WEBVTT 00:00:00.040 --> 00:00:06.099 All right. Good morning 00:00:06.099 --> 00:00:11.250 I'm gonna call to order. I'm gonna call to order docket 00:00:11.250 --> 00:00:18.109 52321. This is the ERCOT Subchapter M case 00:00:18.120 --> 00:00:22.309 M is in money. Lots of money. This a pre hearing 00:00:22.309 --> 00:00:25.510 conference being held on August 23, 2021. My name 00:00:25.510 --> 00:00:29.230 is Hunter Burkholder. Let me begin by taking appearances, 00:00:29.230 --> 00:00:32.479 and let's start with ERCOT please. Good morning. Your 00:00:32.479 --> 00:00:36.969 honor. Ron Moss and Elliott Clark on behalf of ERCOT. And 00:00:36.969 --> 00:00:40.219 I'll just, rather than, I'll just call folks out. 00:00:40.219 --> 00:00:44.049 TAIEC. Good morning your honor, Katie Coleman, Michael 00:00:44.049 --> 00:00:48.539 Macmillan and John Harvard for TAEIC 00:00:48.539 --> 00:00:51.719 Just Energy and associated companies. Good morning 00:00:51.719 --> 00:00:54.740 your honor. Kathy Webking and Stephanie Cover for Just 00:00:54.740 --> 00:00:56.840 Energy. 00:00:56.840 --> 00:00:59.240 NRG 00:00:59.240 --> 00:01:02.079 Good morning. Your honor. Andrea Stover, Christina Rollins 00:01:02.090 --> 00:01:06.909 Patrick Leahy and London Low for NRG. City of Garland. 00:01:10.540 --> 00:01:14.750 D. C. Energy 00:01:14.750 --> 00:01:19.180 City of Austin. Good morning your honor. Thomas Mercado on behalf of 00:01:19.180 --> 00:01:23.040 City of Austin. 00:01:23.040 --> 00:01:26.750 Coalition of Competitive Reps. Good morning. Your honor 00:01:26.760 --> 00:01:31.719 (indistinct) Coalition of Competitive Reps. 00:01:31.719 --> 00:01:36.370 L. C. R. A. Lee Sebastian and Emily Jolly for LCRA 00:01:36.370 --> 00:01:44.640 Aggregate Renewables. 00:01:44.640 --> 00:01:47.709 Excelon. Good morning. Your honor. Megan Brookes 00:01:47.719 --> 00:01:52.140 for Excelon. 00:01:52.140 --> 00:01:56.239 Shell. 00:01:56.239 --> 00:01:59.879 I don't know how you say it, Jexa? Gexa Energy? 00:01:59.879 --> 00:02:02.650 Good morning. I'm Tracey Davis here on behalf of Gexa. 00:02:03.650 --> 00:02:09.340 And is it Gexa? Okay, thank you. 00:02:09.340 --> 00:02:14.750 Energy Trading Institute. City of Denton 00:02:15.939 --> 00:02:18.250 Good morning. Your honor. (indistinct) from the city. 00:02:21.139 --> 00:02:26.039 City of Georgetown. Your honor, (indistinct) Barnes. 00:02:26.039 --> 00:02:28.580 City of Lubbock. 00:02:28.580 --> 00:02:37.539 Also here for Garland. For who? Garland. Okay. 00:02:37.539 --> 00:02:43.039 BP Energy. 00:02:43.039 --> 00:02:46.340 E. D. F. Energy 00:02:46.340 --> 00:02:49.560 CitiGroup. Your honor did you say EDF Energy Services?e 00:02:49.569 --> 00:02:53.340 Yes sir. James Guy. 00:02:53.340 --> 00:02:59.639 Citigroup. Texas Retail Energy? 00:02:59.639 --> 00:03:02.830 Luminant. Good morning, your honor. Bill Moore and Melissa 00:03:02.830 --> 00:03:05.949 Lorber, Mike Ryan and Chris Kirby for Luminant Energy 00:03:06.740 --> 00:03:10.550 Tenaska Power Services and associated companies. 00:03:10.560 --> 00:03:13.560 Good morning, your honor. Barton Ford and Tim Miller for Tenaska. 00:03:17.039 --> 00:03:21.539 Advanced Power Alliance 00:03:21.539 --> 00:03:25.639 Golden Spread. Yes, your honor. Good morning, Todd Kimbrough. 00:03:25.639 --> 00:03:29.939 Here for Goldenspread. 00:03:29.939 --> 00:03:33.870 Texpo Power. Good morning your honor, James Guy on behalf of 00:03:33.870 --> 00:03:36.539 Texpo Power. 00:03:36.539 --> 00:03:41.039 Saracen Energy West? 00:03:41.039 --> 00:03:44.699 Tara Foreign Power Operating. Carrie Collier Brown 00:03:44.699 --> 00:03:50.340 and Matt Art for Tera Foreign. 00:03:50.340 --> 00:03:54.280 Calpine. Morning, Chris Reader and Miguel Suazo 00:03:54.289 --> 00:03:57.560 from Blackwell for Calpine and also Diana Woodman Hammett 00:03:57.939 --> 00:04:02.610 with Calpine (indistinct). Rayburn country? Good morning 00:04:02.610 --> 00:04:07.110 your honor. Emma Hand, Justin Mirrorball and Grace Dixon 00:04:07.120 --> 00:04:10.830 for Raburn Country Electrical Cooperative. East Texas Electric 00:04:10.830 --> 00:04:14.520 Co op. Good morning, your honor. Jacob Lawler for East Texas 00:04:14.520 --> 00:04:20.240 Electric Cooperative. OPA. 00:04:20.240 --> 00:04:24.079 Office of Public Utility Council? 00:04:24.079 --> 00:04:27.740 Ennel Trading North America. 00:04:27.740 --> 00:04:36.319 Gary Coleman Brown and Matt Heart for Ennel. 00:04:36.319 --> 00:04:40.750 NG Resources and NG Energy Marketing. Good 00:04:40.750 --> 00:04:44.639 morning, your honor. Stephen Mack for NG. 00:04:44.639 --> 00:04:49.199 South Texas Electric co op. Good morning your 00:04:49.199 --> 00:04:52.410 honor, Jennifer Littlefield and Carlos Carrasco on 00:04:52.410 --> 00:05:00.540 behalf of South Texas Electric. Morgan Stanley. 00:05:00.540 --> 00:05:03.639 Vital Inc. 00:05:03.639 --> 00:05:09.430 RWE Renewables America? Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust? 00:05:09.430 --> 00:05:12.209 Good morning your honor. Whitney Blanton and 00:05:12.209 --> 00:05:18.339 Mike Rice on behalf of Texas Treasury. 00:05:18.339 --> 00:05:22.839 AEP Energy partners. 