00:00:37.380 --> 00:00:38.213
Hey, everyone.
00:00:38.213 --> 00:00:39.046
This is Monica.
00:00:39.046 --> 00:00:40.430
Looks like you got the slides.
00:01:24.940 --> 00:01:27.260
So, (murmurs) everything you needed.
00:01:36.797 --> 00:01:38.000
I think we're all set.
00:01:38.000 --> 00:01:39.000
Thanks for checking.
00:01:40.150 --> 00:01:41.030
00:01:41.030 --> 00:01:41.863
Pilar is here.
00:01:41.863 --> 00:01:42.796
00:01:42.796 --> 00:01:44.090
Okay, y'all have a good session.
00:01:44.090 --> 00:01:46.900
I know there was a couple
of people that had (murmurs).
00:01:47.863 --> 00:01:49.663
So you're gonna have a good session.
00:01:51.500 --> 00:01:52.333
Thanks so much.
00:01:58.350 --> 00:01:59.320
Hi, good afternoon.
00:01:59.320 --> 00:02:00.710
This is Shaun.
00:02:00.710 --> 00:02:02.360
Can everybody see the PowerPoint?
00:02:05.449 --> 00:02:07.630
We can see it, Shaun,
but it's not the full screen,
00:02:07.630 --> 00:02:10.330
if there's a way to make
it just a little bit bigger.
00:02:10.330 --> 00:02:11.163
Okay, I'm sorry.
00:02:11.163 --> 00:02:13.780
Let me just exit out real quick,
00:02:13.780 --> 00:02:15.280
and then I'll open it back up again.
00:02:15.280 --> 00:02:17.020
Sorry about that.
00:02:17.020 --> 00:02:20.060
Is it because you are using a
PDF and not the PowerPoint?
00:02:21.820 --> 00:02:23.950
Yeah, let me reopen it up.
00:02:23.950 --> 00:02:25.590
It's open as PDF, but I think I need
00:02:25.590 --> 00:02:29.000
to open it up in a different browser.
00:02:29.000 --> 00:02:29.833
Sorry about that.
00:02:29.833 --> 00:02:30.666
Okay, thanks.
00:02:30.666 --> 00:02:31.499
Sorry, thank you.
00:03:25.680 --> 00:03:27.030
Okay, how's that?
00:03:29.590 --> 00:03:30.423
Looks great.
00:03:30.423 --> 00:03:31.256
Thanks for checking.
00:03:32.230 --> 00:03:33.210
Okay, thank you.
00:03:35.340 --> 00:03:36.173
Thanks, Shaun.
00:03:37.730 --> 00:03:38.563
00:03:40.630 --> 00:03:42.050
Oh, I just wanted
to say thank you.
00:03:42.050 --> 00:03:43.239
Oh, you're welcome.
00:03:43.239 --> 00:03:45.322
00:04:36.822 --> 00:04:40.350
Hey, Michael and
Wylen, can you hear me?
00:04:40.350 --> 00:04:41.690
00:04:41.690 --> 00:04:42.523
00:04:45.340 --> 00:04:49.190
So, I'll be
monitoring the chat.
00:04:49.190 --> 00:04:50.023
Is that correct?
00:04:50.023 --> 00:04:52.900
And then summarizing at the end.
00:04:52.900 --> 00:04:54.900
Yes, I think you
have the biggest job.
00:04:56.230 --> 00:04:57.063
I know.
00:04:58.341 --> 00:05:01.191
I nailed it, I was like, "Oh
man, this is gonna be hard."
00:05:09.750 --> 00:05:13.940
I'll do my best, but
feel free to help me.
00:05:13.940 --> 00:05:16.420
Yeah, I think it's
mainly, if you see anything
00:05:16.420 --> 00:05:19.170
that you need to stop
us and just interrupt us,
00:05:19.170 --> 00:05:21.820
I think what we'll probably
rely on you for the most.
00:05:54.710 --> 00:05:55.740
Are we live already?
00:05:55.740 --> 00:05:58.190
I assume we are, I don't
know if there's a way to--
00:05:58.190 --> 00:05:59.840
We are live and being recorded.
00:06:00.860 --> 00:06:03.150
And do we wanna start at one sharp,
00:06:03.150 --> 00:06:06.030
or give people a minute to gather?
00:06:06.030 --> 00:06:08.610
Maybe we just ramp up slowly.
00:06:09.680 --> 00:06:12.840
Yeah, we'll start ramping
up slowly at one, I guess.
00:06:12.840 --> 00:06:13.790
Yeah, I think we should start
00:06:13.790 --> 00:06:16.390
on time just because
it's a short session,
00:06:16.390 --> 00:06:19.890
but I'm sure people
will be joining us late,
00:06:19.890 --> 00:06:21.310
you know, people will be trickling in,
00:06:21.310 --> 00:06:24.830
but they won't probably miss
too much in the beginning.
00:06:24.830 --> 00:06:26.060
I don't know, actually (murmurs).
00:06:28.546 --> 00:06:29.896
Okay, we'll start at one.
00:08:07.970 --> 00:08:08.803
00:08:08.803 --> 00:08:10.330
Hi, good afternoon.
00:08:10.330 --> 00:08:12.910
So, we're coming 1:00 pm right now.
00:08:12.910 --> 00:08:15.430
I'm just gonna give them
about about 30 seconds or so,
00:08:15.430 --> 00:08:20.430
so more of the participants
and stakeholders can trickle in.
00:08:20.430 --> 00:08:23.200
So, we're starting in about 30 seconds.
00:08:23.200 --> 00:08:24.033
Thank you.
00:08:32.990 --> 00:08:34.920
All right, can you hear me?
00:08:34.920 --> 00:08:36.150
If you guys can hear me?
00:08:36.150 --> 00:08:37.080
Okay, great.
00:08:37.080 --> 00:08:40.020
Welcome to the
communications breakout session.
00:08:40.020 --> 00:08:41.390
My name is Wylen.
00:08:41.390 --> 00:08:44.600
Michael and I will be your
facilitators for this session.
00:08:44.600 --> 00:08:46.980
Just a brief intro about ourselves.
00:08:46.980 --> 00:08:49.970
Michael is the policy
advisor to the director
00:08:49.970 --> 00:08:53.520
of the communications division,
and I'm a regulatory analyst
00:08:53.520 --> 00:08:56.320
in the California
Teleconnect Fund Program.
00:08:56.320 --> 00:08:58.470
So we are thrilled to
be here with all of you.
00:08:58.470 --> 00:09:00.510
Michael and I will be
doing a little bit of talking
00:09:00.510 --> 00:09:03.150
during this session, but
I think more importantly,
00:09:03.150 --> 00:09:05.960
as it's been kind of
talked about this morning,
00:09:06.920 --> 00:09:08.880
we want to hear from you
and we want to brainstorm
00:09:08.880 --> 00:09:11.730
with you on the
telecommunications topics.
00:09:11.730 --> 00:09:14.940
So, just a couple of quick
public service announcements.
00:09:14.940 --> 00:09:18.840
This session is not on the
record, but it is being recorded
00:09:18.840 --> 00:09:22.330
as we speak for follow-up purposes.
00:09:22.330 --> 00:09:24.530
And we are gonna be taking notes.
00:09:24.530 --> 00:09:28.500
Also, unlike this morning,
Spanish interpretation
00:09:28.500 --> 00:09:31.220
is not available for this
particular breakout session,
00:09:31.220 --> 00:09:33.914
so we apologize in advance for that.
00:09:33.914 --> 00:09:36.410
And just a couple other topics,
00:09:37.360 --> 00:09:39.110
wanna thank those who
are behind the scenes,
00:09:39.110 --> 00:09:40.690
who are making everything work for us.
00:09:40.690 --> 00:09:42.680
We're happy to have support from Shaun
00:09:42.680 --> 00:09:45.690
of IT in this session, so I
want to knowledge Shaun here,
00:09:45.690 --> 00:09:47.580
he will be our host today.
00:09:47.580 --> 00:09:49.550
And I also wanna take a
moment to acknowledge
00:09:49.550 --> 00:09:53.120
the support from Commissioner
Guzman Aceves's Office,
00:09:53.120 --> 00:09:54.530
in particular, Sarah, who will
00:09:54.530 --> 00:09:57.520
be help monitoring
our chat room activities,
00:09:57.520 --> 00:10:01.400
and will summarize the session
to provide recap at the end.
00:10:01.400 --> 00:10:05.400
And to Laura, will be
capturing notes for us as well.
00:10:05.400 --> 00:10:06.880
So, without further ado, Shaun,
00:10:06.880 --> 00:10:08.830
can you move to the next slide, please?
00:10:17.000 --> 00:10:18.410
So, I'll jump in here.
00:10:18.410 --> 00:10:21.480
So, Michael Minkus, I'll
briefly go over the agenda,
00:10:21.480 --> 00:10:25.410
and just before I do, we
were able to figure out a poll
00:10:25.410 --> 00:10:28.580
for Webex, so we can get
a sense of the participants.
00:10:28.580 --> 00:10:30.810
So Shaun, if you could load that up
00:10:30.810 --> 00:10:33.350
that, now, that would be great.
00:10:33.350 --> 00:10:36.500
I'm going to talk over
it about the agenda,
00:10:36.500 --> 00:10:39.180
but I will pause once it's all set,
00:10:39.180 --> 00:10:41.840
and give folks a moment to respond.
00:10:43.000 --> 00:10:45.580
So, we will provide an update
00:10:45.580 --> 00:10:47.470
on some of the telecommunications items
00:10:47.470 --> 00:10:51.210
from the ESJ action
plan in the past year,
00:10:52.100 --> 00:10:55.520
talk about a few items to consider.
00:10:55.520 --> 00:10:57.050
It looks like the poll was loaded too,
00:10:57.050 --> 00:11:00.400
so let me just talk more slowly
00:11:00.400 --> 00:11:03.250
and hopefully you all can respond,
00:11:03.250 --> 00:11:07.800
while I'm going over the agenda.
00:11:07.800 --> 00:11:11.590
So, cover some of the
telecommunications items
00:11:11.590 --> 00:11:14.240
from the last year, look forward
00:11:14.240 --> 00:11:17.130
at some possible
additional topics to include,
00:11:17.130 --> 00:11:19.300
and then have a facilitated discussion
00:11:19.300 --> 00:11:23.460
on the action plan, with a
focus on telecommunications.
00:11:23.460 --> 00:11:25.540
And then, at the end,
Sarah will summarize
00:11:25.540 --> 00:11:28.210
and identify potential
actions and next steps.
00:11:29.210 --> 00:11:33.520
And so, some guidance
about the participation,
00:11:33.520 --> 00:11:38.520
so there's a few ways to
interject or to ask a question.
00:11:39.020 --> 00:11:41.820
and I'll try and go
over those quickly, now.
00:11:41.820 --> 00:11:44.510
So, to ask a verbal
comment or a question,
00:11:44.510 --> 00:11:46.270
you can raise your hand, that's
00:11:46.270 --> 00:11:49.680
the little person in the bottom right.
00:11:49.680 --> 00:11:51.540
Click on that, it
will bring up the list.
00:11:51.540 --> 00:11:54.010
And next to your name,
there's a small icon
00:11:54.010 --> 00:11:57.280
for a hand raise, to raise a hand.
00:11:57.280 --> 00:12:00.270
You could also submit a written comment
00:12:00.270 --> 00:12:02.930
or question and type that into
00:12:02.930 --> 00:12:05.480
the chat box, also in the bottom right.
00:12:05.480 --> 00:12:07.490
Sarah will be monitoring
that, and we'll try
00:12:07.490 --> 00:12:09.050
to keep an eye on it, so that we
00:12:09.050 --> 00:12:10.700
can make sure there's a response.
00:12:12.310 --> 00:12:16.040
And a note there, when
you select the 10 option,
00:12:16.040 --> 00:12:18.900
you have options for who to send it to,
00:12:18.900 --> 00:12:21.780
and sending it to everyone
is best, so we can make sure
00:12:21.780 --> 00:12:23.880
that everyone who
needs to see it gets it.
00:12:25.480 --> 00:12:27.850
Finally, you can submit
a written comment
00:12:27.850 --> 00:12:29.840
or follow up material via email,
00:12:29.840 --> 00:12:32.590
and that will be to
00:12:35.090 --> 00:12:36.900
And that's the same address that's
00:12:36.900 --> 00:12:39.050
on the first and last slides.
