00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.480
Begin momentarily.
00:00:01.480 --> 00:00:03.667
Thank you for your patience.
00:00:08.400 --> 00:00:10.760
carrier designation.
00:00:10.760 --> 00:00:13.750
Today is November 16th, 2021.
00:00:13.750 --> 00:00:17.810
We are conducting this public
participation hearing remotely
00:00:17.810 --> 00:00:21.470
due to the continuing
impacts of COVID-19.
00:00:21.470 --> 00:00:22.660
My name is Jeanne McKinney,
00:00:22.660 --> 00:00:26.054
and I am the Administrative
Law Judge for this proceeding.
00:00:26.054 --> 00:00:29.830
There is also a second
Administrative Law Judge
00:00:29.830 --> 00:00:33.320
or ALJ assigned to this
proceeding and that's Jason Jungreis
00:00:33.320 --> 00:00:36.980
and he is also in
attendance this evening.
00:00:36.980 --> 00:00:40.510
Commissioner Darcie Houck
is the assigned Commissioner
00:00:40.510 --> 00:00:43.490
and she in attendance
and we will be hearing
00:00:43.490 --> 00:00:46.330
a few comments from her shortly.
00:00:46.330 --> 00:00:49.433
Commissioner Rechtschaffen
is also in attendance.
00:00:50.730 --> 00:00:53.050
Please note that the audio visual feed
00:00:53.050 --> 00:00:55.230
of this public hearing is being recorded
00:00:55.230 --> 00:00:57.103
and is available on our website.
00:00:58.493 --> 00:01:03.270
On May 14th, 2021, AT&T
Corporation filed an application
00:01:03.270 --> 00:01:05.890
to discontinue residential services
00:01:05.890 --> 00:01:09.630
in the service territory of
Frontier Communications.
00:01:09.630 --> 00:01:12.750
There were approximately
2,700 customers impacted
00:01:12.750 --> 00:01:15.123
when AT&T filed its request.
00:01:15.123 --> 00:01:18.470
AT&T sent notices to
the impacted customers
00:01:18.470 --> 00:01:21.480
to inform them of their choices,
00:01:21.480 --> 00:01:25.400
which are to choose
a new service provider
00:01:25.400 --> 00:01:29.323
or to be transferred to
Frontier if they take no action.
00:01:31.750 --> 00:01:34.460
This application is
pending regulatory approval
00:01:34.460 --> 00:01:36.640
and this public forum.
00:01:36.640 --> 00:01:41.183
And once we're done with
the forum AT&T Corporation
00:01:44.550 --> 00:01:47.400
will transfer any remaining residential
00:01:47.400 --> 00:01:50.320
local phone service
customers to Frontier
00:01:50.320 --> 00:01:53.650
on or after December 16th, 2021,
00:01:53.650 --> 00:01:55.799
meaning that customers have until then
00:01:55.799 --> 00:01:59.193
to make us us switch
other than Frontier.
00:02:00.566 --> 00:02:04.290
AT&T Corporation is a
competitive local exchange carrier,
00:02:04.290 --> 00:02:09.050
and is a separate entity
from AT&T California.
00:02:09.050 --> 00:02:11.020
This transfer of service only impacts
00:02:11.020 --> 00:02:13.670
the residential customers
AT&T Corporation
00:02:13.670 --> 00:02:16.830
inside of Frontier Service territory.
00:02:16.830 --> 00:02:19.490
The PUC has a map on our website
00:02:19.490 --> 00:02:23.140
that shows which
communities are impacted
00:02:23.140 --> 00:02:25.093
and also a list of communities.
00:02:26.520 --> 00:02:29.435
If you think you might be impacted,
00:02:29.435 --> 00:02:33.150
but you're not sure you can
contact AT&T Corporation
00:02:33.150 --> 00:02:38.040
at 1-800-250-8949.
00:02:39.210 --> 00:02:43.150
As I noted earlier, Commissioner
Houck is with us today.
00:02:43.150 --> 00:02:46.050
Commissioner, would you like
to make some opening remarks?
00:02:48.700 --> 00:02:49.533
00:02:49.533 --> 00:02:50.366
Thank you, Judge McKinney.
00:02:50.366 --> 00:02:51.920
Good evening, everyone.
00:02:51.920 --> 00:02:55.610
I wanna thank Judge
McKinney, Judge Jungreis,
00:02:55.610 --> 00:02:58.950
Alison brown our
Public Advisor, our staff,
00:02:58.950 --> 00:03:00.810
our PUC court reporters,
00:03:00.810 --> 00:03:02.910
Andrea Ross, and Rebecca DeRosa,
00:03:02.910 --> 00:03:05.440
as well as Robert
Sanford and the it staff.
00:03:05.440 --> 00:03:06.840
We can not hold these meetings
00:03:06.840 --> 00:03:09.630
without all of the work that they do.
00:03:09.630 --> 00:03:11.170
I also wanna thank my advisor,
00:03:11.170 --> 00:03:14.313
Candace Cho for all of
her work on this proceeding.
00:03:15.160 --> 00:03:19.020
I recognize that there has
been considerable public concern
00:03:19.020 --> 00:03:21.620
regarding this application
based on the comments
00:03:21.620 --> 00:03:24.030
that we've received at
Commission voting meetings
00:03:24.030 --> 00:03:26.460
over the last several meetings.
00:03:26.460 --> 00:03:28.450
Based on the comments
that we've received,
00:03:28.450 --> 00:03:31.940
we believe it's important
to hold this public forum
00:03:31.940 --> 00:03:35.110
so that AT&T Corporation
and the other parties
00:03:35.110 --> 00:03:37.060
can clearly explain what will occur
00:03:37.060 --> 00:03:39.900
as a result of this transfer of service.
00:03:39.900 --> 00:03:43.380
While the Commission's rules
do not prevent AT&T Corporation
00:03:43.380 --> 00:03:46.090
from ultimately transferring
any remaining customers
00:03:46.090 --> 00:03:49.631
to Frontier, AT&T is required
to meet certain obligations
00:03:49.631 --> 00:03:52.050
before it is committed to do so.
00:03:52.050 --> 00:03:55.180
We reviewed AT&T's
application and the notices
00:03:55.180 --> 00:03:56.843
that it mailed to customers to make sure
00:03:56.843 --> 00:03:59.510
that they meet regulatory requirements.
00:03:59.510 --> 00:04:02.740
Additionally, alternative
telephone providers,
00:04:02.740 --> 00:04:05.010
such as Frontier will
continue to be subject
00:04:05.010 --> 00:04:07.370
to the Commission Service quality rules.
00:04:07.370 --> 00:04:09.960
And if you choose Frontier
as your telephone provider,
00:04:09.960 --> 00:04:12.310
your phone service will
continue to be provided
00:04:12.310 --> 00:04:15.559
on the same equipment
as it is today with AT&T.
00:04:15.559 --> 00:04:18.220
This public forum is also an opportunity
00:04:18.220 --> 00:04:20.080
for the Commission
and telephone companies
00:04:20.080 --> 00:04:22.210
to hear from the public and the impact
00:04:22.210 --> 00:04:24.750
that this transfer will
have on customers.
00:04:24.750 --> 00:04:26.530
So with that, I look forward to hearing
00:04:26.530 --> 00:04:28.480
from the parties and from the public
00:04:28.480 --> 00:04:30.433
this evening on this important topic.
00:04:31.757 --> 00:04:34.675
Also, I wanna recognize that
Commissioner Rechtschaffen
00:04:34.675 --> 00:04:36.860
is here today, and I don't know
00:04:36.860 --> 00:04:40.550
if he wanted to make any comments.
00:04:40.550 --> 00:04:44.340
I'll turn it to him and then
back to Judge McKinney.
00:04:44.340 --> 00:04:45.173
Rechtschaffen] No,
00:04:45.173 --> 00:04:46.720
thank you Commissioner Houck.
00:04:46.720 --> 00:04:48.143
No opening comments for me.
00:04:49.339 --> 00:04:51.950
All right, thank
you Commissioners.
00:04:51.950 --> 00:04:55.470
Before we start, I'd like to
give everyone a brief overview
00:04:55.470 --> 00:04:58.780
of what the Public
Utilities Commission does.