00:05:22.839 --> 00:05:26.529 Staff. Good morning your honor. Eleanor D. Ambrosio 00:05:26.529 --> 00:05:30.360 and Floyd Walker for Commission staff. And have I missed 00:05:30.360 --> 00:05:34.639 anybody who's here and who I didn't call on? 00:05:34.639 --> 00:05:37.629 All right, thank you. All Good morning. Welcome. Thanks 00:05:37.629 --> 00:05:42.040 for being here bright and early. 00:05:42.040 --> 00:05:45.209 I want to talk about admission of exhibits. I don't 00:05:45.220 --> 00:05:47.990 think I have any objections. I'm just gonna go through 00:05:47.990 --> 00:05:52.759 each set of exhibits. And the only ones that I think 00:05:52.769 --> 00:05:56.620 that the deadline for objecting has not passed are ERCOT 00:05:56.620 --> 00:06:01.240 rebuttal exhibits 8, 9, and 10. So, let's 00:06:01.240 --> 00:06:04.240 start with the ERCOT exhibit. Is there any objection 00:06:04.240 --> 00:06:09.240 to ERCOT exhibits 1 through 10? 00:06:09.240 --> 00:06:14.939 They're all admitted. 00:06:14.939 --> 00:06:18.120 And I'm assuming you were all offering him. I'm treating 00:06:18.120 --> 00:06:22.759 it as if you were all offering them. NRG Energy 00:06:23.839 --> 00:06:27.290 Yes, sir. Jsut want to clarify that there is an 00:06:27.290 --> 00:06:30.649 objection to the (indistinct) the testimony. 00:06:32.339 --> 00:06:37.889 Okay, that's in 522. And we'll get to that on the 00:06:37.899 --> 00:06:40.279 prehearing for five, I'm aware of that and we'll get 00:06:40.279 --> 00:06:43.629 to that. All right. So, if I didn't say at all of 00:06:43.639 --> 00:06:47.689 ERCOTs exhibits one through 10 are admitted. NRG 00:06:47.699 --> 00:06:51.800 Energy inc has offered NRG exhibits 1 and 2. Is 00:06:51.800 --> 00:06:56.420 there any objection to either of those exhibits? 00:06:56.420 --> 00:06:59.339 They're all admitted. 00:06:59.339 --> 00:07:03.829 City of Austin has offered 1 and 2. Any objection 00:07:03.829 --> 00:07:11.839 to either of those? They're all admitted 00:07:11.839 --> 00:07:16.160 Calpine Corporation has offered one through 8? Any objections? 00:07:17.139 --> 00:07:19.930 Your honor, not objecting to my own exhibits. But 00:07:19.939 --> 00:07:22.449 I do want to point out that our exhibit seven and 8 00:07:22.839 --> 00:07:27.300 are also duplicative of the NRG exhibits. So you don't 00:07:27.300 --> 00:07:30.759 need to clutter the record with duplicated exhibits, I'm happy to 00:07:30.759 --> 00:07:33.779 not submit. That was seven and eight. Yes, sir. 00:07:33.779 --> 00:07:37.709 Thank you. I have noticed that on some others, so I encourage 00:07:37.709 --> 00:07:40.620 everybody to do the same thing you've just done, that's 00:07:40.629 --> 00:07:44.220 helpful, thanks. We're striking seven and 8 from 00:07:44.220 --> 00:07:47.740 Calpine and then so we just have Calpine exhibits one 00:07:47.740 --> 00:07:54.639 through six. Any objection? They're admitted? 00:07:54.639 --> 00:07:56.540 00:07:56.540 --> 00:07:59.550 Rayburn Country has one exhibit, testimony of Julie 00:07:59.560 --> 00:08:06.639 Carey. Any objection? It's admitted. 00:08:06.639 --> 00:08:09.589 Commission staff has three exhibits. Is there 00:08:09.589 --> 00:08:12.949 any objection to any of them? They are all admitted. 00:08:13.540 --> 00:08:19.139 Have I missed anybody's exhibits in 52321? 00:08:19.139 --> 00:08:24.300 All right, that takes care of that. Well, I don't think 00:08:24.300 --> 00:08:26.439 there's any pending motions. Have I missed anything 00:08:26.439 --> 00:08:30.240 there? Anybody have any pending motion? 00:08:30.240 --> 00:08:35.059 Okay. I don't know if this realistic or not. But 00:08:35.059 --> 00:08:38.389 is it possible that we could reach 00:08:38.389 --> 00:08:42.230 an agreement on waving cross on any witnesses. And 00:08:42.240 --> 00:08:46.210 so what I'm gonna do is just if you think you wish 00:08:46.220 --> 00:08:50.320 to cross examine the witnesses, just raise your 00:08:50.320 --> 00:08:53.440 hand. That's fine. I'm just trying to identify if there's 00:08:53.440 --> 00:08:57.440 any witnesses we can release, and don't need to 00:08:57.450 --> 00:09:00.009 call at the hearing on the merits, I'm assuming probably 00:09:00.009 --> 00:09:03.529 not for ERCOT, but fingers crossed. Let's see. 00:09:03.590 --> 00:09:07.559 Do folks want to enter a cross examine Mr Ogleman? 00:09:08.940 --> 00:09:14.269 Just raise your hand if so. Okay, fair enough. Atkins. Raise 00:09:14.269 --> 00:09:18.870 your hand if anybody wants to...? Wow. All right. So are 00:09:18.870 --> 00:09:22.139 we free to cut Mr. Atkins loose and we've admitted 00:09:22.139 --> 00:09:24.580 his testimony and there's no need for him to appear 00:09:24.580 --> 00:09:28.840 on the hearing on the merits? 00:09:28.840 --> 00:09:31.629 Yes, your honor. I'm just going to point out the obvious 00:09:31.629 --> 00:09:34.779 is that he'll need to be here for 52322. 00:09:34.830 --> 00:09:38.539 We have just called 21, and that's what we're 00:09:38.539 --> 00:09:46.309 talking about right now. So, as to 52321, Mr Atkins 00:09:46.320 --> 00:09:50.230 is done. And need not appear unless you feel 00:09:50.230 --> 00:09:53.090 the need to call in for rebuttal. But we will not 00:09:53.100 --> 00:09:56.470 present him. You need not swear him in. You need not 00:09:56.470 --> 00:09:59.649 have him stand by his direct testimony. It's admitted. 