00:12:39.050 --> 00:12:41.100
So, before we start, a reminder
00:12:41.100 --> 00:12:43.140
that this session is being recorded,
00:12:43.140 --> 00:12:46.300
so that we can save all
the feedback and comments.
00:12:46.300 --> 00:12:48.650
And with that, I'll turn
it back over to Wylen.
00:12:52.810 --> 00:12:53.643
00:12:53.643 --> 00:12:54.476
Thank you, Michael.
00:12:54.476 --> 00:12:55.309
Really appreciate it.
00:12:55.309 --> 00:12:58.970
So Shaun, if you could
move to the next slide, please?
00:13:00.650 --> 00:13:02.270
All right, I'll be talking about some
00:13:02.270 --> 00:13:06.380
of the ongoing ESJ action items that
00:13:06.380 --> 00:13:08.400
are pertaining to telecommunications.
00:13:10.120 --> 00:13:11.940
And these items are actually already
00:13:11.940 --> 00:13:13.370
on the ESG action plan.
00:13:13.370 --> 00:13:14.340
So, I just want to provide
00:13:14.340 --> 00:13:16.290
a little bit of update to some of them.
00:13:17.490 --> 00:13:19.350
Some of the items on
the action plan intend
00:13:19.350 --> 00:13:20.850
and strive to provide access
00:13:20.850 --> 00:13:24.160
to communication services
for the ESJ community.
00:13:24.160 --> 00:13:26.600
And these efforts are being facilitated,
00:13:27.520 --> 00:13:28.960
some of these others
are being facilitated
00:13:28.960 --> 00:13:31.270
by the California Lifeline Program.
00:13:31.270 --> 00:13:36.270
In particular, in April of
2019, in decision in 19-04-021,
00:13:36.730 --> 00:13:39.510
the Commission has approved two pilots.
00:13:39.510 --> 00:13:43.130
They are the CARE pilot
and THE iFoster Pilot.
00:13:43.130 --> 00:13:46.680
Both pilots partner will Boost
Mobile for phone service.
00:13:46.680 --> 00:13:49.000
The CARE Pilot allows
all households enroll
00:13:49.000 --> 00:13:51.860
in the California alternative
rates for energy program,
00:13:51.860 --> 00:13:53.950
also known as the CARE program,
00:13:53.950 --> 00:13:55.620
which is an energy division program
00:13:55.620 --> 00:13:58.380
for low income Californian
households to receive
00:13:58.380 --> 00:14:01.110
a $15 per month off
wireless phone service
00:14:01.110 --> 00:14:02.710
from Boost Mobile.
00:14:02.710 --> 00:14:05.020
The iFoster Pilot is the partnership
00:14:05.020 --> 00:14:08.000
with iFoster, which is a
Truckee based non-profit
00:14:08.000 --> 00:14:11.260
that helps foster youth
across the state to navigate
00:14:11.260 --> 00:14:14.000
the public assistance
programs available to them.
00:14:14.000 --> 00:14:16.090
Through this pilot, iFoster aims
00:14:16.090 --> 00:14:17.760
to distribute three smartphones
00:14:17.760 --> 00:14:19.690
for at least two years of free calling,
00:14:19.690 --> 00:14:21.990
testing, and data services to up
00:14:21.990 --> 00:14:24.750
to 33,000 foster youth across the state.
00:14:26.220 --> 00:14:28.870
In addition to these programs,
there are also other efforts
00:14:28.870 --> 00:14:33.870
on the ESJ action plan that
aim to implement programs
00:14:34.640 --> 00:14:36.740
for strategies for broadband adoption,
00:14:36.740 --> 00:14:38.880
public housing, and Nolan accounts.
00:14:38.880 --> 00:14:41.000
These efforts are being facilitated in
00:14:41.000 --> 00:14:45.320
the California Advanced Service
Fund program, CSF program.
00:14:45.320 --> 00:14:48.950
In 2018, the Commission
adopted several decisions
00:14:48.950 --> 00:14:50.330
towards this effort.
00:14:50.330 --> 00:14:52.190
There is the Broadband Adoption program,
00:14:52.190 --> 00:14:54.210
where $20 million are awarded
00:14:54.210 --> 00:14:56.810
in biannual application cycles.
00:14:56.810 --> 00:14:58.820
Communities with low broadband access,
00:14:58.820 --> 00:15:00.860
and more low broadband
subscription rates
00:15:00.860 --> 00:15:04.320
will be given preference, as
well as low income communities,
00:15:04.320 --> 00:15:06.550
senior communities, and communities that
00:15:06.550 --> 00:15:10.780
are facing socioeconomic
barriers to broadband adoption.
00:15:10.780 --> 00:15:13.200
Then, there's also the CSF Rural
00:15:13.200 --> 00:15:17.080
and Urban Regional Broadband
Consortia Grant Account,
00:15:17.080 --> 00:15:19.510
which provides grants
to eligible consortia
00:15:19.510 --> 00:15:22.680
to facilitate deployment
of broadband services.
00:15:22.680 --> 00:15:25.850
In 2018, the consortia
account reimbursed over
00:15:28.149 --> 00:15:31.910
1.3 million for 17 consortia groups,
00:15:31.910 --> 00:15:36.910
representing about 54 out
of the 58 California counties.
00:15:38.130 --> 00:15:39.340
So, these are just a couple
00:15:39.340 --> 00:15:40.880
of the programs that
we want to highlight.
00:15:40.880 --> 00:15:43.140
There are also other
items on the ESJ action plan
00:15:43.140 --> 00:15:45.690
that I didn't necessarily
highlight here,
00:15:45.690 --> 00:15:47.260
but we are definitely free to discuss
00:15:47.260 --> 00:15:48.880
those later on in this session.
00:15:50.381 --> 00:15:53.640
What I also want to talk
about, and a broader item
00:15:53.640 --> 00:15:55.580
on the ESJ action plan.
00:15:55.580 --> 00:15:57.890
Shaun, could you move
to the next slide please?
00:16:01.300 --> 00:16:03.000
So, great, thank you, Shaun.
00:16:03.000 --> 00:16:06.850
So, in this slide, I wanna talk about
00:16:06.850 --> 00:16:08.080
the affordability proceedings.
00:16:08.080 --> 00:16:11.520
So, one of the key objectives
of the ESJ action plan
00:16:11.520 --> 00:16:14.580
is to develop methods and
processes to assess affordability
00:16:14.580 --> 00:16:17.480
across Commission,
proceedings, and services.
00:16:17.480 --> 00:16:19.380
Before that, wanted to talk
00:16:19.380 --> 00:16:24.200
about Affordability
Proceeding R.18-07-006.
00:16:25.732 --> 00:16:28.830
And just a little bit of
background on this proceeding,
00:16:28.830 --> 00:16:31.310
this is a quasi legislative
proceeding that aims
00:16:31.310 --> 00:16:33.550
to develop a framework to assess
00:16:33.550 --> 00:16:36.950
the affordability of
essential electric, gas,
00:16:36.950 --> 00:16:39.110
water, and communication services
00:16:39.110 --> 00:16:42.080
for residential
households in California.
00:16:42.080 --> 00:16:43.970
So, this proceeding
does not pertain just
00:16:43.970 --> 00:16:45.880
to telecommunications, but also all
00:16:45.880 --> 00:16:47.700
the other essential industries.
00:16:47.700 --> 00:16:49.620
While this proceeding in and of itself
00:16:49.620 --> 00:16:51.940
cannot determine rates, we anticipate
00:16:51.940 --> 00:16:54.830
the Commission will utilize
the results and ongoing efforts
00:16:54.830 --> 00:16:57.830
from this proceeding
to influence its decisions
00:16:57.830 --> 00:17:00.630
on anything related to
residential utility rates,
00:17:00.630 --> 00:17:02.060
including, but not limited to,
00:17:02.060 --> 00:17:03.630
grant proposals and rate cases.
00:17:04.650 --> 00:17:06.620
A bit of status update
on this proceeding.
00:17:06.620 --> 00:17:10.620
In the past year, 2020,
we've hit a few milestones.
00:17:10.620 --> 00:17:14.890
On January 27, 2020, the
Commission staff issued
00:17:14.890 --> 00:17:18.250
a revised staff proposal,
which establishes
00:17:18.250 --> 00:17:20.310
the essential service
level for electric, gas,
00:17:20.310 --> 00:17:22.610
water, and communications services,
00:17:22.610 --> 00:17:24.610
and introduces three metrics
00:17:24.610 --> 00:17:26.710
of measurement to
determine affordability.
00:17:29.260 --> 00:17:32.020
On July 22nd, 2020,
the Commission issued
00:17:32.020 --> 00:17:36.860
decision 20-07-032, which
adopts metrics and methodologies,
00:17:36.860 --> 00:17:39.040
as well as essential
utility service level
00:17:39.040 --> 00:17:40.440
for a residential household.
00:17:41.620 --> 00:17:43.520
As mentioned in the morning session,
00:17:43.520 --> 00:17:45.610
Commission staff is poised to issue
00:17:45.610 --> 00:17:49.130
the first annual affordability
report, later this quarter.
00:17:49.130 --> 00:17:51.450
The report will discuss key findings
00:17:51.450 --> 00:17:53.860
around affordability
of essential services
00:17:53.860 --> 00:17:57.860
across the specific
geographies in California.
00:17:57.860 --> 00:18:00.260
More importantly, it
demonstrates that we now
00:18:00.260 --> 00:18:03.360
have a way, a method,
using the metrics adopted
00:18:03.360 --> 00:18:05.730
in the affordability
proceeding to quantify
00:18:05.730 --> 00:18:08.430
and measure affordability
at an ongoing basis
00:18:08.430 --> 00:18:10.450
we'll have a geographic focus.
00:18:10.450 --> 00:18:13.740
Further, as it pertains
to ESJ priorities,
00:18:13.740 --> 00:18:16.010
it provides avenues
and measurable metrics
00:18:16.010 --> 00:18:18.450
to assess the impact of our GSJ efforts.
00:18:18.450 --> 00:18:21.610
And, in particular,
some of the action items
00:18:21.610 --> 00:18:23.850
that are on our action plan right now.
00:18:23.850 --> 00:18:26.110
At a very minimum, these metrics
00:18:26.110 --> 00:18:28.370
should at least be able to address
00:18:28.370 --> 00:18:30.460
the social justice part of ESJ.
00:18:31.323 --> 00:18:32.340
And I think earlier this morning,
00:18:32.340 --> 00:18:33.680
I think Kathleen mentioned something
00:18:33.680 --> 00:18:36.530
about CalEnviroScreen being a metric
00:18:36.530 --> 00:18:38.120
that can be used to determine some
00:18:38.120 --> 00:18:41.220
of the environmental aspects
of some of the action items.
00:18:42.258 --> 00:18:44.930
I think, on that note, we
believe the affordability
00:18:44.930 --> 00:18:48.770
and metrics can actually
be very applicable
00:18:48.770 --> 00:18:51.750
to some of the socio-economic
component of ESJ.
00:18:52.760 --> 00:18:55.120
Oh, and by the way, I
added some little graphics
00:18:55.120 --> 00:18:56.650
on the slide show, here.
00:18:56.650 --> 00:18:59.500
This is some of the graphics that we use
00:18:59.500 --> 00:19:03.300
for one of our metrics,
the affordability ratio, AR,
00:19:03.300 --> 00:19:05.280
but I just thought it was
cute, just wanna put it in there.
00:19:05.280 --> 00:19:07.660
It was a little shameless
plug on my part.
00:19:07.660 --> 00:19:09.710
But, on a more serious note,
00:19:10.746 --> 00:19:12.600
one last one before we
move to the next topic,
00:19:12.600 --> 00:19:14.350
is that I wanna share the main takeaway
00:19:14.350 --> 00:19:17.820
from one of our upcoming
first annual report,
00:19:17.820 --> 00:19:19.370
which is consistent, and this takeaway
00:19:19.370 --> 00:19:22.060
is pretty consistent
across all industries.
00:19:22.060 --> 00:19:23.840
Affordability challenges are widespread
00:19:23.840 --> 00:19:25.550
across the state of California.
00:19:25.550 --> 00:19:27.950
It is not an urban versus rural issue,
00:19:27.950 --> 00:19:30.920
it is also not a coastal
versus inland issue.
00:19:30.920 --> 00:19:33.780
In any given geography, if combination
00:19:33.780 --> 00:19:37.640
of low income and high
costs of service exists.
00:19:37.640 --> 00:19:41.470
So again, if any combination
in any given geography,
00:19:41.470 --> 00:19:44.650
if there is a combination of
low income and high cost,
00:19:44.650 --> 00:19:47.530
then there will be
affordability challenges.