00:04:58.780 --> 00:05:00.950
We are a state agency that regulates
00:05:00.950 --> 00:05:05.590
privately owned utilities,
that provide essential services
00:05:05.590 --> 00:05:08.800
such as water, gas, electric,
00:05:08.800 --> 00:05:10.800
and we do regulate certain aspects
00:05:10.800 --> 00:05:12.940
of telecommunications service,
00:05:12.940 --> 00:05:17.270
including AT&T's request
that we're looking at tonight.
00:05:17.270 --> 00:05:20.400
The Federal Communications
Commission or FCC,
00:05:20.400 --> 00:05:23.416
regulates other aspects
of telecommunications.
00:05:23.416 --> 00:05:26.403
There are five Commissioners at the PUC.
00:05:27.337 --> 00:05:29.440
Two of them are here this evening.
00:05:29.440 --> 00:05:31.330
The five Commissioners
will be the people
00:05:31.330 --> 00:05:35.310
who vote and decide whether
to transfer of customers,
00:05:35.310 --> 00:05:37.740
which has done as mass migration,
00:05:37.740 --> 00:05:41.150
complies with the
Commission's standards.
00:05:41.150 --> 00:05:44.050
My role as the assigned
Administrative Law Judge
00:05:44.050 --> 00:05:46.610
is to review the application,
00:05:46.610 --> 00:05:49.160
and then based on the
evidence that is presented,
00:05:49.160 --> 00:05:51.460
I will write a proposed decision,
00:05:51.460 --> 00:05:54.983
and the Commissioners will
then consider it and vote on it.
00:05:57.530 --> 00:06:01.180
There were no evidentiary
hearings in this proceeding
00:06:01.180 --> 00:06:02.610
and none are scheduled.
00:06:02.610 --> 00:06:05.500
This means that all of the evidence
00:06:05.500 --> 00:06:08.640
was submitted be it in testimony
00:06:08.640 --> 00:06:12.803
or is part of the administrative
record on the docket card.
00:06:13.740 --> 00:06:15.477
There are four parties
to this proceeding
00:06:15.477 --> 00:06:17.880
and we will get to
hear from each of them.
00:06:17.880 --> 00:06:22.013
There's AT&T, and then
Public Advocate's Office,
00:06:22.890 --> 00:06:24.800
Center for Accessible Technology
00:06:25.810 --> 00:06:30.370
and the Utility Reform
Network also known as TURN.
00:06:30.370 --> 00:06:31.880
The Public Advocate's Office is
00:06:31.880 --> 00:06:33.680
an independent branch within the PUC
00:06:34.550 --> 00:06:37.323
who worked to represent
the interest of rate payers.
00:06:38.240 --> 00:06:41.390
They do not work for me
or for the Commissioner.
00:06:41.390 --> 00:06:45.530
Both AT&T and Frontier
will give a brief presentation
00:06:45.530 --> 00:06:49.263
followed by remarks in
the various other parties.
00:06:50.210 --> 00:06:54.350
The purpose of the PPH
tonight is to hear from you
00:06:54.350 --> 00:06:59.350
about how this transfer
of service will impact you,
00:06:59.920 --> 00:07:03.840
your family and your
community as an AT&T customer.
00:07:03.840 --> 00:07:05.830
We also want to hear if there are things
00:07:05.830 --> 00:07:08.830
that AT&T Corporation
could have done differently
00:07:08.830 --> 00:07:12.220
or could do now to ease the transition.
00:07:12.220 --> 00:07:15.350
Your comments will help
the PUC gather information
00:07:15.350 --> 00:07:18.740
to determine whether to
grant AT&T's application
00:07:18.740 --> 00:07:21.840
and how to improve
this process in the future,
00:07:21.840 --> 00:07:24.630
if another competitive
local exchange carrier
00:07:24.630 --> 00:07:27.403
in California decides
to discontinue service.
00:07:28.330 --> 00:07:30.950
In addition to considering the
comments received here today,
00:07:30.950 --> 00:07:34.810
we are also considering
comments received in writing,
00:07:34.810 --> 00:07:37.960
including the electronic comments
00:07:37.960 --> 00:07:40.803
that have been posted
to the docket card.
00:07:41.900 --> 00:07:45.410
As of this morning, there were
approximately 40 comments
00:07:45.410 --> 00:07:48.577
and the public is very interested
00:07:50.470 --> 00:07:53.363
in maintaining copper landline service.
00:07:54.600 --> 00:07:56.040
If you are participating today
00:07:56.040 --> 00:07:58.140
and would like to
provide public comments,
00:07:59.300 --> 00:08:04.040
you may do so by calling 1-800-857-1917
00:08:06.160 --> 00:08:11.160
and entering pass code 1-6-7-3-4-8-2
00:08:11.530 --> 00:08:13.470
and pressing Star + One on your phone.
00:08:13.470 --> 00:08:15.280
This will alert the operator
00:08:15.280 --> 00:08:17.573
who will begin to cue public speakers.
00:08:18.430 --> 00:08:23.430
Please provide your name and
your zip code to the operator.
00:08:23.680 --> 00:08:25.140
If you are a public official,
00:08:25.140 --> 00:08:27.960
please notify the operator
of your title and position
00:08:27.960 --> 00:08:29.423
in addition to your name,
00:08:30.560 --> 00:08:33.760
because the purpose
today is to hear from you.
00:08:33.760 --> 00:08:35.960
We do not expect to be answering
00:08:35.960 --> 00:08:38.690
any questions or fielding questions.
00:08:38.690 --> 00:08:41.190
However, we are going
to start with presentations
00:08:41.190 --> 00:08:46.190
from AT&T and Frontier to
learn more about the application.
00:08:47.010 --> 00:08:48.930
If you have a customer
specific question,
00:08:48.930 --> 00:08:52.240
such as a question
about your bill or service,
00:08:52.240 --> 00:08:55.180
we have arranged for our
customer service representative
00:08:55.180 --> 00:08:59.040
to be available from
AT&T and for Frontier,
00:08:59.040 --> 00:09:02.250
and you can call them directly
with your specific question.
00:09:02.250 --> 00:09:04.930
And we'll give these
numbers again later on,
00:09:04.930 --> 00:09:09.670
but for AT&T it's 800-250-8949.
00:09:11.270 --> 00:09:16.270
And for Frontier it's Wendy
Ellen at 9-7-2-3-9-9-8-0-6-2.
00:09:20.400 --> 00:09:24.113
And you can also email
00:09:29.050 --> 00:09:32.310
And we'll put that up
on the screen shortly
00:09:32.310 --> 00:09:34.583
so that you can see how that's spelled.
00:09:36.030 --> 00:09:38.770
Now, I'm gonna set all the
ground rules for the hearing.
00:09:38.770 --> 00:09:41.740
The court reporters will
be transcribing everything
00:09:41.740 --> 00:09:43.450
that is said here today.
00:09:43.450 --> 00:09:45.443
Please remember to
speak slowly and clearly
00:09:45.443 --> 00:09:48.700
so that the court reporters
can hear everything.
00:09:48.700 --> 00:09:51.150
Only one person at a time can speak
00:09:51.150 --> 00:09:53.000
as the court reporters are unable
00:09:53.000 --> 00:09:55.350
to transcribe an accurate record
00:09:55.350 --> 00:09:57.383
with more than one individual speaking.
00:09:58.700 --> 00:10:00.530
To ensure that we
have an accurate record,
00:10:00.530 --> 00:10:02.880
it may be necessary
for the court reporters
00:10:02.880 --> 00:10:05.170
to interrupt a speaker and let them know
00:10:05.170 --> 00:10:07.050
that they're in audible.
00:10:07.050 --> 00:10:09.350
Additionally, if there
is a dropped garbled
00:10:09.350 --> 00:10:12.580
or otherwise inaudible
audio, the reporter will be
00:10:12.580 --> 00:10:15.833
just inserting the word
inaudible in the transcript.
00:10:16.710 --> 00:10:18.810
After this hearing is
over the court reporters
00:10:18.810 --> 00:10:20.950
will prepare a written transcript
00:10:20.950 --> 00:10:24.240
which will be provided to myself
and the five Commissioners
00:10:24.240 --> 00:10:25.390
and it will also be available
00:10:25.390 --> 00:10:29.023
to you on the docket
card for this proceeding.
00:10:30.220 --> 00:10:32.100
Typically we would conduct hearings
00:10:32.100 --> 00:10:33.850
such as this one in person,
00:10:33.850 --> 00:10:37.090
however, because of COVID-19,
00:10:37.090 --> 00:10:39.600
we are doing this hearing remotely.
