00:00:06.346 --> 00:00:09.370
the court reporters confirm
00:00:09.370 --> 00:00:11.113
that they are ready to begin?
00:00:12.610 --> 00:00:14.333
judge, thank you.
00:00:15.370 --> 00:00:20.370
Okay, we will go on the
record right now it is 6:31 pm
00:00:21.030 --> 00:00:25.610
On Wednesday, May 26, 2021,
00:00:25.610 --> 00:00:27.310
the Commission will come to order.
00:00:29.030 --> 00:00:32.200
This is a remote public
participation hearing
00:00:32.200 --> 00:00:33.980
on the Golden State Water Companies
00:00:33.980 --> 00:00:36.913
general rate case application,
00:00:37.780 --> 00:00:42.780
for rates to be charged in
years 2022, 2023 and 2024.
00:00:46.270 --> 00:00:49.423
The application number is A20-07-012,
00:00:55.550 --> 00:00:58.740
and tonight we will be focusing entirely
00:00:58.740 --> 00:01:03.740
on region one and the
issues related to region one.
00:01:04.030 --> 00:01:05.430
And before I go any further
00:01:05.430 --> 00:01:10.430
since region one, is the region
that includes several towns
00:01:11.300 --> 00:01:13.720
and cities in Northern California,
00:01:13.720 --> 00:01:15.870
as well as Southern California,
00:01:15.870 --> 00:01:20.163
but I'm focused more on the
Northern California customers.
00:01:21.060 --> 00:01:25.090
Let me express my
condolences and the condolences
00:01:25.090 --> 00:01:26.860
of the whole Public Utilities Commission
00:01:26.860 --> 00:01:28.680
to any of you who are listening
00:01:28.680 --> 00:01:31.460
or participating tonight,
who have relatives
00:01:31.460 --> 00:01:36.340
or friends who were involved
00:01:36.340 --> 00:01:40.033
in the tragedy in San
Jose earlier this morning.
00:01:41.450 --> 00:01:44.570
So let's get down to
business for tonight.
00:01:44.570 --> 00:01:47.610
What we're gonna do
is we're going to focus
00:01:47.610 --> 00:01:51.460
on customers in region one,
00:01:51.460 --> 00:01:53.420
and region one is comprised
00:01:53.420 --> 00:01:57.703
of the following cities
and towns, Arden Cordova,
00:01:58.540 --> 00:01:59.723
Bay Point,
00:02:00.980 --> 00:02:01.933
Clear Lake,
00:02:03.060 --> 00:02:04.433
Los Osos,
00:02:05.570 --> 00:02:08.663
Santa Maria and Simi Valley.
00:02:11.517 --> 00:02:13.900
For those of you who
might be listening in
00:02:13.900 --> 00:02:18.900
or watching on the internet,
if your monthly bill indicates
00:02:19.010 --> 00:02:22.210
that you reside in region two,
00:02:22.210 --> 00:02:24.260
we held the public
participation hearings
00:02:24.260 --> 00:02:25.823
for your region yesterday.
00:02:26.850 --> 00:02:29.490
But you don't need to be
concerned if you miss them,
00:02:29.490 --> 00:02:33.663
you can access those
public participation hearings,
00:02:35.130 --> 00:02:40.130
by going to the following
website, adminmonitor.com.
00:02:40.310 --> 00:02:45.310
That's spelled A-B-M-I-N
00:02:51.240 --> 00:02:53.360
Once there, click on the link
00:02:53.360 --> 00:02:56.370
for California Public
Utilities Commission,
00:02:56.370 --> 00:02:59.320
and then click on the
link for past hearings
00:02:59.320 --> 00:03:02.640
and scroll to yesterday's date,
00:03:02.640 --> 00:03:07.130
and you'll find a
English version recording
00:03:07.130 --> 00:03:10.133
of public participation
hearings from yesterday.
00:03:12.090 --> 00:03:13.580
If your monthly bills indicate
00:03:13.580 --> 00:03:18.390
that you are a part of Golden
states region three rate area,
00:03:18.390 --> 00:03:20.060
the public participation hearings
00:03:20.060 --> 00:03:25.060
for your area will be held
tomorrow Thursday, May 27th
00:03:26.530 --> 00:03:31.530
at the same times as the
hearings today, 1:30 pm
00:03:31.887 --> 00:03:35.670
and then again at 6:30 pm.
00:03:35.670 --> 00:03:39.290
The call in number and
password are exactly the same
00:03:39.290 --> 00:03:40.980
as today.
00:03:40.980 --> 00:03:45.750
00:03:47.603 --> 00:03:49.750
and the password is 7218384.
00:03:55.050 --> 00:04:00.050
For both customers in
regions, two and three,
00:04:00.120 --> 00:04:02.840
you're welcome to listen in tonight,
00:04:02.840 --> 00:04:07.470
but bear in mind that tonight,
we will be focusing entirely
00:04:07.470 --> 00:04:11.820
on issues and rate structures and rates
00:04:11.820 --> 00:04:15.673
in region one of Golden
State service area.
00:04:18.030 --> 00:04:19.300
Now let me introduce myself.
00:04:19.300 --> 00:04:20.780
My name is Charles Ferguson,
00:04:20.780 --> 00:04:23.110
and I'm the assigned
Administrative Law Judge
00:04:23.110 --> 00:04:24.930
for this proceeding.
00:04:24.930 --> 00:04:29.930
It's my job to collect your
comments and suggestions tonight
00:04:30.400 --> 00:04:33.623
and be mindful of them
as I assemble the evidence,
00:04:34.500 --> 00:04:37.280
as to whether not your
rates should change
00:04:37.280 --> 00:04:39.883
for the three years of this rate cycle.
00:04:41.480 --> 00:04:43.960
After I have assembled the record,
00:04:43.960 --> 00:04:47.630
I will write my proposed decision
00:04:47.630 --> 00:04:50.900
and submit it to the five
California Public Utilities
00:04:50.900 --> 00:04:54.800
Commission Commissioners,
for them to vote on it.
00:04:54.800 --> 00:04:57.191
It takes three Commissioners,
00:04:57.191 --> 00:04:59.853
for my proposed decision to be accepted.
00:05:00.930 --> 00:05:03.380
Any of the Commissioners
can prepare their own
00:05:03.380 --> 00:05:06.200
alternate decision to my decision,
00:05:06.200 --> 00:05:08.840
but the alternate decision must be based
00:05:08.840 --> 00:05:11.260
on exactly the same record evidence
00:05:11.260 --> 00:05:15.310
that my decision will be based on.
00:05:15.310 --> 00:05:19.560
And it must be voted on, voted in favor,
00:05:19.560 --> 00:05:22.983
by three of the five Commissioners.
00:05:25.360 --> 00:05:30.360
Tonight, our purpose is
mainly for us at the Commission,
00:05:30.600 --> 00:05:34.290
that's me, the assigned
Commissioner who is going
00:05:34.290 --> 00:05:36.850
to manage the whole proceeding,
00:05:36.850 --> 00:05:40.680
and the other four
Commissioners, to hear from you
00:05:40.680 --> 00:05:44.540
the customers of Golden
State Water about how you feel,
00:05:44.540 --> 00:05:48.010
and what you think about
its application for an increase
00:05:48.010 --> 00:05:49.083
in your rates.
00:05:50.480 --> 00:05:53.980
To help you understand exactly
00:05:53.980 --> 00:05:58.160
what is being asked for by Golden State,
00:05:58.160 --> 00:06:00.080
and what the issues are,
00:06:00.080 --> 00:06:05.080
that I and the Commissioners
will have to ponder and decide,
00:06:06.010 --> 00:06:07.960
we at the Commission have prepared
00:06:07.960 --> 00:06:10.850
what we call fact sheets for you,
00:06:10.850 --> 00:06:14.470
and Golden State Water
has delivered them to you,
00:06:14.470 --> 00:06:18.280
either electronically if
you're billed electronically,
00:06:18.280 --> 00:06:22.623
or by US mail if you
get your bills in the mail.