00:19:47.530 --> 00:19:51.460
For communication, in
particular, until we address
00:19:52.620 --> 00:19:56.350
those very communities
with affordability challenges,
00:19:56.350 --> 00:19:58.980
that digital divide will
only continue to widen.
00:20:00.210 --> 00:20:03.020
So, I think that's enough
on this proceeding, for now.
00:20:03.020 --> 00:20:04.720
I'm gonna go ahead and
I'll turn it over to Michael
00:20:04.720 --> 00:20:06.770
for other items that we wanna discuss.
00:20:08.360 --> 00:20:09.193
00:20:09.193 --> 00:20:12.060
And Shaun, can we get the next slide?
00:20:12.060 --> 00:20:15.100
So, this slide lists a
few high level items,
00:20:15.100 --> 00:20:17.910
that would be topics that
are more recent actions
00:20:17.910 --> 00:20:19.590
that the Commission
has taken, or in the state,
00:20:19.590 --> 00:20:21.800
and we might wanna consider in
00:20:21.800 --> 00:20:23.780
the action plan going forward.
00:20:23.780 --> 00:20:25.670
I have a little more detail on them,
00:20:25.670 --> 00:20:28.780
but I will cover them
at a very high level,
00:20:28.780 --> 00:20:31.310
so that we don't take
away time from discussion.
00:20:31.310 --> 00:20:33.740
So just follow up, if you
would like more detail,
00:20:33.740 --> 00:20:35.710
or discussion on these items.
00:20:35.710 --> 00:20:36.660
So the first one...
00:20:38.040 --> 00:20:39.840
Next slide, please.
00:20:39.840 --> 00:20:41.900
Is the broadband for all proceeding,
00:20:41.900 --> 00:20:46.890
it's this 20-09-001,
has multiple phases.
00:20:46.890 --> 00:20:49.370
Currently is looking
at a very specific topic,
00:20:49.370 --> 00:20:54.370
a staff proposal about
when utilities restore service
00:20:54.440 --> 00:20:58.000
after a fire, how access
00:20:58.000 --> 00:21:00.250
to high quality
infrastructure is maintained.
00:21:01.710 --> 00:21:03.690
These two will look more broadly
00:21:03.690 --> 00:21:06.640
at ways energy investor owned utilities
00:21:06.640 --> 00:21:08.670
can deploy broadband infrastructure
00:21:08.670 --> 00:21:11.370
and provide infrastructure sharing.
00:21:11.370 --> 00:21:15.480
So that's between both
communications providers and between,
00:21:15.480 --> 00:21:19.170
or among, communications
providers and energy utilities.
00:21:19.170 --> 00:21:21.980
And then, phase three
is currently scoped
00:21:21.980 --> 00:21:24.860
to investigate whether
internet service providers
00:21:24.860 --> 00:21:28.260
are not serving certain
communities or neighborhoods.
00:21:28.260 --> 00:21:31.720
The practice we generally
refer to as red lining.
00:21:31.720 --> 00:21:33.470
And if there is red lining,
00:21:33.470 --> 00:21:36.540
measures to mitigate
or eliminate the practice.
00:21:36.540 --> 00:21:39.100
So that's on the broadband for all,
00:21:39.100 --> 00:21:41.320
our broadband infrastructure proceeding.
00:21:41.320 --> 00:21:43.690
Next was in the Governor's
budget announcement,
00:21:43.690 --> 00:21:46.390
which is the slide that's
been on the screen.
00:21:46.390 --> 00:21:49.990
And the Governor covered
two particular topics of interest,
00:21:49.990 --> 00:21:52.730
so, related to access or
whether or not communities
00:21:52.730 --> 00:21:55.850
or individuals can access
high quality infrastructure,
00:21:55.850 --> 00:21:59.150
and have some facts
about certain communities.
00:21:59.150 --> 00:22:01.980
So, number of households
that don't have a connection
00:22:01.980 --> 00:22:05.370
at baseline benchmark speeds, number
00:22:05.370 --> 00:22:09.380
of rural households that
don't, and tribal lands,
00:22:09.380 --> 00:22:12.210
or tribal households that are
disproportionately affected,
00:22:12.210 --> 00:22:14.000
but then also the related topic
00:22:14.000 --> 00:22:15.770
of affordability or adoption,
00:22:15.770 --> 00:22:19.660
so whether or not if a
community has some service,
00:22:19.660 --> 00:22:22.970
whether or not they're able
to afford or use the service.
00:22:24.080 --> 00:22:27.250
And that certainly relates
back to what Wylen covered
00:22:27.250 --> 00:22:30.570
and the interest in the
affordability proceeding.
00:22:31.810 --> 00:22:33.920
So, next slide, please.
00:22:33.920 --> 00:22:35.390
Finally, the Commission took a number
00:22:35.390 --> 00:22:38.230
of actions to respond to the pandemic.
00:22:38.230 --> 00:22:41.690
So, this is a screenshot of
the database and look up tool,
00:22:41.690 --> 00:22:44.460
by zip code, for low
cost internet plans.
00:22:44.460 --> 00:22:47.150
So these are the income qualified plans
00:22:47.150 --> 00:22:50.340
that internet service
providers make available.
00:22:50.340 --> 00:22:54.880
But the Commission also took
action to limit disconnections,
00:22:54.880 --> 00:22:58.780
to support distance
learning with grant funds,
00:22:58.780 --> 00:23:02.270
and expanded Lifeline
to include bundled voice
00:23:02.270 --> 00:23:03.600
and broadband service.
00:23:03.600 --> 00:23:05.120
So these are all
things that we could talk
00:23:05.120 --> 00:23:08.220
about in more detail, if warranted.
00:23:09.090 --> 00:23:11.670
So with that, next slide, please.
00:23:11.670 --> 00:23:14.420
So, now we get to the discussion part.
00:23:14.420 --> 00:23:17.320
We'll take the approach of
trying to hear from everyone,
00:23:17.320 --> 00:23:19.720
before someone speaks multiple times.
00:23:19.720 --> 00:23:21.860
But with that, don't want that,
00:23:21.860 --> 00:23:24.050
wanna really encourage participation.
00:23:24.050 --> 00:23:26.300
So don't hesitate to speak up.
00:23:26.300 --> 00:23:28.640
We'll try and go one question at a time.
00:23:28.640 --> 00:23:33.300
And the ideal with this first question
00:23:33.300 --> 00:23:35.350
would be for us to go
around and everyone
00:23:35.350 --> 00:23:38.270
who's participating, respond.
00:23:38.270 --> 00:23:41.060
So, if you would prefer
not to, just say pass,
00:23:45.418 --> 00:23:47.490
or choose not to speak
up from the first place,
00:23:47.490 --> 00:23:50.790
but so I will read a question
and then look for responses.
00:23:50.790 --> 00:23:54.130
So, the first question is, what
has been your experience,
00:23:54.130 --> 00:23:57.240
or the experience of your
community, with broadband
00:23:57.240 --> 00:23:59.900
or internet access during this pandemic?
00:24:09.100 --> 00:24:11.710
Michael, did you want
people to raise their hand?
00:24:11.710 --> 00:24:13.070
00:24:13.070 --> 00:24:14.440
Yeah, that would be ideal.
00:24:14.440 --> 00:24:18.587
We could also potentially,
sort of identify people,
00:24:20.770 --> 00:24:22.930
but I'd prefer not to surprise anyone.
00:24:22.930 --> 00:24:24.100
So yeah, if people could raise
00:24:24.100 --> 00:24:25.700
their hand, that would be great.
00:24:26.577 --> 00:24:29.180
I see one raised hand
from Leslie Martinez.
00:24:31.300 --> 00:24:32.470
Hi, this is
Leslie Martinez
00:24:32.470 --> 00:24:33.740
with leadership council.
00:24:35.050 --> 00:24:36.260
Yeah, I think for a question,
00:24:36.260 --> 00:24:38.690
the first question I automatically think
00:24:38.690 --> 00:24:41.740
of the rural communities
that I work alongside,
00:24:41.740 --> 00:24:44.510
who were actually, so
much of the information
00:24:44.510 --> 00:24:46.540
that was made available
by Fresno County during
00:24:46.540 --> 00:24:48.970
the pandemic was only available online.
00:24:48.970 --> 00:24:50.800
To this day, you could still
00:24:50.800 --> 00:24:54.139
can only sign up to
get a vaccine online.
00:24:54.139 --> 00:24:56.960
And I just watched a lot
of community residents
00:24:58.220 --> 00:25:02.120
have to prioritize also having
a broadband in their home,
00:25:02.120 --> 00:25:06.600
so that their kids could turn
in homework assignments,
00:25:06.600 --> 00:25:08.650
when in reality they
were sometimes having
00:25:08.650 --> 00:25:13.650
to prioritize the cost of the
broadband over food and rent.
00:25:14.140 --> 00:25:18.080
And the other, a lot
of, specifically thinking
00:25:18.080 --> 00:25:20.140
in places that have
absolutely no infrastructure
00:25:20.140 --> 00:25:22.310
for broadband, and I mean, even poor,
00:25:22.310 --> 00:25:26.040
like phones, cell service,
connectivity issues,
00:25:26.040 --> 00:25:31.040
so many college students
having to stay in the city
00:25:31.550 --> 00:25:33.670
of Fresno or wherever
they were going to college
00:25:33.670 --> 00:25:37.060
and parents having to
figure out how to pay rent,
00:25:37.060 --> 00:25:38.690
so that their kid could stay there,
00:25:38.690 --> 00:25:41.570
because the internet at home wouldn't
00:25:41.570 --> 00:25:46.140
be able to really
facilitate at home learning.
00:25:47.290 --> 00:25:50.790
But I think the biggest issue is,
00:25:50.790 --> 00:25:53.940
for so many rural unincorporated areas,
00:25:53.940 --> 00:25:55.830
is the complete lack of infrastructure.
00:25:55.830 --> 00:25:57.670
And if there is some
type of infrastructure,
00:25:57.670 --> 00:26:00.450
it's outrageously
expensive, it's unreliable.
00:26:02.246 --> 00:26:07.246
And also, there's not a
whole lot of broadband literacy,
00:26:09.190 --> 00:26:11.910
how folks can protect themselves
00:26:11.910 --> 00:26:15.460
around like some of these
bundles that aren't always made
00:26:15.460 --> 00:26:18.200
to help residents, but rather are scam.
00:26:18.200 --> 00:26:20.790
And I think we saw a lot of
that through the community.
00:26:20.790 --> 00:26:25.790
So just a lot of being,
first and foremost
00:26:26.140 --> 00:26:30.250
definitely feeling cut out
from everything happening,
00:26:30.250 --> 00:26:32.160
specifically when you're staying at home
00:26:32.160 --> 00:26:34.800
and no way to get information.
00:26:36.420 --> 00:26:40.170
And, just having to,
when folks, specifically
00:26:40.170 --> 00:26:41.990
farm working families, who are living,
00:26:41.990 --> 00:26:45.420
and folks who are living
below the poverty line,
00:26:45.420 --> 00:26:48.490
and older folks, as well, who can't,
00:26:48.490 --> 00:26:50.050
like they may not need it for school,
00:26:50.050 --> 00:26:53.270
but they do need it for
tax as basic information.
00:26:55.900 --> 00:26:58.810
They're also cut out a lot
from these types of programs.
00:26:59.980 --> 00:27:01.130
So, yeah.
00:27:02.220 --> 00:27:03.053
Thank you.
00:27:11.090 --> 00:27:11.923
00:27:11.923 --> 00:27:12.756
Michael, did you want to call?
00:27:12.756 --> 00:27:16.720
I see we have Martha Armas-Kelly.
00:27:21.750 --> 00:27:24.090
Michael, are you there?
00:27:24.090 --> 00:27:24.923
Yeah I am.
00:27:24.923 --> 00:27:27.910
Martha, are you able to unmute yourself,
00:27:27.910 --> 00:27:29.960
or should we unmute
you so you can speak?
00:27:36.610 --> 00:27:37.750
I cannot unmute her.
00:27:38.797 --> 00:27:39.630
Okay, good afternoon.
00:27:39.630 --> 00:27:41.080
My name is Martha Armas-Kelly,
00:27:41.080 --> 00:27:44.600
I'm with Catholic Charities
Environmental Justice program
00:27:44.600 --> 00:27:46.190
in Stanislaus County.
00:27:46.190 --> 00:27:48.270
I'm in the San Joaquin Valley.
00:27:48.270 --> 00:27:50.160
I reside in Merced, California.