00:10:39.600 --> 00:10:43.270
I want to thank everyone
in advance for their patience
00:10:43.270 --> 00:10:45.750
as we continue to
work through the issues
00:10:45.750 --> 00:10:47.490
that are sometimes present
00:10:47.490 --> 00:10:49.390
when we conduct these remote hearings.
00:10:50.510 --> 00:10:52.310
So first I'd like to hear
00:10:52.310 --> 00:10:56.173
from the Public Advisor's
Office and Ms. Alison Brown.
00:10:59.200 --> 00:11:01.100
Thank you, judge.
00:11:01.100 --> 00:11:02.290
Welcome everyone.
00:11:02.290 --> 00:11:03.420
My name is Alison Brown
00:11:03.420 --> 00:11:06.150
and I'm the Public Advisor for the CPUC.
00:11:06.150 --> 00:11:09.210
The Public Advisor's Office
assist and advises the public
00:11:09.210 --> 00:11:11.523
with participation in
Commission proceeding.
00:11:11.523 --> 00:11:14.270
We are here as a resource to you.
00:11:14.270 --> 00:11:17.100
I wanna thank you
all for joining us today.
00:11:17.100 --> 00:11:18.910
This is your opportunity to be heard
00:11:18.910 --> 00:11:20.810
and to share your
thoughts on the application
00:11:20.810 --> 00:11:24.070
with the Administrative Law
Judge and the Commissioner.
00:11:24.070 --> 00:11:25.490
If you have specific questions
00:11:25.490 --> 00:11:28.050
about the proceeding or your service,
00:11:28.050 --> 00:11:30.310
you can reach out to
the Public Advisor's Office
00:11:30.310 --> 00:11:34.380
at public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov
00:11:35.300 --> 00:11:37.803
or visit the utility website
for more information.
00:11:38.800 --> 00:11:40.350
Also, if you or anyone you know,
00:11:40.350 --> 00:11:42.080
is not able to make a comment today,
00:11:42.080 --> 00:11:44.440
there are several ways
to become involved.
00:11:44.440 --> 00:11:46.570
Those interested can
provide written comments
00:11:46.570 --> 00:11:50.003
on today's application
on the docket card.
00:11:51.210 --> 00:11:53.810
Comments can also be provided via email,
00:11:53.810 --> 00:11:56.240
USPS mail and the phone.
00:11:56.240 --> 00:11:58.845
If you wish to find more
information on becoming a party,
00:11:58.845 --> 00:12:02.280
subscribing to this proceeding,
you get email notifications
00:12:02.280 --> 00:12:05.340
of anything that's filed
or submitting comments,
00:12:05.340 --> 00:12:09.540
please go to our website, cpuc.ca.gov
00:12:09.540 --> 00:12:14.540
or email the Public Advisor
at public.adviser@cpuc.ca.gov
00:12:18.080 --> 00:12:23.080
or you can call our office
at 1-8-6-6-8-4-9-8-3-9-0.
00:12:25.940 --> 00:12:27.960
All of this information
is also on the notice
00:12:27.960 --> 00:12:29.520
you received for this event.
00:12:29.520 --> 00:12:30.955
We look forward to your comments today.
00:12:30.955 --> 00:12:32.660
Thank you again for joining us.
00:12:32.660 --> 00:12:33.493
00:12:34.360 --> 00:12:36.360
Thank you, Ms. Brown.
00:12:36.360 --> 00:12:39.170
So we'll now have a brief presentation
00:12:39.170 --> 00:12:41.553
from AT&T and Frontier.
00:12:42.970 --> 00:12:45.560
So it's Mark Berry from AT&T
00:12:45.560 --> 00:12:47.900
and Charlie Bourne from Frontier.
00:12:47.900 --> 00:12:50.440
And I believe there's a video,
00:12:50.440 --> 00:12:52.590
there's a PowerPoint
presentation for this.
00:12:55.469 --> 00:12:56.523
00:12:56.523 --> 00:12:57.480
00:12:57.480 --> 00:12:59.840
Good evening Commissioners
and your Honors
00:12:59.840 --> 00:13:01.040
and members of the public.
00:13:01.040 --> 00:13:03.223
My name is Mark Berry and I work
00:13:03.223 --> 00:13:07.090
in the Regulatory department at AT&T.
00:13:07.090 --> 00:13:09.830
I'll be walking through
this joint presentation
00:13:09.830 --> 00:13:11.653
from AT&T and Frontier.
00:13:12.720 --> 00:13:14.850
I'll be here listening to the
public comments this evening,
00:13:14.850 --> 00:13:16.940
and Commissioners or your honors.
00:13:16.940 --> 00:13:19.993
I'll be happy to answer any
questions that you may have.
00:13:21.112 --> 00:13:23.423
So you can go to
the first slide, please.
00:13:26.150 --> 00:13:28.630
I wanted to provide an overview
00:13:28.630 --> 00:13:31.953
of our application at the PUC.
00:13:33.680 --> 00:13:36.179
As many of you know, the AT&T brand
00:13:36.179 --> 00:13:39.510
is well-known here in California.
00:13:39.510 --> 00:13:41.570
And it's associated with many services,
00:13:41.570 --> 00:13:45.750
including wireline,
wireless and other services.
00:13:45.750 --> 00:13:49.853
The AT&T brand has millions
of customers in California.
00:13:50.930 --> 00:13:53.220
The request before the PUC today though,
00:13:53.220 --> 00:13:55.700
does not affect millions of customers,
00:13:55.700 --> 00:13:58.560
but rather less than 2000 wireline
00:13:58.560 --> 00:14:03.440
basic residential voice service
customers have AT&T Corp.
00:14:03.440 --> 00:14:06.040
which is a competitive
local exchange care
00:14:06.040 --> 00:14:08.240
and provide service to these customers
00:14:08.240 --> 00:14:12.763
entirely via a resale arrangement
with Frontier California.
00:14:13.785 --> 00:14:17.530
Again, this request by
AT&T Corp. does not affect
00:14:17.530 --> 00:14:22.530
any customers of its ILX
affiliate AT&T California.
00:14:22.829 --> 00:14:26.567
So what is a resale arrangement?
00:14:26.567 --> 00:14:30.270
AT&T essentially
leases lines from Frontier
00:14:30.270 --> 00:14:34.610
and then retail those
lines to AT&T customers.
00:14:34.610 --> 00:14:37.120
This means that all of these AT&T Corp.
00:14:37.120 --> 00:14:40.860
residential customers are already served
00:14:40.860 --> 00:14:42.220
via the Frontier network
00:14:43.070 --> 00:14:45.810
and via Frontier service technicians
00:14:45.810 --> 00:14:49.023
and will continue to
be so after the transfer.
00:14:50.190 --> 00:14:53.350
Frontier is an incumbent and the carrier
00:14:53.350 --> 00:14:56.290
of last resort in this territory
00:14:56.290 --> 00:14:58.630
and has agreed to be
the arranged carrier,
00:14:58.630 --> 00:15:01.410
and to work with AT&T to migrate
00:15:01.410 --> 00:15:03.503
these customers to Frontier billing.
00:15:05.070 --> 00:15:08.464
Since June of this year,
we have provided five forms
00:15:08.464 --> 00:15:13.210
of notice to our affected
customers via direct mail letters,
00:15:13.210 --> 00:15:16.093
bill pays messages and live phone calls.
00:15:17.810 --> 00:15:21.680
After this transfer the
effective customers
00:15:21.680 --> 00:15:24.800
of AT&T Corp. will continue to receive
00:15:24.800 --> 00:15:28.080
the same wireline basic
residential phone service
00:15:28.080 --> 00:15:31.210
that they do today, and
they'll actually pay less
00:15:31.210 --> 00:15:34.303
for their voice service
as I'll discuss later.
00:15:35.930 --> 00:15:36.893
Next slide, please.
00:15:40.760 --> 00:15:42.860
On this next slide, I wanted to discuss
00:15:42.860 --> 00:15:44.970
what this application is about.
00:15:44.970 --> 00:15:47.779
So here is what it is about.
00:15:47.779 --> 00:15:51.650
AT&T Corp. as mentioned,
will begin migrating
00:15:51.650 --> 00:15:54.350
its wireline basic residential
voice service customers
00:15:54.350 --> 00:15:58.570
to Frontier on or after December 16th
00:15:58.570 --> 00:15:59.880
if the affected customers
00:15:59.880 --> 00:16:03.913
do not make an alternative
choice before then.