00:10:00.639 --> 00:10:03.000 The only question your honor is do we know whether 00:10:03.000 --> 00:10:07.039 the Commissioners will have questions of him? 00:10:07.039 --> 00:10:16.549 Well, keep him handy. Sean Taylor. Okay, fair enough. 00:10:18.419 --> 00:10:24.940 NRG witness Bill Barnes. 00:10:24.940 --> 00:10:30.649 Same deal. We will not plan on calling him for 00:10:30.649 --> 00:10:34.240 cross examination unless the Commissioners may have 00:10:34.240 --> 00:10:39.440 a question for him. 00:10:39.440 --> 00:10:41.340 Okay. 00:10:41.340 --> 00:10:48.610 City of Austin. No witnesses. Calpine, Steve Schlemmer. 00:10:48.620 --> 00:10:51.139 00:10:51.139 --> 00:10:53.940 Same deal. No need to call him unless the Commissioners 00:10:53.940 --> 00:10:57.240 have questions for him. 00:10:57.240 --> 00:11:05.240 Julie Carey for Raburn Country. 00:11:05.240 --> 00:11:07.269 We may have a shorter hearing than I thought we were 00:11:07.269 --> 00:11:12.639 going to have. Same deal. No need to hear from 00:11:12.639 --> 00:11:14.659 her unless the Commissioners want to hear from her. 00:11:15.139 --> 00:11:19.639 And then Darrell Tietjen for staff. 00:11:19.639 --> 00:11:22.360 All right. Same deal. Have I missed any witnesses? 00:11:23.440 --> 00:11:25.750 No witnesses that I'm aware of your honor. But I do 00:11:25.750 --> 00:11:28.720 have, Sean Walsh for ERCOT. I do have one issue 00:11:28.720 --> 00:11:31.409 that I wanted to present for your consideration. We 00:11:31.409 --> 00:11:36.830 have Mr Ogleman and Mr Taylor and I know that there 00:11:36.840 --> 00:11:39.620 I guess there's a little, a few questions for them 00:11:39.620 --> 00:11:42.220 and maybe for the Commissioners, there's no real easy 00:11:42.220 --> 00:11:45.230 demarcation between where one of their testimony ends 00:11:45.230 --> 00:11:49.830 and the other begins, the Treasury versus the the settlement. 00:11:49.929 --> 00:11:53.120 If you wish for them to appear as a panel, we're happy 00:11:53.129 --> 00:11:56.889 for them to do so they can field questions and punt 00:11:56.889 --> 00:11:59.320 questions to each other. If you don't wish to that, 00:11:59.330 --> 00:12:02.799 that's okay too. But I think it might be more helpful 00:12:02.799 --> 00:12:06.269 for the Commissioners if they were able to hear them 00:12:06.279 --> 00:12:10.549 at the same time rather than having them come up one 00:12:10.549 --> 00:12:12.639 at a time. 00:12:12.639 --> 00:12:16.860 Anybody want, does anybody have a strong feeling? 00:12:19.240 --> 00:12:24.750 I'm happy to do that. Pronounce Mr. 00:12:24.750 --> 00:12:28.340 Ogleman. It's Mr. Ogleman. 00:12:28.340 --> 00:12:31.460 It's my understanding, I probably wrong too, but yes. 00:12:32.639 --> 00:12:39.039 And Mr Taylor. 00:12:39.039 --> 00:12:42.789 So I'm receptive to that. If I forget, don't be 00:12:42.789 --> 00:12:51.840 shy about reminding me. Thank you your honor. 00:12:51.840 --> 00:12:58.129 All right. So are all the witnesses here in the 00:12:58.129 --> 00:13:02.490 room right now? Ours are. Okay. I think I'm just 00:13:02.490 --> 00:13:05.580 gonna swear in. I think I'll just swear in everybody 00:13:05.580 --> 00:13:09.710 including those folks who cross has been waived so 00:13:09.710 --> 00:13:11.870 that if the Commissioners want to talk to them, they'll 00:13:11.870 --> 00:13:17.309 be, we'll be able to do that properly. So, Mr Ogleman. 00:13:17.320 --> 00:13:19.269 I'm just going to ask you each to stand up as I 00:13:19.269 --> 00:13:23.600 call your name. Thank you. Okay, you know better than anybody. 00:13:23.600 --> 00:13:27.120 How do you pronounce your name? Okay, thank 00:13:27.120 --> 00:13:34.450 you. Atkins. Good morning. Thank you. Mr Taylor. Morning. 00:13:34.450 --> 00:13:36.539 Morning. 00:13:36.539 --> 00:13:42.700 And oh, I missed Mr Reisig before. 00:13:43.389 --> 00:13:49.340 Anybody wish to cross examine Mr Reisig. 00:13:49.340 --> 00:13:51.519 All right, well, you're sort of kind of off the hook 00:13:51.519 --> 00:13:53.740 Mr Reisig, but I'm gonna ask you to go ahead and stand 00:13:53.740 --> 00:13:55.750 up anyway, I'll swear you in case the Commissioners 00:13:55.750 --> 00:14:03.460 need to hear from you. Mr Barnes for NRG. Good morning. 00:14:07.240 --> 00:14:14.740 Mr Schlemmer. Good morning. 00:14:14.740 --> 00:14:18.240 Ms. Carey. 00:14:18.240 --> 00:14:24.429 Good morning. Mr Tietjen. Good morning. 00:14:24.509 --> 00:14:27.570 Raise your right hand, please. Do you solemnly swear and 00:14:27.570 --> 00:14:29.669 affirm that the testimony you've given in this proceeding 00:14:29.669 --> 00:14:31.679 will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but 00:14:31.679 --> 00:14:35.759 the truth. I do. Thank you all, you may be seated. 