00:00:04.520 --> 00:00:05.353
And second,
00:00:05.353 --> 00:00:07.653
because anything that
you say can be heard, okay.
00:00:10.680 --> 00:00:12.243
I'm opening up the lines now.
00:00:23.170 --> 00:00:25.440
Welcome to the public
participation hearing,
00:00:25.440 --> 00:00:27.540
in Southern California, for hear.
00:00:27.540 --> 00:00:30.910
Edison companies,
general rate case application.
00:00:30.910 --> 00:00:35.910
On this day, Tuesday, June 30th, 2020,
00:00:36.250 --> 00:00:38.973
the a firm Judges will now
make their announcements.
00:00:40.910 --> 00:00:42.460
Thank you operator,
00:00:42.460 --> 00:00:43.900
we will now be on the record,
00:00:43.900 --> 00:00:46.380
the Commission will
please come to order.
00:00:46.380 --> 00:00:47.660
Good afternoon.
00:00:47.660 --> 00:00:49.130
This is the time and place,
00:00:49.130 --> 00:00:51.227
set for the public
participation hearing,
00:00:51.227 --> 00:00:53.610
and the general rate case application,
00:00:53.610 --> 00:00:55.180
of Southern California Edison
00:00:55.180 --> 00:01:00.180
company application 19-08-013.
00:01:00.870 --> 00:01:02.430
My name is Erin Seibert,
00:01:02.430 --> 00:01:05.240
and I'm one of the assigned
Administrative Law Judges,
00:01:05.240 --> 00:01:06.190
to this proceeding,
00:01:07.060 --> 00:01:09.070
of course am with Judge Sophia Park,
00:01:09.070 --> 00:01:11.450
who is listening in to today's hearing.
00:01:11.450 --> 00:01:13.870
We are also joined by Genevieve Shiroma,
00:01:13.870 --> 00:01:16.380
who is the assigned
Commissioner for this case.
00:01:16.380 --> 00:01:19.023
Commissinoer would you like
to make any opening remarks?
00:01:19.930 --> 00:01:23.340
Yes, thank you Judge
Seibert and Miss Park.
00:01:23.340 --> 00:01:25.060
Good afternoon everyone,
00:01:25.060 --> 00:01:26.832
my name is Genevieve Shiroma,
00:01:26.832 --> 00:01:29.240
and I'm the assigned Commissioner,
00:01:29.240 --> 00:01:32.490
for the Southern California
Edison general rate case,
00:01:32.490 --> 00:01:37.490
application 19-08-013.
00:01:39.120 --> 00:01:40.170
First I want to take a moment
00:01:40.170 --> 00:01:42.040
to thank our court reporters,
00:01:42.040 --> 00:01:45.260
who are recording everything
00:01:45.260 --> 00:01:48.320
that you will be saying today,
00:01:48.320 --> 00:01:50.763
from the public and the presenters.
00:01:51.610 --> 00:01:56.230
We have Doris Wallman
and Jason Stacey today,
00:01:56.230 --> 00:01:59.740
I would also like to thank
our Public Advisors office,
00:01:59.740 --> 00:02:01.910
our operator, Lorraine,
00:02:01.910 --> 00:02:05.560
and our information technology
and audio visual team,
00:02:05.560 --> 00:02:07.770
for setting us up for our first ever
00:02:07.770 --> 00:02:10.750
online public participation hearings.
00:02:10.750 --> 00:02:13.990
A little bit of background about me.
00:02:13.990 --> 00:02:17.130
I was appointed by Governor Newsom,
00:02:17.130 --> 00:02:19.550
to the California Public
Utilities Commission,
00:02:19.550 --> 00:02:21.880
in January of 2019.
00:02:21.880 --> 00:02:24.360
Prior to my appointment,
00:02:24.360 --> 00:02:28.540
I worked for the California Air
Resources Board for 20 years
00:02:28.540 --> 00:02:31.768
from 1978 to 1999,
00:02:31.768 --> 00:02:34.860
working on air quality regulations.
00:02:34.860 --> 00:02:35.970
I then I got appointed,
00:02:35.970 --> 00:02:39.570
to the Agricultural
Labor Relations Board,
00:02:39.570 --> 00:02:42.590
which is the collective
bargaining board for farm workers,
00:02:42.590 --> 00:02:47.590
I spent 20 years there
until 2019 or 20, 2019.
00:02:48.740 --> 00:02:52.120
And during that same time between years,
00:02:52.120 --> 00:02:54.220
I was elected as a Director,
00:02:54.220 --> 00:02:57.840
to the Sacramento
Municipal Utility District Board,
00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:00.460
which is the electricity
provider for Sacramento County,
00:03:00.460 --> 00:03:04.133
where I served for 1991 to 2018.
00:03:05.060 --> 00:03:07.910
It is with all of this past
experience, but in particular,
00:03:07.910 --> 00:03:11.000
my time at SMUD and of
course here at the Commission,
00:03:11.000 --> 00:03:14.400
I will be scrutinizing Southern
California Edison requested,
00:03:14.400 --> 00:03:16.120
in revenue requirements,
00:03:16.120 --> 00:03:18.850
and making sure that
what has been prepared,
00:03:18.850 --> 00:03:22.000
to meet to just and reasonable rates,
00:03:22.000 --> 00:03:24.140
which is required of us,
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with the economic crisis,
00:03:26.030 --> 00:03:28.610
and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,
00:03:28.610 --> 00:03:32.880
it is even more important
than ever that we are conscious,
00:03:32.880 --> 00:03:34.455
of increasing rates,
00:03:34.455 --> 00:03:37.970
making sure the right capital
projects are being approved,
00:03:37.970 --> 00:03:40.681
to ensure reliability
and wildfire safety,
00:03:40.681 --> 00:03:44.780
as people practice
distancing, teleworking,
00:03:44.780 --> 00:03:47.030
and distance learning at home,
00:03:47.030 --> 00:03:48.440
and making sure that programs
00:03:48.440 --> 00:03:51.190
are in place to support customers.
00:03:51.190 --> 00:03:54.660
I look forward to continuing
my work with the Judges,
00:03:54.660 --> 00:03:56.520
Administrative Law Judge Park
00:03:56.520 --> 00:03:58.650
Administrative Law Judge Seibert.
00:03:58.650 --> 00:04:00.580
As we build a record in this proceeding,
00:04:00.580 --> 00:04:02.120
in hearing from you,
00:04:02.120 --> 00:04:05.363
the Southern California
customers today, thank you.
00:04:06.820 --> 00:04:08.750
Thank you Commissioner.
00:04:08.750 --> 00:04:10.720
I wanna start by acknowledging,
00:04:10.720 --> 00:04:13.840
the pain, grief and
hardship that COVID-19,
00:04:13.840 --> 00:04:15.810
has imposed throughout our State,
00:04:15.810 --> 00:04:18.119
communities and in our daily bias,
00:04:18.119 --> 00:04:21.000
there are currently State
and local shelter at home,
00:04:21.000 --> 00:04:22.190
orders in place,
00:04:22.190 --> 00:04:25.050
to protect the health and
wellbeing of our communities.
00:04:25.050 --> 00:04:29.120
Therefore, we are holding
these hearings online by phone.
00:04:29.120 --> 00:04:30.860
While we look forward to the time
00:04:30.860 --> 00:04:33.690
when it will be safe to
resume public gatherings.
00:04:33.690 --> 00:04:35.762
I wanna emphasize
that public engagement,
00:04:35.762 --> 00:04:39.290
remains more important to
the Commission now than ever,
00:04:39.290 --> 00:04:41.320
and that when we'll be
paying careful attention,
00:04:41.320 --> 00:04:43.043
to the feedback provided today,
00:04:44.110 --> 00:04:46.100
the basic purpose of today's hearing,
00:04:46.100 --> 00:04:47.010
is to hear directly,
00:04:47.010 --> 00:04:49.360
from Southern California
Edison customers,
00:04:49.360 --> 00:04:52.723
and members of the public
about this particular application.
00:04:53.570 --> 00:04:55.740
I will start by providing
some brief background,
00:04:55.740 --> 00:04:58.200
on the Commission and
the general rate case,
00:04:58.200 --> 00:05:00.000
and introduce Miss. Alison Brown,
00:05:00.000 --> 00:05:02.780
from the Commission
public advisor's office.
00:05:02.780 --> 00:05:04.610
We will then hear brief Statement,
00:05:04.610 --> 00:05:06.860
from Southern California Edison,
00:05:06.860 --> 00:05:09.830
and some of the other
parties in this proceeding,
00:05:09.830 --> 00:05:11.541
finally and most importantly,
00:05:11.541 --> 00:05:13.253
we will hear from all of you,
00:05:14.780 --> 00:05:15.690
for participants that wish
00:05:15.690 --> 00:05:17.760
to provide public comments today,
00:05:17.760 --> 00:05:21.068
I ask that you press
*1 on your phone now
00:05:21.068 --> 00:05:22.516
to alert the operator,
00:05:22.516 --> 00:05:26.133
who will start to cue public
speakers, one at a time,
00:05:27.800 --> 00:05:30.730
the public utilities Commission
is the State agency,
00:05:30.730 --> 00:05:32.510
that decides how much money,
00:05:32.510 --> 00:05:34.740
Southern California Edison may earn,
00:05:34.740 --> 00:05:35.850
and the actual rates,
00:05:35.850 --> 00:05:39.490
that will be included on
your bill for electric service,
00:05:39.490 --> 00:05:42.240
the public utilities Commission
has five Commissioners,
00:05:42.240 --> 00:05:43.760
who are appointed by the Governor,
00:05:43.760 --> 00:05:46.106
and confirmed by the State Senate,
00:05:46.106 --> 00:05:47.890
while Judge Park, and I manage,
00:05:47.890 --> 00:05:50.230
the day to day activities of the case.
00:05:50.230 --> 00:05:52.190
The five Commissioners are ultimately,
00:05:52.190 --> 00:05:54.043
the ones who will decide and vote,
00:05:54.043 --> 00:05:55.810
on whether or not to approve,
00:05:55.810 --> 00:05:59.273
Southern California Edison's
request or some other amounts.
00:06:00.220 --> 00:06:01.490
Our job as the Judges,
00:06:01.490 --> 00:06:04.780
will be to evaluate all of the
evidence in the proceeding,
00:06:04.780 --> 00:06:06.430
and write a proposed decision
00:06:06.430 --> 00:06:08.380
for the five Commissioners to consider.
00:06:09.410 --> 00:06:11.450
The five Commissioners
will decide whether,
00:06:11.450 --> 00:06:14.440
to adopt the proposed
decision from the Judges,
00:06:14.440 --> 00:06:16.545
or adopt their own alternate decision
00:06:16.545 --> 00:06:19.607
based on evidence in this proceeding.
00:06:19.607 --> 00:06:21.410
It is estimated that the Commission,
00:06:21.410 --> 00:06:22.730
will vote on the decision,
00:06:22.730 --> 00:06:25.231
towards the beginning of next year.
00:06:25.231 --> 00:06:27.090
I will now briefly summarize
00:06:27.090 --> 00:06:29.163
Southern California Edison application,
00:06:30.070 --> 00:06:32.550
last August, Southern California Edison,
00:06:32.550 --> 00:06:35.290
submitted its general rate case request,
00:06:35.290 --> 00:06:37.310
asking the Commission for approval,
00:06:37.310 --> 00:06:39.420
of their expected costs for owning,
00:06:39.420 --> 00:06:41.090
and operating the company,
00:06:41.090 --> 00:06:45.533
for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023.
00:06:46.520 --> 00:06:47.770
Earlier this year,
00:06:47.770 --> 00:06:49.640
the Commission adopted a decision
00:06:49.640 --> 00:06:52.170
which changed the
general rate case cycle
00:06:52.170 --> 00:06:55.420
from a three year cycle
to a four year cycle.
00:06:55.420 --> 00:06:58.540
Therefore this proceeding
will now also consider
00:06:58.540 --> 00:07:03.540
Southern California Edison
expected costs for the year 2024.
00:07:03.630 --> 00:07:05.880
A Commission decision on these costs
00:07:05.880 --> 00:07:08.433
is anticipated toward the end of 2023.
00:07:10.210 --> 00:07:11.410
The expenses included,
00:07:11.410 --> 00:07:14.072
in Southern California
Edison's rate case application
00:07:14.072 --> 00:07:18.951
generally cover the poles,
wires, meters, employees,
00:07:18.951 --> 00:07:20.840
and all of the activities
00:07:20.840 --> 00:07:25.110
needed to deliver electricity
to your home or business.
00:07:25.110 --> 00:07:27.570
It also includes proposed expenses,
00:07:27.570 --> 00:07:30.740
and capital infrastructure
to address wildfire risk,
00:07:30.740 --> 00:07:33.080
related to Edison's equipment.
00:07:33.080 --> 00:07:35.460
It is important to note that the costs
00:07:35.460 --> 00:07:37.770
that we are talking
about in this application
00:07:37.770 --> 00:07:40.640
are just one part of
Southern California Edison's,
00:07:40.640 --> 00:07:42.257
annual operating expenses,
00:07:42.257 --> 00:07:45.160
that impact customer rates,
00:07:45.160 --> 00:07:46.780
separate from this proceeding,
00:07:46.780 --> 00:07:49.480
the Commission authorizes
recovery of the cost,
00:07:49.480 --> 00:07:53.010
that Edison actually
incurs to purchase electricity
00:07:53.010 --> 00:07:54.163
on the open market.