00:16:05.160 --> 00:16:07.130
Again, all customers will continue
00:16:07.130 --> 00:16:10.500
to receive the same wireline
basic residential voice service
00:16:10.500 --> 00:16:14.140
that they do today, on the same network,
00:16:14.140 --> 00:16:17.723
serviced by the same
technicians and at lower prices.
00:16:18.660 --> 00:16:20.533
Features will not be transferred.
00:16:21.620 --> 00:16:25.243
Lifeline customers will
retain their lifeline discounts.
00:16:26.870 --> 00:16:30.380
Frontier will not need to
dispatch any technicians
00:16:30.380 --> 00:16:34.083
and customers will not be
required to change any equipment.
00:16:35.650 --> 00:16:38.493
Customers will not be
charged for the migration.
00:16:40.090 --> 00:16:42.500
The post migration change
the customers will notice is
00:16:42.500 --> 00:16:45.380
that they will receive a bill directly
00:16:45.380 --> 00:16:48.633
from Frontier not AT&T.
00:16:50.510 --> 00:16:51.460
Next slide, please.
00:16:56.250 --> 00:16:57.780
As I've already been mentioned,
00:16:57.780 --> 00:17:00.960
there's been some public
comment at the PUC voting meetings
00:17:00.960 --> 00:17:03.070
and also on the docket card.
00:17:03.070 --> 00:17:05.480
Frankly, which raised issues
that are not present here
00:17:05.480 --> 00:17:08.630
so I thought it was important to note
00:17:08.630 --> 00:17:12.223
what the request before
the CPUC is not about.
00:17:13.780 --> 00:17:16.280
Then this request is
not about discontinuing
00:17:16.280 --> 00:17:18.480
wireline service in
the state of California.
00:17:19.630 --> 00:17:22.520
It's not about requiring customers
00:17:22.520 --> 00:17:25.260
to move to different
services or technologies
00:17:25.260 --> 00:17:26.833
such as voice or wireless,
00:17:28.610 --> 00:17:30.940
and it's not about the
millions of customers
00:17:30.940 --> 00:17:34.250
of other AT&T wireline wireless
00:17:34.250 --> 00:17:36.943
or affiliate services across California.
00:17:38.340 --> 00:17:42.770
It's also not about leaving
any customer behind
00:17:42.770 --> 00:17:47.420
because all of the less
than 2000 as of yesterday,
00:17:47.420 --> 00:17:52.420
1,960 AT&T Corp.
customers who do not make
00:17:52.820 --> 00:17:57.430
an alternative choice will
be migrated again to Frontier
00:17:57.430 --> 00:17:59.440
and will receive the same wireline basic
00:17:59.440 --> 00:18:02.223
residential phone
service that they do today.
00:18:04.880 --> 00:18:05.830
Next slide, please.
00:18:09.520 --> 00:18:12.230
On this last slide, I
thought it would just mention
00:18:12.230 --> 00:18:15.450
this is an excerpt from
the three customer notices
00:18:15.450 --> 00:18:20.310
that we have provided to the
effective customers already.
00:18:20.310 --> 00:18:23.000
And what we did is let them know
00:18:23.000 --> 00:18:26.540
where their service pricing is today
00:18:26.540 --> 00:18:29.273
and where it will be with Frontier.
00:18:30.220 --> 00:18:33.732
So the top two boxes
there on the left-hand side
00:18:33.732 --> 00:18:36.833
show the AT&T Corp. current pricing.
00:18:37.840 --> 00:18:40.170
For customers would flat rate service,
00:18:40.170 --> 00:18:42.730
we call it call plan unlimited.
00:18:42.730 --> 00:18:45.803
They currently pay $38.45 a month.
00:18:47.260 --> 00:18:48.680
And if you look on the right-hand side,
00:18:48.680 --> 00:18:50.879
you see the corresponding
rate of Frontier
00:18:50.879 --> 00:18:53.630
which is $22.50 a month.
00:18:53.630 --> 00:18:55.720
That's again, just
for the voice service,
00:18:55.720 --> 00:18:57.620
which is all that's being transferred.
00:18:59.140 --> 00:19:02.960
Back on the left you
can see lifeline customers
00:19:02.960 --> 00:19:07.555
pay $19.22 a month with AT&T Corp.
00:19:07.555 --> 00:19:11.360
But going forward with
Frontier, if transferred to Frontier
00:19:11.360 --> 00:19:13.420
they will pay 8 84.
00:19:13.420 --> 00:19:15.213
So it's less than half.
00:19:17.140 --> 00:19:19.150
In the middle, we do discuss the fact
00:19:19.150 --> 00:19:23.050
that we are not transferring features,
00:19:23.050 --> 00:19:26.590
but features are
available from Frontier.
00:19:26.590 --> 00:19:29.053
We've given some
examples of pricing there.
00:19:30.190 --> 00:19:35.190
And at the bottom, we
note that this transfer is
00:19:35.590 --> 00:19:39.100
only for local service,
but if customers wanted
00:19:39.100 --> 00:19:42.664
to change their long
distance service as well,
00:19:42.664 --> 00:19:46.210
there is at least the package
available from Frontier
00:19:46.210 --> 00:19:49.160
that can save them money
if they wanted to bundle
00:19:49.160 --> 00:19:52.933
versus purchasing services
on a service by service
00:19:52.933 --> 00:19:55.610
what we call Polycarp basis.
00:19:55.610 --> 00:19:57.280
So you can see on the left,
00:19:57.280 --> 00:20:00.610
we have current AT&T
package customers pay anywhere
00:20:00.610 --> 00:20:05.610
from $47-$73 a month for a
local and long distance package.
00:20:07.460 --> 00:20:09.760
But there is one over at Frontier
00:20:09.760 --> 00:20:14.760
that includes a local and
long distance plus features
00:20:14.870 --> 00:20:16.663
for about $43 a month.
00:20:18.430 --> 00:20:22.420
So at AT&T we'd notify customers that,
00:20:22.420 --> 00:20:25.610
if they want to make
that choice themselves
00:20:25.610 --> 00:20:28.107
about the long distance package
00:20:28.107 --> 00:20:31.010
that they should call Frontier directly,
00:20:31.010 --> 00:20:32.930
let them know that
they've received a letter
00:20:32.930 --> 00:20:37.703
from us and they can do
that transfer ahead of time.
00:20:39.050 --> 00:20:40.950
And so that's the
presentation I wanted to make.
00:20:40.950 --> 00:20:44.530
I did wanna ask Charlie
Born from Frontier
00:20:44.530 --> 00:20:46.793
if he wanted to add anything.
00:20:49.210 --> 00:20:50.720
Sure Mark,
00:20:50.720 --> 00:20:53.070
let me just ask you
I'm on speaker phone,
00:20:53.070 --> 00:20:56.353
if that's too loud I'll pick
up the handset, but...
00:20:56.353 --> 00:20:57.790
I can hear you.
00:20:57.790 --> 00:20:58.623
00:20:58.623 --> 00:21:01.770
I just wanted to add
and thank you, everyone
00:21:01.770 --> 00:21:06.770
for having us and Frontier,
we're very enthusiastic
00:21:08.130 --> 00:21:12.023
and willing to
participate in the transfer.
00:21:13.070 --> 00:21:16.000
Mark and AT&T approached us
00:21:16.000 --> 00:21:18.868
well before the application and asked
00:21:18.868 --> 00:21:22.627
if we would work with
them. And we said, "Yes,
00:21:22.627 --> 00:21:24.708
"we are the carrier of blockchain.
00:21:24.708 --> 00:21:25.957
"That's our network."
00:21:27.092 --> 00:21:30.850
We know that service
quality in these particular areas
00:21:30.850 --> 00:21:33.520
which is good, very good.
00:21:33.520 --> 00:21:38.520
And so we wanted to
embrace the opportunity
00:21:38.807 --> 00:21:41.520
and welcome these customers over.
00:21:41.520 --> 00:21:46.520
So we've been working
weekly with AT&T in terms
00:21:47.150 --> 00:21:50.270
of the the messaging and the notices
00:21:50.270 --> 00:21:51.730
and doing the comparisons.
00:21:51.730 --> 00:21:55.420
And so we're ready to
receive new customers
00:21:55.420 --> 00:21:59.850
and we really appreciate
the opportunity,
00:21:59.850 --> 00:22:03.800
and it's been a very good
working relationship with AT&T.