00:06:25.130 --> 00:06:28.020
Region one is different
00:06:28.020 --> 00:06:32.253
from the other two regions
served by Golden State Water,
00:06:33.550 --> 00:06:35.670
and it's different in these ways,
00:06:35.670 --> 00:06:41.640
it's divided into sub
areas, subdivisions.
00:06:41.640 --> 00:06:46.483
Each one of the subdivisions
has its own rate structure,
00:06:47.530 --> 00:06:51.650
and generally they
match, these areas match
00:06:51.650 --> 00:06:56.650
either the city town
or a general vicinity
00:06:56.750 --> 00:06:58.623
of a town that you live in.
00:06:59.480 --> 00:07:01.790
So for example,
00:07:01.790 --> 00:07:06.790
the Clear Lake residents
have a different rate structure
00:07:07.940 --> 00:07:11.810
than say the Simi Valley residents
00:07:11.810 --> 00:07:13.683
and customers of Golden State.
00:07:16.620 --> 00:07:20.580
If you have not
received your fact sheet,
00:07:20.580 --> 00:07:22.280
each of the fact sheets by the way
00:07:23.270 --> 00:07:26.160
is tailored exactly to your rate area.
00:07:26.160 --> 00:07:30.310
So if you're in Clear Lake,
you have one type of fact sheet.
00:07:30.310 --> 00:07:31.540
If you're in Simi valley,
00:07:31.540 --> 00:07:34.790
you have a completely
different fact sheet.
00:07:34.790 --> 00:07:38.260
If you've misplaced it
or you never received it
00:07:38.260 --> 00:07:42.920
you can get a copy on the CPUC website.
00:07:42.920 --> 00:07:49.870
Go to the CPUC website,
which is www.cpuc.ca.gov,
00:07:51.380 --> 00:07:55.020
enter the words public advisor,
00:07:55.020 --> 00:07:59.210
that's spelled A-D-V-I-S-O-R.
00:07:59.210 --> 00:08:02.490
You'll find a link on that page
00:08:02.490 --> 00:08:07.490
of our website that says
public participation hearings.
00:08:07.900 --> 00:08:10.550
Click on the link and scroll down
00:08:10.550 --> 00:08:14.080
to the Golden State Water
Company rate proceeding,
00:08:14.080 --> 00:08:17.460
and you will find the CPUC fact sheets
00:08:17.460 --> 00:08:20.937
for each one of the
subdivisions in region one.
00:08:25.760 --> 00:08:28.193
Even if you have your fact sheet,
00:08:29.780 --> 00:08:32.300
I'd like it if you would remember
00:08:32.300 --> 00:08:37.010
how to reach the same
fact sheets on our website,
00:08:37.010 --> 00:08:39.840
so that you can
communicate that information
00:08:39.840 --> 00:08:40.910
to any of your neighbors
00:08:40.910 --> 00:08:43.620
or friends in your particular rate area,
00:08:43.620 --> 00:08:46.120
who have or unable to attend one
00:08:46.120 --> 00:08:48.923
of these public participation hearings.
00:08:50.080 --> 00:08:52.350
You can also obtain a fact sheet
00:08:52.350 --> 00:08:55.740
for your rate area directly
from Golden State Water,
00:08:55.740 --> 00:08:58.430
by addressing an email request
00:08:58.430 --> 00:09:00.810
to 2022GRC@gswater.com.
00:09:09.060 --> 00:09:12.180
Include your billing
address in your email,
00:09:12.180 --> 00:09:15.083
so that the proper fact
sheet can be sent to you.
00:09:15.930 --> 00:09:19.270
Finally, if you don't
have any internet access
00:09:19.270 --> 00:09:20.720
and your are participating, simply
00:09:20.720 --> 00:09:23.430
by listening on the phone tonight,
00:09:23.430 --> 00:09:25.660
you can still get a copy of a fact sheet
00:09:25.660 --> 00:09:30.230
for your specific rate area
by calling Golden State Water
00:09:30.230 --> 00:09:34.573
at the following number 877-288-8816.
00:09:39.210 --> 00:09:44.210
I'm gonna repeat that
again for you, 877-288-8816.
00:09:50.830 --> 00:09:55.340
The purpose of the fact
sheets are to help you calculate
00:09:56.410 --> 00:09:59.760
what your rates,
00:09:59.760 --> 00:10:02.310
that is your bills would look like
00:10:03.810 --> 00:10:08.463
for the years 2022,
2023, and 2024.
00:10:09.370 --> 00:10:12.980
In the event, that the Commission
00:10:12.980 --> 00:10:17.600
granted everything that
Golden State Water is asking for
00:10:17.600 --> 00:10:20.393
with respect to your specific rate area.
00:10:21.570 --> 00:10:23.463
Now, having said that, I wanna,
00:10:24.310 --> 00:10:29.310
I wanna immediately point
out that it's not customary
00:10:29.950 --> 00:10:33.560
that we grant absolutely
everything that a utility
00:10:33.560 --> 00:10:37.600
asks us to grant in the
way of a rate increase.
00:10:37.600 --> 00:10:42.310
But nevertheless, the
point of the fact sheet is to
00:10:42.310 --> 00:10:47.310
give you the opportunity to
see what a worst case scenario
00:10:48.420 --> 00:10:50.100
from your perspective would be,
00:10:50.100 --> 00:10:55.100
should we agree to grant
Golden State's request
00:10:57.370 --> 00:11:00.100
or exactly the rate
increase they're asking
00:11:00.100 --> 00:11:02.053
for in your particular area.
00:11:03.590 --> 00:11:06.550
So here's the way you have to do it.
00:11:06.550 --> 00:11:08.410
The first thing you have to do is get
00:11:08.410 --> 00:11:11.923
out your old bills from 2020,
00:11:12.880 --> 00:11:16.390
and they will indicate
to you for each month,
00:11:16.390 --> 00:11:19.983
how much water you
use each month in 2020.
00:11:21.070 --> 00:11:22.670
With that information,
00:11:22.670 --> 00:11:27.670
you can then start calculating
what you might have to pay,
00:11:28.150 --> 00:11:33.150
if we granted everything
that Golden State is asking
00:11:33.370 --> 00:11:38.370
for in your rate area in
the month of January, 2022,
00:11:38.540 --> 00:11:41.363
when these new
rates will go into effect.
00:11:42.330 --> 00:11:44.370
You use the same,
00:11:44.370 --> 00:11:49.350
you're gonna use the
same number of quantity
00:11:49.350 --> 00:11:53.940
of water that you
used in January of 2020
00:11:53.940 --> 00:11:58.940
to calculate what you might
have to pay in January of 2022.
00:12:00.360 --> 00:12:04.670
First though, you start
out with the fixed charge
00:12:04.670 --> 00:12:07.860
that doesn't depend on
how much water you use.
00:12:07.860 --> 00:12:11.150
The fact sheets will show you
what your fixed charge will be
00:12:11.150 --> 00:12:13.930
in January, 2022,
00:12:13.930 --> 00:12:15.933
and each of the years after that.
00:12:16.810 --> 00:12:18.160
And it's a fixed charge
00:12:18.160 --> 00:12:20.540
no matter how much
water you use or don't use.
00:12:20.540 --> 00:12:21.870
So if you use no water,
00:12:21.870 --> 00:12:25.510
you still have to pay
a fixed service charge,
00:12:25.510 --> 00:12:27.080
and if you use lots of water
00:12:27.080 --> 00:12:30.540
you still pay exactly the
same fixed service charge.
00:12:30.540 --> 00:12:33.323
It's a one-time charge for each month.
00:12:34.160 --> 00:12:38.833
To that number, you
wanna use the usage charge
00:12:38.833 --> 00:12:41.373
for your particular area.
00:12:42.350 --> 00:12:44.830
Some of these usage charges in some
00:12:44.830 --> 00:12:49.830
of these rate areas in
region one, are tiered rates.
00:12:49.930 --> 00:12:54.930
They usually start at a low
price or a specific quantity
00:12:55.230 --> 00:12:59.460
of water for that area,
and then progressed
00:12:59.460 --> 00:13:04.460
to a mid level rate for
the next quantity of water.