00:07:55.010 --> 00:07:58.350
These are costs that are
directly passed onto customers,
00:07:58.350 --> 00:08:00.900
and Edison is not allowed
to earn a profit on them.
00:08:02.040 --> 00:08:03.810
There is also another proceeding,
00:08:03.810 --> 00:08:06.370
that will determine how approved costs
00:08:06.370 --> 00:08:07.760
are distributed among,
00:08:07.760 --> 00:08:10.100
Southern California Edison's customers,
00:08:10.100 --> 00:08:11.440
and the specific rates,
00:08:11.440 --> 00:08:14.051
that will be included
on customer's bill.
00:08:14.051 --> 00:08:18.150
This is generally referred to
as the rate design proceeding,
00:08:18.150 --> 00:08:19.200
and that application,
00:08:19.200 --> 00:08:21.343
should be filed in
the Fall of this year.
00:08:22.370 --> 00:08:23.910
Right now, though,
00:08:23.910 --> 00:08:26.600
we are here to receive
comments from the public,
00:08:26.600 --> 00:08:28.957
regarding Southern
California Edison's requests,
00:08:28.957 --> 00:08:31.123
to increase rates and revenue,
00:08:31.123 --> 00:08:35.216
by 1.2 billion in January 2021 ,
00:08:35.216 --> 00:08:40.216
with additional increases
of 486 million in 2022,
00:08:40.810 --> 00:08:44.660
and 503 million in 2023,
00:08:44.660 --> 00:08:47.390
if approved Southern California Edison,
00:08:47.390 --> 00:08:49.030
total revenue requirement,
00:08:49.030 --> 00:08:53.705
will be approximately
7.55 billion in 2021,
00:08:53.705 --> 00:08:58.705
or an 18.1% increase over
what is currently authorized,
00:09:00.390 --> 00:09:02.000
if the request is approved,
00:09:02.000 --> 00:09:04.520
the impact on residential customers,
00:09:04.520 --> 00:09:06.180
will be a monthly increase,
00:09:06.180 --> 00:09:11.150
of approximately $12
and 71 cents in 2021,
00:09:11.150 --> 00:09:14.670
in 2022 the additional monthly increase,
00:09:14.670 --> 00:09:17.010
would be approximately $5,
00:09:17.010 --> 00:09:20.590
and in 2023 the
additional monthly increase,
00:09:20.590 --> 00:09:22.183
would be approximately $6,
00:09:23.810 --> 00:09:25.660
we wanna hear what you think about,
00:09:25.660 --> 00:09:28.300
Southern California Edison's request,
00:09:28.300 --> 00:09:29.385
comments from the public,
00:09:29.385 --> 00:09:31.640
can help the public
utilities Commission,
00:09:31.640 --> 00:09:33.910
reach an informed decision.
00:09:33.910 --> 00:09:36.150
The Commissioners, Judge park and I,
00:09:36.150 --> 00:09:39.780
will pay close attention
to your opinions expressed
00:09:39.780 --> 00:09:41.383
during today's public hearing.
00:09:43.110 --> 00:09:45.960
We have a court reporter
transcribing today's hearing,
00:09:45.960 --> 00:09:48.010
we'll be taking down
everything that is said
00:09:48.010 --> 00:09:49.840
on the telephone line.
00:09:49.840 --> 00:09:51.040
If you do speak,
00:09:51.040 --> 00:09:53.557
we ask that you speak
slowly and clearly,
00:09:53.557 --> 00:09:56.570
so that the reporter is
able to capture everything
00:09:56.570 --> 00:09:58.120
that is said,
00:09:58.120 --> 00:10:00.393
the written transcript
of today's hearing,
00:10:00.393 --> 00:10:03.170
will be available to
Judge Park and myself,
00:10:03.170 --> 00:10:05.820
the Commissioner and posted publicly,
00:10:05.820 --> 00:10:07.770
on the docket card for this proceeding.
00:10:08.620 --> 00:10:11.290
In addition to submitting
oral comments today,
00:10:11.290 --> 00:10:14.200
written comments regarding
Edison's application,
00:10:14.200 --> 00:10:16.370
may also be submitted on the docket card
00:10:16.370 --> 00:10:18.010
for this proceeding.
00:10:18.010 --> 00:10:19.976
You may do this by going to,
00:10:19.976 --> 00:10:24.976
00:10:25.193 --> 00:10:29.767
00:10:29.767 --> 00:10:34.767
2021 grcpublicomments.
00:10:36.200 --> 00:10:37.210
As of today,
00:10:37.210 --> 00:10:41.153
we have received over
3,200 written public comments,
00:10:42.180 --> 00:10:44.860
I would now like to
invite Miss. Alison Brown,
00:10:44.860 --> 00:10:47.130
from the Commission's
public advisor office,
00:10:47.130 --> 00:10:48.380
to provide brief remarks,
00:10:48.380 --> 00:10:50.543
regarding participation
in this proceeding.
00:10:51.680 --> 00:10:53.283
Ms. Brown, please proceed.
00:10:54.870 --> 00:10:56.130
Thank you, Judge,
00:10:56.130 --> 00:10:57.360
welcome everyone,
00:10:57.360 --> 00:10:58.630
my name is Alison Brown,
00:10:58.630 --> 00:11:01.620
and I'm the Public Advisor for the CPUC,
00:11:01.620 --> 00:11:04.760
I'll start by I wanna thank
you all for participating today,
00:11:04.760 --> 00:11:07.790
as the Judge and the
Commissioner stated,
00:11:07.790 --> 00:11:10.660
public participation
and input are essential,
00:11:10.660 --> 00:11:13.100
to the Commissioner's
decision making process.
00:11:13.100 --> 00:11:15.380
We look forward to your comments today.
00:11:15.380 --> 00:11:16.630
I also wanna let you know,
00:11:16.630 --> 00:11:18.040
that if you were anyone else,
00:11:18.040 --> 00:11:20.230
are not able to make comments today,
00:11:20.230 --> 00:11:22.960
there are several other
ways to become involved,
00:11:22.960 --> 00:11:26.590
if you wish to find more
information, on becoming a party,
00:11:26.590 --> 00:11:28.100
subscribing to the proceedings,
00:11:28.100 --> 00:11:31.243
so you get emails of all the
formal documents that are filed
00:11:31.243 --> 00:11:35.513
or submitting comments
as Judge just mentioned,
00:11:36.580 --> 00:11:40.720
please go to our website, cpuc.ca.gov,
00:11:40.720 --> 00:11:42.857
or email the public advisor.
00:11:42.857 --> 00:11:47.827
00:11:50.300 --> 00:11:51.133
thank you.
00:11:53.160 --> 00:11:54.770
Thank you, Ms. Brown,
00:11:54.770 --> 00:11:58.070
depending on the number of
people that wanna speak today,
00:11:58.070 --> 00:12:01.010
we may have to limit
remarks to just a few minutes,
00:12:01.010 --> 00:12:03.160
I will provide a more
definitive time limit,
00:12:03.160 --> 00:12:04.669
once we have better information,
00:12:04.669 --> 00:12:08.620
regarding the number of public
speakers, that wanna speak,
00:12:08.620 --> 00:12:10.970
the reminder again, to
those who wanna speak,
00:12:10.970 --> 00:12:14.210
to please press *1 on your phone now,
00:12:14.210 --> 00:12:17.423
so that the operator can begin
to form the speaking queue.
00:12:19.742 --> 00:12:21.750
We will now hear from
some of the parties
00:12:21.750 --> 00:12:22.850
in this proceeding,
00:12:22.850 --> 00:12:24.250
starting with a representative,
00:12:24.250 --> 00:12:26.390
from Southern California Edison,
00:12:26.390 --> 00:12:29.090
followed by the Public
Advocate's office,
00:12:29.090 --> 00:12:31.030
Utility Reform Network,
00:12:31.030 --> 00:12:33.313
and National Diversity Coalition.
00:12:34.390 --> 00:12:36.350
Mr. Snow, if you're ready to proceed,
00:12:36.350 --> 00:12:39.673
please spell your first and last
name and you may proceed.
00:12:41.500 --> 00:12:44.940
Good afternoon, my
name is Doug Snow,
00:12:44.940 --> 00:12:48.033
D O U G, S N O W.
00:12:49.930 --> 00:12:51.510
I wanna thank Judge Seibert,
00:12:51.510 --> 00:12:54.460
and Judge park and Commissioner Shiroma,
00:12:54.460 --> 00:12:56.570
I also wanna thank
everyone for taking time out,
00:12:56.570 --> 00:12:57.600
from your busy schedules,
00:12:57.600 --> 00:12:59.040
and participating in
these very important
00:12:59.040 --> 00:13:01.493
public participation hearings today,
00:13:02.740 --> 00:13:04.320
as I mentioned, my name is Doug Snow,
00:13:04.320 --> 00:13:06.420
and I'm the Director of
the general rate case,
00:13:06.420 --> 00:13:08.803
for Southern California Edison,
00:13:08.803 --> 00:13:11.320
it's a privilege to be
here and learn from you,
00:13:11.320 --> 00:13:12.520
and listen to your input,
00:13:12.520 --> 00:13:15.160
and any potential concerns
you may have regarding,
00:13:15.160 --> 00:13:16.713
our 21 general rate case,
00:13:17.614 --> 00:13:20.510
Edison recognizes this
proceeding is taking place,
00:13:20.510 --> 00:13:22.153
during unprecedented times,
00:13:23.030 --> 00:13:25.000
we understand that
many of our customers,
00:13:25.000 --> 00:13:26.750
and communities are facing hardships,
00:13:26.750 --> 00:13:28.940
during the COVID-19 pandemic,
00:13:28.940 --> 00:13:31.193
and may need help
with their electric bill.
00:13:32.060 --> 00:13:33.810
But SCE has already put into place,
00:13:33.810 --> 00:13:37.720
important customer protections
to address those issues,
00:13:37.720 --> 00:13:41.900
if you need more information
on those customer protections,
00:13:41.900 --> 00:13:46.320
please go sce.com/billhelp
00:13:47.978 --> 00:13:51.403
for information on money
saving programs and tools.
00:13:51.403 --> 00:13:54.510
Mr. Jerry Aguilar from our
customer service division,
00:13:54.510 --> 00:13:55.840
is also on the line,
00:13:55.840 --> 00:13:59.330
and should the Judges request
some information from him,
00:13:59.330 --> 00:14:01.880
he would be able to answer
some of those questions.
00:14:02.900 --> 00:14:04.520
Now, turning back to this proceeding,
00:14:04.520 --> 00:14:05.630
we are currently in the middle,
00:14:05.630 --> 00:14:08.270
of what we refer to as
the discovery period,
00:14:08.270 --> 00:14:09.810
where all parties to the proceeding
00:14:09.810 --> 00:14:12.870
are learning more about
our funding proposal,
00:14:12.870 --> 00:14:15.850
most recently we have heard
from the consumer advocate,
00:14:15.850 --> 00:14:17.840
and they have provided
their counterproposals
00:14:17.840 --> 00:14:19.653
for reductions to our requests,
00:14:20.750 --> 00:14:22.180
beginning July 6,
00:14:22.180 --> 00:14:24.690
there will be events
evidentiary hearing,
00:14:24.690 --> 00:14:26.700
so that the Commission
can continue to build
00:14:26.700 --> 00:14:29.663
this official record of our requests,
00:14:29.663 --> 00:14:32.240
it is easy to get caught
up in the process,
00:14:32.240 --> 00:14:33.540
but at the end of the day,
00:14:33.540 --> 00:14:37.500
the general rate case is about
funding projects, programs,
00:14:37.500 --> 00:14:41.320
and people to provide you
service in a safe and reliable way
00:14:41.320 --> 00:14:43.853
and improve that service continuously.
00:14:45.030 --> 00:14:46.610
Our request for funding in this case,
00:14:46.610 --> 00:14:48.200
covers the work the Commission,
00:14:48.200 --> 00:14:52.780
the company needs to
do in 2021 through 2024,
00:14:52.780 --> 00:14:56.840
for SCE workers to inspect, repair,
00:14:56.840 --> 00:14:58.000
and when appropriate,
00:14:58.000 --> 00:15:01.857
upgrade poles,
transformers, distribution lines,
00:15:01.857 --> 00:15:05.340
as well as provide
customer service for billing,
00:15:05.340 --> 00:15:08.383
service turn on, turn
off and other work.
00:15:09.590 --> 00:15:11.950
The costs are requesting
pay the salaries
00:15:11.950 --> 00:15:14.010
of about 12,000 employees,
00:15:14.010 --> 00:15:16.090
and over 8,000 contractors,
00:15:16.090 --> 00:15:17.950
who perform all this work,
00:15:17.950 --> 00:15:19.550
live in your communities,
00:15:19.550 --> 00:15:22.033
and often are SCE customers themselves,
00:15:23.510 --> 00:15:24.540
and this general rate case,
00:15:24.540 --> 00:15:26.230
our requests mostly includes,
00:15:26.230 --> 00:15:28.520
funding to improve three things.