00:14:39.340 --> 00:14:43.590 Let's see you have been given the order of cross 00:14:43.600 --> 00:14:47.470 by ERCOT. Thanks for putting that together, Mr Moss. 00:14:47.480 --> 00:14:50.700 So you'll know which order will go in when that time 00:14:50.710 --> 00:14:57.200 comes. Time allotments. You know, we're really crunched 00:14:57.210 --> 00:15:00.019 on both of these cases. Although we may be less crunched 00:15:00.019 --> 00:15:03.720 on this particular case. I don't know. I don't generally 00:15:03.720 --> 00:15:06.399 like doing time allotments but I think it's unavoidable. 00:15:06.399 --> 00:15:11.590 So here's what I have come up with. Ercot 2 1⁄2 hours. 00:15:12.440 --> 00:15:18.539 TIEC 15 minutes. OPUC, 30 minutes. Staff, 40 minutes. 00:15:18.580 --> 00:15:23.730 E-Tech, 10 minutes. EDF, five minutes. Austin Energy, 00:15:23.740 --> 00:15:29.289 five minutes. Golden Spread, 10, TexBo, five. NL 00:15:29.299 --> 00:15:36.690 and Terraform, 10. South Texas, 10. L. C. R. A., 20. Tenaska 00:15:36.690 --> 00:15:45.769 15. Calpine, 30. Nrg, 30. Excelon, 15. Luminant, 20. Rayburn 00:15:45.769 --> 00:15:51.169 Country, 45. And if anybody else has anything to say, 00:15:51.169 --> 00:15:54.269 they get, that's everybody's submitted time allotment, 00:15:54.269 --> 00:15:58.529 everybody else is five minutes. Yes ma'am. Your honor 00:15:58.539 --> 00:16:02.330 for Raburn country. After reviewing the rebuttal 00:16:02.330 --> 00:16:05.470 testimony that came in Friday, we do not need 45 minutes. 00:16:06.539 --> 00:16:09.690 And in light of the waiver of cross on Ms. Carey. 00:16:10.840 --> 00:16:14.490 I would only reserve maybe five for redirect if the Commissioners 00:16:14.490 --> 00:16:18.049 have any questions? Music to my ears. Thank you. Okay 00:16:20.940 --> 00:16:27.740 so we'll give you 10. 00:16:27.740 --> 00:16:31.549 All right. In 52321 is anything else we need to talk 00:16:31.549 --> 00:16:35.200 about? Your honor, Ron Moss for ERCOT. The only other 00:16:35.200 --> 00:16:39.750 thing was that you had asked us, the applicants which 00:16:39.750 --> 00:16:43.110 is ERCOT, to put together the information about who 00:16:43.110 --> 00:16:45.549 is entitled to review confidential and highly sensitive 00:16:45.549 --> 00:16:49.830 protecting information. Let me stop you. Is my 00:16:49.830 --> 00:16:52.669 memory...? I don't think there is any confidential information 00:16:52.679 --> 00:16:57.929 in this case. Well, there is not as of this time. If 00:16:57.929 --> 00:17:01.029 someone tried to offer it and cross then it might 00:17:01.039 --> 00:17:04.339 be relevant at that time. As you say, we don't think 00:17:04.339 --> 00:17:07.279 there is any at this time. If anyone has any, then 00:17:07.289 --> 00:17:11.799 we need not go through this right now. Does 00:17:11.799 --> 00:17:16.640 anybody have any? 00:17:16.640 --> 00:17:19.160 That's solves that. Solves that problem. Thank you 00:17:20.339 --> 00:17:22.220 All right. Anything else when you talk about in this 00:17:22.220 --> 00:17:24.740 case 21? 00:17:24.740 --> 00:17:26.769 We are adjourned. Thank you very much. Give me just 00:17:26.769 --> 00:17:30.640 a minute. We'll start the second one. 00:17:30.664 --> 00:19:42.014 (indistinct chatter) 00:19:42.039 --> 00:19:45.119 Okay. Good morning again I'll call to order docket 00:19:45.130 --> 00:19:49.559 52322. This is the ERCOT case involving 00:19:49.559 --> 00:19:53.539 Subchapter N as in Nancy. This pre hearing conference is 00:19:53.549 --> 00:19:57.440 being held August 23, 2021. And again I'm Hunter 00:19:57.440 --> 00:20:00.609 Burkholder. As we did before with the other case, I'll 00:20:00.609 --> 00:20:04.380 take appearances and I'll start with ERCOT, please. 00:20:04.380 --> 00:20:09.630 Ron Moss and Elliott Clark on behalf of ERCOT. TIEC. Good morning, your honot. 00:20:09.630 --> 00:20:12.430 Katie Coleman, Michael Macmillan and John Hubbard 00:20:12.480 --> 00:20:17.660 for TIEC. Just Energy and Associated companies. Good morning 00:20:17.660 --> 00:20:22.839 your honor Kathy Webb and Stephanie Coburn on behalf of Just Energy. 00:20:22.839 --> 00:20:26.890 NRG Energy. Morning your honor. Andrea Starbrook, Christina 00:20:26.890 --> 00:20:30.440 Roland, Patrick Lake, and (indistinct) 00:20:30.440 --> 00:20:32.373 City of Garland. Good morning, your honor, 00:20:32.385 --> 00:20:34.059 Reed Barnes for the City of Garland. 00:20:34.539 --> 00:20:40.140 And Mr Barnes, you are also? 00:20:40.140 --> 00:20:43.109 City of Georgetown. City of Denton. And the city of Lubbock. 00:20:45.440 --> 00:20:47.839 Thank you. 00:20:47.839 --> 00:20:52.740 D. C. Energy Texas. 00:20:52.740 --> 00:20:54.588 City of Austin. Good morning, your honor. 00:20:54.600 --> 00:20:56.150 Thomas Mercado, the city of Austin. 00:20:56.150 --> 00:21:01.369 Coalition of Competitive Retail, the Competitive 00:21:01.369 --> 00:21:04.720 Reps. Good morning your honor. Miguel (indistinct) for 00:21:04.720 --> 00:21:08.640 the Coalition of Competitive Reps. Luminan. Good morning 00:21:08.640 --> 00:21:11.170 your honor. Bill Moore, Melissa Lorber, Chris Kirby, 00:21:11.180 --> 00:21:13.859 and Mike Rife for Lumina.t We're also appearing for 00:21:13.859 --> 00:21:17.740 the Texas Load Serving Entities. 00:21:17.740 --> 00:21:27.019 LCRA? Good morning your honor. Emily Jolly 00:21:27.029 --> 00:21:31.980 and Lee Sebastian for LCR. Excelon? Good 00:21:31.980 --> 00:21:34.240 morning your honor. Megan Griffiths and Linda Font 00:21:34.250 --> 00:21:38.769 for Excelon and Constellation New Energ. Avengrid? 