00:13:05.960 --> 00:13:08.550
And if you would seed both tiers
00:13:08.550 --> 00:13:12.580
and use even more water
than in the first two tiers,
00:13:12.580 --> 00:13:14.270
then there'll be a third higher rate
00:13:14.270 --> 00:13:18.330
which is usually a
conservation oriented rate
00:13:18.330 --> 00:13:21.520
to encourage you not
to use that much water,
00:13:21.520 --> 00:13:25.620
but if you do, that's
what you'll pay for it.
00:13:25.620 --> 00:13:30.380
So you have to calculate
using the amount
00:13:30.380 --> 00:13:33.770
of water you used in January of 2020.
00:13:33.770 --> 00:13:37.990
What exactly your rates
would look like if you are in one
00:13:37.990 --> 00:13:42.250
of the rate areas in region
one that has tiered rates,
00:13:42.250 --> 00:13:45.743
a couple of you do
not have tiered rates.
00:13:47.150 --> 00:13:48.660
You just have a flat rate,
00:13:48.660 --> 00:13:52.640
and for you, you just
multiply that flat number
00:13:52.640 --> 00:13:55.010
that single number, times the amount
00:13:55.010 --> 00:13:59.890
of water that you used in
the same month in 2020.
00:14:00.780 --> 00:14:05.447
The water usage is expressed
in what's known as CCF.
00:14:06.792 --> 00:14:11.792
One CCF is equal to
748 gallons of water.
00:14:14.780 --> 00:14:15.613
00:14:17.770 --> 00:14:20.520
there is also,
00:14:20.520 --> 00:14:22.400
since we're speaking
of quantities of water,
00:14:22.400 --> 00:14:26.860
there is also in your
fact sheet, a graph
00:14:29.030 --> 00:14:30.933
that will show you,
00:14:31.790 --> 00:14:35.350
allow you to see what your water use is
00:14:35.350 --> 00:14:40.350
like compared to all the
other customers in your area.
00:14:41.120 --> 00:14:46.120
And you'll see the average
customer's monthly use indicated
00:14:46.810 --> 00:14:48.670
in those graphs.
00:14:48.670 --> 00:14:51.290
You may be above it,
you may be right on it
00:14:51.290 --> 00:14:52.500
or you may be below it.
00:14:52.500 --> 00:14:54.790
If you're below it, Congratulations.
00:14:54.790 --> 00:14:56.900
If you're on it, congratulations.
00:14:56.900 --> 00:15:00.860
If you're above it, we'd like
you to think about whether
00:15:00.860 --> 00:15:03.440
or not you can start
conserving some water
00:15:03.440 --> 00:15:07.200
to bring your usage down somewhat,
00:15:07.200 --> 00:15:10.653
particularly as we face
droughts this coming year.
00:15:14.160 --> 00:15:15.483
There is a,
00:15:16.840 --> 00:15:21.840
unique feature tonight in region one
00:15:21.960 --> 00:15:26.960
that does not exist in either
region two or region three.
00:15:27.680 --> 00:15:31.290
And that unique feature involves two
00:15:31.290 --> 00:15:36.290
of the subdivisions of region
one, Los Osos and Santa Maria.
00:15:39.820 --> 00:15:44.820
Golden State Water is
proposing that for rate purposes,
00:15:47.320 --> 00:15:50.670
both of those towns be combined
00:15:51.810 --> 00:15:53.580
and they pay the same.
00:15:53.580 --> 00:15:57.783
Their rates will be exactly
the same for both of them.
00:16:00.510 --> 00:16:02.513
This is a complicated issue.
00:16:03.933 --> 00:16:07.930
People will have strong
opinions one way or the other.
00:16:07.930 --> 00:16:11.090
There will be the two towns
are about 40 miles apart
00:16:11.090 --> 00:16:15.411
by my reckoning, and there
will be no physical connection
00:16:15.411 --> 00:16:19.430
of the water systems
between these two towns.
00:16:19.430 --> 00:16:24.430
They'll just be a great
connection between the two towns.
00:16:25.340 --> 00:16:28.550
So that basically
customers in both towns are
00:16:28.550 --> 00:16:32.930
supporting the water
systems in both towns.
00:16:32.930 --> 00:16:34.950
And that spreads that the idea is,
00:16:34.950 --> 00:16:39.740
it's spreads the costs
out and camps down
00:16:40.690 --> 00:16:45.690
the potential future
increases for both of the towns.
00:16:47.070 --> 00:16:50.250
We will be, we are at the
Commission, very interested
00:16:50.250 --> 00:16:53.630
in hearing from the
customers in those two towns
00:16:53.630 --> 00:16:57.323
as to how they feel
about that particular issue.
00:17:01.370 --> 00:17:04.363
I mentioned this already,
or at least alluded to it.
00:17:06.030 --> 00:17:08.860
There is an interest on
the part of the Commission
00:17:08.860 --> 00:17:11.340
to see you conserve water,
00:17:11.340 --> 00:17:15.343
the silver lining in doing
that, I know it's hard.
00:17:16.690 --> 00:17:19.920
All of us in California have
had to do this from at one time
00:17:19.920 --> 00:17:20.753
or another,
00:17:22.750 --> 00:17:27.540
but the, but by doing
it, there is a possibility
00:17:27.540 --> 00:17:31.120
that you can actually plan
out your water usage so
00:17:31.120 --> 00:17:35.920
that the water rate increase
in your particular rate
00:17:35.920 --> 00:17:39.743
area will have little or no effect.
00:17:40.691 --> 00:17:43.441
(audio cuts out)
00:18:07.120 --> 00:18:09.350
You may leave comment.
00:18:09.350 --> 00:18:10.883
Okay, okay.
00:18:12.047 --> 00:18:14.150
That's consistent
with what I'm hearing
00:18:14.150 --> 00:18:15.803
Judge Ferguson.
00:18:15.803 --> 00:18:16.636
00:18:16.636 --> 00:18:17.900
Call your honor,
this is Robert, Robert again
00:18:17.900 --> 00:18:20.410
I just want to let you know
that we restored the audio
00:18:20.410 --> 00:18:23.073
to the webcast so you
can go ahead and restart.
00:18:24.400 --> 00:18:25.970
Okay, alright.
00:18:25.970 --> 00:18:28.323
So let's go back on the record please.
00:18:29.180 --> 00:18:32.340
Okay, we've been off the
record here for a few moments
00:18:33.180 --> 00:18:36.480
because we understand
that the audio portion
00:18:36.480 --> 00:18:40.103
of this broadcast dropped off,
00:18:41.000 --> 00:18:44.310
and we now have restored it.
00:18:44.310 --> 00:18:48.630
Our assessment is that we
did not drop very much off,
00:18:48.630 --> 00:18:52.570
so I'm just going
to back up a little bit
00:18:52.570 --> 00:18:55.590
and then we actually are going to,
00:18:55.590 --> 00:19:00.141
I'm to allow the Public
Advisors to address everyone.
00:19:00.141 --> 00:19:00.974
So basically I was
trying to tell people,
00:19:00.974 --> 00:19:05.974
when we lost contact,
00:19:09.300 --> 00:19:12.140
that if they are not going
00:19:12.140 --> 00:19:17.140
to make a statement here
on the record orally tonight,
00:19:17.550 --> 00:19:19.490
they still have the opportunity
00:19:19.490 --> 00:19:22.973
at any point in time,
before the hearing closes,
00:19:24.390 --> 00:19:27.320
the evidentiary hearing
closes, that is the record closes
00:19:27.320 --> 00:19:30.040
which will won't be
until later in the summer.
00:19:30.040 --> 00:19:35.040
But they can put a written
comment into the docket sheet
00:19:36.610 --> 00:19:39.270
for this particular proceeding,
00:19:39.270 --> 00:19:43.167
by going to www.CPUC.ca.gov/pph.
00:19:50.620 --> 00:19:55.360
Then look for the Golden
State Water general rate case
00:19:55.360 --> 00:19:56.550
and click on that
00:19:56.550 --> 00:19:59.910
and that will take you
directly to the docket sheet,
00:19:59.910 --> 00:20:02.980
and there will be a tab
that says public comment,
00:20:02.980 --> 00:20:06.790
and you can click on that
and leave a public comment.