00:27:50.160 --> 00:27:54.320
And my experience
with broadband internet
00:27:54.320 --> 00:27:58.990
had been one of surprise, not so much
00:27:58.990 --> 00:28:03.130
the fact that the
inclusivity wasn't something
00:28:03.130 --> 00:28:05.690
that we we weighed into, but more so
00:28:05.690 --> 00:28:08.980
the ability to be able to utilize
00:28:08.980 --> 00:28:13.170
what was available to
our community residents.
00:28:13.170 --> 00:28:16.040
A lot of our community
residents are monolingual,
00:28:16.040 --> 00:28:20.480
and rely on their children to
have access to the internet.
00:28:20.480 --> 00:28:23.600
They may have phones, they
may have government phones,
00:28:23.600 --> 00:28:27.910
and they are not familiar
with how to navigate through
00:28:27.910 --> 00:28:31.530
the process of getting onto
the internet or using Zoom.
00:28:31.530 --> 00:28:33.010
For those that have government phones,
00:28:33.010 --> 00:28:34.560
they were not able to use their phones
00:28:34.560 --> 00:28:37.410
to have meaningful
engagement, such as this.
00:28:37.410 --> 00:28:41.570
like a Zoom call, no hotspots available,
00:28:41.570 --> 00:28:44.340
with the phones that are
given through the government.
00:28:44.340 --> 00:28:49.340
Also, the cost for those
that needed extra bandwidth
00:28:50.640 --> 00:28:53.540
to create those provisions,
00:28:53.540 --> 00:28:55.390
it was very hard for them to afford it.
00:28:55.390 --> 00:28:58.080
I live in Merced, and
I am in a rural area,
00:28:58.080 --> 00:29:02.100
and I pay over 150 a month for internet,
00:29:02.100 --> 00:29:03.680
because I live in a rural area.
00:29:03.680 --> 00:29:06.310
I can afford this because
of my employment,
00:29:06.310 --> 00:29:08.480
but for others that are in this area,
00:29:08.480 --> 00:29:11.690
it's been quite a
travesty, not being able
00:29:11.690 --> 00:29:14.870
to have connections and
those meaningful relationships
00:29:14.870 --> 00:29:17.900
with their schools, with other points
00:29:17.900 --> 00:29:20.290
of authority, information
that's not afforded
00:29:20.290 --> 00:29:22.240
to them during this pandemic
00:29:22.240 --> 00:29:25.430
has been quite a detriment to many,
00:29:25.430 --> 00:29:28.820
as you can imagine, the
information is not related,
00:29:28.820 --> 00:29:31.550
and then they're relying on
sources such as social media,
00:29:31.550 --> 00:29:36.550
which is not being, I guess,
reviewed or even followed
00:29:36.830 --> 00:29:39.070
as to the integrity of
what is being put out there.
00:29:39.070 --> 00:29:41.840
The language access, another issue
00:29:41.840 --> 00:29:44.850
that has been a big, big factor
00:29:44.850 --> 00:29:47.910
in information getting to our families.
00:29:47.910 --> 00:29:50.020
And again, it goes folks
straight across the board
00:29:50.020 --> 00:29:51.920
that were talking about seniors,
00:29:51.920 --> 00:29:55.200
not only farm workers, but just people
00:29:55.200 --> 00:29:57.950
that are already being marginalized
00:29:57.950 --> 00:30:01.190
are being affected even
at a greater proportion.
00:30:01.190 --> 00:30:05.110
The other thing that I
wanted to express that,
00:30:06.490 --> 00:30:10.040
because there are a lot
of unincorporated areas,
00:30:10.040 --> 00:30:13.610
there was a lot of, I
guess the legalities
00:30:13.610 --> 00:30:16.480
as to who was going
to give the information,
00:30:16.480 --> 00:30:19.270
and when it's a public
information contact,
00:30:22.070 --> 00:30:24.910
we should have some type of enforcement
00:30:24.910 --> 00:30:28.280
on agencies as to the credibility,
00:30:28.280 --> 00:30:30.590
and the responsibility,
and accountability
00:30:30.590 --> 00:30:33.440
to those that are in these areas
00:30:33.440 --> 00:30:34.940
that are not getting the information.
00:30:34.940 --> 00:30:36.770
So, that is what I'd like to share.
00:30:36.770 --> 00:30:37.603
Thank you.
00:30:42.690 --> 00:30:43.740
Thank you.
00:30:43.740 --> 00:30:44.573
00:30:44.573 --> 00:30:47.260
Christine, looks like you
have your hand raised,
00:30:47.260 --> 00:30:49.680
if you could speak now.
00:30:49.680 --> 00:30:53.540
And Martha you're
still un-muted if, yep.
00:30:53.540 --> 00:30:55.920
And then, just a quick
request too, for everyone,
00:30:55.920 --> 00:30:58.350
when speaking, or a reminder, if you
00:30:58.350 --> 00:31:01.580
could please identify
yourselves and your organization.
00:31:03.800 --> 00:31:04.633
Hi, everybody.
00:31:04.633 --> 00:31:06.020
Christine Mailloux with Turn.
00:31:07.790 --> 00:31:11.070
I wanna speak both personally
and as a representative
00:31:11.070 --> 00:31:12.890
of Turn, and certainly
as a representative
00:31:12.890 --> 00:31:14.970
of Turn, we are
getting lots of feedback,
00:31:14.970 --> 00:31:18.130
working with community
partners, about the concerns
00:31:18.130 --> 00:31:19.880
and the issues that we just heard
00:31:19.880 --> 00:31:21.730
the prior two speakers talk about.
00:31:21.730 --> 00:31:23.710
So, I won't repeat those, except
00:31:23.710 --> 00:31:26.430
to say that, yes, we
also are hearing that
00:31:26.430 --> 00:31:28.390
from many of our community partners.
00:31:28.390 --> 00:31:31.620
And to Wylen's point,
it is across the board.
00:31:31.620 --> 00:31:34.170
It is urban, rural, North, South,
00:31:35.410 --> 00:31:38.310
and these problems really do persist
00:31:38.310 --> 00:31:41.690
from a systemic structural basis.
00:31:41.690 --> 00:31:43.810
I will speak personally, though,
00:31:43.810 --> 00:31:46.360
to demonstrate, I think what's amazing
00:31:46.360 --> 00:31:50.700
to me, as somebody who is
sitting in suburban San Diego,
00:31:50.700 --> 00:31:53.800
still the problems that
we're encountering.
00:31:53.800 --> 00:31:56.050
And we probably have
all had this challenge,
00:31:56.050 --> 00:32:00.260
as we rely on this
technology so much more,
00:32:00.260 --> 00:32:03.150
to recognize that it's
really not ready for prime,
00:32:03.150 --> 00:32:05.220
almost no matter where you sit.
00:32:05.220 --> 00:32:10.220
And it has been inhibiting
in the day-to-day work
00:32:12.360 --> 00:32:16.200
and productivity of the workplace.
00:32:16.200 --> 00:32:21.100
And so, I can't imagine,
if affordability is an issue,
00:32:21.100 --> 00:32:23.690
if you are in the least bit of a rural,
00:32:23.690 --> 00:32:27.010
or an area that lacks
coverage, because I will speak
00:32:27.010 --> 00:32:29.980
from personal experience,
we're even having problems,
00:32:29.980 --> 00:32:31.850
and we shouldn't be, because we've got
00:32:31.850 --> 00:32:35.060
the resources to not
have those problems.
00:32:35.060 --> 00:32:39.000
I will also speak as a parent
and somebody who has children
00:32:39.000 --> 00:32:42.520
in the second largest
school district in California,
00:32:42.520 --> 00:32:46.320
in San Diego, to watch
the school districts struggle
00:32:46.320 --> 00:32:50.900
to try to get everybody at
at least a level playing field,
00:32:52.180 --> 00:32:55.150
and the teachers at
a level playing field.
00:32:55.150 --> 00:32:57.890
And it is also there, across the board.
00:32:58.750 --> 00:33:00.470
It's not just the technology,
00:33:00.470 --> 00:33:03.310
you can hand out as many
Chromebooks as you can.
00:33:04.270 --> 00:33:07.890
It is about the comfort
level of those who
00:33:07.890 --> 00:33:10.140
are creating the curriculum and working
00:33:10.140 --> 00:33:13.344
with the students,
the parents, the time.
00:33:13.344 --> 00:33:16.220
And so, this is a structural issue
00:33:16.220 --> 00:33:19.420
that I think we can all
relate to, almost, no matter
00:33:19.420 --> 00:33:21.600
where you sit, but it is so helpful
00:33:21.600 --> 00:33:26.600
to hear stories from folks
that really cover the gamut.
00:33:27.170 --> 00:33:30.520
So, thought I would just
add that on both levels.
00:33:34.340 --> 00:33:36.840
And then, Stan Santos,
if you could speak now,
00:33:36.840 --> 00:33:39.940
and we will try and
wrap up this question,
00:33:39.940 --> 00:33:42.710
after one or two more, if
others would like to speak.
00:33:42.710 --> 00:33:44.610
So, keep that in mind, so that we have
00:33:44.610 --> 00:33:47.700
a chance to talk about
some of these other questions.
00:33:47.700 --> 00:33:49.250
Sure, yeah.
00:33:49.250 --> 00:33:50.500
Yeah, this could go long.
00:33:51.450 --> 00:33:54.880
I guess, speaking, 'cause
that could speak as a parent,
00:33:54.880 --> 00:33:58.050
as well as a community volunteer.
00:33:58.050 --> 00:34:00.440
And I've been out to the Mendotas,
00:34:00.440 --> 00:34:02.310
I just spoke to somebody yesterday
00:34:02.310 --> 00:34:05.070
on the Tule reservation,
huge reservation,
00:34:06.390 --> 00:34:09.820
and the problems are the same
as everybody has mentioned.
00:34:09.820 --> 00:34:12.300
So I won't repeat the same issue,
00:34:12.300 --> 00:34:14.860
except that I'm just amazed that there
00:34:14.860 --> 00:34:16.320
are still some communities where
00:34:16.320 --> 00:34:20.090
the wifi hotspots did not work,
00:34:20.090 --> 00:34:22.350
and communities that got them all
00:34:22.350 --> 00:34:25.270
the way into October, November.
00:34:25.270 --> 00:34:27.610
And it seems like it
was always a patchwork,
00:34:27.610 --> 00:34:32.310
like as if it had to come
from each school district
00:34:32.310 --> 00:34:34.960
to make the request and to go through
00:34:34.960 --> 00:34:36.860
some type of procedure of paperwork.
00:34:36.860 --> 00:34:39.410
And that was very disconcerting
00:34:39.410 --> 00:34:42.430
that the rollout was so uneven.
00:34:42.430 --> 00:34:44.680
But I'll finish with this,
because this is unique.
00:34:44.680 --> 00:34:46.710
I'm an employee of AT and T,
00:34:46.710 --> 00:34:48.860
and I've been on these Zoom calls now
00:34:48.860 --> 00:34:50.980
for several months, and all kinds
00:34:50.980 --> 00:34:54.230
of meetings with community
groups, with agencies.
00:34:54.230 --> 00:34:55.490
And I don't see the ilex here,
00:34:55.490 --> 00:34:57.170
I don't see the representatives
00:34:57.170 --> 00:35:02.170
of AT&T, and Verizon,
and T-Mobile and Frontier.
00:35:02.920 --> 00:35:03.753
Where are they?
00:35:03.753 --> 00:35:07.590
Where are their external
affairs and legislative directors,
00:35:07.590 --> 00:35:10.970
and how come they're
not also participating
00:35:10.970 --> 00:35:12.840
in the public view?
00:35:12.840 --> 00:35:14.260
And, they're having backing meetings,
00:35:14.260 --> 00:35:16.550
and they're doing
things, but it's, you know,
00:35:16.550 --> 00:35:18.240
everything that they do, it seems like
00:35:18.240 --> 00:35:20.240
it's under the guise of proprietary.
00:35:20.240 --> 00:35:21.430
That has to end.
00:35:21.430 --> 00:35:23.660
This should not be proprietary.
00:35:23.660 --> 00:35:27.410
This whole dilemma is
not a proprietary dilemma.
00:35:27.410 --> 00:35:29.720
It's the community dilemma.
00:35:29.720 --> 00:35:31.680
I wish they would address it more open.
00:35:31.680 --> 00:35:32.907
But, I'll leave it at that.
00:35:32.907 --> 00:35:37.907
Thank you.