00:15:28.520 --> 00:15:30.770
Number one, safety,
00:15:30.770 --> 00:15:32.160
the safety of our customers,
00:15:32.160 --> 00:15:33.770
and the communities we serve,
00:15:33.770 --> 00:15:35.610
as well as the safety of our workers
00:15:35.610 --> 00:15:37.820
is the most important thing,
00:15:37.820 --> 00:15:39.110
we have undertaken,
00:15:39.110 --> 00:15:41.560
and are proposing to
continue significant efforts,
00:15:41.560 --> 00:15:43.410
to mitigate the risk of wildfire,
00:15:43.410 --> 00:15:45.100
associated with our equipment,
00:15:45.100 --> 00:15:47.920
considering more extreme
environmental conditions,
00:15:47.920 --> 00:15:49.890
and accelerating customer expansion
00:15:49.890 --> 00:15:52.043
into the wild land urban interface,
00:15:53.000 --> 00:15:56.720
making the grid safe for
those who live and work near it,
00:15:56.720 --> 00:15:58.823
and for our employees who work on it,
00:15:59.924 --> 00:16:01.790
in addition keeping the grid safe
00:16:01.790 --> 00:16:03.440
from physical and cyber attack,
00:16:03.440 --> 00:16:04.920
and keeping the public informed
00:16:04.920 --> 00:16:07.330
on how to stay safe
around our equipment,
00:16:07.330 --> 00:16:08.763
and electricity in general.
00:16:09.610 --> 00:16:12.470
Number two, reliability,
00:16:12.470 --> 00:16:14.420
the residents and
businesses in our communities
00:16:14.420 --> 00:16:16.450
depend on electricity,
00:16:16.450 --> 00:16:18.280
we have to replace old equipment,
00:16:18.280 --> 00:16:20.480
and update our systems to avoid outages,
00:16:20.480 --> 00:16:21.990
and prepare for more clean,
00:16:21.990 --> 00:16:25.240
and distributed energy
resources in the State.
00:16:25.240 --> 00:16:27.320
We cannot avoid outages,
00:16:27.320 --> 00:16:29.900
we want to be able to bring
the power back on quickly,
00:16:29.900 --> 00:16:32.050
and give you as much
information along the way
00:16:32.050 --> 00:16:35.350
to minimize the disruption to you,
00:16:35.350 --> 00:16:38.460
and number three customer interaction,
00:16:38.460 --> 00:16:41.290
we want to make it easy for
you to communicate with us,
00:16:41.290 --> 00:16:42.660
and vice versa,
00:16:42.660 --> 00:16:45.950
whether it is about
bills, service changes,
00:16:45.950 --> 00:16:48.520
new solar panels you want to install,
00:16:48.520 --> 00:16:50.580
new programs to save electricity,
00:16:50.580 --> 00:16:51.663
or anything else.
00:16:53.090 --> 00:16:55.550
We acknowledged that the
increase we were requesting,
00:16:55.550 --> 00:16:57.770
is larger than what we
had thought in recent past,
00:16:57.770 --> 00:17:00.330
but we believe we have
struck the proper balance,
00:17:00.330 --> 00:17:02.850
seeking authorization
for time sensitive,
00:17:02.850 --> 00:17:04.330
public safety measures,
00:17:04.330 --> 00:17:06.840
and doing what we can to reprioritize,
00:17:06.840 --> 00:17:08.700
or scale back other initiatives,
00:17:08.700 --> 00:17:11.783
that we will have to leave
for future general rate cases.
00:17:13.300 --> 00:17:15.540
Our general rate cases
planning for the future,
00:17:15.540 --> 00:17:19.330
again, 2021 through 2024,
00:17:19.330 --> 00:17:20.670
we have to have adequate funding
00:17:20.670 --> 00:17:22.310
to make necessary investments,
00:17:22.310 --> 00:17:25.340
to continue to provide
15 million Californians,
00:17:25.340 --> 00:17:30.120
with safe, reliable, clean,
and affordable electricity.
00:17:30.120 --> 00:17:33.000
Those commitments which
are granted in State law,
00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:35.913
or some are something
that we take very seriously,
00:17:37.200 --> 00:17:39.410
ultimately the Commission will decide
00:17:39.410 --> 00:17:41.060
the appropriate level of funding
00:17:41.060 --> 00:17:44.070
after a thorough and
rigorous legal process,
00:17:44.070 --> 00:17:47.220
that includes all stakeholders
with different viewpoints,
00:17:47.220 --> 00:17:49.853
including prominent
consumer advocacy groups.
00:17:51.210 --> 00:17:52.770
Although our core mission of providing,
00:17:52.770 --> 00:17:55.490
safe, reliable, clean,
and affordable electricity,
00:17:55.490 --> 00:17:57.690
to our customers have not changed,
00:17:57.690 --> 00:18:01.090
the company said that this
TRC requests an extraordinary,
00:18:01.090 --> 00:18:03.230
extraordinarily important
juncture for the State,
00:18:03.230 --> 00:18:04.983
and for our customers,
00:18:06.090 --> 00:18:09.800
so that brings us for
paying for this work, your bill,
00:18:09.800 --> 00:18:11.070
we are very mindful,
00:18:11.070 --> 00:18:13.170
of the impact of these
costs on your bills,
00:18:13.170 --> 00:18:14.530
and we're working every day,
00:18:14.530 --> 00:18:16.220
to find ways of reducing costs,
00:18:16.220 --> 00:18:17.210
so that some of this work
00:18:17.210 --> 00:18:19.260
can be done without
increasing your bill.
00:18:20.380 --> 00:18:21.930
As mentioned by Judge Seibert,
00:18:21.930 --> 00:18:22.900
our current forecast,
00:18:22.900 --> 00:18:25.690
and this GRC will increase
an average electric bill,
00:18:25.690 --> 00:18:27.652
by about $13 per month,
00:18:27.652 --> 00:18:31.630
for non-income
qualified customers in 21,
00:18:31.630 --> 00:18:34.353
the increase would be
an additional $5 and 2022,
00:18:35.622 --> 00:18:37.953
and $6 in 2023.
00:18:38.840 --> 00:18:40.860
However we're about
a third of our customers,
00:18:40.860 --> 00:18:42.510
who qualify for the care rate,
00:18:42.510 --> 00:18:44.730
available for lower income customers,
00:18:44.730 --> 00:18:47.173
the increase would be about 30% lower,
00:18:48.660 --> 00:18:51.630
I realized for many of
you, this is impactful,
00:18:51.630 --> 00:18:53.350
but we believe the
work we are proposing,
00:18:53.350 --> 00:18:54.780
strikes a prudent balance,
00:18:54.780 --> 00:18:57.580
between the essential
service we provide to you,
00:18:57.580 --> 00:18:59.863
and what it costs to
provide that service,
00:19:00.800 --> 00:19:03.750
we realized any increase
in bills can be challenging,
00:19:03.750 --> 00:19:05.150
and we have several programs,
00:19:05.150 --> 00:19:07.900
tips and tools to
help reduce bill impact
00:19:07.900 --> 00:19:09.420
that may come in handy,
00:19:09.420 --> 00:19:10.950
so please, as I mentioned earlier,
00:19:10.950 --> 00:19:14.203
visit sce.com/billhelp,
00:19:15.450 --> 00:19:17.700
for as up for information
on these resources,
00:19:18.580 --> 00:19:20.410
once again thank you for attending,
00:19:20.410 --> 00:19:22.597
and I look forward to
hearing your comments,
00:19:22.597 --> 00:19:24.947
and your feedback, thank you.
00:19:27.197 --> 00:19:29.841
The public
comment line is now open,
00:19:29.841 --> 00:19:31.310
if you'd like to ask a question,
00:19:31.310 --> 00:19:33.300
please press *1 unmute your phone,
00:19:33.300 --> 00:19:34.793
and record your name clearly,
00:19:38.020 --> 00:19:40.000
Thank you, Mr. Burns,
00:19:40.000 --> 00:19:41.330
are you ready to make a statement,
00:19:41.330 --> 00:19:43.093
on behalf of the Public Advocate.
00:19:43.980 --> 00:19:46.240
Yes, your honor, thank you.
00:19:46.240 --> 00:19:48.350
Please start by spelling
your first and last name
00:19:48.350 --> 00:19:50.010
for the record.
00:19:50.010 --> 00:19:50.950
Truman Burns,
00:19:50.950 --> 00:19:54.323
T R U M A N, B U R N S.
00:19:55.680 --> 00:19:56.740
Good afternoon, your honors,
00:19:56.740 --> 00:19:57.610
Commissioner Shiroma,
00:19:57.610 --> 00:19:58.830
and members of the public,
00:19:58.830 --> 00:20:00.537
I'm Truman Burns, project coordinator,
00:20:00.537 --> 00:20:03.370
for the public advocate's offices
00:20:03.370 --> 00:20:07.320
response to SCE 2021 general rate case.
00:20:07.320 --> 00:20:08.550
The public advocate's office,
00:20:08.550 --> 00:20:10.390
is the independent consumer advocate,
00:20:10.390 --> 00:20:13.135
at the California public
utilities Commission.
00:20:13.135 --> 00:20:14.800
The public advocate's office represents
00:20:14.800 --> 00:20:17.150
the interest in public
utility customers,
00:20:17.150 --> 00:20:18.680
with the goal of obtaining
00:20:18.680 --> 00:20:21.150
the lowest possible rates for service,
00:20:21.150 --> 00:20:23.710
consistent, with safe,
reliable service levels
00:20:23.710 --> 00:20:25.433
and safety environmental goals.
00:20:26.760 --> 00:20:29.570
Our office spent seven months
reviewing and evaluating,
00:20:29.570 --> 00:20:33.770
SCE, GRC proposal before
preparing our recommendations,
00:20:33.770 --> 00:20:38.770
which we presented in written
testimony on April 10th 2020,
00:20:38.880 --> 00:20:41.680
based on our review
and our own forecast,
00:20:41.680 --> 00:20:45.140
and how much revenue
SCE should be authorized,
00:20:45.140 --> 00:20:47.570
we found that some of the SCE forecast
00:20:47.570 --> 00:20:48.993
with cost are excessive.
00:20:50.270 --> 00:20:53.260
For 2021 we recommended
that the Commission,
00:20:53.260 --> 00:20:55.437
reviews SCE requested increase
00:20:55.437 --> 00:20:59.040
of $1.1 billion by more than half,
00:20:59.040 --> 00:21:02.223
which would be a $618 million reduction.
00:21:03.100 --> 00:21:07.570
For 2022 we recommend
a reduction of $180 million,
00:21:07.570 --> 00:21:12.170
to SCE requested
increase of 423 million.
00:21:12.170 --> 00:21:17.170
And for 2023, we recommend
a reduction of $263 million
00:21:17.460 --> 00:21:22.120
to SCE's requested
increase on 514 million.
00:21:22.120 --> 00:21:24.270
In addition based on the severe impacts,
00:21:24.270 --> 00:21:26.060
customers are experiencing,
00:21:26.060 --> 00:21:28.270
due to the recent economic downturn,
00:21:28.270 --> 00:21:30.660
associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,
00:21:30.660 --> 00:21:33.180
the public health office proposed
00:21:33.180 --> 00:21:36.250
a reduction of $125 million
00:21:36.250 --> 00:21:40.582
to SCEs 2020 capital expenditure budget,
00:21:40.582 --> 00:21:45.140
thank you and we look
forward to the public comments.
00:21:46.115 --> 00:21:47.170
Our first question,
00:21:47.170 --> 00:21:50.513
comes from Cindy Paulo's
resident, your line is open.
00:21:51.960 --> 00:21:52.960
I don't have a question,
00:21:52.960 --> 00:21:56.563
I just, it's more of a
commentary, is that okay?
00:21:58.620 --> 00:21:59.800
Ma'am would you mind,
00:21:59.800 --> 00:22:01.490
we've got a couple more presentations
00:22:01.490 --> 00:22:04.730
to go and then, just
press *1 stay in the queue,
00:22:04.730 --> 00:22:07.543
and we will address public
comments directly following.
00:22:08.520 --> 00:22:10.260
Okay, thank you.
00:22:10.260 --> 00:22:11.260
Thank you.
00:22:12.927 --> 00:22:14.570
Thank you Mr. Burns,
00:22:14.570 --> 00:22:17.280
Miss Slider Pierre, are you
ready to make a statement
00:22:17.280 --> 00:22:19.463
on behalf of the Utility Reform Network.
00:22:22.130 --> 00:22:23.640
I am.
00:22:23.640 --> 00:22:24.900
Thank you, please start by
00:22:24.900 --> 00:22:27.350
spelling your first and
last name for the record.
00:22:28.260 --> 00:22:29.930
00:22:29.930 --> 00:22:34.917
00:22:36.430 --> 00:22:41.250
Slider, S L I B E R,
00:22:41.250 --> 00:22:45.760
Pierre, P I E R R...
00:22:53.470 --> 00:22:54.452
Thank you, please proceed.
00:22:54.452 --> 00:22:55.869
Good afternoon,
00:22:57.050 --> 00:23:00.380
as I stated, my name is
Constance Slider Pierre,
00:23:00.380 --> 00:23:03.130
I'm the Organizing Director for TURN,
00:23:03.130 --> 00:23:05.560
The Utility Reform Network.