00:22:03.800 --> 00:22:08.670
So, we're doing this with a thumbs up
00:22:08.670 --> 00:22:10.470
willingly wanting to do this,
00:22:10.470 --> 00:22:14.439
so I just wanted to
make sure that was clear.
00:22:14.439 --> 00:22:16.030
Thank you.
00:22:16.030 --> 00:22:19.540
So thank you, Mark
Berry and Charlie Born.
00:22:19.540 --> 00:22:23.110
So next we're gonna hear
from the three other parties
00:22:23.110 --> 00:22:25.980
and I have tentatively set the order
00:22:25.980 --> 00:22:28.160
as Public Advocate's Office,
00:22:28.160 --> 00:22:30.750
followed by Center for
Accessible Technology,
00:22:30.750 --> 00:22:32.233
followed by TURN.
00:22:33.270 --> 00:22:37.760
If that doesn't work,
please let me know.
00:22:37.760 --> 00:22:39.670
Otherwise, let's start with coming
00:22:39.670 --> 00:22:41.503
from Cal Advocate's office.
00:22:43.280 --> 00:22:44.730
That order sounds
fine to me, your honor.
00:22:44.730 --> 00:22:46.160
Thank you.
00:22:46.160 --> 00:22:49.290
Good evening. LJs McKinney, Jungreis,
00:22:49.290 --> 00:22:51.840
Commissioners Houck and Rechtschaffen
00:22:51.840 --> 00:22:54.110
as well as members of the public.
00:22:54.110 --> 00:22:55.400
My name is Cameron Reed.
00:22:55.400 --> 00:22:57.920
I'm here tonight representing
the Public Advocates Office
00:22:57.920 --> 00:23:00.290
at the California Public
Utilities Commission.
00:23:00.290 --> 00:23:01.930
As LJ McKinney mentioned earlier,
00:23:01.930 --> 00:23:05.210
we're a independent
organization within the California
00:23:05.210 --> 00:23:06.960
Public Utilities Commission.
00:23:06.960 --> 00:23:08.530
Our statutory mission is to obtain
00:23:08.530 --> 00:23:10.840
the lowest possible
utility rates for customers,
00:23:10.840 --> 00:23:13.600
consistent with safe, reliable service
00:23:13.600 --> 00:23:15.620
and the state's environmental goals.
00:23:15.620 --> 00:23:17.760
We strive to ensure
that no one is left behind
00:23:17.760 --> 00:23:20.320
and that all communities have access
00:23:20.320 --> 00:23:23.170
to safe and affordable
electric gas, water,
00:23:23.170 --> 00:23:25.810
and communications utility services.
00:23:25.810 --> 00:23:28.500
Our team has reviewed
AT&T Corp's application,
00:23:28.500 --> 00:23:31.030
including an examination
of AT&T Corporation
00:23:31.030 --> 00:23:33.720
proposed customer migration to Frontier
00:23:33.720 --> 00:23:36.670
and their subsequent
discontinuance of residential service.
00:23:37.530 --> 00:23:39.440
AT&T Corp's customers
deserve to be fully
00:23:39.440 --> 00:23:42.442
and adequately informed
about the migration
00:23:42.442 --> 00:23:45.210
and not adversely impacted by it.
00:23:45.210 --> 00:23:47.730
Customer transparency
is necessary and important
00:23:47.730 --> 00:23:49.480
to ensure that customers
are fully informed
00:23:49.480 --> 00:23:51.730
on any potential impacts to the service.
00:23:51.730 --> 00:23:53.810
As such, after reviewing the application
00:23:53.810 --> 00:23:56.240
our team recommended
that AT&T Corp. provide
00:23:56.240 --> 00:23:58.650
customer notifications
and additional languages
00:23:58.650 --> 00:24:02.203
such as Spanish, Tagalog,
Korean, Armenian, and Chinese.
00:24:03.270 --> 00:24:05.800
AT&T Corporation provide
customer specific notices
00:24:05.800 --> 00:24:09.290
to show exactly how
customer bills will be changing.
00:24:09.290 --> 00:24:11.640
In addition AT&T Corp.
should compensate customers
00:24:11.640 --> 00:24:14.314
who are adversely
impacted, such as customers
00:24:14.314 --> 00:24:16.100
who lifeline lifeline
enrollment is impacted
00:24:16.100 --> 00:24:18.053
or who lose access to various features.
00:24:18.900 --> 00:24:19.990
We thank everyone for coming
00:24:19.990 --> 00:24:21.730
to the public participation hearing,
00:24:21.730 --> 00:24:23.020
and we definitely look forward
00:24:23.020 --> 00:24:24.980
to hearing the public comments
00:24:24.980 --> 00:24:27.260
and concerns regarding this application.
00:24:27.260 --> 00:24:28.760
Thank you.
00:24:28.760 --> 00:24:29.593
Thank you.
00:24:30.710 --> 00:24:33.193
Here from center for
accessible technology.
00:24:36.320 --> 00:24:37.680
evening, Paul Goodman
00:24:37.680 --> 00:24:41.390
of the Center for Accessible
Technology or CforAT.
00:24:41.390 --> 00:24:45.130
CforAT advocates on behalf
of consumers with disabilities
00:24:45.130 --> 00:24:47.050
and our particular interest
in this proceeding is
00:24:47.050 --> 00:24:49.540
to ensure that consumers
with disabilities affected
00:24:49.540 --> 00:24:51.980
by this transaction are transition
00:24:51.980 --> 00:24:54.813
are not lost in the transition.
00:24:56.090 --> 00:24:59.990
CforAT shares the positions
just express by Cal Advocates.
00:24:59.990 --> 00:25:01.040
In the interest of time
00:25:01.040 --> 00:25:02.473
and because the goal of today's forum is
00:25:02.473 --> 00:25:04.400
to hear from members of the public,
00:25:04.400 --> 00:25:06.560
I will not repeat those positions.
00:25:06.560 --> 00:25:07.920
Thank you, and I am of course,
00:25:07.920 --> 00:25:09.620
available to answer any questions.
00:25:11.560 --> 00:25:12.510
Thank you.
00:25:12.510 --> 00:25:17.503
And finally, we will hear from
the Utility Reform Network.
00:25:18.810 --> 00:25:20.620
Good evening
Commissioners, your Honors
00:25:20.620 --> 00:25:21.820
and members of the public.
00:25:21.820 --> 00:25:25.420
I am Ashley Salas with Turn
the Utility Reform Network.
00:25:25.420 --> 00:25:27.910
TURN advocates on behalf of consumers
00:25:27.910 --> 00:25:30.200
on energy and telecommunications issues
00:25:30.200 --> 00:25:32.610
in front of the California
Public Utilities Commission.
00:25:32.610 --> 00:25:35.310
I will also echo the comments made
00:25:35.310 --> 00:25:38.810
by Cal Advocates and CforAT.
00:25:38.810 --> 00:25:42.950
I'll note that two dates
approximately 25%
00:25:42.950 --> 00:25:46.660
of the total lines
have been transitioned
00:25:46.660 --> 00:25:50.323
as part of this transaction,
oh sorry, transition,
00:25:51.180 --> 00:25:56.180
and also less than 20% of
lifetime customers have moved on.
00:25:57.800 --> 00:26:01.080
So I look forward to
hearing public comments
00:26:01.080 --> 00:26:05.225
and from the consumers or the customers
00:26:05.225 --> 00:26:08.450
from AT&T Corporation
and I will also be available
00:26:08.450 --> 00:26:09.860
to answer any questions.
00:26:09.860 --> 00:26:11.474
Thank you.
00:26:11.474 --> 00:26:12.307
00:26:12.307 --> 00:26:13.140
Thank you.
00:26:14.290 --> 00:26:16.950
All right, so as a reminder
to those who wish to speak,
00:26:16.950 --> 00:26:19.270
if you have not already done so,
00:26:19.270 --> 00:26:21.960
you can press Star + One on your phone
00:26:21.960 --> 00:26:24.410
to be added to the queue.
00:26:24.410 --> 00:26:26.210
If you are not currently cued,
00:26:26.210 --> 00:26:30.960
you can join at any
time during this hearing.
00:26:30.960 --> 00:26:33.070
And if you decide you change your mind,
00:26:33.070 --> 00:26:38.070
you can also do that
by notifying the operator.