00:21:41.039 --> 00:21:45.539 Shell energy? 00:21:45.539 --> 00:21:50.380 Gexa? Morning, your honor. Tracey Davis on behalf of 00:21:50.380 --> 00:21:57.339 Gexa Energy LP. Energy trading Institute? 00:21:57.339 --> 00:22:01.339 Bp Energy? 00:22:01.339 --> 00:22:04.730 EDF Energy Services? Good morning again, 00:22:04.740 --> 00:22:11.940 James Guy on behalf of EDF. City of Seguin. 00:22:11.940 --> 00:22:16.000 Ap gas and Electric? Good morning your honor. Kathy 00:22:16.000 --> 00:22:19.759 Webb King for AP Gas and Electric. Also for Southern Federal 00:22:19.769 --> 00:22:22.339 Power. 00:22:22.339 --> 00:22:32.240 Thank you Texas Retail Energy. 00:22:32.240 --> 00:22:36.359 Tanaska and associated companies. Good morning your 00:22:36.359 --> 00:22:40.430 honor, Martin Ford and Tim Mueller for Tanaska Power 00:22:40.430 --> 00:22:43.670 Services Co, not to Tanaska generally, just Tanaska 00:22:43.670 --> 00:22:49.140 Power Services Co. Thank you. Citigroup. 00:22:49.140 --> 00:22:53.099 Golden Spread. Morning, your honor. Todd Kimbrough 00:22:53.099 --> 00:22:56.440 here for Golden Spread. 00:22:56.440 --> 00:23:00.809 TexBo power. Good morning, James guy on behalf of TexBo. 00:23:00.809 --> 00:23:06.700 Calpine? First reader, in Valparaiso, with Josh Blackwell 00:23:06.710 --> 00:23:09.960 for Calpine and also joined by Diana Woodman Hammett 00:23:09.970 --> 00:23:12.859 and for tomorrow, Catherine Piper, both with CalPine. 00:23:13.339 --> 00:23:18.990 Thank you. 174 Power Global Retail Texas. Morning, your honor. 00:23:19.000 --> 00:23:22.029 Jennifer Littlefield and Carlos Carrasco on behalf 00:23:22.029 --> 00:23:25.240 of 174 Power. 00:23:25.240 --> 00:23:28.730 We are also here on behalf of South Texas Electric 00:23:28.730 --> 00:23:32.240 Cooperative. 00:23:32.240 --> 00:23:34.740 Thank you. 00:23:34.740 --> 00:23:37.460 You said you said South Texas Electric co op, right? 00:23:38.039 --> 00:23:43.039 Yes. Okay. 00:23:43.039 --> 00:23:46.630 Rayburn Country Electric Co Op. Good morning your honor. 00:23:46.859 --> 00:23:51.420 Emma Hand, Justin Miracle and Grace Dixon on behalf 00:23:51.420 --> 00:23:54.859 of Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative. East Texas 00:23:54.869 --> 00:23:58.359 Electric Co op? Good morning your honor. Jacob Roller 00:23:58.369 --> 00:24:02.140 on behalf of East Texas Cooperative. Office of Public 00:24:02.140 --> 00:24:05.460 Utility council? 00:24:05.460 --> 00:24:09.630 NG Resources and NGEnergy marketing. 00:24:09.630 --> 00:24:13.140 Good morning your honor. (indistinct) 00:24:13.140 --> 00:24:17.039 Morgan Stanley Capital? 00:24:17.039 --> 00:24:20.230 Vital Inc? 00:24:20.230 --> 00:24:23.640 AEP Energy Partners? 00:24:23.640 --> 00:24:26.460 Commission staff? Good morning your honor. Eleanor D 00:24:26.460 --> 00:24:29.269 Ambrosio and Floyd Walker on behalf of Commission staff. 00:24:32.140 --> 00:24:35.450 Have I missed anybody? I'm sorry I don't think I heard you. 00:24:35.450 --> 00:24:37.900 Adam Goodman, Tucker Pirlo with the office of 00:24:37.910 --> 00:24:41.640 Public Utility Counsel. 00:24:41.640 --> 00:24:43.940 Thank you. 00:24:43.940 --> 00:24:47.140 Anybody else? 00:24:47.140 --> 00:24:50.039 Welcome to you all. 00:24:50.039 --> 00:24:55.690 I have a pending motion from the TXULSEs 00:24:55.690 --> 00:25:01.369 and Luminant. A very reasonable request. That 00:25:01.380 --> 00:25:05.839 unfortunately we can't honor. The request was to see 00:25:05.839 --> 00:25:08.759 if we could conditionally start at 9:00 tomorrow morning 00:25:08.769 --> 00:25:14.730 if 21 finishes early. Could we start 22 early? 00:25:14.740 --> 00:25:18.750 And after talking with Commission counsel. 00:25:18.759 --> 00:25:22.240 This is an open meeting with Commission. It's posted 00:25:22.250 --> 00:25:25.339 for a certain time and we can't change that time. So 00:25:25.339 --> 00:25:28.450 unfortunately we can't, we're gonna start at 1:00 tomorrow. 00:25:28.450 --> 00:25:31.170 We can't deviate from that so that motion 00:25:31.640 --> 00:25:36.789 is denied. Understood. Thank you. Are there, 00:25:36.789 --> 00:25:39.460 I know I have a discovery motion. I'll get to that 00:25:39.470 --> 00:25:44.660 Evidentiary motion. I'll get to that when we 00:25:44.670 --> 00:25:47.309 deal with the exhibits. Is there any other pending 00:25:47.309 --> 00:25:49.849 motion? I don't think there is. But have I missed anything? 00:25:52.240 --> 00:25:56.750 All right, let's go to the admission of exhibits. ERCOT 00:25:56.759 --> 00:26:01.559 has offered one through nine. Is there any objection 00:26:01.569 --> 00:26:05.349 to those? Any of those exhibits? They're all admitted. 00:26:08.839 --> 00:26:14.140 TIEC Exhibit one. Any objection.? 00:26:14.140 --> 00:26:16.640 Let's admit it. 00:26:16.640 --> 00:26:23.730 Just Energy exhibits 1 through 4, 5A, 5B, annd 6 through 00:26:23.730 --> 00:26:26.940 7. Any objections? 00:26:26.940 --> 00:26:31.420 They're all admitted. 