00:35:39.910 --> 00:35:40.743
Thank you.
00:35:40.743 --> 00:35:45.743
And I'm not seeing any other
responses to this question.
00:35:45.850 --> 00:35:47.750
So I would propose that we take two
00:35:47.750 --> 00:35:50.670
and three together to
make sure that we can also,
00:35:50.670 --> 00:35:52.540
we had a chance to talk about sort of
00:35:52.540 --> 00:35:56.150
the policy level aspects, which is both
00:35:56.150 --> 00:35:59.070
in the action plan items from last year
00:35:59.070 --> 00:36:02.220
on telecommunications and going forward
00:36:02.220 --> 00:36:06.580
do we need to look at ways that
00:36:06.580 --> 00:36:10.450
the programs or impact
can be analyzed on
00:36:10.450 --> 00:36:15.120
a more specific geographic
or neighborhood level?
00:36:15.120 --> 00:36:17.490
And then, what, if any, are some of
00:36:17.490 --> 00:36:20.140
these key ESJ issues that we want
00:36:20.140 --> 00:36:23.770
to consider highlighting
or incorporating
00:36:23.770 --> 00:36:26.040
in the action plan going forward?
00:36:26.040 --> 00:36:27.700
So, let me read the questions,
00:36:27.700 --> 00:36:30.140
and then we'll open it up for comments.
00:36:30.140 --> 00:36:32.120
So, how can we better
understand the impact
00:36:32.120 --> 00:36:34.420
of our programs from a geographic angle?
00:36:35.620 --> 00:36:39.070
And, what are some other key ESJ issues
00:36:39.070 --> 00:36:41.820
and telecommunications
that we have not highlighted?
00:36:51.500 --> 00:36:54.450
I see that Leslie Martinez
has a hand raised.
00:36:55.600 --> 00:36:58.450
Hi, yeah, Leslie
Martinez, Leadership Council.
00:36:59.400 --> 00:37:03.170
You know, there's a few
things to these questions.
00:37:03.170 --> 00:37:07.460
The first one is, in the beginning of,
00:37:07.460 --> 00:37:09.450
we've always known
that this digital divide
00:37:09.450 --> 00:37:11.630
has been present, I
don't think it's a new thing.
00:37:11.630 --> 00:37:12.990
I think it definitely was elevated
00:37:12.990 --> 00:37:14.330
through the times of COVID.
00:37:14.330 --> 00:37:16.150
But one thing that
was really interesting is
00:37:16.150 --> 00:37:19.020
while trying to figure out solutions,
00:37:19.020 --> 00:37:21.020
I know that the
broadband for all programs,
00:37:21.020 --> 00:37:22.770
specifically for rural communities,
00:37:23.814 --> 00:37:26.790
there needs to be some sort
of like technical assistance
00:37:26.790 --> 00:37:29.060
for jurisdictions, or an incentive
00:37:29.060 --> 00:37:31.616
to get them to apply for these programs,
00:37:31.616 --> 00:37:35.420
because it was nearly
impossible to get any
00:37:35.420 --> 00:37:37.210
of the jurisdictions in
the San Joaquin Valley
00:37:37.210 --> 00:37:39.650
and in the East Coachella Valleys
00:37:39.650 --> 00:37:42.310
to apply for these
programs, to get access,
00:37:42.310 --> 00:37:45.266
so that folks could get access to them.
00:37:45.266 --> 00:37:49.100
And, it just prolongs the issue.
00:37:49.100 --> 00:37:54.100
And often, it's, whenever
there's programs like this,
00:37:54.630 --> 00:37:57.030
specifically in the
East Coachella Valley
00:37:57.030 --> 00:38:01.070
and San Joaquin Valley,
it is often put on CBOs
00:38:01.070 --> 00:38:03.890
to do the heavy lifting,
who are not experts
00:38:03.890 --> 00:38:07.480
at addressing these types of issues.
00:38:07.480 --> 00:38:09.660
They just know it's an issue and that
00:38:09.660 --> 00:38:14.660
we're more policy-based, but
there needs to be some sense
00:38:15.030 --> 00:38:19.969
of responsibility also
for, on jurisdictions,
00:38:19.969 --> 00:38:23.280
and I think the providers to, for them
00:38:23.280 --> 00:38:24.780
to come up with an action plan
00:38:25.750 --> 00:38:28.140
to address the needs of communities.
00:38:28.140 --> 00:38:29.820
And then, the other thing that I think
00:38:29.820 --> 00:38:31.720
is really important to address is just
00:38:33.284 --> 00:38:36.273
how these programs really
cut mobile home parks,
00:38:37.800 --> 00:38:40.800
specifically thinking in
the East Coachella Valley,
00:38:40.800 --> 00:38:44.950
where the infrastructure,
and it goes back to energy,
00:38:44.950 --> 00:38:47.570
but how the energy is not reliable,
00:38:47.570 --> 00:38:50.010
and so, therefore the internet
00:38:50.010 --> 00:38:52.320
is not reliable for a lot of folks.
00:38:54.380 --> 00:38:55.590
And again, just like really trying
00:38:55.590 --> 00:38:58.770
to have access where there is no access
00:38:58.770 --> 00:39:01.240
for folks with mobile homes to
00:39:04.490 --> 00:39:06.210
also have access to the broadband.
00:39:07.980 --> 00:39:08.813
Thank you.
00:39:15.250 --> 00:39:16.083
Thank you.
00:39:16.083 --> 00:39:17.950
And I wanna acknowledge the comment
00:39:17.950 --> 00:39:22.900
in the chat about the need, or interest,
00:39:22.900 --> 00:39:25.320
in incorporating incarcerated people
00:39:25.320 --> 00:39:27.950
communication services,
and we will make open up
00:39:27.950 --> 00:39:30.300
the Commission this
year to look at that topic.
00:39:32.730 --> 00:39:34.770
So, Leslie, I see your
hand is still raised,
00:39:34.770 --> 00:39:36.570
if you would like to unraise it.
00:39:36.570 --> 00:39:37.840
And, Christine.
00:39:40.040 --> 00:39:42.140
Yeah, I'm happy to
have others weigh in.
00:39:42.140 --> 00:39:44.670
I don't mean to dominate at all,
00:39:44.670 --> 00:39:47.410
so hopefully, but I did, I
had a thought as Wylen
00:39:47.410 --> 00:39:50.180
was talking that kind of
relates to number three.
00:39:50.180 --> 00:39:52.750
And he highlighted, rightfully so,
00:39:52.750 --> 00:39:54.830
some of the good public purpose programs
00:39:54.830 --> 00:39:56.870
that are being worked
on by the Commission.
00:39:56.870 --> 00:39:59.680
But I wanna highlight that I think all
00:39:59.680 --> 00:40:02.590
of the public purpose programs
that the Commission works
00:40:02.590 --> 00:40:07.590
on really do relate to this
ESJ and social justice approach
00:40:08.640 --> 00:40:12.020
to access and telecommunications issues.
00:40:12.020 --> 00:40:13.840
And sometimes I
feel like that gets lost.
00:40:13.840 --> 00:40:15.870
And so, I'm hoping
particularly something
00:40:15.870 --> 00:40:19.190
like the teleconnect
fund, really, as we saw
00:40:19.190 --> 00:40:20.840
at the beginning of the
pandemic and the use
00:40:20.840 --> 00:40:25.340
of the telekinetic fund to
shift a little bit and focus
00:40:25.340 --> 00:40:27.830
on the school districts and schools.
00:40:29.360 --> 00:40:31.720
But yet, prior to the pandemic,
00:40:31.720 --> 00:40:33.720
I know we were having
a hard time getting
00:40:33.720 --> 00:40:37.320
the telekinetic fund to
be applied more broadly
00:40:38.180 --> 00:40:43.180
to services that CBOs might
use, or in a more flexible way.
00:40:43.980 --> 00:40:48.020
And so, I'm hoping that as we
work more on this action plan,
00:40:48.020 --> 00:40:52.290
and we do try to
incorporate a true connection
00:40:52.290 --> 00:40:55.320
to a social justice lens
in almost everything
00:40:55.320 --> 00:40:57.410
the Commission does, that really all
00:40:57.410 --> 00:41:00.370
of the public purpose
programs, including CASF,
00:41:00.370 --> 00:41:03.830
more broadly, not just
the adoption account,
00:41:03.830 --> 00:41:07.290
or just the consortia
account, telekinetic fund,
00:41:07.290 --> 00:41:12.060
maybe even DDTP, can
be viewed more broadly
00:41:12.060 --> 00:41:14.550
through this kind of lens, and with
00:41:14.550 --> 00:41:18.020
a little bit more intention on that.
00:41:18.020 --> 00:41:20.730
I also wanna echo, because
it is something I noted based
00:41:20.730 --> 00:41:24.610
on the poll that Sam,
that Stan, sorry, Stan,
00:41:24.610 --> 00:41:28.030
that Stan had mentioned
about being a little surprised
00:41:28.030 --> 00:41:30.530
that there aren't more
carrier participants today.
00:41:31.780 --> 00:41:33.060
I thought there would be.
00:41:33.060 --> 00:41:36.030
And I'm hoping that we can, through all
00:41:36.030 --> 00:41:38.310
of our different ways,
encourage carriers
00:41:38.310 --> 00:41:40.660
to participate more
meaningfully on this issue.
00:41:43.928 --> 00:41:46.280
And finally, wanna thank
you guys for having this,
00:41:46.280 --> 00:41:48.380
and including the telecom issues here,
00:41:48.380 --> 00:41:52.670
because, I'll admit, as
somebody that does all telecom
00:41:52.670 --> 00:41:54.870
in front of the Commission, it wasn't
00:41:54.870 --> 00:41:57.740
a hundred percent clear to
me when the ESJ plan came out,
00:41:57.740 --> 00:42:01.350
except for maybe one
line in the document,
00:42:01.350 --> 00:42:03.480
that the Commission really intended to
00:42:04.620 --> 00:42:06.460
have this really fully be applied
00:42:06.460 --> 00:42:09.690
to the work that the Commission
does on telecommunications.
00:42:09.690 --> 00:42:12.220
So I think the more that
we could talk about it,
00:42:12.220 --> 00:42:13.680
the more that it is brought up
00:42:13.680 --> 00:42:15.530
in formal Commission documents
00:42:15.530 --> 00:42:18.180
and these kinds of forums, the better.
00:42:18.180 --> 00:42:19.950
So thank you for having this today,
00:42:19.950 --> 00:42:22.700
and look forward to
talking about this more
00:42:22.700 --> 00:42:25.160
in a bunch of different arenas.
00:42:27.290 --> 00:42:28.123
Thank you.
00:42:28.123 --> 00:42:29.120
And with that, Martha, I see
00:42:29.120 --> 00:42:30.990
that you have your hand up again.
00:42:37.710 --> 00:42:38.543
00:42:38.543 --> 00:42:40.670
Well, I just wanted to
say that I was kind of
00:42:40.670 --> 00:42:45.670
in agreement with having
some type of a governing board
00:42:46.550 --> 00:42:49.140
of sorts, whether it
be like, for example,
00:42:49.140 --> 00:42:52.220
the air board, our local air
board has a Commission,
00:42:52.220 --> 00:42:56.310
or a table, that actually works
more at a grassroots level
00:42:56.310 --> 00:42:58.610
with CBOs understanding
of what are the needs
00:42:58.610 --> 00:43:01.390
of the community, so that
when these things happen,
00:43:01.390 --> 00:43:04.470
there's already a direct
voice to the community
00:43:05.400 --> 00:43:10.400
for intervention, for
support, because a lot
00:43:10.730 --> 00:43:13.380
of these families did not get a how-to,
00:43:13.380 --> 00:43:15.930
we got the service, but we
didn't know how to navigate.
00:43:15.930 --> 00:43:18.870
And that was part of our support,
00:43:18.870 --> 00:43:20.760
as Catholic Charities,
we support our community
00:43:20.760 --> 00:43:22.440
by giving them the resources in how
00:43:22.440 --> 00:43:24.390
to navigate through these systems,
00:43:24.390 --> 00:43:27.930
how to log on, there is a
email associated to your phone.
00:43:27.930 --> 00:43:29.690
This is how you can use Zoom.
00:43:29.690 --> 00:43:31.210
This is how you can use WhatsApp,
00:43:31.210 --> 00:43:32.900
the different applications.
00:43:32.900 --> 00:43:34.880
And I think that if these companies
00:43:34.880 --> 00:43:37.080
are getting money from
selling these products,
00:43:37.080 --> 00:43:38.850
they should be able to support
00:43:38.850 --> 00:43:41.310
the community with these resources.