00:26:38.250 --> 00:26:39.560
So if you are a public official,
00:26:39.560 --> 00:26:41.060
please let the operator know
00:26:41.060 --> 00:26:45.236
so that we can add
your title and position
00:26:45.236 --> 00:26:46.933
in addition to your name.
00:26:48.330 --> 00:26:50.790
It looks like we will be able
00:26:50.790 --> 00:26:54.053
to have these caller have three minutes.
00:26:55.110 --> 00:26:57.710
The idea is to stick
with the three minutes
00:26:57.710 --> 00:27:02.143
so that we can hear from
as many people as possible.
00:27:03.230 --> 00:27:07.660
So when you start, we'd
like you to state your name,
00:27:07.660 --> 00:27:10.880
spell it and also give us your zip code
00:27:11.950 --> 00:27:14.900
and let us know if you are
in the service territory or not.
00:27:16.910 --> 00:27:18.250
At this time, I would like to ask
00:27:18.250 --> 00:27:20.616
how many callers we have in the queue.
00:27:20.616 --> 00:27:21.460
Your honor,
00:27:21.460 --> 00:27:24.670
we currently have three
public comments in the queue.
00:27:24.670 --> 00:27:29.055
All right, let's hear
from the first commenter.
00:27:29.055 --> 00:27:29.888
Thank you.
00:27:29.888 --> 00:27:31.620
The public comment line is now open.
00:27:31.620 --> 00:27:34.326
Our first public comment
comes from Josh Hart
00:27:34.326 --> 00:27:36.400
of Stop Smart Meters.
00:27:36.400 --> 00:27:38.385
Josh, your line is open.
00:27:38.385 --> 00:27:39.840
Hi there.
00:27:39.840 --> 00:27:41.020
Good evening, everyone.
00:27:41.020 --> 00:27:43.764
It's always a pleasure
to speak to the CPUC.
00:27:43.764 --> 00:27:47.630
My name is Josh Hart, J-O-S-H H-A-R-T.
00:27:47.630 --> 00:27:50.610
I'm director of stopsmartmeters.org,
00:27:50.610 --> 00:27:53.463
and also involves with
the group. Save Landlines.
00:27:54.454 --> 00:27:57.020
Have my master's degree
in transportation planning
00:27:57.020 --> 00:27:59.100
and we've been working
on these issues related
00:27:59.100 --> 00:28:02.800
to radio frequency and
accessibility of communications
00:28:02.800 --> 00:28:05.173
and utility services
for more than 10 years.
00:28:06.220 --> 00:28:08.420
We live in Portola and Plumas County.
00:28:08.420 --> 00:28:12.090
Our town was under evacuation
warning from the Dixie fire,
00:28:12.090 --> 00:28:14.173
which was started by PG&E.
00:28:15.400 --> 00:28:19.470
This was pretty scary for
a lot of people in our town,
00:28:19.470 --> 00:28:23.190
particularly for those people
without landline service.
00:28:23.190 --> 00:28:26.870
Landlines provide really
critical communications access
00:28:26.870 --> 00:28:29.660
for people especially during emergencies
00:28:29.660 --> 00:28:30.940
when the power might be cut.
00:28:30.940 --> 00:28:33.940
There's no other communications system
00:28:33.940 --> 00:28:36.720
that has a record of performing
when the power goes out,
00:28:36.720 --> 00:28:38.283
so this is really critical.
00:28:39.300 --> 00:28:44.300
We disagree with AT&T
characterization of this transition.
00:28:44.630 --> 00:28:47.395
This transition is part
of a larger effort by,
00:28:47.395 --> 00:28:50.850
AT&T to phase out and even insult
00:28:50.850 --> 00:28:52.763
their own landline voice service.
00:28:53.694 --> 00:28:56.440
Frontier's record of
customer services is dim.
00:28:56.440 --> 00:28:57.730
They went through a bankruptcy.
00:28:57.730 --> 00:29:01.900
They've been many reports
of poor customer services.
00:29:01.900 --> 00:29:04.140
So this is going in the direction
00:29:04.140 --> 00:29:06.140
of erosion of landline services,
00:29:06.140 --> 00:29:08.760
which are critical
especially to disabled
00:29:08.760 --> 00:29:10.423
and rural populations.
00:29:11.730 --> 00:29:15.043
While wildfires are increasing,
floods are increasing,
00:29:16.030 --> 00:29:18.920
our electrical grid,
reliability is decreasing.
00:29:18.920 --> 00:29:21.500
We need landline services
00:29:21.500 --> 00:29:24.220
with their own auxiliary power sources
00:29:24.220 --> 00:29:26.853
available to everyone,
every single Californian.
00:29:28.450 --> 00:29:30.491
This is the highest quality option,
00:29:30.491 --> 00:29:34.340
the highest quality
voice service available
00:29:35.220 --> 00:29:38.040
more than any other other service.
00:29:38.040 --> 00:29:40.520
Our county shifted to voice service
00:29:40.520 --> 00:29:43.640
voiceover internet protocol
after being told by AT&T
00:29:43.640 --> 00:29:46.080
that they were gonna be
phasing out landline service.
00:29:46.080 --> 00:29:49.250
And four weeks, many
people with landlines
00:29:49.250 --> 00:29:52.470
could not contact government services.
00:29:52.470 --> 00:29:54.070
This caused many, many problems.
00:29:55.430 --> 00:29:57.400
According to studies,
approximately five to 10%
00:29:57.400 --> 00:29:58.920
of the public have been injured
00:29:58.920 --> 00:30:02.120
or are sensitive to radio-frequency.
00:30:02.120 --> 00:30:04.650
Many have been injured by the electronic
00:30:04.650 --> 00:30:08.030
wireless smart meters
approved by the CPUC.
00:30:08.030 --> 00:30:09.860
These people cannot use cell phones,
00:30:09.860 --> 00:30:12.870
they cannot use alternatives,
they depend on landlines.
00:30:12.870 --> 00:30:15.490
If these were cut off
or the service eroded,
00:30:15.490 --> 00:30:17.725
which AT&T continues to do,
00:30:17.725 --> 00:30:21.880
their access to government
services, to communications
00:30:21.880 --> 00:30:22.980
will really be put at risk.
00:30:22.980 --> 00:30:25.470
And that's why many,
many people spoke out
00:30:25.470 --> 00:30:28.590
at the CPUC meeting several months ago
00:30:28.590 --> 00:30:33.590
when in response to our Stop
Smart Meters alert to people.
00:30:34.200 --> 00:30:36.230
Alerting them that the landline service
00:30:36.230 --> 00:30:38.528
in California is at risk.
00:30:38.528 --> 00:30:41.110
Obviously there was
some confusion there,
00:30:41.110 --> 00:30:44.840
it wasn't millions of customers,
but only a couple thousand,
00:30:44.840 --> 00:30:46.420
but even a couple of
thousands is too many
00:30:46.420 --> 00:30:49.420
to have a landline
service be eroded for.
00:30:49.420 --> 00:30:52.906
So he blame AT&T
for this public confusion
00:30:52.906 --> 00:30:55.992
and their past history
of insulting landlines.
00:30:55.992 --> 00:30:58.720
AT&T has also refused to provide
00:30:58.720 --> 00:31:03.600
people in rural areas with DSL
service, forcing many people,
00:31:03.600 --> 00:31:06.110
including our household onto dial up.
00:31:06.110 --> 00:31:08.855
So this shows the arrogance
of Corporate entity...
00:31:08.855 --> 00:31:12.022
you Mr Hart.
00:31:13.210 --> 00:31:17.460
And I do wanna hear from
customers who are directly impacted
00:31:17.460 --> 00:31:19.423
by this request from AT&T.
00:31:21.120 --> 00:31:23.573
And I believe we have
some additional callers.
00:31:24.730 --> 00:31:26.220
Our next
public comment comes
00:31:26.220 --> 00:31:28.330
from Gentle Thunder of Mount Shasta.
00:31:28.330 --> 00:31:30.033
Gentle, your line is open.
00:31:32.059 --> 00:31:33.430
Good evening, everyone.
00:31:33.430 --> 00:31:35.870
Thank you for your
time and your attention
00:31:35.870 --> 00:31:37.066
to detail with this.
00:31:37.066 --> 00:31:39.870
I am living in Mount Shasta, California.