00:23:05.560 --> 00:23:07.030
I'd like to first take a moment
00:23:07.030 --> 00:23:10.950
to thank Administrative
Law Judges Park and Siebert,
00:23:10.950 --> 00:23:12.950
as well as Commissioner Shiroma,
00:23:12.950 --> 00:23:15.210
for the opportunity to say a few words,
00:23:15.210 --> 00:23:17.203
to welcome members of the public,
00:23:18.710 --> 00:23:20.450
to all who've joined the call
00:23:20.450 --> 00:23:23.867
to provide comments and
bear witness, I thank you.
00:23:24.923 --> 00:23:26.730
I do not need to tell any of you,
00:23:26.730 --> 00:23:29.640
that we are in an unprecedented time.
00:23:29.640 --> 00:23:32.730
The extreme circumstances
of a global pandemic,
00:23:32.730 --> 00:23:35.080
have skyrocketed unemployment numbers
00:23:35.080 --> 00:23:37.973
to over 16% in California.
00:23:38.990 --> 00:23:42.400
And according to a USC
study published last month,
00:23:42.400 --> 00:23:47.100
one in seven California
workers filed for unemployment,
00:23:47.100 --> 00:23:49.790
and in LA County specifically,
00:23:49.790 --> 00:23:53.513
only 45% of residents
report holding a job,
00:23:55.150 --> 00:23:58.120
global protests after the
murder of George Floyd
00:23:58.120 --> 00:23:59.510
usher in a new day,
00:23:59.510 --> 00:24:01.830
when all of us are called to examine,
00:24:01.830 --> 00:24:05.400
and act with deeper
awareness of how our actions,
00:24:05.400 --> 00:24:08.563
and decisions will impact people.
00:24:10.370 --> 00:24:12.650
The public outcry is clear,
00:24:12.650 --> 00:24:15.660
and we will acquire
all of us to live out loud,
00:24:15.660 --> 00:24:20.660
and be deeper to seek fair,
equitable, and just treatment,
00:24:20.720 --> 00:24:22.513
for all our citizens.
00:24:23.700 --> 00:24:25.950
TURN stand strong in its belief,
00:24:25.950 --> 00:24:28.950
that electricity along with food,
00:24:28.950 --> 00:24:32.590
shelter and water are basic necessities,
00:24:32.590 --> 00:24:34.263
and a human right.
00:24:35.110 --> 00:24:38.950
We strongly believe that
any approved rate increase,
00:24:38.950 --> 00:24:41.366
at this time is unacceptable,
00:24:41.366 --> 00:24:43.130
and would further cripple,
00:24:43.130 --> 00:24:45.850
the resilient and aspiring families,
00:24:45.850 --> 00:24:48.823
who are struggling now more than ever.
00:24:50.010 --> 00:24:54.233
This request is neither
balanced or prudent.
00:24:56.620 --> 00:24:59.020
Today's hearing serve as an opportunity,
00:24:59.020 --> 00:25:00.998
to ensure that the live experiences,
00:25:00.998 --> 00:25:04.730
of community are
heard and accounted for,
00:25:04.730 --> 00:25:07.530
when our public servants deliberate,
00:25:07.530 --> 00:25:10.483
and make decisions
that affect our daily lives.
00:25:12.138 --> 00:25:14.380
SEC the latest proposal,
00:25:14.380 --> 00:25:17.730
will increase residential
customer bills annually,
00:25:17.730 --> 00:25:21.640
from 2022 through 2023,
00:25:21.640 --> 00:25:23.000
and if approved,
00:25:23.000 --> 00:25:27.250
this increase would be the
largest single rate increase,
00:25:27.250 --> 00:25:30.763
any utility has been
granted by the CPUC.
00:25:31.950 --> 00:25:34.264
This rate increase with stick,
00:25:34.264 --> 00:25:37.910
SEC customers with a
bill for over 600 million,
00:25:37.910 --> 00:25:40.760
in insurance premiums
00:25:40.760 --> 00:25:45.673
to protect shareholders from
fires caused by SEC equipment,
00:25:46.960 --> 00:25:50.720
it would raise your
monthly bills by $43,
00:25:50.720 --> 00:25:55.240
or on average $500 annually,
00:25:55.240 --> 00:26:00.240
and result in SEC customers
paying 40% more for energy,
00:26:00.310 --> 00:26:01.830
while shareholders rake in,
00:26:01.830 --> 00:26:05.393
a whopping 1.5 billion in profits,
00:26:07.050 --> 00:26:09.880
translating these
increases to working hours
00:26:09.880 --> 00:26:11.660
in the gig economy,
00:26:11.660 --> 00:26:13.890
minimum wage workers would have to work
00:26:13.890 --> 00:26:17.640
between six and eight
additional hours each month,
00:26:17.640 --> 00:26:20.840
to pay for the same
number of kilowatt hours,
00:26:20.840 --> 00:26:24.513
roughly an additional day of shift work,
00:26:26.780 --> 00:26:28.450
during your testimony today,
00:26:28.450 --> 00:26:30.190
I encourage you to use your time
00:26:30.190 --> 00:26:34.610
to reflect on your experience
as an SEC customer,
00:26:34.610 --> 00:26:38.670
tell the Commission how
current energy costs affect you,
00:26:38.670 --> 00:26:41.400
what trade offs you
have been forced to make,
00:26:41.400 --> 00:26:43.990
what measures you have
taken to reduce costs,
00:26:43.990 --> 00:26:45.719
and conserve energy,
00:26:45.719 --> 00:26:49.270
and what additional trade-off
you may be forced to make,
00:26:49.270 --> 00:26:50.700
if you are required to pay
00:26:50.700 --> 00:26:53.653
an additional $43 per month for energy.
00:26:54.940 --> 00:26:59.400
Finally, if you haven't
already signed up to speak,
00:26:59.400 --> 00:27:03.503
please consider doing so, thank you.
00:27:06.670 --> 00:27:08.870
Thank you Miss. Slider Pierre,
00:27:08.870 --> 00:27:11.010
Miss. Bautista are you
ready to make a statement,
00:27:11.010 --> 00:27:14.040
on behalf of the National
Diversity Coalition.
00:27:14.040 --> 00:27:15.570
Yes, I am.
00:27:15.570 --> 00:27:16.577
Thank you please begin,
00:27:16.577 --> 00:27:19.617
and spell your first and
last name for the record.
00:27:19.617 --> 00:27:22.390
Faith, F A I T H,
00:27:22.390 --> 00:27:27.263
Bautista, B A U T I S T A,
00:27:28.573 --> 00:27:29.780
good afternoon everyone,
00:27:29.780 --> 00:27:32.800
this is actually great
public participation,
00:27:32.800 --> 00:27:35.659
hearing I've ever attended
because I don't have to drive,
00:27:35.659 --> 00:27:37.790
I don't have to wait for so long,
00:27:37.790 --> 00:27:40.530
and I'm sitting at my
beautiful living room,
00:27:40.530 --> 00:27:45.140
so thank you CPUC for doing this,
00:27:45.140 --> 00:27:46.850
with this COVID,
00:27:46.850 --> 00:27:48.563
and I really appreciate,
00:27:51.786 --> 00:27:52.619
the Commissioner Shiroma,
00:27:55.020 --> 00:27:57.283
thank you for leading this,
00:27:58.618 --> 00:28:01.930
and AOJ Seibert and Sophia park.
00:28:01.930 --> 00:28:04.020
I am Faith Bautista, I'm the CEO
00:28:04.020 --> 00:28:06.491
of the National Diversity Coalition,
00:28:06.491 --> 00:28:09.790
NDCS and interviener
party in this proceeding,
00:28:09.790 --> 00:28:13.260
we are a 501 C 3 nonprofit organization,
00:28:13.260 --> 00:28:17.023
focusing on financial equality
and economic development,
00:28:17.023 --> 00:28:20.193
and advocating for the
underserved communities.
00:28:21.100 --> 00:28:24.300
We have actively
participated in numerous prior
00:28:24.300 --> 00:28:25.833
CPUC proceedings,
00:28:26.730 --> 00:28:27.730
in this application,
00:28:28.785 --> 00:28:33.170
SEC is seeking an enormous
increase of 418 million,
00:28:33.170 --> 00:28:36.160
through each already heavy
base revenue requirements
00:28:36.160 --> 00:28:38.637
of 7.625 billion,
00:28:38.637 --> 00:28:43.560
which is a 5.48 increase in 2022,
00:28:43.560 --> 00:28:45.550
and 534 million,
00:28:45.550 --> 00:28:50.550
which is a 6.64% increase in 2023,
00:28:50.580 --> 00:28:54.860
this success rate hikes far
out space wage increases,
00:28:54.860 --> 00:28:58.040
or price changes of other
basic goods and services,
00:28:58.040 --> 00:29:02.176
in SEC territories, over
the same period of time,
00:29:02.176 --> 00:29:04.790
and impose an unreasonable burden,
00:29:04.790 --> 00:29:06.376
on rate payers ability,
00:29:06.376 --> 00:29:10.060
to afford the essential utility service,
00:29:10.060 --> 00:29:12.700
we request that any
approved rate increase,
00:29:12.700 --> 00:29:15.080
take into account the
economic conditions,
00:29:15.080 --> 00:29:18.170
with then SCE service territory,
00:29:18.170 --> 00:29:19.870
and assignment wages,
00:29:19.870 --> 00:29:21.175
rising cost of living,
00:29:21.175 --> 00:29:25.450
and unemployment rates
affecting the rate payers,
00:29:25.450 --> 00:29:27.500
particularly the minority communities,
00:29:27.500 --> 00:29:29.537
with higher unemployment rates,
00:29:29.537 --> 00:29:31.923
and lower meduim income levels,
00:29:32.810 --> 00:29:35.802
any approved utility
costs must be reasonable,
00:29:35.802 --> 00:29:40.333
both cost effective and
necessary as well as just,
00:29:41.897 --> 00:29:46.897
they must not make essential
utility services, unaffordable,
00:29:47.120 --> 00:29:51.400
and national diversity
coalition has analyzed credit,
00:29:51.400 --> 00:29:53.930
and payment services caps.
00:29:53.930 --> 00:29:57.070
I know the operations
and maintenance expenses,
00:29:57.070 --> 00:29:59.790
that consist of credit service,
00:29:59.790 --> 00:30:02.980
collection activities
and payment service.
00:30:02.980 --> 00:30:06.950
Despite the consistent historical
decrease in caps recorded
00:30:06.950 --> 00:30:09.810
expenses, SCE requested
00:30:09.810 --> 00:30:14.214
14.692 million per caps in 2021,
00:30:14.214 --> 00:30:17.980
which is a 10.1% increase,
00:30:17.980 --> 00:30:21.240
over 28 in recorded expenses,
00:30:21.240 --> 00:30:24.560
moreover SCE requires this budget,
00:30:24.560 --> 00:30:27.420
without providing sufficient evidence,
00:30:27.420 --> 00:30:31.250
For instance, SCE has
assumed an actual increase,
00:30:31.250 --> 00:30:32.537
in work volume base,
00:30:32.537 --> 00:30:35.320
or new forecast method,
00:30:35.320 --> 00:30:37.250
and forecast new customer,
00:30:37.250 --> 00:30:39.200
and you meet their connections,
00:30:39.200 --> 00:30:43.360
that are closely tied to
residential construction activity.
00:30:43.360 --> 00:30:47.700
However, given the COVID-19
pandemic shelter orders,
00:30:47.700 --> 00:30:51.650
the evidence provided
by SCE is insufficient,
00:30:51.650 --> 00:30:55.090
and that's not support the
applied customer growth rate,
00:30:55.090 --> 00:30:58.670
and it's a company
assumptions of work volume,
00:30:58.670 --> 00:31:01.110
NDC recommends that the Commission,
00:31:01.110 --> 00:31:04.060
denied any forecast increases.
00:31:04.060 --> 00:31:09.060
Similarly for the customer
communications and outreach NDC
00:31:09.100 --> 00:31:12.560
acknowledge SCE efforts on
conducting weight communication
00:31:12.560 --> 00:31:16.329
campaign and workshops on
energy management programs,
00:31:16.329 --> 00:31:20.310
and technologies at
energy education centers.
00:31:20.310 --> 00:31:23.770
However, National
Diversity Coalition concerns,
00:31:23.770 --> 00:31:27.070
that Southern California
Edison does not track,
00:31:27.070 --> 00:31:31.422
demographics and itemize
breakdown of expenditures,
00:31:31.422 --> 00:31:33.703
for the communications activities.
00:31:34.996 --> 00:31:38.750
SCE designated department
for consumer complaints,
00:31:38.750 --> 00:31:41.890
and disputes although also
does not track social media,
00:31:41.890 --> 00:31:45.190
increase by language or to channel,
00:31:45.190 --> 00:31:48.990
looking at the diverse
customer base at SCE holds,
00:31:48.990 --> 00:31:51.570
it is essential to track
the effectiveness,
00:31:51.570 --> 00:31:53.110
of such activities,
00:31:53.110 --> 00:31:56.120
and programs between
different ethnic groups,
00:31:56.120 --> 00:31:58.453
and make a prediction if necessary.