00:43:41.310 --> 00:43:44.610
And being a Commission
for public utilities,
00:43:44.610 --> 00:43:47.390
I would think that we would be afforded
00:43:47.390 --> 00:43:49.510
an opportunity to be part of these,
00:43:49.510 --> 00:43:53.560
like a table of sorts,
that would kind of work
00:43:53.560 --> 00:43:55.690
as a liaison with the community,
00:43:55.690 --> 00:43:57.820
at understanding these needs.
00:43:57.820 --> 00:44:00.440
Also, I just wanted to
mention that I did notice
00:44:00.440 --> 00:44:04.140
that your budget was
stating something about 40%,
00:44:04.140 --> 00:44:08.280
only 40% prior to COVID,
that you had people
00:44:08.280 --> 00:44:10.880
on the Lifeline program,
or that you were concerned
00:44:10.880 --> 00:44:14.850
about having more numbers
show the use of Lifeline.
00:44:14.850 --> 00:44:17.370
Well, a lot of times, people don't know
00:44:17.370 --> 00:44:20.520
about these resources
because they're not given
00:44:20.520 --> 00:44:22.780
an opportunity through language.
00:44:22.780 --> 00:44:26.260
And I know that that it is in Spanish,
00:44:26.260 --> 00:44:28.820
but the way it's scripted,
and the way it's written,
00:44:28.820 --> 00:44:32.360
it's very cumbersome for even
a person that reads Spanish
00:44:32.360 --> 00:44:35.020
to understand how to
navigate through the system.
00:44:35.020 --> 00:44:37.840
So it's important for us to really look
00:44:37.840 --> 00:44:42.160
at how we're prototyping
those applications and forms,
00:44:42.160 --> 00:44:45.720
so that people could be more readily apt
00:44:45.720 --> 00:44:47.350
to use these applications.
00:44:47.350 --> 00:44:50.950
And if you could also raise more
00:44:50.950 --> 00:44:54.440
of an opportunity for CBOs
to engage with the community,
00:44:54.440 --> 00:44:57.980
and probably get some
type of stipend more, I guess,
00:44:57.980 --> 00:45:01.620
more lucrative for those
that are needing that support,
00:45:01.620 --> 00:45:05.010
and also in the sense that
if we're having people out
00:45:05.010 --> 00:45:08.310
at public parking lots,
selling free phones,
00:45:08.310 --> 00:45:11.530
why can't we get people to
come out and enroll people
00:45:11.530 --> 00:45:14.280
into Lifeline, and give the
people that are really hungry
00:45:14.280 --> 00:45:17.740
and needy of an opportunity
for employment to take that
00:45:17.740 --> 00:45:21.020
as an outlet for, or some type
00:45:21.020 --> 00:45:23.490
of support, financial support?
00:45:23.490 --> 00:45:24.323
Thank you.
00:45:28.640 --> 00:45:29.473
Thank you.
00:45:29.473 --> 00:45:32.270
And I wanna give folks
the 10 minute warning here.
00:45:32.270 --> 00:45:36.647
And Leslie Martinez, see
your comment in the chat
00:45:37.980 --> 00:45:42.520
about a need or way to
target black, indigenous,
00:45:42.520 --> 00:45:45.580
and people of color
communities on the issue.
00:45:45.580 --> 00:45:47.570
Would you like to speak now?
00:45:51.150 --> 00:45:52.380
I'm happy
to let other folks,
00:45:52.380 --> 00:45:55.780
who haven't had a chance
to participate, go first.
00:45:57.070 --> 00:45:58.710
I'm writing a few
things in the comments,
00:45:58.710 --> 00:45:59.710
just for the record.
00:46:00.810 --> 00:46:01.643
Okay, great.
00:46:01.643 --> 00:46:03.380
And I encourage everyone to do that,
00:46:03.380 --> 00:46:04.630
if you would like somebody to add.
00:46:04.630 --> 00:46:07.000
And so, with that, Abigail Solis.
00:46:09.330 --> 00:46:10.420
Thank you.
00:46:10.420 --> 00:46:12.590
I'm Abigail Solis with
Self-Help Enterprises.
00:46:12.590 --> 00:46:15.790
We are a community-based organization
00:46:15.790 --> 00:46:17.090
in the San Joaquin Valley.
00:46:18.710 --> 00:46:21.370
I think it was well
said at the beginning
00:46:21.370 --> 00:46:26.370
of this webinar, that
there is still a huge gap,
00:46:26.720 --> 00:46:28.940
in terms of access and affordability,
00:46:28.940 --> 00:46:33.940
to broadband internet
in the poor communities,
00:46:34.220 --> 00:46:36.210
specifically the rural communities
00:46:36.210 --> 00:46:37.810
in the San Joaquin Valley.
00:46:37.810 --> 00:46:41.030
And I think that where the
CPUC is doing a really good job
00:46:41.030 --> 00:46:44.840
in moving forward equity and access
00:46:44.840 --> 00:46:47.650
in other areas, I think
this is the one area
00:46:47.650 --> 00:46:51.480
where they're struggling
to catch up, in all honesty.
00:46:51.480 --> 00:46:54.370
I do recognize the
recent efforts, but I think
00:46:54.370 --> 00:46:57.690
there's still a lot
more work to be done.
00:46:57.690 --> 00:46:59.110
As was said earlier,
00:46:59.110 --> 00:47:01.540
the pandemic exposed
many vulnerabilities
00:47:01.540 --> 00:47:05.550
within connections,
connectivity to internet,
00:47:05.550 --> 00:47:10.000
but, and a response to
that, many communities
00:47:10.000 --> 00:47:12.430
had to figure it out on their own.
00:47:12.430 --> 00:47:15.160
And because of that, they figured,
00:47:15.160 --> 00:47:18.700
they used really unique examples
00:47:18.700 --> 00:47:22.530
and unique projects
came out of their response.
00:47:22.530 --> 00:47:24.380
And we have examples of communities
00:47:24.380 --> 00:47:27.430
that worked together
with schools to create,
00:47:27.430 --> 00:47:30.960
you know, the school
made their signal public,
00:47:30.960 --> 00:47:33.450
so that the community can tap into it.
00:47:33.450 --> 00:47:37.050
We have examples where
local businesses worked
00:47:37.050 --> 00:47:41.770
with schools and the community
residents to give access.
00:47:41.770 --> 00:47:45.880
We have examples of where
buses were put in different areas
00:47:45.880 --> 00:47:50.210
of the communities to
make a signal available
00:47:50.210 --> 00:47:53.560
to certain areas of town
that did not have connectivity.
00:47:53.560 --> 00:47:54.710
And I'm just wondering,
00:47:56.350 --> 00:48:00.870
could we take these examples
and make an opportunity
00:48:00.870 --> 00:48:04.920
for disadvantaged communities
that just have been left out,
00:48:05.760 --> 00:48:08.840
could there be a pot
of money for proposals
00:48:08.840 --> 00:48:11.410
or projects that include these types
00:48:11.410 --> 00:48:13.820
of partnerships, where you can have
00:48:13.820 --> 00:48:16.080
a school, a local agency, a CBO,
00:48:16.080 --> 00:48:19.140
and a provider maybe all work together.
00:48:19.140 --> 00:48:23.010
And perhaps, this
kind of project would be,
00:48:23.010 --> 00:48:25.420
there would be residents and communities
00:48:25.420 --> 00:48:28.130
that are interested in
these types of projects.
00:48:28.130 --> 00:48:29.610
And of course, if you're gonna do this,
00:48:29.610 --> 00:48:33.570
ensure that there's funding
for technical assistance
00:48:33.570 --> 00:48:35.000
throughout the whole process,
00:48:35.000 --> 00:48:37.370
so that these projects
can really come to fruition.
00:48:37.370 --> 00:48:38.980
So, I would really love to see some sort
00:48:38.980 --> 00:48:41.790
of opportunity for a more
collaborative partnership type
00:48:41.790 --> 00:48:43.460
of project at the CTUC.
00:48:43.460 --> 00:48:44.293
Thank you.
00:48:49.790 --> 00:48:50.730
Thank you.
00:48:50.730 --> 00:48:55.440
Are there other folks who
would like to speak now?
00:48:55.440 --> 00:48:56.540
We have about five minutes
00:48:56.540 --> 00:48:59.168
of the discussion section remaining.
00:48:59.168 --> 00:49:00.001
00:49:00.001 --> 00:49:00.834
00:49:00.834 --> 00:49:01.667
If there isn't anybody.
00:49:01.667 --> 00:49:02.870
I do have a question.
00:49:02.870 --> 00:49:04.480
This is Sarah Sharpe, and I work
00:49:04.480 --> 00:49:07.740
on telecommunications
issues for the Commissioner.
00:49:07.740 --> 00:49:10.450
I was just wondering, a few of
00:49:10.450 --> 00:49:12.210
the comments I have written down,
00:49:12.210 --> 00:49:14.310
and I'm gonna try to
summarize them later,
00:49:15.500 --> 00:49:20.500
are about engaging CBOs
and some of our programs better.
00:49:22.870 --> 00:49:24.910
And I was wondering if anybody's aware
00:49:24.910 --> 00:49:27.850
that we do have an admin committee
00:49:27.850 --> 00:49:29.350
for the Lifeline program, for example,
00:49:29.350 --> 00:49:32.830
that has a little bit of
vacancies on it for CBOs,
00:49:32.830 --> 00:49:37.780
for example, as well as
we have local consortia,
00:49:37.780 --> 00:49:40.010
who represent each
region, who are supposed
00:49:40.010 --> 00:49:43.310
to be helping communities
figure out kind of
00:49:43.310 --> 00:49:45.440
what Abbie just recommended.
00:49:45.440 --> 00:49:47.710
We have one from Silicon
Valley based out of Fresno state.
00:49:47.710 --> 00:49:49.220
So I was wondering if you all are aware
00:49:49.220 --> 00:49:54.080
of that and have
worked with them at all?
00:49:57.090 --> 00:49:58.860
And so, with that, we
have some hands up.
00:49:58.860 --> 00:50:03.250
And if we could go, Leslie,
then Stan, then Wylen.
00:50:03.250 --> 00:50:05.770
And just be cognizant of
the amount of time remaining,
00:50:05.770 --> 00:50:07.830
because we have about three minutes left
00:50:07.830 --> 00:50:09.180
for the discussion portion.
00:50:10.810 --> 00:50:11.643
00:50:11.643 --> 00:50:15.830
I can't speak to Sarah's
question, but I haven't engaged,
00:50:15.830 --> 00:50:19.260
but I would really appreciate
that information, Sarah,
00:50:19.260 --> 00:50:22.090
if you could share it.
00:50:22.090 --> 00:50:24.220
And, really quickly,
think one of the most,
00:50:24.220 --> 00:50:25.860
something that I would
really like to make clear
00:50:25.860 --> 00:50:28.390
is that although I
understand that school,
00:50:29.630 --> 00:50:30.800
and I wrote this in the comments,
00:50:30.800 --> 00:50:32.770
but I just wanna emphasize how broadband
00:50:32.770 --> 00:50:35.070
is really starting to
intersect with more
00:50:35.070 --> 00:50:40.070
than just solely school age
children, transportation apps
00:50:40.500 --> 00:50:43.620
having access to even your government
00:50:43.620 --> 00:50:46.140
is slowly becoming more reliant.
00:50:46.140 --> 00:50:48.480
And frankly, to be really honest,
00:50:48.480 --> 00:50:51.940
as I hear more about people
adopting work from home,
00:50:51.940 --> 00:50:55.720
I hear more folks
talking about participation
00:50:55.720 --> 00:51:00.720
through web instead of
in-person, post-COVID,
00:51:01.240 --> 00:51:03.720
that cannot, that is going to create
00:51:03.720 --> 00:51:05.880
the same inequities
that we've always had.
00:51:05.880 --> 00:51:07.260
The same folks who have been able
00:51:07.260 --> 00:51:09.450
to engage will continue to engage
00:51:09.450 --> 00:51:11.760
while leaving the same
folks out, which are black,
00:51:11.760 --> 00:51:14.940
indigenous, and people of
color, monolingual immigrants,
00:51:14.940 --> 00:51:17.610
like all the people that we
need to hear from the most.