00:31:39.870 --> 00:31:43.140
So I'm outside of the
impacted area at this time.
00:31:43.140 --> 00:31:47.570
However, I do live in a
situation where I don't have cable
00:31:49.440 --> 00:31:53.190
and I am very reliant on my landline,
00:31:53.190 --> 00:31:55.040
especially when we have power outages,
00:31:55.040 --> 00:31:58.080
which are frequent with storms and such.
00:31:58.080 --> 00:32:01.149
So I just wanna give
a shout out to support
00:32:01.149 --> 00:32:05.571
the mindfulness and
bring the question of
00:32:05.571 --> 00:32:09.590
it sounds like there's
a just an useful transfer
00:32:09.590 --> 00:32:13.420
from AT&T Corp. to the Frontier
00:32:13.420 --> 00:32:15.953
or another provider of their choice.
00:32:17.370 --> 00:32:18.570
The question comes up,
00:32:18.570 --> 00:32:22.870
what happens if that particular
company was like Frontier
00:32:22.870 --> 00:32:25.500
with its bankruptcy
history or any other one
00:32:25.500 --> 00:32:29.093
if they choose to
stop providing service,
00:32:30.470 --> 00:32:35.470
what will happen to those
impacted in this area?
00:32:35.490 --> 00:32:37.486
So I think that's one of those questions
00:32:37.486 --> 00:32:39.770
that I hope you've already looked into,
00:32:39.770 --> 00:32:42.600
I'm new to this particular issue.
00:32:42.600 --> 00:32:44.000
So thank you for hearing me,
00:32:44.000 --> 00:32:47.470
I wanna support the clearest transition
00:32:47.470 --> 00:32:50.260
for all in this situation.
00:32:50.260 --> 00:32:52.540
I'm grateful that it has
not impacted millions,
00:32:52.540 --> 00:32:57.040
but as was just said, any
one of those 2000 people,
00:32:57.040 --> 00:32:59.090
it could be a life or death situation.
00:32:59.090 --> 00:33:01.880
And thanks for taking really good care
00:33:01.880 --> 00:33:03.920
to hear everybody tonight.
00:33:03.920 --> 00:33:06.350
And I wish you many blessings.
00:33:06.350 --> 00:33:07.191
These are my words.
00:33:07.191 --> 00:33:08.391
Thank you.
00:33:08.391 --> 00:33:10.580
Thank you.
00:33:10.580 --> 00:33:14.650
Do we have any additional callers?
00:33:14.650 --> 00:33:15.900
Yes your honor, we do.
00:33:15.900 --> 00:33:20.840
Our next caller is Lee
from Marine County 94901.
00:33:20.840 --> 00:33:22.143
Lee, your line is open.
00:33:23.340 --> 00:33:25.180
Oh, hello.
00:33:25.180 --> 00:33:26.920
I'm calling 'cause I would like to say
00:33:26.920 --> 00:33:31.190
that I never received any
notification about AT&T plan
00:33:31.190 --> 00:33:35.540
to transfer or to discontinue
landline phone service.
00:33:35.540 --> 00:33:39.000
And me along with
thousands of other people,
00:33:39.000 --> 00:33:43.980
if copper landline is stopped
or transferred to a company
00:33:43.980 --> 00:33:48.140
that had higher rates or
has bad quality service,
00:33:48.140 --> 00:33:50.073
then there'll be thousands of people
00:33:50.073 --> 00:33:52.700
who will have no phone service
00:33:52.700 --> 00:33:56.453
and also no internet
services in California.
00:33:57.570 --> 00:34:01.260
The landline phone cord
equipment is necessary
00:34:01.260 --> 00:34:03.860
for people who need to use the internet
00:34:03.860 --> 00:34:07.240
through a wired DSL ethernet cable,
00:34:07.240 --> 00:34:10.750
since many people cannot
use the wireless internet
00:34:10.750 --> 00:34:13.980
or wireless technology for health
00:34:13.980 --> 00:34:16.322
or medical or other reasons.
00:34:16.322 --> 00:34:20.530
So it's also imperative that
the current lifeline credits
00:34:20.530 --> 00:34:24.620
and other discounts remain
available to all customers
00:34:24.620 --> 00:34:29.620
and to all areas of
California if there is a transfer
00:34:30.180 --> 00:34:33.700
so that people will have
access to landline phone
00:34:33.700 --> 00:34:36.460
and a DSL wire and the internet.
00:34:36.460 --> 00:34:38.600
It's really hard.
00:34:38.600 --> 00:34:40.570
I've heard this feedback
from many people
00:34:40.570 --> 00:34:42.622
and I've had this experience to obtain,
00:34:42.622 --> 00:34:47.622
apply for and to keep
landline phone service.
00:34:47.660 --> 00:34:50.173
The company has made it really hard.
00:34:51.270 --> 00:34:53.630
There's been coercion and harassment
00:34:53.630 --> 00:34:58.630
to transfer to wireless
internet or wireless cell phone
00:34:59.900 --> 00:35:03.090
which many people
can't use and don't want.
00:35:03.090 --> 00:35:04.260
There's difficulties with the
00:35:04.260 --> 00:35:06.773
making monthly billing payments.
00:35:07.650 --> 00:35:10.300
There's just a list of things that go on
00:35:10.300 --> 00:35:12.220
and it used to not be this way.
00:35:12.220 --> 00:35:15.500
I've lived in California
for my entire life
00:35:15.500 --> 00:35:18.270
and there was always
great quality phone service
00:35:18.270 --> 00:35:21.820
of landline and at affordable rates.
00:35:21.820 --> 00:35:26.450
My concern is that if
AT&T does need to transfer
00:35:26.450 --> 00:35:29.040
to another, the landline phone
00:35:29.040 --> 00:35:32.520
or wired internet to other providers,
00:35:32.520 --> 00:35:34.880
that there are providers that take over
00:35:34.880 --> 00:35:37.760
that are qualified and competent,
00:35:37.760 --> 00:35:42.760
and have histories of providing
excellent customer service
00:35:43.010 --> 00:35:47.730
and excellent technical
services at affordable rates,
00:35:47.730 --> 00:35:50.223
and that they will
follow the regulations.
00:35:52.020 --> 00:35:57.020
Frontier has a history of
bad quality business practices
00:35:58.610 --> 00:36:03.480
and poor quality service,
and also not affordable rates.
00:36:03.480 --> 00:36:07.550
So this is a concern,
and I wanted to say
00:36:07.550 --> 00:36:12.550
that every person in every
home and every area of California
00:36:13.710 --> 00:36:18.300
that needs copper landline
or wired DSL internet
00:36:18.300 --> 00:36:20.670
needs to be able to have those services
00:36:20.670 --> 00:36:24.340
available, affordable,
accessible at any time
00:36:24.340 --> 00:36:28.040
with no problem, and
that is not happening.
00:36:28.040 --> 00:36:30.350
And so these changes need to take place
00:36:30.350 --> 00:36:32.930
because phone and internet is important
00:36:32.930 --> 00:36:35.003
and necessary for our survival.
00:36:35.003 --> 00:36:37.670
(timer beeping)
00:36:39.170 --> 00:36:40.640
00:36:40.640 --> 00:36:41.473
Is that it?
00:36:41.473 --> 00:36:42.370
Am I over?
00:36:42.370 --> 00:36:43.203
00:36:43.203 --> 00:36:44.036
Thank you.
00:36:44.036 --> 00:36:49.036
And this is a reminder, if
anyone else would like to speak,
00:36:49.420 --> 00:36:51.890
please hit Star + One on your phone
00:36:51.890 --> 00:36:53.680
and you'll be connected to the operator
00:36:53.680 --> 00:36:55.293
who will put you into the queue.
00:36:56.200 --> 00:36:58.500
Also, if you are unsure,
00:36:58.500 --> 00:37:02.805
that sounds like Ms. Lee you were,
00:37:02.805 --> 00:37:06.980
if you're being impacted by this or not,
00:37:06.980 --> 00:37:08.640
if you haven't received notices,
00:37:08.640 --> 00:37:11.280
then you are probably not impacted.
00:37:11.280 --> 00:37:13.530
They've only been
notifying the customers
00:37:13.530 --> 00:37:18.530
who are impacted and you
can get a list of the areas,
00:37:18.700 --> 00:37:21.462
and Marine County is not one of them,
00:37:21.462 --> 00:37:25.223
but you can get that
list on the PUC website.
