And if they took responsibility, I don't think they'd 01:20:32.109 --> 01:20:34.609 be very happy with what they end up with. Because this 01:20:34.609 --> 01:20:38.399 stuff has a quarter of a million year half life. And 01:20:38.399 --> 01:20:42.039 decision products in it, and the plutonium is enough 01:20:42.050 --> 01:20:45.720 in one canister. If it was spread evenly to everybody 01:20:45.720 --> 01:20:48.229 on earth, it actually could kill everybody on earth. 01:20:48.239 --> 01:20:50.789 There's enough poison inside of one canister to do 01:20:50.789 --> 01:20:53.409 that. So we hope it would be dispersed if it ever gets 01:20:53.420 --> 01:20:57.140 out at all. My point is that we should stop making 01:20:57.140 --> 01:21:00.180 this. And the CPUC should consider the problems that 01:21:00.180 --> 01:21:03.960 we're having down here in San Diego. Uh, so whether 01:21:03.960 --> 01:21:06.310 or not we should be making any more of this waste up 01:21:06.319 --> 01:21:10.079 at Diablo Canyon. So I think what's going on here and 01:21:10.079 --> 01:21:13.210 one more thing. Uh, the problems that we just had with 01:21:13.210 --> 01:21:16.000 the phone lines. Imagine if you had an emergency at 01:21:16.000 --> 01:21:18.880 San Diego or Diablo Canyon and you couldn't get through 01:21:18.880 --> 01:21:22.119 to the experts. Obviously stuff like that's gonna happen 01:21:22.119 --> 01:21:24.689 all over the place. So we are in no condition if an 01:21:24.689 --> 01:21:27.850 airplane to land on the dry cast, if a terrorist were 01:21:27.850 --> 01:21:30.739 to attack them, would anyone even be able to get hold 01:21:30.739 --> 01:21:34.010 of someone to do anything? So please let's let's stop 01:21:34.010 --> 01:21:36.380 this mess. Let's protect the casts a lot better than 01:21:36.380 --> 01:21:39.420 they are now. It's gonna cost more money. And lastly 01:21:39.420 --> 01:21:42.220 thank you very much for holding this hearing. And I'm 01:21:42.220 --> 01:21:46.710 finshed. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Hoffman. Operator, do 01:21:46.710 --> 01:21:50.420 we have any more callers on the line? Your honor, I'm 01:21:50.420 --> 01:21:53.569 showing no further commenters on the line at this time. 01:21:55.090 --> 01:21:57.850 Alright Commissioner, which is still want to take a 01:21:57.859 --> 01:22:02.710 five minute break to allow callers to call in? I'll 01:22:02.710 --> 01:22:06.239 defer to you Judge on that. Let's take another five 01:22:06.239 --> 01:22:09.930 minute break and see if any more people want to call 01:22:09.930 --> 01:22:16.050 in. Um, so let's meet back at 6:26. Let's go off 01:22:16.050 --> 01:22:20.039 the record. 01:22:20.039 --> 01:22:31.640 patients. 01:22:31.640 --> 01:22:34.060 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:22:34.060 --> 01:22:37.600 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:22:37.600 --> 01:22:49.430 you for your patience. 01:22:49.430 --> 01:22:51.850 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:22:51.850 --> 01:22:55.390 admin.monitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:22:55.390 --> 01:23:07.220 you for your patience. 01:23:07.220 --> 01:23:09.630 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:23:09.630 --> 01:23:13.180 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:23:13.180 --> 01:23:24.989 you for your patience. 01:23:24.989 --> 01:23:27.409 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:23:27.409 --> 01:23:30.949 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:23:30.949 --> 01:23:42.789 you for your patience. 01:23:42.789 --> 01:23:45.210 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:23:45.210 --> 01:23:48.750 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:23:48.750 --> 01:24:00.569 you for your patience. 01:24:00.569 --> 01:24:02.979 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:24:02.979 --> 01:24:06.529 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:24:06.529 --> 01:24:18.350 you for your patience. 01:24:18.350 --> 01:24:20.770 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:24:20.770 --> 01:24:24.310 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:24:24.310 --> 01:24:36.149 you for your patience. 