00:20:06.790 --> 00:20:11.190
I think now is a good time
for me to pass the button
00:20:11.190 --> 00:20:15.210
or microphone as the
case may be to Ms Hill
00:20:15.210 --> 00:20:20.210
from the Public Advisor's
Office of the CPUC,
00:20:20.700 --> 00:20:23.960
and she'll tell everyone
other ways that they
00:20:23.960 --> 00:20:27.530
can participate in this
proceeding and perhaps go
00:20:27.530 --> 00:20:31.720
over the same tab on
the docket sheet as well
00:20:31.720 --> 00:20:35.400
just to make sure that
everybody has heard that process.
00:20:35.400 --> 00:20:39.123
So Ms Hill, you wanna
take over at this point?
00:20:40.294 --> 00:20:42.800
Thank you, Judge Ferguson.
00:20:42.800 --> 00:20:43.743
Hello everyone.
00:20:46.990 --> 00:20:48.490
Hello there everyone.
00:20:48.490 --> 00:20:52.150
And welcome to this
public participation hearing.
00:20:52.150 --> 00:20:53.820
My name is Juanita Hill
00:20:53.820 --> 00:20:58.500
and I am the supervisor in the
CPUC Public Advisor's Office.
00:20:58.500 --> 00:21:02.500
The Public Advisor Office
assists and advises the public
00:21:02.500 --> 00:21:05.660
with participation in
Commission proceedings.
00:21:05.660 --> 00:21:07.140
First, I wanna thank you all
00:21:07.140 --> 00:21:09.530
for participating this evening.
00:21:09.530 --> 00:21:11.560
As the judge stated,
00:21:11.560 --> 00:21:15.090
public participation
and input are essential
00:21:15.090 --> 00:21:18.480
to the Commission's
decision making process.
00:21:18.480 --> 00:21:21.200
This is your opportunity to be heard
00:21:21.200 --> 00:21:24.070
and share your thoughts
on the application
00:21:24.070 --> 00:21:26.690
with the Administrative Law Judge
00:21:26.690 --> 00:21:28.744
in the assigned Commissioner.
00:21:28.744 --> 00:21:31.470
If you have specific questions
00:21:31.470 --> 00:21:34.740
about the application or your service,
00:21:34.740 --> 00:21:38.563
please reach out to the
Public Advisors Office,
00:21:38.563 --> 00:21:42.060
00:21:42.060 --> 00:21:47.060
And I'll spell that A like
apple, D like David, I sorry
00:21:48.490 --> 00:21:51.370
A like apple, D like
David, V like Victor
00:21:51.370 --> 00:21:56.370
00:21:59.880 --> 00:22:02.180
or you can call us at 1-866-849-8390
00:22:07.660 --> 00:22:12.660
or visit the CPUC or a Golden
State Water Company's websites
00:22:13.480 --> 00:22:15.440
for more information.
00:22:15.440 --> 00:22:18.020
Second, if you or anyone, you know
00:22:18.020 --> 00:22:21.140
is not able to make a comment today,
00:22:21.140 --> 00:22:22.350
as the judge said,
00:22:22.350 --> 00:22:25.520
there are several ways
to become involved.
00:22:25.520 --> 00:22:27.670
If you wish to find more information
00:22:27.670 --> 00:22:31.860
on becoming a party
subscribing to this proceeding,
00:22:31.860 --> 00:22:35.060
or submitting comments via email
00:22:35.060 --> 00:22:38.180
the phone or the docket card, please go
00:22:38.180 --> 00:22:42.423
to our website, www.cpuc.ca.gov,
00:22:47.470 --> 00:22:50.410
or email the public advisor
00:22:50.410 --> 00:22:55.410
at public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov.
00:23:01.820 --> 00:23:04.960
All of this information
is also on the notice
00:23:04.960 --> 00:23:09.220
that you received for this
public participation hearing.
00:23:09.220 --> 00:23:10.053
Thank you,
00:23:10.053 --> 00:23:12.793
and we look forward
to your comments today.
00:23:12.793 --> 00:23:13.713
Thank you judge.
00:23:14.570 --> 00:23:16.280
Thank you, Ms Hill.
00:23:16.280 --> 00:23:19.600
I wanna reiterate what she said, she is
00:23:19.600 --> 00:23:21.083
and her office is,
00:23:24.400 --> 00:23:25.233
excuse me.
00:23:31.380 --> 00:23:33.963
Are we still, are we still connected?
00:23:36.330 --> 00:23:39.520
Robert, can you let's
go off the record please?
00:23:39.520 --> 00:23:40.934
Yes your honor.
00:23:40.934 --> 00:23:43.673
We, we are still
connected Okay
00:23:43.673 --> 00:23:44.506
I think we've
done a cross talk
00:23:44.506 --> 00:23:45.430
from the Spanish line
00:23:46.390 --> 00:23:48.800
Okay, all right.
00:23:48.800 --> 00:23:51.150
Okay, let's go back on the record then.
00:23:51.150 --> 00:23:56.150
All right, I was saying that Ms.Hill is
00:23:56.300 --> 00:23:59.210
from the Public Advisor's Office
00:23:59.210 --> 00:24:03.520
and they are the go-to
place for you to learn how
00:24:03.520 --> 00:24:08.520
to put information
into the docket sheet.
00:24:09.610 --> 00:24:12.640
And we have already had customers
00:24:12.640 --> 00:24:15.850
of Golden State contact her this week
00:24:15.850 --> 00:24:20.130
and they have put some
considerable information
00:24:20.130 --> 00:24:25.130
into the docket sheet as we
are encouraging everyone to do.
00:24:27.390 --> 00:24:32.390
So keep her contact information at hand
00:24:32.950 --> 00:24:34.300
and that's the place to go
00:24:34.300 --> 00:24:38.400
if you don't wanna make
a comment here tonight.
00:24:38.400 --> 00:24:43.230
Now, the next item on the
agenda is to actually hear
00:24:43.230 --> 00:24:46.490
from the two parties to this proceeding,
00:24:46.490 --> 00:24:51.330
Golden State Water and
the Public Advocates Office.
00:24:51.330 --> 00:24:53.240
The Public Advocate's
Office is different
00:24:53.240 --> 00:24:57.460
from the Public Advisor's
Office as you'll find out shortly.
00:24:57.460 --> 00:25:01.510
But these are the
two parties who will try
00:25:01.510 --> 00:25:04.460
to present evidence and argument to me
00:25:04.460 --> 00:25:06.450
as to whether your rates should go up
00:25:06.450 --> 00:25:10.190
or down or somewhere in between.
00:25:10.190 --> 00:25:13.520
So let's begin first
with Golden State Water
00:25:13.520 --> 00:25:16.493
and Mr Switzer, are you ready to speak?
00:25:19.360 --> 00:25:20.940
I am your honor.
00:25:20.940 --> 00:25:22.290
Thank you.
You can proceed
00:25:23.810 --> 00:25:25.240
Good evening.
00:25:25.240 --> 00:25:27.370
My name is Keith Switzer.
00:25:27.370 --> 00:25:29.910
I worked for Golden State Water.
00:25:29.910 --> 00:25:33.360
I am the vice-President
of the company responsible
00:25:33.360 --> 00:25:37.150
for managing the
regulatory affairs department.
00:25:37.150 --> 00:25:38.860
My department is responsible
00:25:38.860 --> 00:25:42.290
for filing the general
rate case application
00:25:42.290 --> 00:25:46.430
which is the subject of this
public participation hearing.
00:25:46.430 --> 00:25:49.790
I want to welcome you
to this virtual hearing,
00:25:49.790 --> 00:25:52.510
and thank all of our customers
who have taken the time
00:25:52.510 --> 00:25:54.660
to join us this evening.
00:25:54.660 --> 00:25:56.623
We look forward to hearing from you.
00:25:57.840 --> 00:26:01.540
You've just heard Judge
Ferguson provide a general overview
00:26:01.540 --> 00:26:04.820
of Golden State Waters application
00:26:04.820 --> 00:26:07.150
and the purpose of today's meeting
00:26:07.150 --> 00:26:10.700
in the Commission's
decision making process.