00:31:59.860 --> 00:32:01.300
National Diversity Coalition,
00:32:01.300 --> 00:32:02.760
gave an in depth review,
00:32:02.760 --> 00:32:06.240
to the supplier diversity
initiative of SCE,
00:32:06.240 --> 00:32:07.210
and by the way,
00:32:07.210 --> 00:32:09.430
I command the supplier diversity team,
00:32:09.430 --> 00:32:14.200
I love the way they outreach customers,
00:32:14.200 --> 00:32:18.050
the way they entertain
small business, I congratulate,
00:32:18.050 --> 00:32:21.720
especially Michael,
whoever just shout out to him.
00:32:21.720 --> 00:32:24.840
The supply diversity did
bark department budget,
00:32:24.840 --> 00:32:28.220
has that generally decreasing
for the past seven years,
00:32:28.220 --> 00:32:33.220
SCE has met and exceeded
the same 40% goals since 2014,
00:32:34.460 --> 00:32:36.520
which steadily decreasing labor,
00:32:36.520 --> 00:32:39.210
and stable non-labor cost.
00:32:39.210 --> 00:32:43.400
However SCE has no plans
to expand their outreach
00:32:43.400 --> 00:32:46.610
to minority businesses in 2021,
00:32:46.610 --> 00:32:51.610
even then SCE requesting
194,000 budget increase,
00:32:52.290 --> 00:32:53.730
NBC support school aiding,
00:32:53.730 --> 00:32:55.560
and additional position,
00:32:55.560 --> 00:32:58.960
dedicated to managing
small business programs,
00:32:58.960 --> 00:33:03.260
dedicated small business
support is all more appropriate,
00:33:03.260 --> 00:33:06.640
given the unprecedented
down turn in our economy,
00:33:06.640 --> 00:33:09.286
resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
00:33:09.286 --> 00:33:12.690
and continue in shelter in place orders,
00:33:12.690 --> 00:33:15.730
in it's appropriate that the
Commission protect rate payers
00:33:15.730 --> 00:33:18.660
interest and the
public benefit by direct,
00:33:18.660 --> 00:33:21.180
by directing utility support,
00:33:21.180 --> 00:33:24.370
so what's helping small
businesses to survive
00:33:24.370 --> 00:33:27.445
the financial harm caused by COVID-19,
00:33:27.445 --> 00:33:30.997
SCE wants to do in
State prior staffing levels,
00:33:30.997 --> 00:33:35.780
but has not provided adequate
justification for requested
00:33:35.780 --> 00:33:38.723
labor increases and why it is necessary.
00:33:39.704 --> 00:33:41.793
SCE also has no plans to increase
00:33:41.793 --> 00:33:44.280
supply to diversity
department performance
00:33:44.280 --> 00:33:46.330
or expanded programs,
00:33:46.330 --> 00:33:50.210
SCE has no plans to add
or discontinue programs
00:33:50.210 --> 00:33:53.970
offered to the edge supplier
development initiative,
00:33:53.970 --> 00:33:57.206
National Diversity Coalition
suggest that any supplier
00:33:57.206 --> 00:33:59.940
diversity budget approval
by the Commission,
00:33:59.940 --> 00:34:03.850
should be done once SCE has a clear path
00:34:03.850 --> 00:34:07.410
for how they will use it to
achieve greater performance,
00:34:07.410 --> 00:34:09.280
and National Diversity Coliation,
00:34:09.280 --> 00:34:13.330
is always here to
support NDC further plan,
00:34:13.330 --> 00:34:16.283
thank you so much and
have a great COVID week.
00:34:18.960 --> 00:34:21.080
Thank you, Miss. Bautista.
00:34:21.080 --> 00:34:23.600
We would have liked to hear
from members of the public,
00:34:23.600 --> 00:34:26.720
if you wanna speak and
have not already done so,
00:34:26.720 --> 00:34:29.550
please press star one on your phone now,
00:34:29.550 --> 00:34:33.220
and the operator will add
you to the queue of speakers,
00:34:33.220 --> 00:34:36.120
based upon the number of
speakers currently in the queue<
00:34:36.120 --> 00:34:38.680
each speaker will be
provided five minutes,
00:34:38.680 --> 00:34:39.848
to provide comment.
00:34:39.848 --> 00:34:43.750
A chime will be sounded
when the five minutes is up,
00:34:43.750 --> 00:34:45.880
a reminder to all public speakers,
00:34:45.880 --> 00:34:48.678
to please start by spelling
your first and last name,
00:34:48.678 --> 00:34:50.530
for the record,
00:34:50.530 --> 00:34:52.900
with that operator please call on,
00:34:52.900 --> 00:34:54.473
the first speaker in the queue.
00:34:57.360 --> 00:35:01.090
Great to Mia,
Jolly from California,
00:35:01.090 --> 00:35:01.940
your line is now.
00:35:03.280 --> 00:35:05.380
Hello can you
guys hear me well?
00:35:07.900 --> 00:35:08.800
Can you hear me?
00:35:09.770 --> 00:35:11.300
Yes, we can hear
you, thank you.
00:35:11.300 --> 00:35:14.257
Hi, this is Tinaya
Jolly Rincones,
00:35:14.257 --> 00:35:17.440
and that's T as in Tom,
a as in Apple space,
00:35:17.440 --> 00:35:18.900
capital N as in Nancy, I,
00:35:18.900 --> 00:35:21.250
as in Island wise and
yellow, a as in Apple,
00:35:21.250 --> 00:35:23.430
last name is Jolly like
Holly, Jolly Christmas.
00:35:23.430 --> 00:35:25.730
And that's J O L L Y,
00:35:25.730 --> 00:35:27.771
dash Rincones R as in Roger.
00:35:27.771 --> 00:35:31.870
I's in Ireland in as Nancy
C as in cat, O as in Oscar,
00:35:31.870 --> 00:35:32.853
N as Nancy.
00:35:35.450 --> 00:35:39.602
Hi, I'm calling a
representative of my household,
00:35:39.602 --> 00:35:43.453
and as a low income citizen
in Monrovia, California.
00:35:44.960 --> 00:35:47.870
I am completely in agree with
00:35:47.870 --> 00:35:49.483
against the idea of,
00:35:50.616 --> 00:35:53.600
in the raise of the
electric bill at all,
00:35:53.600 --> 00:35:56.590
and the reason why I'm
saying this is because,
00:35:56.590 --> 00:35:59.223
I just got my own electric bill,
00:36:00.135 --> 00:36:01.800
and I'm at a thousand dollars,
00:36:03.871 --> 00:36:05.900
and it doesn't make any sense to me,
00:36:05.900 --> 00:36:08.020
because I have tried your programs,
00:36:08.020 --> 00:36:12.568
I have tried going to different
places and getting help,
00:36:12.568 --> 00:36:15.860
and ever since ever since last year,
00:36:15.860 --> 00:36:18.300
when both me and my husband
were in a major car accident,
00:36:18.300 --> 00:36:21.483
and it left us permanently
disabled from our backs,
00:36:22.510 --> 00:36:24.810
we haven't been able
to work regular jobs.
00:36:24.810 --> 00:36:26.740
I've lost my previous job,
00:36:26.740 --> 00:36:29.730
and I only have I'm down to
the one job that I can work.
00:36:29.730 --> 00:36:34.662
My husband lost his job,
and we tried everything,
00:36:34.662 --> 00:36:37.180
we even were forced
to go onto food stamps,
00:36:37.180 --> 00:36:38.800
in order to just to survive,
00:36:38.800 --> 00:36:40.760
and I think it's absolutely ridiculous,
00:36:40.760 --> 00:36:45.760
that you guys keep taking
me off of the care act,
00:36:46.490 --> 00:36:47.870
that you have set up
00:36:47.870 --> 00:36:50.213
supposedly to help
somebody that's low income.
00:36:51.500 --> 00:36:52.803
And then on top of that,
00:36:53.680 --> 00:36:56.077
every time I try to
get you guys to help,
00:36:56.077 --> 00:36:58.830
you guys keep taking me back off,
00:36:58.830 --> 00:37:02.240
even with the proof that I'm
low income and it's random,
00:37:02.240 --> 00:37:05.283
and it's not what it is not
with notification whatsoever.
00:37:06.560 --> 00:37:10.490
And so, as a person,
this is dealing with this,
00:37:10.490 --> 00:37:12.300
I feel like it's just
absolutely asinine,
00:37:12.300 --> 00:37:14.820
that you would want
to try to raise the rates,
00:37:14.820 --> 00:37:17.030
especially with somebody
who was struggling,
00:37:17.030 --> 00:37:18.420
the year before,
00:37:18.420 --> 00:37:20.157
and then hit with the pandemic,
00:37:20.157 --> 00:37:22.793
and is struggling 10 times more.
00:37:24.050 --> 00:37:28.373
And so I have to State
that I can't condone this,
00:37:29.680 --> 00:37:32.360
and I hope that you guys
try to fix these programs,
00:37:32.360 --> 00:37:33.880
that you still call have set up,
00:37:33.880 --> 00:37:36.030
to help people like me,
00:37:36.030 --> 00:37:38.280
and people that are
struggling worse than me.
00:37:39.860 --> 00:37:43.500
I shouldn't be having to
force myself to try to figure out
00:37:43.500 --> 00:37:46.409
whether I can have just
enough to barely keep a roof
00:37:46.409 --> 00:37:51.003
over my head and pay an extreme amount,
00:37:52.857 --> 00:37:56.580
my last payment was $300
that's a freaking car note,
00:37:57.940 --> 00:37:59.203
excuse my language,
00:38:00.071 --> 00:38:03.110
but I feel like this needs to change,
00:38:03.110 --> 00:38:06.763
you should not be asking
for a raise right now,
00:38:07.823 --> 00:38:10.221
that is completely out of the question,
00:38:10.221 --> 00:38:11.054
it's ridiculous,
00:38:13.660 --> 00:38:17.080
and to say that you
have things set in place,
00:38:17.080 --> 00:38:18.250
I've looked at you guys,
00:38:18.250 --> 00:38:19.887
I have looked online
and looked at things,
00:38:19.887 --> 00:38:20.720
that you have in place,
00:38:20.720 --> 00:38:23.140
and you just telling me
different ways of trying to save,
00:38:23.140 --> 00:38:25.440
I have gone to through those
different types of programs,
00:38:25.440 --> 00:38:28.458
and I have not been
able to get anything done.
00:38:28.458 --> 00:38:31.880
I don't see how in the world
my electric bill is so high,
00:38:31.880 --> 00:38:33.773
when I live in a small townhouse,
00:38:36.020 --> 00:38:38.400
and you guys keep telling
me there's nothing wrong
00:38:38.400 --> 00:38:40.490
with the meters and
that the meters are live,
00:38:40.490 --> 00:38:42.530
but when I asked a request
for you guys to check it,
00:38:42.530 --> 00:38:45.760
you tell me that there's
nothing you can do,
00:38:45.760 --> 00:38:47.283
and that it's my fault.
00:38:49.070 --> 00:38:52.010
And when I go and get
help from outside forces,
00:38:52.010 --> 00:38:53.640
it only able to cover a little bit,
00:38:53.640 --> 00:38:56.210
but you still haven't
fixed the actual problem,
00:38:56.210 --> 00:38:58.440
which is actually looking at the fact,
00:38:58.440 --> 00:39:01.063
that I'm a low income
citizen that needs help.
00:39:04.020 --> 00:39:07.660
And I appreciate hearing
from other organizations,
00:39:07.660 --> 00:39:11.530
that realize that this is not the time,
00:39:11.530 --> 00:39:14.730
to be raising rates like this,
00:39:14.730 --> 00:39:16.320
and that there are so many people,
00:39:16.320 --> 00:39:18.950
that are worse off than me,
00:39:18.950 --> 00:39:22.250
that can't even support themselves,
00:39:22.250 --> 00:39:24.260
can't even keep a roof over their head,
00:39:24.260 --> 00:39:28.113
because other other renters like me,
00:39:29.040 --> 00:39:32.390
their landlords are not
understanding at all,
00:39:32.390 --> 00:39:33.690
and they're being evicted,
00:39:35.120 --> 00:39:36.773
I barely make 600,
00:39:37.960 --> 00:39:41.713
I barely make 1600 a month barely,
00:39:43.060 --> 00:39:45.813
and I can barely cover
my rent, which is 1900.
00:39:47.200 --> 00:39:48.450
and then you asked me,
00:39:48.450 --> 00:39:51.463
to pay a thousand dollars by next month.
00:39:57.881 --> 00:39:59.481
I think I've covered everything.
00:40:01.627 --> 00:40:04.250
Thank you we appreciate
your comments today,
00:40:04.250 --> 00:40:05.557
I do wanna mention,
00:40:05.557 --> 00:40:09.010
we do have a direct
line for a representative,
00:40:09.010 --> 00:40:10.550
at Southern California Edison,
00:40:10.550 --> 00:40:14.630
if you wanna follow up
with specific billing concerns,
00:40:14.630 --> 00:40:17.123
that would be Mr. Jerry Aguilar,
00:40:18.000 --> 00:40:20.680
00:40:20.680 --> 00:40:25.650
Last name A-G-U-I-L-A-R,
00:40:25.650 --> 00:40:29.000
and his direct number at
Southern California Edison,
00:40:29.000 --> 00:40:32.900
is 626 302-0283.