00:26:31.420 --> 00:26:36.789 NRG energy INC. has offered NRG one and 00:26:36.799 --> 00:26:42.910 2. Is there any objection? They're admitted 00:26:42.910 --> 00:26:47.140 City of Austin 1. Any objection? 00:26:47.140 --> 00:26:50.940 It's admitted. 00:26:50.940 --> 00:26:57.009 Alright. TXU, LSEs, and Luminant Energy. I have 00:26:57.009 --> 00:26:59.420 read the objections. I've read the responses. I've 00:26:59.420 --> 00:27:02.819 read the case law. I've reac the SOAH orders. I've given 00:27:02.819 --> 00:27:05.589 a great deal of thought and I'm going to sustain the 00:27:05.589 --> 00:27:11.250 objections to the, all of the objections to the testimony 00:27:11.250 --> 00:27:16.750 of Ms. Fraiser because the exhibits are only referenced 00:27:16.759 --> 00:27:20.339 in the portions of Ms. Frasier's testimony that I'm 00:27:20.339 --> 00:27:24.410 striking. I'm also striking the exhibits and I'm striking 00:27:24.410 --> 00:27:28.740 the testimony of Mr, I guess it's Dr Spindler. I 00:27:28.740 --> 00:27:33.039 think all that reads as a legal brief. It's not evidence, 00:27:33.049 --> 00:27:36.910 it's the discussion of law. And so I'm sustaining the 00:27:36.910 --> 00:27:44.670 objection, so with that Exhibit 3 is not admitted. 00:27:45.339 --> 00:27:52.539 Beyond, well also I notice that exhibit 4 is 00:27:52.539 --> 00:27:57.210 a duplicate of staff exhibit 4. I'm sorry, where is 00:27:57.220 --> 00:28:02.920 Luminant Energy's counsel. I'm sorry. Are you okay 00:28:02.920 --> 00:28:06.190 with withdrawing 4? I'm fine. Yeah, we can use 4, we'll 00:28:06.190 --> 00:28:08.759 just use staff's 4. Okay, so we'll do that. We're 00:28:08.759 --> 00:28:13.759 not gonna admit 4-- Your honor, may we talk about the Amanda 00:28:13.759 --> 00:28:16.440 Fraser exhibit-- Sure --and Professor Spindler just 00:28:16.440 --> 00:28:19.529 momentarily. Understand your ruling, we would like to 00:28:19.529 --> 00:28:22.690 make an offer of proof. We can do that either, we can 00:28:22.700 --> 00:28:26.630 do that today for Professor Spindler because that testimony 00:28:26.630 --> 00:28:30.740 stands on its own. For Amanda Frazier's testimony since 00:28:30.740 --> 00:28:33.150 your honor is striking pieces of it, we will need to 00:28:33.150 --> 00:28:35.670 make an offer of proof for those pieces that are stricken. 00:28:36.039 --> 00:28:38.259 We can do that tomorrow before the hearing starts so 00:28:38.259 --> 00:28:42.710 that we have that exhibit in front of you. I can't 00:28:42.710 --> 00:28:44.779 do that today because I don't have that exhibit prepared. 00:28:45.029 --> 00:28:50.279 That's fine. I will, just do it. I recommend you work 00:28:50.289 --> 00:28:52.880 with court reporter to do that at a time you find 00:28:52.880 --> 00:28:59.170 convenient during the break. Thank you. So is 00:28:59.170 --> 00:29:02.089 there any objection to the admission of Ms. Frazier's 00:29:02.099 --> 00:29:06.359 testimony? Which is one as modified by my ruling? 00:29:07.740 --> 00:29:15.240 It's admitted. 00:29:15.240 --> 00:29:21.720 Any objection to 2? It's admitted. And so I'm sure 00:29:21.720 --> 00:29:24.180 you're aware of it. You'll have to have ready 00:29:24.190 --> 00:29:30.079 a modified exhibit that conforms my ruling by the beginning 00:29:30.079 --> 00:29:35.240 of the hearing tomorrow. Yes, correct. 00:29:35.240 --> 00:29:38.690 All right. Coalition of Competitive Reps, exhibit one. 00:29:38.690 --> 00:29:41.039 Any objection? 00:29:41.039 --> 00:29:43.740 It's admitted. 00:29:43.740 --> 00:29:47.690 LCRA and LCRA WSC Energies exhibit 00:29:47.700 --> 00:29:55.099 one. Any objection? It's admitted. Excelon Generation 00:29:55.099 --> 00:29:59.859 Companies exhibits one and 2. Any objection? They're 00:29:59.859 --> 00:30:02.039 admitted? 00:30:02.039 --> 00:30:04.140 00:30:04.140 --> 00:30:09.000 Calpine has offered one through eight. Your honor, 00:30:09.000 --> 00:30:11.750 similarly to the last docket, our exhibits five through 00:30:11.750 --> 00:30:16.430 8 are duplicative of the NRG exhibit two. So we would 00:30:16.440 --> 00:30:21.079 withdraw our proferred exhibits fight through 8. Thank 00:30:21.079 --> 00:30:23.640 you for that. 00:30:23.640 --> 00:30:26.960 So, is there any objection to Calpine one through four? 00:30:27.839 --> 00:30:32.240 They are admitted. 00:30:32.240 --> 00:30:37.549 Rayburn Country 1 and 2. Any objection? They're admitted 00:30:41.039 --> 00:30:44.849 Commission staff exhibits one through 5. Any objections? 00:30:46.539 --> 00:30:50.150 They're all admitted. Have I missed anybody's evidence? 00:30:51.740 --> 00:30:59.640 Okay, that takes care of that. 00:30:59.640 --> 00:31:04.180 Let's do our same exercise on waiver of cross. 00:31:07.940 --> 00:31:14.640 Do folks want to cross Mr Ogleman? 00:31:14.640 --> 00:31:21.839 I see some hands. Yes. Atkins? Okay. Taylor? 00:31:21.839 --> 00:31:28.990 Okay. That's it for them. Your honor, would 00:31:28.990 --> 00:31:31.750 it be acceptable for you if we also brought Mr. Ogleman 00:31:31.759 --> 00:31:34.980 and Mr Taylor up at the same time in this docket 00:31:34.980 --> 00:31:37.160 as well? I think it's going to be the same issue. Maybe 00:31:37.170 --> 00:31:40.579 not more. Okay, that's fine with me. And just help 00:31:40.579 --> 00:31:43.750 me remember that when the time comes. Thank you. Make 00:31:43.750 --> 00:31:48.539 a note of that. 00:31:48.539 --> 00:31:55.670 That was Taylor, right? Ogleman and Taylor. Yes 00:31:55.670 --> 00:32:03.440 your honor. 