00:51:17.610 --> 00:51:18.840
So, just wanting to make sure that
00:51:18.840 --> 00:51:21.210
as we move forward with these
type of programs, we keep that
00:51:21.210 --> 00:51:23.830
in mind, that it's not
just focusing on children,
00:51:23.830 --> 00:51:26.870
but instead of focusing on
how can everyone be part
00:51:26.870 --> 00:51:29.480
of the information that is out there,
00:51:29.480 --> 00:51:31.460
'cause the broadband is a public good.
00:51:31.460 --> 00:51:32.500
Thank you.
00:51:40.790 --> 00:51:41.890
And with that, Stan.
00:51:43.910 --> 00:51:45.310
Yeah, I wrote
them in the chat,
00:51:45.310 --> 00:51:46.760
but just to touch on that.
00:51:46.760 --> 00:51:50.980
I think we've got more reports of some
00:51:50.980 --> 00:51:53.490
of the service providers upselling
00:51:53.490 --> 00:51:56.680
the low income persons that applied
00:51:56.680 --> 00:51:58.650
to the low income services.
00:51:58.650 --> 00:52:03.650
And some of those
rules need to be revisited,
00:52:03.960 --> 00:52:06.740
and there should be some
strict prohibitions against that.
00:52:06.740 --> 00:52:08.790
But the stories there are so marginal
00:52:08.790 --> 00:52:11.180
that I can't blame
them for wanting to go
00:52:11.180 --> 00:52:14.800
from a four meg to a six or eight meg,
00:52:14.800 --> 00:52:17.930
but that's really about
the ceiling right there.
00:52:17.930 --> 00:52:20.820
The other one is the definition
00:52:20.820 --> 00:52:22.950
of when they advertise their services.
00:52:22.950 --> 00:52:26.280
They say you get up to
six megs, or up to 12 megs,
00:52:26.280 --> 00:52:27.790
well, but you're probably gonna get
00:52:27.790 --> 00:52:29.880
like half that on a normal day.
00:52:29.880 --> 00:52:32.660
And you'll be fortunate
if you get the max.
00:52:32.660 --> 00:52:35.220
Finally, just, I used the
(murmurs) California,
00:52:35.220 --> 00:52:39.700
the CPUC's broadband map,
and I find that it's very helpful.
00:52:39.700 --> 00:52:42.230
It could be a little more
user-friendly, but it really,
00:52:42.230 --> 00:52:44.530
there's a lot of places
where there's no data.
00:52:44.530 --> 00:52:46.550
Some of the data almost
seems like it's more
00:52:46.550 --> 00:52:51.200
of the industry data or
industry's talking points.
00:52:51.200 --> 00:52:53.020
I don't wanna get into that too much.
00:52:53.020 --> 00:52:55.410
I'm not criticizing
it, it's a good effort.
00:52:55.410 --> 00:52:59.400
I just think it needs more
testing, ubiquitous testing,
00:52:59.400 --> 00:53:03.250
and proving that it's
what are they offering?
00:53:03.250 --> 00:53:08.250
Are they meeting those
threshold speeds and services,
00:53:08.770 --> 00:53:09.603
et cetera?
00:53:09.603 --> 00:53:10.940
I'd like to see that improved.
00:53:16.530 --> 00:53:17.363
And Wylen.
00:53:18.570 --> 00:53:21.150
Yeah, I just wanted
to take some time
00:53:21.150 --> 00:53:24.014
to acknowledge some of the
comments that were made.
00:53:24.014 --> 00:53:25.970
In particular, I jotted down some notes.
00:53:25.970 --> 00:53:29.010
First and foremost, regarding CTF,
00:53:29.010 --> 00:53:31.900
it is something that we do
continuously wanna look at,
00:53:31.900 --> 00:53:34.840
to how we want to make
sure our program better
00:53:34.840 --> 00:53:38.080
reach the communities that needed it.
00:53:38.080 --> 00:53:40.750
We have been looking
at goals and metrics
00:53:40.750 --> 00:53:43.290
in our program, and we do believe
00:53:43.290 --> 00:53:45.030
that some of the metrics that we have
00:53:45.030 --> 00:53:46.310
in the affordability proceeding
00:53:46.310 --> 00:53:47.760
can be utilized towards that.
00:53:48.724 --> 00:53:52.860
I will also say that
with regards to Lifeline,
00:53:52.860 --> 00:53:54.330
I think there was a comment made
00:53:54.330 --> 00:53:59.330
by Martha, regarding
languages and just the need
00:53:59.690 --> 00:54:03.650
to have different language
to us, to access the public.
00:54:03.650 --> 00:54:06.620
I just wanted to mention
that the CARE pilot
00:54:06.620 --> 00:54:10.530
did utilize a partner in
content center operated
00:54:10.530 --> 00:54:14.760
by CSU Fresno, and they
are hiring some representatives
00:54:16.440 --> 00:54:18.450
that are bilingual and trilingual,
00:54:18.450 --> 00:54:20.350
and will be trying to hit
some of the communities
00:54:20.350 --> 00:54:23.650
that are in need of
those language needs.
00:54:23.650 --> 00:54:26.200
So I think bit by bit, we
are making those efforts.
00:54:27.161 --> 00:54:29.520
And lastly, I want to
kind of address some
00:54:29.520 --> 00:54:32.300
of the costs issues that Martha, Leslie,
00:54:32.300 --> 00:54:35.180
and practically everyone
has brought up is that,
00:54:35.180 --> 00:54:38.100
I also, in doing the
affordability proceedings,
00:54:38.100 --> 00:54:41.230
I also noticed that in some areas,
00:54:41.230 --> 00:54:44.050
where you're looking at
essential service broadband
00:54:44.050 --> 00:54:46.450
at 25 Mbps down can cost upwards
00:54:46.450 --> 00:54:48.880
of a hundred dollars a month.
00:54:48.880 --> 00:54:52.330
And those are communities
that makes 20,000 per year
00:54:52.330 --> 00:54:54.150
on an average income.
00:54:54.150 --> 00:54:56.090
So, I think we are seeing a lot
00:54:56.090 --> 00:54:58.500
of those discrepancies,
and we're hoping some
00:54:58.500 --> 00:55:00.930
of the findings from the
affordability proceeding,
00:55:00.930 --> 00:55:02.870
in the upcoming annual
report will help really
00:55:02.870 --> 00:55:04.470
address that and highlight that.
00:55:05.412 --> 00:55:07.660
And on that same note, I think a lot
00:55:07.660 --> 00:55:11.470
of the programs within the
Commission, as well as a lot
00:55:11.470 --> 00:55:15.140
of the action items on the
CSJ plan can also use some
00:55:15.140 --> 00:55:17.940
of those metrics to assess what people
00:55:17.940 --> 00:55:20.270
are actually paying,
and is it affordable?
00:55:21.190 --> 00:55:23.230
And I think that's something that
00:55:23.230 --> 00:55:25.810
we definitely will look for in trying
00:55:25.810 --> 00:55:27.420
to shape our future action items
00:55:27.420 --> 00:55:29.900
and actually make it a
little bit more measurable,
00:55:29.900 --> 00:55:32.740
and applicable, and
also maybe get to more
00:55:32.740 --> 00:55:36.150
a results oriented outcome out of it.
00:55:36.150 --> 00:55:37.490
Just wanna plug that in.
00:55:37.490 --> 00:55:39.690
I really appreciate
all the feedback so far.
00:55:44.940 --> 00:55:48.140
And apologies
for my potentially
00:55:48.140 --> 00:55:50.440
overeager time management too.
00:55:50.440 --> 00:55:53.050
We have a few minutes remaining,
00:55:53.050 --> 00:55:55.760
if anyone has closing comments,
00:55:55.760 --> 00:55:57.560
otherwise we can transition to Sarah,
00:55:57.560 --> 00:55:59.930
and give her a little bit for time
00:55:59.930 --> 00:56:03.300
to hopefully not breathlessly summarize.
00:56:03.300 --> 00:56:04.800
So, before we do, Leslie.
00:56:06.290 --> 00:56:07.180
Hi, sorry.
00:56:08.036 --> 00:56:09.330
I think the last thing
that I wanna end with,
00:56:09.330 --> 00:56:11.270
and Wylen, it came from your comment,
00:56:11.270 --> 00:56:14.380
is regarding when we think
about being cost-effective.
00:56:14.380 --> 00:56:16.830
Frankly, I believe that
cost-effective strategies
00:56:16.830 --> 00:56:20.180
through the CPU tend to
reinforce the racist policies
00:56:20.180 --> 00:56:21.490
that created these problems in
00:56:21.490 --> 00:56:23.620
the beginning and in the first place.
00:56:23.620 --> 00:56:26.320
I think it also strengthens the stigmas
00:56:26.320 --> 00:56:29.350
and the idea that not
everyone is deserving
00:56:29.350 --> 00:56:32.160
of a type of service, because they...
00:56:35.720 --> 00:56:39.740
based on where they're at
in the geographic location.
00:56:39.740 --> 00:56:43.430
And in reality, I think that comes from
00:56:43.430 --> 00:56:47.810
the idea that the CPUC is
giving something to folks,
00:56:47.810 --> 00:56:50.530
or they're being forced
to provide a service,
00:56:50.530 --> 00:56:53.540
when in reality, the
policies that we're trying
00:56:53.540 --> 00:56:54.770
to correct through these types
00:56:54.770 --> 00:56:59.680
of programs are to try to
correct the past of poor planning
00:56:59.680 --> 00:57:03.400
and poor built relationships
with communities.
00:57:03.400 --> 00:57:06.590
So, I understand the cost effectiveness,
00:57:06.590 --> 00:57:09.910
but I also think that as a agency,
00:57:09.910 --> 00:57:14.860
that needs to be rethought,
about why we use it,
00:57:14.860 --> 00:57:17.910
and what it is that we
are reinforcing when we try
00:57:17.910 --> 00:57:21.690
to always push forward
a cost-effective strategy,
00:57:21.690 --> 00:57:25.380
because if we continue to
work in that type of a framework,
00:57:25.380 --> 00:57:28.780
then we are going to consistently
see the same problems,
00:57:28.780 --> 00:57:31.010
and we are going to
consistently have to,
00:57:32.950 --> 00:57:34.600
they're just going to bring up more,
00:57:34.600 --> 00:57:38.070
I think, of the inequalities
that we continue to see today.
00:57:38.070 --> 00:57:38.903
Thank you.
00:57:43.170 --> 00:57:44.790
And Sarah, we'll go
to you in a moment.
00:57:44.790 --> 00:57:47.950
I do want to highlight, at the
request of some colleagues,
00:57:47.950 --> 00:57:52.180
the comments for community-based
organization openings
00:57:52.180 --> 00:57:54.720
on the Lifeline
Administrative Committee.
00:57:54.720 --> 00:57:59.050
So the two contacts are
Caleb Jones and Mary Rodman.
00:57:59.050 --> 00:58:01.440
Those are in the chat,
00:58:01.440 --> 00:58:03.770
and their emails would also be available
00:58:03.770 --> 00:58:07.310
on the PUC's Lifeline contacts.
00:58:08.550 --> 00:58:11.300
With that, Sarah, if you would like
00:58:11.300 --> 00:58:13.500
to cover summarizing
Okay, wow.
00:58:13.500 --> 00:58:15.250
Some of the
comments and actions.
00:58:16.620 --> 00:58:17.660
00:58:17.660 --> 00:58:18.493
I'll do my best.
00:58:18.493 --> 00:58:21.280
I want to acknowledge
that that was a lot.
00:58:21.280 --> 00:58:24.490
And I really appreciate,
especially the new voices
00:58:24.490 --> 00:58:25.850
that we haven't traditionally heard
00:58:25.850 --> 00:58:29.070
on in our Telco conversations,
00:58:29.070 --> 00:58:31.040
but everybody who's participated today.
00:58:31.040 --> 00:58:34.810
So, I also have more detailed notes,
00:58:34.810 --> 00:58:37.080
and I know Pilar is also taking notes,
00:58:37.080 --> 00:58:38.700
and there will be other opportunities
00:58:38.700 --> 00:58:42.020
to provide feedback on
these ESJ action plan.
00:58:42.020 --> 00:58:44.520
But in summary for what I heard today,
00:58:45.650 --> 00:58:48.660
the first thing I heard,
which I overarch
00:58:49.510 --> 00:58:53.930
is that the ESJ considerations should be
00:58:53.930 --> 00:58:57.370
a lens that is applied across
all public purpose programs
00:58:57.370 --> 00:59:01.080
in telecommunications,
including CTF, DDTP, CASF.