00:26:10.700 --> 00:26:12.673
I'm going to take just a few minutes,
00:26:13.930 --> 00:26:17.759
to expand on some of
Judge Ferguson's comments.
00:26:17.759 --> 00:26:22.470
A general rate case is
the process that establishes
00:26:22.470 --> 00:26:25.160
the company's overall budget,
00:26:25.160 --> 00:26:28.920
or what we more commonly
refer to as our revenue requirement
00:26:28.920 --> 00:26:31.040
to operate the water system,
00:26:31.040 --> 00:26:33.880
in a manner that will
allow us to provide safe
00:26:33.880 --> 00:26:36.480
and reliable water service.
00:26:36.480 --> 00:26:40.240
The rate case also establishes
the rates that we charge
00:26:40.240 --> 00:26:42.240
for this water service.
00:26:42.240 --> 00:26:45.310
Rates are set in the
rate case at a level
00:26:45.310 --> 00:26:47.240
that will generate the budget
00:26:47.240 --> 00:26:50.560
or revenue requirement
approved by the Commission,
00:26:50.560 --> 00:26:52.970
in the case, at the forecast
00:26:52.970 --> 00:26:56.163
and levels of water usage
by you, our customers.
00:26:57.100 --> 00:27:00.670
The general rate case
process is intended
00:27:00.670 --> 00:27:02.470
to be an open process,
00:27:02.470 --> 00:27:05.710
where input from different
parties is welcomed
00:27:05.710 --> 00:27:07.440
and encouraged.
00:27:07.440 --> 00:27:10.040
Your participation here evening,
00:27:10.040 --> 00:27:13.053
is an important part of that process.
00:27:13.990 --> 00:27:17.580
As customers of Golden
State Water, you received notice
00:27:17.580 --> 00:27:21.390
that Golden State Water filed
its rate case application back
00:27:21.390 --> 00:27:23.103
in July of 2020.
00:27:24.100 --> 00:27:26.430
That application requested changes
00:27:26.430 --> 00:27:30.480
in our revenue requirement
and our rates beginning
00:27:30.480 --> 00:27:32.773
in January of 2022.
00:27:33.670 --> 00:27:35.310
The Commission's final decision
00:27:35.310 --> 00:27:38.230
on our application will set
our revenue requirement
00:27:38.230 --> 00:27:40.560
and the corresponding rates
00:27:40.560 --> 00:27:45.430
for a three-year period
calendar years, 2022,
00:27:45.430 --> 00:27:48.693
2023, and 2024.
00:27:51.840 --> 00:27:55.050
A quick word about the
timing of our application.
00:27:55.050 --> 00:27:57.330
Golden State Water is obligated
00:27:57.330 --> 00:28:01.210
by law to file a general
rate case applications
00:28:01.210 --> 00:28:03.850
once every three years.
00:28:03.850 --> 00:28:06.030
The Commission has a preset schedule
00:28:06.030 --> 00:28:09.143
that establishes the day
that we make our filing.
00:28:10.190 --> 00:28:13.110
The Commission's filing schedule
enables the Commission to
00:28:13.110 --> 00:28:17.550
process a general rate
case once every three years
00:28:17.550 --> 00:28:20.610
for all nine of the large
class, A water utilities
00:28:20.610 --> 00:28:22.140
in the state.
00:28:22.140 --> 00:28:23.680
It's a tight schedule
00:28:23.680 --> 00:28:28.020
to process essentially three
different rate cases every year
00:28:28.020 --> 00:28:29.200
which is why the timing
00:28:29.200 --> 00:28:32.510
of each application filing is mandated
00:28:32.510 --> 00:28:35.260
which enables the Commission
to manage the workload
00:28:35.260 --> 00:28:37.003
of processing these cases.
00:28:37.990 --> 00:28:41.980
For Golden State, our last
rate case application was filed
00:28:41.980 --> 00:28:46.200
in July of 2017 and the
Commission's decision
00:28:46.200 --> 00:28:49.250
in that proceeding established the rates
00:28:49.250 --> 00:28:53.340
for the calendar years, 2017
00:28:53.340 --> 00:29:00.610
2018 and 29, I'm sorry,
2019, 2020, and 2021.
00:29:00.610 --> 00:29:01.960
Excuse me, excuse me there.
00:29:03.630 --> 00:29:05.660
The filing of the rate case application
00:29:05.660 --> 00:29:08.480
in July of last year, was the first step
00:29:08.480 --> 00:29:12.420
in a process that takes
about 18 months to complete.
00:29:12.420 --> 00:29:14.470
Once we filed the application,
00:29:14.470 --> 00:29:17.890
the office of public
advocates begins a process.
00:29:17.890 --> 00:29:21.290
It takes about eight months
to review the application,
00:29:21.290 --> 00:29:24.982
conduct discovery and
ultimately issue their own report
00:29:24.982 --> 00:29:26.920
with their own recommendations
00:29:26.920 --> 00:29:31.283
to the Commission regarding
our 2022 revenue requirement.
00:29:32.160 --> 00:29:34.320
The next steps in the process includes,
00:29:34.320 --> 00:29:37.690
settlement negotiations, mediation
00:29:37.690 --> 00:29:41.900
evidentiary hearing,
and then Judge Ferguson
00:29:41.900 --> 00:29:45.230
will issue a proposed
decision addressing
00:29:45.230 --> 00:29:48.560
and resolving all of the
issues in the application.
00:29:48.560 --> 00:29:51.700
And then finally that proposed
decision will be voted on
00:29:51.700 --> 00:29:55.323
by the Commissioners when
they issue their final decision.
00:29:56.980 --> 00:29:58.460
Tonight's hearing is for customers
00:29:58.460 --> 00:30:01.833
in six different rate making
areas served by Golden State.
00:30:02.900 --> 00:30:05.970
Those six rate making
districts are collectively,
00:30:05.970 --> 00:30:10.970
collectively referred to
as a region one districts.
00:30:11.170 --> 00:30:13.170
Each of the six rate making districts
00:30:13.170 --> 00:30:17.650
has its own revenue requirement
and its own set of rates,
00:30:17.650 --> 00:30:19.850
and they are all different
from one another.
00:30:20.700 --> 00:30:23.630
The rates in each rate
making district are based
00:30:23.630 --> 00:30:25.540
on the costs that are specific
00:30:25.540 --> 00:30:27.973
or unique to that district.
00:30:29.120 --> 00:30:32.100
While it would be impractical to address
00:30:32.100 --> 00:30:36.166
the specific reasons for changes
in the revenue requirement
00:30:36.166 --> 00:30:39.430
for each of the six
separate rate making districts
00:30:39.430 --> 00:30:42.130
in the limited time for my comments,
00:30:42.130 --> 00:30:46.210
I can highlight the fact that
the primary cause in each
00:30:46.210 --> 00:30:49.710
of the six districts for the
change in revenue requirement,
00:30:49.710 --> 00:30:53.500
is the need to invest
in new infrastructure.
00:30:53.500 --> 00:30:56.910
Things like new or
replacement pipelines,
00:30:56.910 --> 00:31:01.060
supply related projects, such
as newer replacement wells
00:31:01.060 --> 00:31:05.070
and treatment facilities to
newer new or replacement
00:31:05.070 --> 00:31:07.133
treatment facilities to treat the water.
00:31:08.250 --> 00:31:09.120
00:31:09.120 --> 00:31:13.240
Golden State Water has
proposed approximately $50 million
00:31:14.830 --> 00:31:16.690
of new infrastructure projects
00:31:16.690 --> 00:31:18.520
in the six rate making districts
00:31:18.520 --> 00:31:22.003
in region one, over
the next three years.
00:31:23.030 --> 00:31:25.820
And let me elaborate on that just a bit.
00:31:25.820 --> 00:31:29.770
As we make those
investments in infrastructure,
00:31:29.770 --> 00:31:31.690
we did not recover the full cost
00:31:31.690 --> 00:31:33.463
of the investments right away.