00:32:03.440 --> 00:32:07.240 All right. Does anybody wish to cross examine the 00:32:07.250 --> 00:32:11.740 TIECs witness, Charles Griffey? 00:32:11.740 --> 00:32:14.039 All right.. 00:32:14.039 --> 00:32:20.440 Just Energies witness. Michael Carter? 00:32:20.440 --> 00:32:24.740 Okay, thank you. 00:32:24.740 --> 00:32:32.839 NRG Energy's witness Bill Barnes. 00:32:32.839 --> 00:32:38.640 Thank you. 00:32:38.640 --> 00:32:43.670 TXU LSE's and Luminet witness Miss Frasier. 00:32:44.940 --> 00:32:50.140 Thank you. And witness Matthew Parker. 00:32:50.140 --> 00:32:52.940 Thank you. 00:32:52.940 --> 00:33:00.549 Popular. Alright. Coalition of Competitive Reps 00:33:00.549 --> 00:33:06.420 Witness, Vanished Priestly. Thanks you. We're not having 00:33:06.420 --> 00:33:11.240 the luck in this case. 00:33:11.240 --> 00:33:16.839 Excelon Generation's witness, William Berg. Thank 00:33:16.839 --> 00:33:22.000 you. And Laurie Simpson? Thank you. Your honor. We would 00:33:22.000 --> 00:33:24.759 ask for the same request that ERCOT did, if we could put 00:33:24.759 --> 00:33:27.460 our witnesses up on a panel if that's okay. 00:33:28.240 --> 00:33:31.420 I'm sorry. And you're Excelon? That's correct. Okay 00:33:31.430 --> 00:33:35.690 Berg and Simpson together. Anybody have a problem with 00:33:35.690 --> 00:33:39.039 that? 00:33:39.039 --> 00:33:55.740 We'll do that. Help me remember please. 00:33:55.740 --> 00:34:00.339 00:34:00.339 --> 00:34:08.860 For Calpine, Steve Schlammer. Thank you. For Raburn Country 00:34:08.869 --> 00:34:13.539 Julie Carey. 00:34:13.539 --> 00:34:21.230 We found one. So same deal as before. Unless 00:34:21.230 --> 00:34:23.909 Commission has questions of Miss Carey is no need 00:34:23.909 --> 00:34:28.860 to present her. David Braun also for Rayburn Country. 00:34:30.539 --> 00:34:32.639 Thank you. 00:34:32.639 --> 00:34:38.440 For Commission staff, Darryl Tietjen. 00:34:38.440 --> 00:34:45.039 Wow. All right then. Same deal for for Mr. Tietjen. 00:34:45.050 --> 00:34:48.590 He need only appear if the Commission has questions 00:34:48.590 --> 00:34:51.840 for him. 00:34:51.840 --> 00:34:55.150 oh and here in this case, we also have her staff Carrie 00:34:55.150 --> 00:34:58.070 Bivens. 00:34:58.070 --> 00:35:05.159 Rebecca Zerwas. Thank you. All right. Well that 00:35:05.159 --> 00:35:09.539 wasn't as good an exercise as before. 00:35:09.539 --> 00:35:12.739 Okay. 00:35:12.739 --> 00:35:15.539 Let me go ahead and swear those witnessesin. Yes, ma'am? Your 00:35:15.539 --> 00:35:19.489 honor. Just for clarity of record and process. ERCOT 00:35:19.489 --> 00:35:21.920 has rebuttal, the same witnesses are on direct 00:35:21.920 --> 00:35:25.199 and rebuttal. Are we planning to do direct first and 00:35:25.199 --> 00:35:29.260 then come back to rebuttal at the end? We're 00:35:29.269 --> 00:35:32.150 happy to put our witnesses up just once. If that's 00:35:32.150 --> 00:35:35.699 acceptable to others. If you want to put them up twice, 00:35:35.699 --> 00:35:38.139 we'll put them up twice. 00:35:38.139 --> 00:35:40.739 You have a preference Ms. Webbking? I would go with the 00:35:40.739 --> 00:35:44.739 will of the group. I'm just so worried about time that 00:35:44.750 --> 00:35:47.530 I just as soon get it all done in one go. If 00:35:47.539 --> 00:35:51.969 we can. And if that makes any anybody uncomfortable, 00:35:51.969 --> 00:35:55.219 speak now or forever hold your peace. Okay? 00:35:55.230 --> 00:35:57.809 We'll do that. We'll just put them up for all. We'll 00:35:57.809 --> 00:36:00.309 put them up for direct and rebuttal at the same time. Yes, 00:36:00.929 --> 00:36:04.250 your honor for the TXU LSEs, Bill Moore. In the interest 00:36:04.250 --> 00:36:06.820 of time. If you want to put our two witnesses up together 00:36:06.820 --> 00:36:09.630 as a panel, we're fine with that. I'm gonna stop taking 00:36:09.630 --> 00:36:14.389 notes. I'm receptive to the idea. So as a party comea 00:36:14.389 --> 00:36:16.619 forward. If they want to do it that way. I'm receptive 00:36:16.630 --> 00:36:19.630 to it. Just raise it at that time. We'll handle it 00:36:19.630 --> 00:36:22.440 that way. Now I'm gonna swear in all the witnesses 00:36:22.440 --> 00:36:25.889 So if you'd stand up as I call your name please. Mr 00:36:25.889 --> 00:36:31.130 Ogleman. Mr Atkins. 00:36:31.130 --> 00:36:37.030 Mr Taylor 00:36:37.030 --> 00:36:40.230 Mr Griffey. Your honor, Mr Griffey is coming in from 00:36:40.230 --> 00:36:45.210 out of town, he won't be here until tomorrow. Have a seat 00:36:45.219 --> 00:36:47.579 for now. Thank you. Do we have everybody here for this 00:36:47.579 --> 00:36:51.360 case? We might not have everybody. If we don't. 00:36:51.369 --> 00:36:54.730 Your honor, our witness supposedly is in the building according 00:36:54.730 --> 00:36:56.949 to his last text but he's on his way up. So he's not 00:36:56.960 --> 00:36:59.960 in the courtroom, but-- All right. I'm not gonna do it 00:36:59.969 --> 00:37:06.289 piecemeal. So we'll just handle that tomorrow. 