00:59:02.970 --> 00:59:04.620
The next thing is that CPUC,
00:59:06.657 --> 00:59:08.810
and this could be an action, for sure,
00:59:08.810 --> 00:59:12.760
it should increase our outreach
and engage more CBOs
00:59:12.760 --> 00:59:15.800
and the providers in more conversations
00:59:15.800 --> 00:59:19.670
about the ESJ action plan, goals,
00:59:21.163 --> 00:59:23.713
and how they apply to the
work that they are doing.
00:59:24.700 --> 00:59:26.810
For example, like Michael said,
00:59:26.810 --> 00:59:28.500
when I mentioned we do have
00:59:30.880 --> 00:59:35.290
some places where these
conversations happen
00:59:35.290 --> 00:59:38.210
that have been lacking
CDL participation,
00:59:38.210 --> 00:59:41.600
such as the, I think it's ULTSAC,
00:59:42.555 --> 00:59:43.520
which I can't remember what, I think
00:59:43.520 --> 00:59:47.560
it's Universal Lifeline
something Admin Committee.
00:59:47.560 --> 00:59:49.830
So, I can't remember all that.
00:59:49.830 --> 00:59:54.830
Uh-oh, I think I'm having a
problem with my microphone.
00:59:54.890 --> 00:59:56.990
Can you guys still hear me?
00:59:56.990 --> 00:59:58.490
Yeah, coming
through loud and clear.
00:59:58.490 --> 01:00:01.590
And ULTS is a Universal
Lifeline Telephone Service.
01:00:02.826 --> 01:00:03.659
01:00:03.659 --> 01:00:05.430
Administrative Committee.
01:00:05.430 --> 01:00:08.120
As well as the CA regional consortia,
01:00:08.120 --> 01:00:12.760
which we do have representing
most regions in California.
01:00:14.420 --> 01:00:16.410
The next thing I heard was that there
01:00:16.410 --> 01:00:19.680
is interest in stipends
for CPOs to engage,
01:00:19.680 --> 01:00:22.020
and more technical assistance.
01:00:22.020 --> 01:00:23.810
So engage in a lot of different things,
01:00:23.810 --> 01:00:26.510
such as outreach for
Lifeline, for example,
01:00:27.850 --> 01:00:30.690
and more technical
assistance for local government
01:00:31.560 --> 01:00:35.350
and other jurisdictions
to help them apply
01:00:35.350 --> 01:00:39.210
for various programs to
increase access to broadband.
01:00:41.594 --> 01:00:45.730
I heard many mentions of affordability
01:00:45.730 --> 01:00:48.650
and digital literacy
are still a huge issue.
01:00:50.990 --> 01:00:55.700
I heard we are mapping that
we have available on our website
01:00:55.700 --> 01:01:00.700
or finding out where
services are available is good,
01:01:01.190 --> 01:01:05.130
but it needs more
ground-truthing, but it is helpful.
01:01:06.520 --> 01:01:09.320
And let's see if I skipped anything.
01:01:09.320 --> 01:01:11.540
The last thing I wrote
down, which I know there's,
01:01:11.540 --> 01:01:13.910
I probably missed a lot of things,
01:01:13.910 --> 01:01:15.440
but the last thing I wrote down is
01:01:15.440 --> 01:01:17.360
that the cost-effectiveness framework
01:01:17.360 --> 01:01:19.350
can reinforce systemic racism.
01:01:21.400 --> 01:01:26.400
So, I think if anybody,
we will also have a record
01:01:28.320 --> 01:01:30.550
of all of the (murmurs) that.
01:01:30.550 --> 01:01:33.820
And as far as next steps go,
01:01:36.330 --> 01:01:41.330
I know that we will be
taking this into consideration
01:01:42.610 --> 01:01:45.680
in the next version of the update.
01:01:45.680 --> 01:01:50.170
And, as mentioned earlier, a new process
01:01:50.170 --> 01:01:54.200
or a new way of
managing our proceedings,
01:01:54.200 --> 01:01:58.950
we are now considering ESJ impacts
01:01:58.950 --> 01:02:01.300
in the scope of all of our proceedings.
01:02:01.300 --> 01:02:04.740
So I think that that,
in itself, will begin
01:02:04.740 --> 01:02:09.010
to have universal impacts on all
01:02:09.010 --> 01:02:11.430
of these programs and proceedings.
01:02:11.430 --> 01:02:13.660
I don't know if the Commissioner
is still on, she was on,
01:02:13.660 --> 01:02:17.710
and I know she might wanna comment.
01:02:17.710 --> 01:02:20.660
I don't know if she's still here.
01:02:20.660 --> 01:02:21.870
Hi, yeah, sure.
01:02:21.870 --> 01:02:22.970
Thank you everybody.
01:02:22.970 --> 01:02:24.940
So many of the things
that were mentioned
01:02:24.940 --> 01:02:29.000
are things that we know,
and as I sit and listen
01:02:29.000 --> 01:02:31.647
to everything, I just really look
01:02:34.020 --> 01:02:39.020
to you as this, in particular,
with this set of this sector,
01:02:39.680 --> 01:02:42.680
because our jurisdiction
is so constrained
01:02:42.680 --> 01:02:47.680
by the federal rules that,
maybe a bit of a unique approach
01:02:49.170 --> 01:02:53.430
about how we partner with
everyone to really ensure
01:02:53.430 --> 01:02:55.390
that, as I mentioned this morning,
01:02:55.390 --> 01:02:58.240
that the Biden
Administration provides us
01:02:58.240 --> 01:03:01.710
with more tools to be able to do exactly
01:03:01.710 --> 01:03:03.110
what everyone has mentioned,
01:03:04.150 --> 01:03:06.400
filling in the service gaps everywhere.
01:03:07.250 --> 01:03:10.190
So, but I thank you very much,
01:03:10.190 --> 01:03:14.150
and we absolutely do wanna keep digging
01:03:14.150 --> 01:03:17.090
in with the limited
jurisdiction that we do have.
01:03:17.090 --> 01:03:20.060
So, this is all good to hear where
01:03:20.060 --> 01:03:21.760
the areas of priorities should be.
01:03:31.170 --> 01:03:33.340
So, with that, we'll
leave the chat open
01:03:33.340 --> 01:03:34.810
a little bit, if anyone wants to add
01:03:34.810 --> 01:03:38.180
any closing info to the record.
01:03:38.180 --> 01:03:41.470
So we really appreciate
the time and engagement
01:03:41.470 --> 01:03:43.720
and look forward to
continuing this discussion.
01:03:58.170 --> 01:04:00.110
So, my question is
where do we go from here?
01:04:00.110 --> 01:04:02.430
'Cause so many times
we have these opportunities
01:04:02.430 --> 01:04:06.800
to be able to engage, but
we don't get any follow up,
01:04:06.800 --> 01:04:09.270
or any kind of like understanding
01:04:09.270 --> 01:04:11.340
of what you're going to
do with this information,
01:04:11.340 --> 01:04:15.800
because, we're left kind of
like sounds great in theory,
01:04:15.800 --> 01:04:20.800
but let's see how, going
beyond this workshop,
01:04:21.930 --> 01:04:23.700
but going beyond this conference,
01:04:23.700 --> 01:04:25.850
what are some of your plans?
01:04:25.850 --> 01:04:27.140
Yes, this is Sarah.
01:04:27.140 --> 01:04:29.970
I could say for next
step that I had in mind,
01:04:29.970 --> 01:04:32.460
which I cannot promise
at this moment, 'cause I
01:04:32.460 --> 01:04:35.040
need to check in with my
boss, the Commissioner,
01:04:35.040 --> 01:04:38.730
but hearing, and I had
this in my mind before,
01:04:38.730 --> 01:04:43.090
but now that we know who
we've been struggling to find,
01:04:43.090 --> 01:04:45.460
those who work in
disadvantaged communities
01:04:45.460 --> 01:04:50.060
who are interested and working
on this issue, as you know,
01:04:50.060 --> 01:04:52.800
probably a lot of you didn't
work on it before the pandemic,
01:04:52.800 --> 01:04:55.700
and so I think that it
would be good to have
01:04:55.700 --> 01:04:59.270
a follow-up meeting, where
we can convene some of you all.
01:04:59.270 --> 01:05:03.170
And maybe we can work with Turn and have
01:05:03.170 --> 01:05:05.980
a followup discussion, but we do a lot
01:05:05.980 --> 01:05:08.880
of work, community by community,
01:05:08.880 --> 01:05:10.980
trying to get people connected.
01:05:10.980 --> 01:05:14.130
So we could do a follow-up workshop
01:05:14.130 --> 01:05:19.130
on maybe a general
telecommunication strategy workshop
01:05:20.400 --> 01:05:22.130
with what the Commissioner was
01:05:22.130 --> 01:05:24.820
just discussing about our strategy
01:05:24.820 --> 01:05:26.900
at the state and federal level
01:05:26.900 --> 01:05:29.230
for having to do with our jurisdiction.
01:05:29.230 --> 01:05:32.303
But, I don't know if that makes sense.
01:05:32.303 --> 01:05:34.420
01:05:34.420 --> 01:05:35.890
If I could just add to this,
01:05:35.890 --> 01:05:37.680
if you're able to hear me with
01:05:37.680 --> 01:05:39.470
the background noise, I apologize.
01:05:39.470 --> 01:05:43.610
But the other opportunity is really
01:05:43.610 --> 01:05:46.180
are all the proceedings where,
01:05:46.180 --> 01:05:48.310
depending on which
topic you're talking about,
01:05:48.310 --> 01:05:51.640
I know Leslie mentioned the mobile homes
01:05:51.640 --> 01:05:55.480
as a gap, that kind of red
lining is something we're looking
01:05:55.480 --> 01:05:58.620
at within the Broadband
For All proceeding.
01:05:58.620 --> 01:06:01.240
I know you mentioned some of
01:06:01.240 --> 01:06:05.270
the Lifeline workers who are out there,
01:06:05.270 --> 01:06:06.980
in front of the stores fronts.
01:06:06.980 --> 01:06:08.750
We have a Lifeline proceeding.
01:06:08.750 --> 01:06:11.380
And those are venues very much where we
01:06:11.380 --> 01:06:13.080
could take some of your recommendations.
01:06:13.080 --> 01:06:16.630
So, at a minimum, I think
we're happy to follow up
01:06:16.630 --> 01:06:19.800
with folks directly to kind
of really assess where's
01:06:19.800 --> 01:06:22.270
the best venue for getting progress
01:06:22.270 --> 01:06:24.720
on that topic or for that
particular community,
01:06:25.620 --> 01:06:27.370
because it's gonna vary.
01:06:27.370 --> 01:06:29.450
So, I see Sarah just put her email
01:06:29.450 --> 01:06:33.310
into the chat as a, at a
minimum, that's a starting point,
01:06:33.310 --> 01:06:36.390
but, really, what we hope
you have the capacity
01:06:36.390 --> 01:06:39.050
to do is take the time to tell us
01:06:39.050 --> 01:06:42.200
how we should make,
update our work plan,
01:06:42.200 --> 01:06:44.840
and specifically deal with these issues.
01:06:44.840 --> 01:06:47.460
And part of our work
will be going through
01:06:47.460 --> 01:06:49.890
a process on determining what is
01:06:49.890 --> 01:06:52.750
that best pathway to work on the issue.
01:06:53.980 --> 01:06:55.240
So, there will be follow up, but
01:06:55.240 --> 01:07:00.240
it's gonna be a couple of steps away.
01:07:00.710 --> 01:07:03.080
But in the meantime, contact our office
01:07:03.080 --> 01:07:06.640
and we're happy to
work on issues directly.
01:07:06.640 --> 01:07:07.473
Thank you.
01:07:35.020 --> 01:07:38.000
Hey Sarah, do
we go back and join
01:07:38.000 --> 01:07:40.420
the main session after this?
01:07:40.420 --> 01:07:41.370
01:07:41.370 --> 01:07:45.540
I would direct everybody to
go back to the Webex event
01:07:47.730 --> 01:07:49.130
that we had for this morning, I believe,
01:07:49.130 --> 01:07:51.350
I actually need to look
into how to join that,
01:07:51.350 --> 01:07:53.970
but there will be another session now.
01:07:53.970 --> 01:07:56.620
But I think on the
topic I just mentioned,
01:07:56.620 --> 01:08:01.620
of how yesterday
considerations will be incorporated
01:08:02.250 --> 01:08:04.590
into the proceedings moving forward.
01:08:07.320 --> 01:08:08.153
Thank you.
01:08:08.153 --> 01:08:10.480
I don't know if Michael or
Wylen has anything else?
01:08:11.820 --> 01:08:12.820
Thank you everybody.