00:40:35.090 --> 00:40:36.854
Or he can be emailed at,
00:40:36.854 --> 00:40:41.854
00:40:41.880 --> 00:40:46.230
You said 66 302 0828
00:40:48.620 --> 00:40:52.480
626 302
00:40:52.480 --> 00:40:53.313
00:40:56.784 --> 00:40:59.020
00:40:59.020 --> 00:41:02.860
And I have spoken to
representatives over and over
00:41:02.860 --> 00:41:04.420
again from Edison,
00:41:04.420 --> 00:41:06.570
and none of them have
been able to help me,
00:41:07.690 --> 00:41:09.790
they will only referenced
me to other places,
00:41:09.790 --> 00:41:11.540
in which I have taken to consideration,
00:41:11.540 --> 00:41:13.050
and I have utilized,
00:41:13.050 --> 00:41:15.620
and they did not help
the situation at all.
00:41:15.620 --> 00:41:17.880
They basically prolonged the inevitable,
00:41:17.880 --> 00:41:21.075
and also having the extensions,
00:41:21.075 --> 00:41:23.070
to try to make the payments
00:41:23.070 --> 00:41:25.130
because I could barely
pay a hundred dollars due,
00:41:25.130 --> 00:41:28.120
it has not been able to help me at all,
00:41:28.120 --> 00:41:30.910
and to see that you guys have taken,
00:41:30.910 --> 00:41:34.660
I already have one at one
of your programs on there,
00:41:34.660 --> 00:41:38.660
and that's for help because
my mom is currently disabled,
00:41:38.660 --> 00:41:40.260
and then the care act was supposed
00:41:40.260 --> 00:41:41.880
to help with that as well,
00:41:41.880 --> 00:41:43.760
and you guys keep taking me off of that,
00:41:43.760 --> 00:41:46.750
and now my exact bill,
00:41:46.750 --> 00:41:47.853
is one thousand,
00:41:49.590 --> 00:41:53.530
one thousand and sixty
two dollars and 41 cents.
00:41:53.530 --> 00:41:55.363
And there's no way there's
anybody who's gonna be able
00:41:55.363 --> 00:41:57.860
to help me and I'm,
00:41:57.860 --> 00:42:01.040
I know about the programs
for the low income,
00:42:01.040 --> 00:42:05.210
and as far as they come in
and they assess my building,
00:42:05.210 --> 00:42:06.043
and put it in there,
00:42:06.043 --> 00:42:07.350
but the program is going to be forever
00:42:07.350 --> 00:42:09.250
to get on a specialist this pandemics.
00:42:10.500 --> 00:42:13.480
So, I will contact him,
00:42:13.480 --> 00:42:16.207
but I'm gonna be honest with you,
00:42:17.448 --> 00:42:19.650
I am I'm not positive about anything,
00:42:19.650 --> 00:42:20.950
he probably gonna tell me.
00:42:23.750 --> 00:42:24.920
Thank you,
Commissioner Shiroma,
00:42:24.920 --> 00:42:26.723
did you want to take a remark?
00:42:27.840 --> 00:42:29.000
00:42:29.000 --> 00:42:33.173
Thank you Miss. Jolly
for calling in today,
00:42:34.080 --> 00:42:37.037
I was trying to fight your experience
00:42:38.240 --> 00:42:43.240
right now, also the Governor
has an executive order,
00:42:43.414 --> 00:42:46.483
as the California public
utilities Commission,
00:42:52.540 --> 00:42:54.333
no one is to be disconnected,
00:42:56.880 --> 00:43:01.163
and that executive order,
goes to April of 2021,
00:43:02.680 --> 00:43:05.573
and I have encouraged you to call this,
00:43:07.630 --> 00:43:11.487
towards assessing why your
bill went from $300 a month,
00:43:11.487 --> 00:43:13.063
to a thousand dollars a month.
00:43:13.990 --> 00:43:15.623
and there may also be,
00:43:17.676 --> 00:43:20.920
some other discounts
that you may qualify for,
00:43:20.920 --> 00:43:23.890
including a discount.
00:43:23.890 --> 00:43:24.723
00:43:31.350 --> 00:43:32.183
thank you,
00:43:33.369 --> 00:43:35.678
and thank you for your time today.
00:43:35.678 --> 00:43:36.730
Yeah thank you,
00:43:36.730 --> 00:43:39.840
and just a general
announcement given the number
00:43:39.840 --> 00:43:41.660
of speakers we now have in the queue,
00:43:41.660 --> 00:43:44.950
we're going to be reducing
the time limit to speak,
00:43:44.950 --> 00:43:46.850
from five minutes to three minutes,
00:43:46.850 --> 00:43:49.590
just to make sure that
everybody has the opportunity
00:43:49.590 --> 00:43:52.560
to speak today, with that operator,
00:43:52.560 --> 00:43:55.283
will you please call on the
next speaker in the queue?
00:43:57.770 --> 00:44:00.282
The next
speaker in the queue,
00:44:00.282 --> 00:44:02.840
please State your
name first and last name,
00:44:02.840 --> 00:44:04.303
along with the spelling.
00:44:05.990 --> 00:44:07.363
your line is now open.
00:44:17.820 --> 00:44:19.540
Hello, can hear you?
00:44:22.279 --> 00:44:24.580
Yes, we can hear you thank you.
00:44:24.580 --> 00:44:25.780
Oh, great.
00:44:25.780 --> 00:44:28.170
This is Ken Seiff, K E N,
00:44:28.170 --> 00:44:31.120
last name S E I F F,
00:44:31.120 --> 00:44:33.750
I'm from Seal Beach, California,
00:44:33.750 --> 00:44:37.453
and my question comments
relate to information.
00:44:38.600 --> 00:44:41.110
I think many across our region,
00:44:41.110 --> 00:44:45.260
customer utility customers
have been frustrated by getting
00:44:45.260 --> 00:44:48.105
back accurate and
transparent information,
00:44:48.105 --> 00:44:50.420
related to utility related items,
00:44:50.420 --> 00:44:54.860
in fact, some very major
related to SCE and other utilities,
00:44:54.860 --> 00:44:57.070
specifically in this context,
00:44:57.070 --> 00:45:01.270
if anybody could answer or
refer me to any justification,
00:45:01.270 --> 00:45:05.870
why the rate increase, it
has to be so front-loaded,
00:45:05.870 --> 00:45:08.110
especially during these
more difficult times,
00:45:08.110 --> 00:45:10.370
to find multiple for multiple reasons
00:45:10.370 --> 00:45:11.870
that we've talked about,
00:45:11.870 --> 00:45:14.630
and why it couldn't be
spread out if the rate increases
00:45:14.630 --> 00:45:17.930
actually required or justified,
00:45:17.930 --> 00:45:19.240
which I'm still not sure about,
00:45:19.240 --> 00:45:23.310
but if it is why would it
have to be so front-loaded,
00:45:23.310 --> 00:45:25.820
and why couldn't it be
more evenly distributed,
00:45:25.820 --> 00:45:28.410
distributed and or back-loaded.
00:45:28.410 --> 00:45:31.470
And now this information
may be available somewhere,
00:45:31.470 --> 00:45:32.780
I haven't been able to find it,
00:45:32.780 --> 00:45:35.560
but if you could refer me
or maybe comment on it,
00:45:35.560 --> 00:45:37.010
I'd appreciate it, thank you.
00:45:39.730 --> 00:45:40.880
Thank you, Mr. Sieff,
00:45:44.700 --> 00:45:47.600
Mr. Snow, would you like to
briefly address this question?
00:45:50.700 --> 00:45:52.300
00:45:52.300 --> 00:45:53.720
I mean,
00:45:53.720 --> 00:45:56.090
I'm not sure exactly where
they would provide comments,
00:45:56.090 --> 00:45:57.700
but you know our requests,
00:45:57.700 --> 00:45:59.637
and the justification for requests,
00:45:59.637 --> 00:46:01.950
and certainly on the
Commission's website,
00:46:01.950 --> 00:46:06.820
that may be a topic that's
suitable for phase two of this,
00:46:06.820 --> 00:46:08.173
what you were talking about, you know,
00:46:08.173 --> 00:46:10.253
that we would Fall later this year.
00:46:14.890 --> 00:46:18.760
Well, I am just
wondering if the,
00:46:18.760 --> 00:46:21.070
that that would imply
that it would be accepted
00:46:21.070 --> 00:46:23.190
in phase one, I understand phase one,
00:46:23.190 --> 00:46:26.030
is more information
gathering, but you know,
00:46:26.030 --> 00:46:29.430
I would assume that that
information is available,
00:46:29.430 --> 00:46:31.620
otherwise you know, you have a structure
00:46:31.620 --> 00:46:32.900
that you're proposing,
00:46:32.900 --> 00:46:34.360
why couldn't we take a look at that,
00:46:34.360 --> 00:46:37.220
or see that or access
that now where somebody,
00:46:37.220 --> 00:46:39.780
on the phone now tell me about it,
00:46:39.780 --> 00:46:42.330
again this is something
I get puzzled about,
00:46:42.330 --> 00:46:44.407
why getting this type of information.
00:46:44.407 --> 00:46:46.800
and this doesn't seem that major,
00:46:46.800 --> 00:46:47.930
people have mentioned this,
00:46:47.930 --> 00:46:51.480
as to why it's so front
loaded right now has been,
00:46:51.480 --> 00:46:54.510
especially, it's almost as
if, and I'm not really sure,
00:46:54.510 --> 00:46:56.610
but it's almost as if
maybe the structure
00:46:56.610 --> 00:46:58.510
was already being considered
00:46:58.510 --> 00:47:01.880
before some of these
unemployment in COVID issues,
00:47:01.880 --> 00:47:03.180
and you just went ahead with it,
00:47:03.180 --> 00:47:05.930
I don't know, but I'd
like to see where that,
00:47:05.930 --> 00:47:09.780
how that works, but, well,
anyway, I have my time.
00:47:09.780 --> 00:47:12.880
I appreciate it if anybody
else has any comment on that,
00:47:12.880 --> 00:47:15.390
or I guess then it
would be in phase two,
00:47:15.390 --> 00:47:18.160
and I would hope that
information would be provided,
00:47:18.160 --> 00:47:19.373
so we could see it.
00:47:21.420 --> 00:47:22.253
Thank you Mr. Sieff,
00:47:22.253 --> 00:47:25.820
just to follow up with
Mr. Snow's comment,
00:47:25.820 --> 00:47:27.920
there is a docket card
for this proceeding,
00:47:27.920 --> 00:47:30.140
on the Commission's website,
00:47:30.140 --> 00:47:34.617
if you go to cpuc.ca.gov,
the main website,
00:47:34.617 --> 00:47:37.260
you can search for proceedings there,
00:47:37.260 --> 00:47:40.530
and the proceeding number
for this particular application,
00:47:40.530 --> 00:47:45.530
is A19-08-013.
00:47:45.800 --> 00:47:47.565
and actually I think
when you search for it,
00:47:47.565 --> 00:47:49.334
you need to take out the dashes,
00:47:49.334 --> 00:47:52.490
but that will be able to
direct you to all of the filings
00:47:52.490 --> 00:47:54.413
that have been made in this proceeding.
00:47:55.270 --> 00:47:56.616
Okay, well again you know,
00:47:56.616 --> 00:47:58.140
we have to search
through that and dig that out,
00:47:58.140 --> 00:48:00.350
it seems pretty safe, straightforward,
00:48:00.350 --> 00:48:01.680
did you see on the website,
00:48:01.680 --> 00:48:04.620
there's a dropdown and
you pick which menu item
00:48:06.770 --> 00:48:09.160
to get in and put in the number.
00:48:09.160 --> 00:48:11.760
Yes, there's a
proceeding tab at the top
00:48:11.760 --> 00:48:13.360
of the commssioner webpage,
00:48:13.360 --> 00:48:16.400
and you should be able to
search using that function.
00:48:16.400 --> 00:48:18.590
Okay but no one knows
that this particular question
00:48:18.590 --> 00:48:20.190
might be in there at this point.
00:48:24.160 --> 00:48:26.371
Stretching out recovery
at the department,
00:48:26.371 --> 00:48:29.197
is not a topic so far
that's being addressed
00:48:29.197 --> 00:48:31.023
in this proceeding.
00:48:32.090 --> 00:48:33.530
Your honor, this
is the court reporter.
00:48:33.530 --> 00:48:35.190
I need a clarification, please.
00:48:36.927 --> 00:48:38.344
Please proceed.
00:48:42.079 --> 00:48:44.480
I need to request you
off record your honor,
00:48:44.480 --> 00:48:45.780
Let's go off the record.
00:48:47.110 --> 00:48:49.620
Your honor I need everyone
to identify themselves,
00:48:49.620 --> 00:48:52.490
when they talk I'm having
three people chime in,
00:48:52.490 --> 00:48:55.070
I just need who the speaker is,
00:48:55.070 --> 00:48:57.497
and then the lawn with
their comments, please.
00:48:57.497 --> 00:49:01.060
the last person I have is Mr. Sieff,
00:49:01.060 --> 00:49:03.850
saying no one particularly
knows if that question
00:49:03.850 --> 00:49:05.130
might be in there at this point,
00:49:05.130 --> 00:49:06.960
so I just need everyone
to say their name,
00:49:06.960 --> 00:49:08.760
before they speak please, thank you.