00:31:34.320 --> 00:31:35.680
We fund the investments
00:31:35.680 --> 00:31:38.410
with a combination of investors' money
00:31:38.410 --> 00:31:42.330
which is raised through
issuing stocks, to investors
00:31:42.330 --> 00:31:46.340
and borrowed money, which
is raised through issuing bonds.
00:31:46.340 --> 00:31:49.720
Once the investments in
infrastructure are made,
00:31:49.720 --> 00:31:51.820
the cost of those assets are recovered
00:31:51.820 --> 00:31:54.360
over an extended period of time,
00:31:54.360 --> 00:31:58.800
anywhere from 5 to 40
years, depending on the asset.
00:31:58.800 --> 00:32:01.310
As those investments are made,
00:32:01.310 --> 00:32:04.560
what gets incorporated
into rates is not the full cost
00:32:04.560 --> 00:32:06.110
of the investment,
00:32:06.110 --> 00:32:10.070
but rather the
depreciation of those assets
00:32:10.070 --> 00:32:13.040
which is how the investors get repaid
00:32:13.040 --> 00:32:14.830
for the investment costs.
00:32:14.830 --> 00:32:18.560
And it's over the life of the
asset and the carrying costs
00:32:18.560 --> 00:32:21.650
for the funds that are used
to finance the investments.
00:32:21.650 --> 00:32:23.870
In other words, the interest on the debt
00:32:23.870 --> 00:32:26.363
and the dividends that
are paid to investors.
00:32:27.490 --> 00:32:30.250
In addition to
infrastructure investments,
00:32:30.250 --> 00:32:33.140
some of the other costs
increases common in all
00:32:33.140 --> 00:32:35.380
of the region one districts include,
00:32:35.380 --> 00:32:38.500
significant increases
for water treatment,
00:32:38.500 --> 00:32:41.523
purchase water costs
and purchase power costs.
00:32:42.960 --> 00:32:45.730
If you would like to contact
Golden State Water directly
00:32:45.730 --> 00:32:47.020
with a question about,
00:32:47.020 --> 00:32:50.550
during tonight's public
participation hearing,
00:32:50.550 --> 00:32:54.970
you can do so either
by phone or by email.
00:32:54.970 --> 00:32:57.330
Golden State Water
has set up a special call
00:32:57.330 --> 00:33:00.140
in number for customers,
who would like to speak
00:33:00.140 --> 00:33:04.253
to a company representative
about the rate case application.
00:33:05.090 --> 00:33:09.940
That number, which is
shown on the screen here is,
00:33:09.940 --> 00:33:13.550
00:33:18.890 --> 00:33:21.570
Golden State Water
employees will be standing by
00:33:21.570 --> 00:33:24.593
at that number to
respond to your question.
00:33:25.840 --> 00:33:28.530
If you prefer to ask
your question by email,
00:33:28.530 --> 00:33:31.400
we have set up a special
email address specifically
00:33:31.400 --> 00:33:34.260
for questions regarding
the rate case application
00:33:35.260 --> 00:33:38.810
that email, which is also
shown here on the screen
00:33:38.810 --> 00:33:42.690
00:33:52.240 --> 00:33:54.380
Before concluding my comments tonight,
00:33:54.380 --> 00:33:56.350
I wanna speak to the extraordinary
00:33:56.350 --> 00:33:57.870
and difficult circumstances
00:33:57.870 --> 00:34:00.910
that we all find ourselves in right now.
00:34:00.910 --> 00:34:02.002
I'm very proud of the fact
00:34:02.002 --> 00:34:04.900
that Golden State Water
employees have been working hard
00:34:04.900 --> 00:34:08.300
throughout the pandemic
making sure that you,
00:34:08.300 --> 00:34:12.530
our customers have continued
to receive uninterrupted safe
00:34:12.530 --> 00:34:15.453
and reliable water
service during this time.
00:34:17.710 --> 00:34:19.920
I also want to share that we recognize
00:34:19.920 --> 00:34:23.800
that many of our customers
are experiencing financial
00:34:23.800 --> 00:34:27.553
and or economic hardships
during the pandemic situation.
00:34:28.410 --> 00:34:32.330
Despite the challenges of
the COVID-19 pandemic,
00:34:32.330 --> 00:34:36.960
our customer service team
has remained available 24/7
00:34:36.960 --> 00:34:40.653
to help customers answer
questions and resolve problems.
00:34:41.540 --> 00:34:45.320
Golden State has put in
place protections to ensure
00:34:45.320 --> 00:34:47.550
that customers continue to receive safe
00:34:47.550 --> 00:34:50.243
and reliable water
service during this time.
00:34:51.170 --> 00:34:54.710
Also included in our
rate case application,
00:34:54.710 --> 00:34:58.670
is a provision to offer
monthly credits on the bills
00:34:58.670 --> 00:35:01.720
to income qualifying customers
00:35:01.720 --> 00:35:04.313
who meet specific income criteria.
00:35:05.550 --> 00:35:08.990
If you go to our website,
00:35:13.780 --> 00:35:15.850
you will find a link on the homepage
00:35:15.850 --> 00:35:18.770
for emergency disaster relief program,
00:35:18.770 --> 00:35:21.723
and our low income
customer assistance programs.
00:35:22.910 --> 00:35:26.130
Those links will, will
describe the various protection
00:35:26.130 --> 00:35:28.003
and programs that are available.
00:35:29.040 --> 00:35:32.080
With that I would like to
close my comments tonight.
00:35:32.080 --> 00:35:35.160
Again, I want to thank all of you
00:35:35.160 --> 00:35:37.350
for taking the time to join the meeting,
00:35:37.350 --> 00:35:39.550
and I look forward to
hearing your comments.
00:35:40.500 --> 00:35:42.850
Thank you, Judge
Ferguson for this opportunity.
00:35:44.120 --> 00:35:46.010
Thank you, Mr Switzer.
00:35:46.010 --> 00:35:50.460
I want to add just one
piece of clarification
00:35:50.460 --> 00:35:53.800
to your comments for
those who are listening.
00:35:53.800 --> 00:35:56.850
And that is that while in the aggregate
00:35:56.850 --> 00:35:59.339
there's roughly $50 million
00:35:59.339 --> 00:36:04.339
of new revenue that
Golden State is asking
00:36:04.510 --> 00:36:08.753
for with respect to
all six subdivisions,
00:36:09.900 --> 00:36:13.420
we are not just taking
the $50 million number
00:36:13.420 --> 00:36:16.240
and deciding how divided up
00:36:16.240 --> 00:36:19.600
or asking everybody to pay $50 million.
00:36:19.600 --> 00:36:22.030
It's, that's the aggregate
00:36:22.030 --> 00:36:27.030
of the individual amounts
that are specific numbers.
00:36:27.830 --> 00:36:31.510
They're far less than 50
million in each instance
00:36:31.510 --> 00:36:35.210
for each one of the six
subdivisions of, of region one.
00:36:35.210 --> 00:36:40.210
So I don't want anyone to
think that their particular town
00:36:41.430 --> 00:36:46.400
or city is being allocated $50 million,
00:36:46.400 --> 00:36:48.280
of new revenue
00:36:48.280 --> 00:36:50.900
that they're gonna have
to pay for in their rates.
00:36:50.900 --> 00:36:55.440
No, it's some small
portion of the $50 million
00:36:55.440 --> 00:36:58.020
that Mr Switzer was referring to.
00:36:58.020 --> 00:37:00.402
Okay, with that clarification-
00:37:00.402 --> 00:37:03.810
Judge Ferguson, can
I just add a clarification
00:37:03.810 --> 00:37:06.130
I may have misspoke in my comments,
00:37:06.130 --> 00:37:09.450
but the the $50 million
number was the amount
00:37:09.450 --> 00:37:12.216
of capital investments
that we plan to make
00:37:12.216 --> 00:37:15.490
in region one in the six districts.
00:37:15.490 --> 00:37:17.510
And you're absolutely correct.
00:37:17.510 --> 00:37:19.350
It's, it's spread among the six
00:37:19.350 --> 00:37:20.820
and we have very specific plans
00:37:20.820 --> 00:37:24.876
but that was the capital
investment, not the revenue.