00:37:06.289 --> 00:37:14.239 Time allotments. Here you go. ERCOT, 2.5 hours. 00:37:15.030 --> 00:37:20.630 TIEC, 10 minutes. Staff, two hours. EDF, 10 00:37:20.630 --> 00:37:25.190 minutes. Austin Energy, five minutes. Golden spread, 10 00:37:25.190 --> 00:37:32.829 minutes. TexBo, 10. Stack, 10. LCRA, 10. Tamaska, 00:37:32.840 --> 00:37:42.010 10. Calpine, 20. NRG, 20. Excelon, 20. Just Energy 00:37:42.019 --> 00:37:44.230 30. 00:37:44.230 --> 00:37:54.650 NG, 10. 174 Power, 10. Shell, 10. Coalition Competitive 00:37:54.650 --> 00:38:00.920 Reps, 10. The TXEs and Luminant, 10. Cities 00:38:00.920 --> 00:38:07.019 of Garland, Georgetown, Lubbock, 10.Rayburn Country, 00:38:07.019 --> 00:38:16.420 30 Everybody else? 35 minutes. 00:38:16.420 --> 00:38:22.250 You have the order of testimony for this case as well? Okay. 00:38:22.619 --> 00:38:25.059 Is there anything else we need to talk about on 52? 00:38:25.070 --> 00:38:27.489 Yes ma'am? Could you please clarify since we're 00:38:27.489 --> 00:38:30.210 doing ERCOTs witnesses on direct and rebuttal if 00:38:30.210 --> 00:38:32.690 we're taking them up first or we're taking them up 00:38:32.699 --> 00:38:37.579 after cross examination? (indistinct) Just the order. I don't like 00:38:37.579 --> 00:38:40.030 this mask thing. I can't hear you. Sorry. Could you 00:38:40.030 --> 00:38:43.059 please clarify since we've got ERCOT going up on direct 00:38:43.059 --> 00:38:46.079 and rebuttal, If we're taking them first as the applicant 00:38:46.090 --> 00:38:48.510 or if we're putting them last, maybe Ron could speak to that. 00:38:48.599 --> 00:38:52.559 Well, my intention was first. That's what we assumed 00:38:52.559 --> 00:38:56.280 as well, your honor. Thank you. Your honor. One question. 00:38:56.280 --> 00:38:59.539 Emily Jolly for LCRA. A number of parties in their requests 00:38:59.550 --> 00:39:02.139 for time allotments indicated that they might reserve 00:39:02.139 --> 00:39:04.500 or pass their time to other parties. Is your honor 00:39:04.510 --> 00:39:08.050 open to that? Absolutely. 00:39:08.050 --> 00:39:12.280 And I had a question about the order as well. We have 00:39:12.280 --> 00:39:15.719 an order of cross examination. Is that likewise the 00:39:15.730 --> 00:39:18.519 order in which witnesses will be called up assuming 00:39:18.519 --> 00:39:24.119 that we deal with the ERCOT issue? Yes. 00:39:24.119 --> 00:39:26.559 I like most of the parties that are planning to do 00:39:26.559 --> 00:39:28.920 cross notice that I have a conflict Wednesday until 00:39:28.920 --> 00:39:31.190 11. And I was going to ask you, we could not schedule 00:39:31.190 --> 00:39:34.250 Mr Griffin just during that couple hours if possible. 00:39:34.719 --> 00:39:38.320 From when to when? Just until 11 in the morning. 00:39:38.320 --> 00:39:40.710 Oh you're fine because we're not gonna start till one 00:39:40.719 --> 00:39:43.300 tomorrow. No, on Wednesday. On Wednesday. I'm sorry 00:39:43.309 --> 00:39:45.619 So we could take him either tomorrow afternoon or after 00:39:45.619 --> 00:39:50.980 11 on Wednesday. Sorry who are you representing? TIEC. 00:39:50.989 --> 00:39:58.610 Right. just you'll have to remind me. I'm 00:39:58.610 --> 00:40:03.010 happy to accommodate that. Thank you. 00:40:03.010 --> 00:40:06.400 Anything else? Your honor. One other thing. Some of 00:40:06.400 --> 00:40:09.119 the exhibits that were offered into evidence, admitted 00:40:09.119 --> 00:40:13.199 into evidence have, at the time the discovery responses 00:40:13.199 --> 00:40:15.829 were filed, those were either confidential or highly 00:40:15.829 --> 00:40:20.920 sensitive protected material. At this time the information 00:40:20.929 --> 00:40:23.469 has lost its protective information status under the 00:40:23.469 --> 00:40:25.650 ERCOT protocols. And so we no longer consider 00:40:25.650 --> 00:40:28.880 those to be confidential or highly protective. Therefore 00:40:28.889 --> 00:40:31.909 from our perspective, it's not necessary for you to 00:40:31.920 --> 00:40:34.929 address this issue that I raised earlier. If other 00:40:34.929 --> 00:40:37.309 people intend to offer other documents today that are 00:40:37.309 --> 00:40:40.800 highly sensitive or confidential, then I'll go through 00:40:40.800 --> 00:40:42.940 this document, explain the issues that we have with it. 00:40:43.809 --> 00:40:50.110 I believe we admitted one and only one exhibit that is identified 00:40:50.110 --> 00:40:55.809 as highly sensitive. Exhibit 7 from Just Energy. 00:40:55.809 --> 00:40:58.210 I may be wrong. 00:40:58.210 --> 00:41:05.449 So who's counsel for Just Energy? Katherine 00:41:05.449 --> 00:41:09.510 Webbking, your honor. 00:41:09.510 --> 00:41:12.550 I am happy to circulate a public copy of that marked 00:41:12.550 --> 00:41:16.829 as in public exhibit. That'd be great 00:41:18.710 --> 00:41:23.840 Thanks for that. Thank you. Okay. Anything else? Thank 00:41:23.840 --> 00:41:27.260 you. All were adjourned will start in about 15 minutes 00:41:30.210 --> 00:41:35.440