00:49:10.740 --> 00:49:12.800
Thankful that's
a useful reminder,
00:49:12.800 --> 00:49:15.350
Commissioner do you have a remark?
00:49:15.350 --> 00:49:16.410
Yes, thank you Judge,
00:49:16.410 --> 00:49:20.252
this is Genevieve, Mr. Sieff,
00:49:20.252 --> 00:49:22.402
I hope I'm pronouncing
your name correctly,
00:49:24.110 --> 00:49:25.930
we appreciate your comment,
00:49:25.930 --> 00:49:30.930
and the court reporter has taken
your comment down precisely
00:49:32.400 --> 00:49:33.940
and the,
00:49:33.940 --> 00:49:37.990
these proceedings take just,
00:49:37.990 --> 00:49:42.480
the thing you're expressing
into consideration,
00:49:42.480 --> 00:49:45.120
and those evidentiary
hearings coming up,
00:49:45.120 --> 00:49:46.770
along with these public meetings,
00:49:47.750 --> 00:49:52.170
I'll be looking to help to
answer those questions,
00:49:52.170 --> 00:49:57.170
even if we don't have an
answer for you today, okay.
00:49:57.210 --> 00:50:00.050
Okay, thank you I
appreciate the meeting.
00:50:00.050 --> 00:50:02.173
Yes, thank you
for participating.
00:50:05.120 --> 00:50:06.530
Thank you comminssioner,
00:50:06.530 --> 00:50:08.880
operator will you please
call the next speaker.
00:50:10.300 --> 00:50:13.020
The next
speaker is Michael Gale,
00:50:13.020 --> 00:50:15.860
please spell your name as
well as State your location,
00:50:15.860 --> 00:50:17.263
your line is now open.
00:50:18.620 --> 00:50:21.819
Yes, Michael
Gill, M I C H A E L,
00:50:21.819 --> 00:50:26.370
last name G I L L,
00:50:26.370 --> 00:50:28.693
North San California.
00:50:30.020 --> 00:50:31.373
9407 zip code.
00:50:33.900 --> 00:50:36.383
My question is,
00:50:37.550 --> 00:50:39.040
and out of this, more of a,
00:50:39.040 --> 00:50:43.210
I guess a fact finding issue
is that there was a big surge
00:50:43.210 --> 00:50:47.950
to go solar, in which
there's an overall response,
00:50:47.950 --> 00:50:50.930
I'm assuming because we have been,
00:50:50.930 --> 00:50:54.320
solar for a year now today,
00:50:54.320 --> 00:50:56.327
and we still have not been converted
00:50:56.327 --> 00:50:58.490
over to the solar program,
00:50:58.490 --> 00:51:00.913
and have not received a corrected bill,
00:51:01.920 --> 00:51:02.900
in the meantime,
00:51:02.900 --> 00:51:05.463
we get an automated
letter that sends out,
00:51:07.040 --> 00:51:09.130
basically a threatening letter,
00:51:09.130 --> 00:51:12.820
that your bill was
delinquent and you owe,
00:51:12.820 --> 00:51:14.530
and the Summer rate
was the last rate day,
00:51:14.530 --> 00:51:16.920
we paid last year
and a continue to build,
00:51:16.920 --> 00:51:20.330
the at that summer rate,
even through the Winter,
00:51:20.330 --> 00:51:22.793
and I called several times,
00:51:23.636 --> 00:51:26.243
they said representatives
said basically,
00:51:26.243 --> 00:51:30.028
that they had to convert
one home at a time,
00:51:30.028 --> 00:51:33.710
so my question is there an oversight,
00:51:33.710 --> 00:51:36.520
on someone who's
looking at that program,
00:51:36.520 --> 00:51:39.060
because it's like if SCE is behind
00:51:39.060 --> 00:51:42.470
and now we're talking
about a rate increase,
00:51:42.470 --> 00:51:46.040
and I'm still not
converted over a year later,
00:51:46.040 --> 00:51:49.827
and I'm concerned about
getting some type of bill,
00:51:49.827 --> 00:51:51.860
in the future down the road,
00:51:51.860 --> 00:51:53.763
this is gonna be way off base,
00:51:55.760 --> 00:51:59.270
and again is this rate increase,
00:51:59.270 --> 00:52:01.400
based on the overwhelming response,
00:52:01.400 --> 00:52:05.850
of solar picking up in California,
00:52:05.850 --> 00:52:07.333
and that's my question.
00:52:11.890 --> 00:52:13.390
Thank you, I'll again,
00:52:13.390 --> 00:52:15.700
I don't know if you heard previously,
00:52:15.700 --> 00:52:19.082
but Mr. Aguilar from
Edison is also available
00:52:19.082 --> 00:52:23.110
to help address specific
customer billing concerns,
00:52:23.110 --> 00:52:24.600
and he can be reached at
00:52:24.600 --> 00:52:28.090
626 302-0283.
00:52:32.480 --> 00:52:35.233
Thank you operator, let's
move to the next speaker.
00:52:37.422 --> 00:52:40.610
The next
speaker is Karen Campos,
00:52:40.610 --> 00:52:43.650
please spell your name as
well as state your location.
00:52:43.650 --> 00:52:45.023
Your line is now open.
00:52:46.670 --> 00:52:48.120
Thank you so much.
00:52:48.120 --> 00:52:52.560
My name is Karen K-A-R-E-N,
00:52:52.560 --> 00:52:57.280
Campos, C-A-M, as in Mary, P-O-S.
00:52:58.145 --> 00:53:01.480
(speaking quietly)
00:53:01.480 --> 00:53:02.543
Excuse my voice.
00:53:04.200 --> 00:53:06.210
Thank you for this opportunity,
00:53:06.210 --> 00:53:08.723
this is my first time ever joining.
00:53:10.651 --> 00:53:11.568
I probably,
00:53:13.150 --> 00:53:14.323
I would like to say,
00:53:15.650 --> 00:53:17.897
that I would like to say that
00:53:20.440 --> 00:53:25.267
decision, not beyond the fact that
00:53:25.267 --> 00:53:27.710
the requests are so very high
00:53:27.710 --> 00:53:30.773
and whether or not the should be lower,
00:53:31.680 --> 00:53:36.680
but about the very you're
requesting such an increase,
00:53:39.000 --> 00:53:40.750
as you may know, in Santa Barbara,
00:53:40.750 --> 00:53:42.883
I have endured the Thomas fire,
00:53:44.240 --> 00:53:46.810
which was life changing here,
00:53:46.810 --> 00:53:50.310
people died, people lost property,
00:53:50.310 --> 00:53:52.780
there's been high insurance costs
00:53:54.760 --> 00:53:57.433
and SCE has pleaded guilty,
00:53:59.240 --> 00:54:02.890
how to pay a lot of
money due to the situation,
00:54:02.890 --> 00:54:07.130
and for me the timing of this request,
00:54:07.130 --> 00:54:09.667
is not only bad for the pentameter,
00:54:09.667 --> 00:54:12.933
it's just screams recuperation for me,
00:54:16.350 --> 00:54:20.230
we've also had a tremendous
amount of Fall replacement,
00:54:20.230 --> 00:54:23.293
which is what they're
claiming as their first priority,
00:54:24.730 --> 00:54:27.940
to help you address these sticky issues,
00:54:27.940 --> 00:54:31.300
when in fact their shareholders
and their executives,
00:54:31.300 --> 00:54:33.760
have been making
tremendous amounts of money,
00:54:33.760 --> 00:54:38.650
they collecting the situation
over years and years,
00:54:38.650 --> 00:54:43.650
so, I feel like this is a moral
issue for me personally,
00:54:45.230 --> 00:54:50.203
but so I, besides that,
my question is gonna be,
00:54:51.180 --> 00:54:56.140
you know, during the
pandemic, how many airlines,
00:54:56.140 --> 00:54:58.484
traveling agency and things like that,
00:54:58.484 --> 00:55:02.690
all kinds of places at
schools and people that,
00:55:02.690 --> 00:55:05.373
companies have had to lay off employees,
00:55:06.260 --> 00:55:11.260
companies have had to
file for bankruptcy protection,
00:55:11.600 --> 00:55:16.600
they've had to make
severe cuts and reorganized,
00:55:16.870 --> 00:55:21.870
in order to survive
this natural disaster,
00:55:22.390 --> 00:55:25.840
SCE caused a disaster,
00:55:25.840 --> 00:55:28.623
being the Thomas fire and the same.
00:55:28.623 --> 00:55:31.813
I still the same one that TG, you know,
00:55:31.813 --> 00:55:35.940
this is a situation where
many years have gone on,
00:55:35.940 --> 00:55:39.060
and this situation was caused by them,
00:55:39.060 --> 00:55:43.400
and so I would like to know
how it is you are supposed,
00:55:43.400 --> 00:55:48.400
to know what cuts have
SCE had to go through,
00:55:48.504 --> 00:55:51.700
in order to survive all the
money that they've had to pay,
00:55:51.700 --> 00:55:53.050
lot for lawsuits,
00:55:53.050 --> 00:55:56.430
and what cuts have they
made in order to say, gee,
00:55:56.430 --> 00:55:59.220
we haven't replaced
any poles for a decade,
00:55:59.220 --> 00:56:01.563
we now have to replace them all,
00:56:03.284 --> 00:56:06.250
and over those 10 years
of Bobby placing them,
00:56:06.250 --> 00:56:07.983
they have made tons of money.
00:56:09.240 --> 00:56:14.112
I feel like there is no
physical responsibility here,
00:56:14.112 --> 00:56:17.060
and that it's just it's time for us
00:56:17.060 --> 00:56:20.781
to summarily increase like
we do on a regular basis,
00:56:20.781 --> 00:56:23.281
(bell chimes)
00:56:24.240 --> 00:56:25.750
but hope it goes low,
00:56:25.750 --> 00:56:29.010
I think we're losing focus on,
00:56:29.010 --> 00:56:33.183
the whole utility situation,
00:56:34.056 --> 00:56:36.340
(bell chimes)
00:56:36.340 --> 00:56:40.633
My question was, how do
we know what kinds of cut
00:56:43.479 --> 00:56:45.634
SCE has made in order to recoup,
00:56:45.634 --> 00:56:48.543
all these horrendous
losses that they've taken?
00:56:49.840 --> 00:56:52.590
Thank you ma'am those
comments are very insightful,
00:56:52.590 --> 00:56:55.300
and we will be considering
them as we move forward
00:56:55.300 --> 00:56:56.523
in this application.
00:56:58.870 --> 00:57:00.360
I pray that it let's move,
00:57:00.360 --> 00:57:03.213
move to the next caller in the queue.
00:57:04.117 --> 00:57:07.570
The next caller
is Richard grantee ski,
00:57:07.570 --> 00:57:11.500
please spell your name as
well as State your location.
00:57:11.500 --> 00:57:12.883
your line is now open.
00:57:14.610 --> 00:57:17.183
Hi, my name is Richard Pransky,
00:57:18.770 --> 00:57:20.560
R I C H A R D,
00:57:20.560 --> 00:57:23.310
Pransky, P R A N S K Y,
00:57:23.310 --> 00:57:25.203
I'm in Palm dale, California,
00:57:29.850 --> 00:57:32.010
obviously do not approve,
00:57:32.010 --> 00:57:37.010
or appreciate the astronomical
outrageous rate increases,
00:57:38.030 --> 00:57:41.400
and I hope I imagine
they're gonna get their way,
00:57:41.400 --> 00:57:43.570
but can you at least tie them,
00:57:43.570 --> 00:57:48.570
to providing some form of
improvement in their service,
00:57:49.070 --> 00:57:52.453
and or an improvement
in customer satisfaction,
00:57:53.830 --> 00:57:56.710
may can some areas they can improve in
00:57:56.710 --> 00:58:01.040
and make their the documentation
on rates understandable,
00:58:01.040 --> 00:58:02.073
to human being,
00:58:02.980 --> 00:58:06.640
improve the bill
reliability and repeatability,
00:58:06.640 --> 00:58:10.170
I'm actually on solar in month 12,
00:58:10.170 --> 00:58:12.920
it says you'll get up to $400 back,
00:58:12.920 --> 00:58:15.683
but I ended up getting a check for $20.
00:58:17.730 --> 00:58:20.470
I asked them to change
the meter read date,
00:58:20.470 --> 00:58:23.523
so I can compare it with the probe,
00:58:25.670 --> 00:58:29.610
the what, the solar numbers
I get from my own hardware,
00:58:29.610 --> 00:58:32.300
and they say their
computers can't do it,
00:58:32.300 --> 00:58:35.060
'cause it's too many
people on the same date,
00:58:35.060 --> 00:58:39.530
which to me is nonsense,
computers can handle any anything,
00:58:39.530 --> 00:58:41.790
but apparently, you know,
00:58:41.790 --> 00:58:44.370
they just say no to customer requests,
00:58:44.370 --> 00:58:46.260
and it's a dead end.
00:58:46.260 --> 00:58:49.070
So I'd like to see some
levels improvement
00:58:49.070 --> 00:58:51.573
in customer satisfaction,
00:58:51.573 --> 00:58:55.623
whether or not you
allow these rate increases.
00:59:01.180 --> 00:59:04.823
Thank you operator, please
call the next in the queue.