00:37:24.876 --> 00:37:26.126
Okay, alright
00:37:27.075 --> 00:37:29.540
I'm sorry if I, if I
misspoke on that.
00:37:29.540 --> 00:37:31.530
Okay, thank you
for that clarification.
00:37:31.530 --> 00:37:35.980
Okay, same thing though,
with respect to the total amount
00:37:35.980 --> 00:37:40.580
it's divided up into much
smaller pieces that are unique
00:37:40.580 --> 00:37:45.010
to each one of the six
subdivisions of region one.
00:37:45.010 --> 00:37:47.370
Okay, now let's move on
00:37:47.370 --> 00:37:50.480
and the next speaker is
going to be Mr Victor Chan,
00:37:50.480 --> 00:37:54.020
who represents the
Public Advocate's Office
00:37:54.020 --> 00:37:57.584
and the Public Advocate's
Office is your spokesperson.
00:37:57.584 --> 00:38:00.200
Now those of you who are listening,
00:38:00.200 --> 00:38:04.110
at the Commission he
is taking, he will tell you
00:38:04.110 --> 00:38:06.400
that his office is taking the position
00:38:06.400 --> 00:38:09.322
that you would take
where you arguing the case
00:38:09.322 --> 00:38:11.023
in front of me.
00:38:11.920 --> 00:38:16.920
But he is, he is going to
explain what his office's view is
00:38:17.920 --> 00:38:22.450
as to this proposed rate
increase for each one of you.
00:38:22.450 --> 00:38:24.723
So, Mr Chan, you wanna take over please?
00:38:27.090 --> 00:38:30.445
Yes, thank you Judge Ferguson.
00:38:30.445 --> 00:38:34.220
And thank you for
allowing me the opportunity
00:38:34.220 --> 00:38:35.193
to speak in that.
00:38:36.100 --> 00:38:38.558
Once again, my name is Victor Chan.
00:38:38.558 --> 00:38:40.580
I am the project manager
00:38:40.580 --> 00:38:44.300
on behalf of the
Public advocate's office.
00:38:44.300 --> 00:38:47.390
I, along with my team are responsible
00:38:47.390 --> 00:38:49.740
for reviewing Golden
State Water Company's
00:38:49.740 --> 00:38:54.133
application for in this proceeding.
00:38:55.310 --> 00:39:00.310
Tonight, I'm gonna make a
statement to provide an overview
00:39:01.330 --> 00:39:03.880
of our role in this proceeding as well
00:39:03.880 --> 00:39:06.083
as our major recommendation.
00:39:07.390 --> 00:39:09.530
The Public Advocate's Office or Call
00:39:09.530 --> 00:39:12.640
out Cal advocates is
an independent office
00:39:12.640 --> 00:39:15.750
within the California
Public Utilities Commission
00:39:15.750 --> 00:39:19.210
that represents the
interests of rate payers.
00:39:19.210 --> 00:39:23.330
Our statutory mission is to
obtain the lowest possible rate
00:39:23.330 --> 00:39:25.690
for service consistent with reliable
00:39:25.690 --> 00:39:27.123
and safe service mobile.
00:39:28.750 --> 00:39:32.050
Cal advocates has a
multi-disciplinary staff
00:39:32.050 --> 00:39:36.270
with expertise in engineering,
economics, accounting
00:39:36.270 --> 00:39:37.790
and finance.
00:39:37.790 --> 00:39:39.900
Cal advocates view do not necessarily
00:39:39.900 --> 00:39:41.500
reflect those of the Commission.
00:39:43.170 --> 00:39:47.420
In February, 2021, Cal
advocates service testimony
00:39:47.420 --> 00:39:49.190
on Golden State Water Companies
00:39:49.190 --> 00:39:53.320
general rate case
application number 2007012.
00:39:53.320 --> 00:39:56.790
In which Golden State Water
Company request rate increase
00:39:56.790 --> 00:39:59.853
for each region one, two,
and three service areas.
00:40:00.810 --> 00:40:04.590
Cal advocates testimony presents
analysis and recommendation
00:40:04.590 --> 00:40:08.870
on then why range of issues,
including capital investments
00:40:08.870 --> 00:40:12.490
sales, range design, conservation
00:40:12.490 --> 00:40:15.223
operating expenses and taxes.
00:40:16.910 --> 00:40:19.130
Compared to Golden State
Water Company's request,
00:40:19.130 --> 00:40:24.130
11.9% increase for it's
entire region one service area.
00:40:24.340 --> 00:40:26.937
Cal advocates recommends no more
00:40:26.937 --> 00:40:31.103
than the 2.48% increase in
revenue and average system rates.
00:40:32.120 --> 00:40:34.900
And the following are how
some of Cal advocates specific
00:40:34.900 --> 00:40:36.943
and significant recommendation,
00:40:37.940 --> 00:40:39.950
One, authorized funding
00:40:39.950 --> 00:40:43.750
for a more moderate
pipeline replacement program,
00:40:43.750 --> 00:40:44.650
00:40:44.650 --> 00:40:48.020
reduce Golden State Water
Company's proposed salary increase
00:40:48.020 --> 00:40:49.263
and the new positions.
00:40:50.410 --> 00:40:52.420
Three, decrease expenses
00:40:52.420 --> 00:40:55.043
and capital investment
from general office.
00:40:55.043 --> 00:40:57.730
I'm gonna say water
companies, general office.
00:40:57.730 --> 00:41:01.620
And forth, remove those
unfinished projects that are not
00:41:01.620 --> 00:41:03.903
providing benefits to the rate payers.
00:41:05.130 --> 00:41:09.220
I should also clarify
that the 11.9% increase
00:41:09.220 --> 00:41:11.780
requested by Golden State Water Company,
00:41:11.780 --> 00:41:14.670
and the 2.48% increase recommended
00:41:14.670 --> 00:41:16.677
by the Public Advocate's Office are
00:41:16.677 --> 00:41:18.530
for the combined region one
00:41:18.530 --> 00:41:20.840
six different rate making areas
00:41:20.840 --> 00:41:25.501
namely Arden Cordova,
Bay Point, Clear Lake
00:41:25.501 --> 00:41:28.693
and also Santa Maria and Simi Valley.
00:41:29.530 --> 00:41:32.370
For each of these rate making areas,
00:41:32.370 --> 00:41:35.360
Golden State request
a specific rate increase,
00:41:35.360 --> 00:41:38.523
Whereas Cal advocates
recommends a reduced amount.
00:41:39.540 --> 00:41:43.760
Cal advocates recommendation, but report
00:41:43.760 --> 00:41:46.970
for each one that this area can be found
00:41:46.970 --> 00:41:50.653
at www.publicadvocates.CPUC.ca.G-O-V.
00:41:54.920 --> 00:41:57.300
You can, you can go to that website
00:41:57.300 --> 00:42:00.250
and look for the link
to Cal advocates report
00:42:00.250 --> 00:42:03.223
on GSWC 2020 GRP application.
00:42:04.240 --> 00:42:06.740
And with that, that
concludes my remarks.
00:42:06.740 --> 00:42:08.940
And I look forward to
hearing your comments.
00:42:10.570 --> 00:42:12.630
Thank you, Mr Chan.
00:42:12.630 --> 00:42:16.540
I wanna just add one more comment,
00:42:16.540 --> 00:42:19.270
and that is ,I want to underscore
00:42:19.270 --> 00:42:22.090
that both Mr Switzer and Mr Chan
00:42:23.440 --> 00:42:27.510
are speaking in
generalities for region one.
00:42:27.510 --> 00:42:31.810
Each of you should look
carefully at the materials
00:42:31.810 --> 00:42:34.310
they have referenced for you,
00:42:34.310 --> 00:42:38.450
the submissions to us
by Golden State Water
00:42:38.450 --> 00:42:42.810
which are available on the
Golden State Water website
00:42:42.810 --> 00:42:46.530
and the submissions that
Mr Chan has provided to us
00:42:46.530 --> 00:42:51.070
which are also available on
the public advocates section
00:42:51.070 --> 00:42:55.900
of the CPUC website
for your specific town,
00:42:56.980 --> 00:43:01.330
because it's important to
look at what the positions
00:43:01.330 --> 00:43:05.000
of the parties are with
respect to your specific town.