00:37:26.130 --> 00:37:30.743
You can also call AT&T
Corporation at 1-800-250-8949
00:37:34.000 --> 00:37:37.568
if you think you might be
impacted by this request.
00:37:37.568 --> 00:37:40.053
Are there any additional callers?
00:37:41.380 --> 00:37:42.770
Your honor,
give me just a moment.
00:37:42.770 --> 00:37:44.380
I just got the public
comment, one moment.
00:37:44.380 --> 00:37:46.460
Our next public comment comes from...
00:37:48.590 --> 00:37:49.840
David Webb.
00:37:51.980 --> 00:37:53.740
your line is open.
00:37:53.740 --> 00:37:55.200
Thank you.
00:37:55.200 --> 00:37:58.780
I'm also not living
within the impacted area.
00:37:58.780 --> 00:38:02.447
But to me, this is clearly the
camel's nose under the tent.
00:38:02.447 --> 00:38:04.530
AT&T beginning to walk away
00:38:04.530 --> 00:38:08.220
from its past history of
customer service here,
00:38:08.220 --> 00:38:11.600
and clearly consider where
the Public Utilities Commission
00:38:11.600 --> 00:38:14.490
needs to fulfill its intended
role of making sure
00:38:14.490 --> 00:38:17.050
that those of us
living here in California
00:38:17.050 --> 00:38:20.713
do continue to have
good, reliable service.
00:38:21.600 --> 00:38:23.200
Whether that will happen with Frontier,
00:38:23.200 --> 00:38:25.660
I don't think anyone can really say.
00:38:25.660 --> 00:38:27.040
It sounds like some people think
00:38:27.040 --> 00:38:30.410
that the quality of service
from them has not been good.
00:38:30.410 --> 00:38:32.560
There certainly doesn't
seem to be any penalties
00:38:32.560 --> 00:38:35.660
for poor performance by vendors
00:38:35.660 --> 00:38:38.280
nor any recourse for
individual customers
00:38:38.280 --> 00:38:40.630
when they receive poor service.
00:38:40.630 --> 00:38:42.380
And that doesn't leave
much of an incentive
00:38:42.380 --> 00:38:46.830
for someone to be anything
other than a low budget supplier.
00:38:46.830 --> 00:38:48.870
And I think that if something like this
00:38:48.870 --> 00:38:50.930
is going to be allowed to move forward,
00:38:50.930 --> 00:38:53.120
there needs to be
something more solid in place
00:38:53.120 --> 00:38:56.050
to protect users to make
sure they do continue
00:38:56.050 --> 00:38:58.640
to get the quality of
service they used to.
00:38:58.640 --> 00:39:02.120
For myself I've paid
higher rates to AT&T
00:39:02.120 --> 00:39:04.041
for the last 30 years,
00:39:04.041 --> 00:39:06.670
I've avoided the scammers
who constantly were calling,
00:39:06.670 --> 00:39:09.470
trying to slam me and switched
me to other phone vendors,
00:39:09.470 --> 00:39:11.130
even if they are cheaper
00:39:11.130 --> 00:39:14.310
because I want good
quality, reliable service,
00:39:14.310 --> 00:39:16.260
AT&T has always given it to me.
00:39:16.260 --> 00:39:19.240
It's really unfortunate they
want to abandon the field.
00:39:19.240 --> 00:39:21.600
Well, this is something
that one of their installers
00:39:21.600 --> 00:39:24.480
told me years ago was going to happen,
00:39:24.480 --> 00:39:26.020
and now it's here.
00:39:26.020 --> 00:39:28.640
I don't think it's in the
public's best interest
00:39:28.640 --> 00:39:33.640
to allow this abandonment
of quality and service
00:39:34.990 --> 00:39:37.450
for the sake of cost savings.
00:39:37.450 --> 00:39:42.010
but AT&T it's more
important that we all have
00:39:42.010 --> 00:39:44.800
and continue to have
good, reliable service
00:39:44.800 --> 00:39:47.780
and not be forced to rely on cell phones
00:39:47.780 --> 00:39:50.560
whose voice quality is terrible
00:39:50.560 --> 00:39:52.280
and its reliability is questionable,
00:39:52.280 --> 00:39:54.260
especially in areas like I live
00:39:54.260 --> 00:39:56.320
where the power is frequently out.
00:39:56.320 --> 00:39:58.440
And, or we were subject to fires
00:39:58.440 --> 00:40:00.240
and cell towers simply aren't the same
00:40:00.240 --> 00:40:01.953
as they are in larger urban areas.
00:40:03.290 --> 00:40:04.870
Please give this serious thought.
00:40:04.870 --> 00:40:06.860
I appreciate your public hearing on this
00:40:06.860 --> 00:40:08.083
and thank you very much.
00:40:09.300 --> 00:40:10.133
00:40:10.133 --> 00:40:10.966
Thank you.
00:40:11.882 --> 00:40:14.920
Do we have any additional callers?
00:40:14.920 --> 00:40:15.753
I currently have
00:40:15.753 --> 00:40:18.410
no additional public
comments, your honor.
00:40:18.410 --> 00:40:21.373
Okay, it sounds like
then we are wrapping up.
00:40:22.290 --> 00:40:25.310
I would like to hear it,
if Commissioner Houck
00:40:25.310 --> 00:40:28.620
or Commissioner Rechtschaffen
have any comments
00:40:28.620 --> 00:40:31.970
that they would like to close with?
00:40:34.890 --> 00:40:36.360
Thank you, Judge McKinney.
00:40:36.360 --> 00:40:39.170
I wanted to say thank you again to you,
00:40:39.170 --> 00:40:41.660
to staff and all of the parties,
00:40:41.660 --> 00:40:44.610
as well as the public
for their participation.
00:40:44.610 --> 00:40:47.200
We do know that as I noted earlier,
00:40:47.200 --> 00:40:50.400
that the public has raised
a number of concerns
00:40:50.400 --> 00:40:52.820
and I hope that this meeting tonight
00:40:52.820 --> 00:40:55.070
has provided some additional information
00:40:55.070 --> 00:40:56.780
through the presentation.
00:40:56.780 --> 00:41:01.780
And we've given you contact
numbers for who to reach out to
00:41:01.900 --> 00:41:04.460
if you have additional
questions or concerns,
00:41:04.460 --> 00:41:06.430
and I would encourage you to do that,
00:41:06.430 --> 00:41:08.970
to get your questions answered.
00:41:08.970 --> 00:41:12.533
And again, thank everyone
for participating this evening.
00:41:14.180 --> 00:41:15.770
you, Commissioner.
00:41:15.770 --> 00:41:17.283
And Commissioner Rechtschaffen?
00:41:18.403 --> 00:41:19.950
Judge McKinney,
thank you very much.
00:41:19.950 --> 00:41:21.540
I don't have any closing comments.
00:41:21.540 --> 00:41:25.180
I wanna echo my
appreciation to you, to staff,
00:41:25.180 --> 00:41:27.310
to the parties and to
the public for coming
00:41:27.310 --> 00:41:30.553
to tonight's meeting and
helping make it possible.
00:41:32.180 --> 00:41:34.019
Thank you, Commissioner.
00:41:34.019 --> 00:41:37.630
So on behalf of myself
and all the Commissioners,
00:41:37.630 --> 00:41:41.280
I wanna thank everyone
for participating today.
00:41:41.280 --> 00:41:42.910
I realized that there were other things
00:41:42.910 --> 00:41:44.880
that you might want to
do with your free time,
00:41:44.880 --> 00:41:48.260
and I really do appreciate
hearing from you
00:41:48.260 --> 00:41:49.843
and hearing your concerns.
00:41:51.520 --> 00:41:52.990
I also want to thank the parties
00:41:52.990 --> 00:41:56.300
for their very useful
presentations today.
00:41:56.300 --> 00:41:58.180
And of course, everyone here
00:41:58.180 --> 00:42:03.180
who has worked on the
remote hearing facilities,
00:42:03.240 --> 00:42:08.240
our court reporters, the IT
and the Public Advisor's Office.
00:42:11.030 --> 00:42:14.490
This concludes the
public participation hearing
00:42:14.490 --> 00:42:17.670
for the AT&T Corporation requests
00:42:17.670 --> 00:42:20.660
to discontinue residential service.
00:42:20.660 --> 00:42:22.073
We are off the record.
00:42:22.940 --> 00:42:23.773
Thank you.