01:24:36.149 --> 01:24:38.569 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:24:38.569 --> 01:24:42.109 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:24:42.109 --> 01:24:53.920 you for your patience. 01:24:53.920 --> 01:24:56.340 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:24:56.340 --> 01:24:59.890 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:24:59.890 --> 01:25:11.710 you for your patience. 01:25:11.710 --> 01:25:14.130 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:25:14.130 --> 01:25:17.670 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:25:17.670 --> 01:25:29.579 you for your patience. 01:25:29.579 --> 01:25:32.000 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:25:32.000 --> 01:25:35.539 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:25:35.539 --> 01:25:47.369 you for your patience. 01:25:47.369 --> 01:25:49.789 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:25:49.789 --> 01:25:53.329 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:25:53.329 --> 01:26:05.140 you for your patience. 01:26:05.140 --> 01:26:07.560 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:26:07.560 --> 01:26:11.100 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:26:11.100 --> 01:26:22.930 you for your patience. 01:26:22.930 --> 01:26:25.350 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:26:25.350 --> 01:26:28.890 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:26:28.890 --> 01:26:40.729 you for your patience. 01:26:40.729 --> 01:26:43.140 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 01:26:43.140 --> 01:26:46.689 adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily. Thank 01:26:46.689 --> 01:26:55.920 you for your patience. 01:26:55.920 --> 01:27:00.140 Let's go back on the record. We just took a short 5 01:27:00.140 --> 01:27:04.930 minute break to see if any callers will call in. Operator, 01:27:04.939 --> 01:27:07.800 are there any. Operatora are there any callers on the 01:27:07.800 --> 01:27:12.399 line? No, Your Honor. I am showing no callers on 01:27:12.399 --> 01:27:16.319 the line at this time. All right, since there are no 01:27:16.319 --> 01:27:21.460 callers, we are about to conclude the Public Participation 01:27:21.460 --> 01:27:27.090 Hearing. It is now 6:26pm. I want to thank everyone 01:27:27.100 --> 01:27:31.310 who participated today. Before we end Commissioner Houck, do you have 01:27:31.310 --> 01:27:34.380 any additional comments for us? 01:27:34.380 --> 01:27:38.199 Um I just also wanted everyone that participated today. 01:27:38.199 --> 01:27:42.829 We appreciate the public taking your time to um, provide 01:27:42.829 --> 01:27:46.029 comments to us. I want to thank you Judge Lau, for your work on 01:27:46.029 --> 01:27:50.119 this and our IT staff, and court reporters, and the 01:27:50.130 --> 01:27:53.470 parties who presented today and everyone from Public 01:27:53.470 --> 01:27:57.550 Advocate's Office. So um, thank you. Thank you Commissioner 01:27:57.550 --> 01:28:01.210 Houck. So before we conclude today, I want to remind 01:28:01.220 --> 01:28:05.500 people that you may submit written comments by visiting 01:28:05.500 --> 01:28:09.800 the link on the screen uh, apps.cpuc. 01:28:09.800 --> 01:28:14.770 ca.gov/c/A220 01:28:14.770 --> 01:28:18.789 2016. Please make sure you click on the public comment 01:28:18.800 --> 01:28:22.819 tab. For assistance with providing comments, you may 01:28:22.819 --> 01:28:26.899 also contact the Commission's Public Advisor's Office 01:28:26.909 --> 01:28:33.970 during business hours. You may call toll free 1-866-849- 01:28:33.979 --> 01:28:40.770 8390. Or you may email public.advisor@cpuc. 01:28:40.779 --> 01:28:44.250 ca.gov. Their email is also showing on the 01:28:44.260 --> 01:28:49.199 screen. So if there are no, if there are no further comments. 01:28:49.210 --> 01:28:52.770 This will conclude today's Public Participation Hearing. 01:28:52.779 --> 01:28:56.510 Thank you all, for all your participation. Off the record. 01:28:58.659 --> 01:28:59.560 Thank you.