00:43:05.000 --> 00:43:10.000
And since I'm speaking
in encouraging specifics,
00:43:10.000 --> 00:43:11.900
I wanna add one more note
00:43:11.900 --> 00:43:16.900
about the proposed
consolidation between Santa Maria
00:43:17.010 --> 00:43:18.860
and Los Osos
00:43:20.730 --> 00:43:24.400
That particular set of fact sheet,
00:43:24.400 --> 00:43:28.323
the one for Santa Maria
and the one for Los Osos,
00:43:29.430 --> 00:43:34.430
includes in it alternatives
for each side, each city
00:43:35.810 --> 00:43:38.380
if the consolidation goes through,
00:43:38.380 --> 00:43:41.530
or if the consolidation is not approved
00:43:41.530 --> 00:43:43.290
and does not go through.
00:43:43.290 --> 00:43:46.550
So if you are going to try to project
00:43:46.550 --> 00:43:52.963
what your billing rates
might be, come 2022,
00:43:54.330 --> 00:43:57.620
citizens and residents of
that particular, or those two
00:43:57.620 --> 00:44:01.770
particular cities have got
to do a little more arithmetic.
00:44:01.770 --> 00:44:04.040
They have to consider the possibility
00:44:04.040 --> 00:44:06.310
that consolidation will be ordered.
00:44:06.310 --> 00:44:07.550
And there's enough information
00:44:07.550 --> 00:44:09.450
in the fact sheets to figure that
00:44:09.450 --> 00:44:11.620
out for each of your cities.
00:44:11.620 --> 00:44:14.550
And they also have to
consider the situation where
00:44:14.550 --> 00:44:16.883
no consolidation will be allowed.
00:44:17.920 --> 00:44:22.190
And they then have enough
information in the fact sheets.
00:44:22.190 --> 00:44:24.320
You have enough
information in your fact sheets
00:44:24.320 --> 00:44:27.180
to calculate what your
rates would look like under
00:44:27.180 --> 00:44:29.300
those circumstances.
00:44:29.300 --> 00:44:31.030
Okay, I don't have any,
00:44:31.030 --> 00:44:34.780
I don't wanna add any more
comments other than that.
00:44:34.780 --> 00:44:38.093
Now is a really important
part of the proceeding.
00:44:39.090 --> 00:44:41.000
We, the Commission,
00:44:41.000 --> 00:44:43.970
and the parties want
to hear your comments
00:44:43.970 --> 00:44:46.890
about the proposed rate increases
00:44:46.890 --> 00:44:49.890
in your particular part of region one.
00:44:49.890 --> 00:44:51.720
So here's how you do it.
00:44:51.720 --> 00:44:56.720
You simply use your phone,
you press star one on your phone.
00:44:58.170 --> 00:45:01.830
The operator will then
add you to a line up
00:45:01.830 --> 00:45:05.620
of callers who want to make comments.
00:45:05.620 --> 00:45:10.620
When you are asked to make
your comment by the operator,
00:45:12.170 --> 00:45:15.500
I would ask you to do a
couple of things for us.
00:45:15.500 --> 00:45:19.060
One is to state your
names and spell your name,
00:45:19.060 --> 00:45:22.090
your full name first and last names.
00:45:22.090 --> 00:45:24.500
The second thing is to tell us what town
00:45:24.500 --> 00:45:26.430
or city you reside in,
00:45:26.430 --> 00:45:31.430
so we know which set of
rate requests apply to you.
00:45:32.890 --> 00:45:35.480
And three, I want you to speak slowly
00:45:35.480 --> 00:45:37.080
when you make your comments
00:45:37.080 --> 00:45:40.230
because your comments
are being taken down
00:45:40.230 --> 00:45:42.120
by the court reporters.
00:45:42.120 --> 00:45:43.690
And it's better.
00:45:43.690 --> 00:45:46.500
If you speak slowly, rather than quickly
00:45:46.500 --> 00:45:49.480
I will allow speakers two minutes.
00:45:49.480 --> 00:45:51.930
There will be a chime or bell
00:45:51.930 --> 00:45:56.190
that you will hear at the
end of the two minutes,
00:45:56.190 --> 00:46:01.190
and then I will have to have
the next person in line speech
00:46:03.020 --> 00:46:07.900
If, if it's important
and I feel it's essential
00:46:07.900 --> 00:46:10.680
then I will allow you
a little bit more time.
00:46:10.680 --> 00:46:13.420
But generally speaking, I'd
like to keep all the comments
00:46:13.420 --> 00:46:15.063
to two minutes a piece.
00:46:15.900 --> 00:46:18.670
So with that, I'm going
to ask the operator
00:46:18.670 --> 00:46:23.480
if there is anyone in the
queue to speak as of now
00:46:25.470 --> 00:46:26.740
Thank you, sir.
00:46:26.740 --> 00:46:30.260
At this time, I'm showing
no one have queued up
00:46:30.260 --> 00:46:31.810
to make a comment at this time.
00:46:33.380 --> 00:46:37.047
Okay, so it is 7:23pm.
00:46:39.410 --> 00:46:44.410
and what I would like to do
is take a seven minute recess
00:46:45.720 --> 00:46:47.420
until 7:30pm.
00:46:47.420 --> 00:46:52.220
and allow people to queue
up, to make their comments.
00:46:52.220 --> 00:46:56.740
So we will be in recess and
off the record at this point.
00:46:56.740 --> 00:46:58.677
And we'll return at 7:30pm.
00:47:24.442 --> 00:47:26.525
Okay, it is now 7:30pm,
00:47:28.100 --> 00:47:31.370
and I think it's time to return.
00:47:31.370 --> 00:47:33.293
Let's go back on the record.
00:47:36.040 --> 00:47:37.570
We're now back on the record
00:47:37.570 --> 00:47:40.400
and would the operator
inform me as to whether
00:47:40.400 --> 00:47:43.673
or not we have anyone in the
queue to speak this evening?
00:47:44.564 --> 00:47:45.842
Thank you, sir.
00:47:45.842 --> 00:47:48.670
I'm still showing no one has queued up
00:47:48.670 --> 00:47:50.220
to make a comment at this time.
00:47:52.330 --> 00:47:56.070
Okay, well, I'm going to
take that as an invocation
00:47:56.070 --> 00:47:57.440
that we're not going to have
00:47:57.440 --> 00:48:01.010
any public speakers this evening.
00:48:01.010 --> 00:48:04.470
So let's conclude for the evening.
00:48:04.470 --> 00:48:08.560
I wanna conclude by
encouraging those who are still
00:48:08.560 --> 00:48:13.560
on the line and listening
or watching on the internet
00:48:13.730 --> 00:48:17.960
that if you have a comment
that you'd like to submit,
00:48:17.960 --> 00:48:20.853
but you're reluctant to do it live,
00:48:21.900 --> 00:48:26.900
you can write in and put a
comment in the public comment tab
00:48:27.830 --> 00:48:30.620
of the docket sheet for this proceeding.
00:48:30.620 --> 00:48:32.433
And as I explained before,
00:48:34.856 --> 00:48:35.820
you'll get help
00:48:35.820 --> 00:48:40.230
from the public advisors
group at the CPUC
00:48:40.230 --> 00:48:42.040
and you can reach them
00:48:42.040 --> 00:48:47.040
by addressing an
email to public.advisor,
00:48:47.330 --> 00:48:51.733
00:48:56.810 --> 00:49:01.810
So with that, this closes the
evening's public participation
00:49:02.210 --> 00:49:04.730
proceedings for region one,
00:49:04.730 --> 00:49:06.570
and I thank everybody who helped
00:49:06.570 --> 00:49:09.190
and participated in, in the evening.
00:49:09.190 --> 00:49:10.530
Thank you very much.
00:49:10.530 --> 00:49:11.930
We'll be off the record now.
00:49:14.688 --> 00:49:15.667
[Man] Thank you.