00:59:06.260 --> 00:59:08.860
The next speaker
is Ed Arzomand month,
00:59:08.860 --> 00:59:12.220
please spell your name as
well as state your organization,
00:59:12.220 --> 00:59:13.603
your line is now open.
00:59:16.410 --> 00:59:19.243
Hi, my name is Ed Arzomand,
00:59:19.243 --> 00:59:20.830
my name E D
00:59:20.830 --> 00:59:25.830
and last name name A R
Z O M A N D as in David.
00:59:27.530 --> 00:59:29.250
I'm gonna have several questions,
00:59:29.250 --> 00:59:32.783
one of which is in
the 2019 annual report
00:59:32.783 --> 00:59:35.930
for Southern California Edison.
00:59:35.930 --> 00:59:40.160
There was a comment mentioned
about how in December of 2019,
00:59:40.160 --> 00:59:43.740
the increase in the dividend
was for the 16th straight
00:59:43.740 --> 00:59:45.180
consecutive year,
00:59:45.180 --> 00:59:48.760
which represented $2
and 55 cents per share,
00:59:48.760 --> 00:59:50.360
which also in other words,
00:59:50.360 --> 00:59:53.753
represents an annual increase
of 4.08% over the dividend
00:59:53.753 --> 00:59:55.171
that was paid out.
00:59:55.171 --> 00:59:59.210
How is it that Southern
California Edison,
00:59:59.210 --> 01:00:01.970
has the financial means,
01:00:01.970 --> 01:00:05.100
to distribute 16 consecutive years,
01:00:05.100 --> 01:00:07.980
of increases to their
dividends to the shareholders,
01:00:07.980 --> 01:00:11.330
whereas the public and
the general consumers,
01:00:11.330 --> 01:00:16.330
have to witness these
unacceptable increases
01:00:16.580 --> 01:00:18.830
in residential rates,
01:00:18.830 --> 01:00:21.365
if you look at average inflation,
01:00:21.365 --> 01:00:25.187
that is nowhere near 14.4%,
01:00:25.187 --> 01:00:27.923
whether it's inflation or
average wage growth,
01:00:29.130 --> 01:00:31.280
you guys were very mindful,
01:00:31.280 --> 01:00:35.160
in your presentation by
state as a dollar amount,
01:00:35.160 --> 01:00:39.950
as opposed to the
percentage increase 14.4%,
01:00:39.950 --> 01:00:41.960
is very significant,
01:00:41.960 --> 01:00:46.080
and it is a highest among all
the different customer groups.
01:00:46.080 --> 01:00:48.113
when you compare it to
lighting large power agricultural,
01:00:48.113 --> 01:00:50.253
street lighting and standby,
01:00:51.190 --> 01:00:54.359
for this burden can be
put onto the residential,
01:00:54.359 --> 01:00:57.363
it's unconscionable,
01:00:58.540 --> 01:01:00.593
your dividends are
constantly increasing,
01:01:01.713 --> 01:01:06.180
your report also mentioned
that your rate of return,
01:01:06.180 --> 01:01:08.490
is significantly high,
01:01:08.490 --> 01:01:10.981
how is it that the
consumers have to constantly
01:01:10.981 --> 01:01:14.470
bear the burden of
economic difficulties,
01:01:14.470 --> 01:01:17.083
whether it's job reductions, hour loss,
01:01:18.230 --> 01:01:20.850
if even if you look at a dollar amount,
01:01:20.850 --> 01:01:24.193
minimum wage before taxes,
01:01:25.720 --> 01:01:27.753
it's not even comparable
to the monthly increases,
01:01:27.753 --> 01:01:30.390
that you guys are kind of commanding,
01:01:30.390 --> 01:01:33.220
so I just, I don't understand why?
01:01:33.220 --> 01:01:36.520
Other cuts aren't being
made in Southern California,
01:01:36.520 --> 01:01:41.270
financial process in terms of making,
01:01:41.270 --> 01:01:43.840
do whatever expenses you
guys are incurring to whatever loss
01:01:43.840 --> 01:01:46.350
of revenue you guys are,
expect it and cut your dividends,
01:01:46.350 --> 01:01:49.260
these are things that other
corporations are doing,
01:01:49.260 --> 01:01:54.260
if you look at malls as an industry,
01:01:55.420 --> 01:01:57.800
shopping centers are not
making any money right now,
01:01:57.800 --> 01:01:59.800
because of the pandemic.
01:01:59.800 --> 01:02:01.730
those REITs have had
to cut their dividends,
01:02:01.730 --> 01:02:03.410
provide other outlets.
01:02:03.410 --> 01:02:07.100
Why Southern California
Edison unable to do similar things,
01:02:07.100 --> 01:02:08.803
and they're the burdens out.
01:02:13.800 --> 01:02:15.760
Thank you for your comment,
01:02:15.760 --> 01:02:18.310
operator would you please
move to the next speaker?
01:02:19.800 --> 01:02:22.370
The next
Comment is from Jay boy yet,
01:02:22.370 --> 01:02:23.963
please spell your first and last name,
01:02:23.963 --> 01:02:27.183
as well as state your
location, your line is now open.
01:02:28.420 --> 01:02:30.400
Yes, my name is Jay Boyetter.
01:02:30.400 --> 01:02:33.510
J A Y, B O Y E T T E R,
01:02:33.510 --> 01:02:36.220
I am a rate payer and customer of SCE,
01:02:36.220 --> 01:02:38.550
I live in Pico Rivera, California.
01:02:38.550 --> 01:02:41.120
You have a gentleman caller
nailed it straight on the head,
01:02:41.120 --> 01:02:44.972
I'd like to quote very
briefly from a news article,
01:02:44.972 --> 01:02:46.923
that you find online,
01:02:48.300 --> 01:02:49.973
discussing basically,
01:02:51.550 --> 01:02:56.160
share increases that SCE correction,
01:02:56.160 --> 01:02:57.260
Edison international,
01:02:57.260 --> 01:02:59.197
which is the parent company of SCE,
01:03:00.320 --> 01:03:02.910
increases stock dividends 4.08%.
01:03:02.910 --> 01:03:06.410
This was published on
December 12th 2019,
01:03:06.410 --> 01:03:09.690
16 consecutive annual increase,
01:03:09.690 --> 01:03:14.550
again, 16 consecutive annual increase,
01:03:14.550 --> 01:03:16.940
in their share dividends.
01:03:16.940 --> 01:03:20.270
Quoting from this article
published December 12th,
01:03:20.270 --> 01:03:24.540
the 2020 annual dividend rate
will be $2 85 cents per share
01:03:24.540 --> 01:03:28.210
an increase of 4.08 from the
current annual dividend rate
01:03:28.210 --> 01:03:31.360
of $2 45 cents per share.
01:03:31.360 --> 01:03:34.410
I'd like to know why SCE,
01:03:34.410 --> 01:03:36.107
thinks it's conscionable,
01:03:37.090 --> 01:03:39.950
to burden it's rate payers,
01:03:39.950 --> 01:03:42.620
and the public with such an egregious
01:03:44.530 --> 01:03:49.030
increase in rates proposed
based on the fact that your
01:03:49.030 --> 01:03:54.030
financial situation does
not even remotely appear,
01:03:54.410 --> 01:03:56.340
in line with the demands,
01:03:56.340 --> 01:03:58.910
and increases that you're requesting,
01:03:58.910 --> 01:04:01.980
also I'd like to know why you think,
01:04:01.980 --> 01:04:04.120
that increasing and strengthening,
01:04:04.120 --> 01:04:05.914
and working on the infrastructure
01:04:05.914 --> 01:04:07.450
of your transmission lines,
01:04:07.450 --> 01:04:08.983
which you designed and built,
01:04:11.010 --> 01:04:13.983
have been which have
proven themselves faulty,
01:04:15.160 --> 01:04:17.850
they cause fires when they're on.
01:04:17.850 --> 01:04:19.930
They cause fires when you turn them on,
01:04:19.930 --> 01:04:23.460
which was possible in the Maria fire.
01:04:23.460 --> 01:04:25.450
I checked with Ventura
County fire department,
01:04:25.450 --> 01:04:27.530
they're still investigating it,
01:04:27.530 --> 01:04:30.240
but you 'cause fires when
the power lines are on,
01:04:30.240 --> 01:04:32.180
you 'cause them when they're off,
01:04:32.180 --> 01:04:36.080
I wanna know why you think
that this increase in rates,
01:04:36.080 --> 01:04:38.670
is gonna solve either of those problems,
01:04:38.670 --> 01:04:40.860
you built it, you designed
it, you implement it,
01:04:40.860 --> 01:04:43.050
you maintain it and they're not safe,
01:04:43.050 --> 01:04:46.590
and the rate payers are
having to suffer because of it.
01:04:46.590 --> 01:04:50.880
It's time to share
holders, suffer a little,
01:04:50.880 --> 01:04:53.030
thank you, I'll take
your comments offline.
01:04:55.310 --> 01:04:56.980
Thank you, Mr. Boyetter
01:04:56.980 --> 01:04:59.480
operator will you please
call in the next speaker?
01:05:00.980 --> 01:05:03.850
The next speaker
is Cindy Palos,
01:05:03.850 --> 01:05:06.420
please spell your name as
well as state your location,
01:05:06.420 --> 01:05:07.853
your line is now open.
01:05:09.060 --> 01:05:10.250
Yes, my
name is Cindy Palos,
01:05:10.250 --> 01:05:12.910
and I'm in orange County, California,
01:05:12.910 --> 01:05:15.480
C I N D Y, P A L O S.
01:05:15.480 --> 01:05:16.590
I am a single mother,
01:05:16.590 --> 01:05:19.240
and I have leased my
home for over a decade,
01:05:19.240 --> 01:05:21.490
It's been difficult to
maintain my expenses
01:05:21.490 --> 01:05:22.940
during this time.
01:05:22.940 --> 01:05:26.260
And I personally don't qualify
for the discount program.
01:05:26.260 --> 01:05:29.450
It's Summertime and I
have not run my AC unit,
01:05:29.450 --> 01:05:32.090
because it gets far too expensive,
01:05:32.090 --> 01:05:35.230
my bills seem to be high regardless.
01:05:35.230 --> 01:05:38.650
I'm stuck at home because
we are in a pandemic,
01:05:38.650 --> 01:05:41.480
the economy has been greatly affected.
01:05:41.480 --> 01:05:44.810
We do not know when we
would be able to recover from this.
01:05:44.810 --> 01:05:46.350
People are unemployed,
01:05:46.350 --> 01:05:48.950
and most are still sheltering in place.
01:05:48.950 --> 01:05:51.340
that's using more electricity,
01:05:51.340 --> 01:05:53.280
we do not know when this will end,
01:05:53.280 --> 01:05:56.040
and Edison monopolizes
the market in our area,
01:05:56.040 --> 01:05:58.360
we cannot just go to another company,
01:05:58.360 --> 01:06:00.260
for our electricity needs.
01:06:00.260 --> 01:06:03.070
I believe that this
increase is far too high,
01:06:03.070 --> 01:06:04.433
and it should be denied.
01:06:06.190 --> 01:06:08.433
And that's all I have to say, thank you.
01:06:09.630 --> 01:06:11.090
Thank Ms. Palos,
01:06:11.090 --> 01:06:14.632
operator will you please
call the next speaker?
01:06:14.632 --> 01:06:16.810
The next
speaker Anderson,
01:06:16.810 --> 01:06:18.120
please spell your name,
01:06:18.120 --> 01:06:20.333
state your location, your line is open.
01:06:21.510 --> 01:06:23.950
Hello, my name is Marcia,
01:06:23.950 --> 01:06:28.343
01:06:30.330 --> 01:06:31.560
01:06:31.560 --> 01:06:36.560
A N D E R S O N,
01:06:38.260 --> 01:06:41.530
Terrace, California.
01:06:41.530 --> 01:06:43.780
Thank you for allowing
your costumers from,
01:06:43.780 --> 01:06:47.630
Terrace California,
to share their voices,
01:06:47.630 --> 01:06:51.590
I do not have a question only a comment,
01:06:51.590 --> 01:06:54.183
I do not want a rate increase.
01:06:55.130 --> 01:06:56.723
Thank you bye.
01:06:59.330 --> 01:07:00.480
Thank you Ms. Anderson,
01:07:01.390 --> 01:07:03.440
operator please call
on the next speaker.
01:07:05.788 --> 01:07:08.608
The next
speaker is Rocio Sevilla,
01:07:08.608 --> 01:07:10.959
please spell your name as
well as state your location,
01:07:10.959 --> 01:07:13.821
your line is now open.
01:07:13.821 --> 01:07:16.679
Hello, R O C I O,
01:07:16.679 --> 01:07:20.530
last name Sevilla S E V I L L A,
01:07:20.530 --> 01:07:25.453
I'm calling as a resident
of Pasadena, California,
01:07:25.453 --> 01:07:29.272
unlike most residents of my State,
01:07:29.272 --> 01:07:32.671
I am fortunate enough to have my job,
01:07:32.671 --> 01:07:35.184
but I am supporting a household
01:07:35.184 --> 01:07:37.536
of many individuals who don't.
01:07:37.536 --> 01:07:42.286
So I don't qualify for any of the,
01:07:44.119 --> 01:07:48.726
or a fee release that are
available to many of those who are
01:07:48.726 --> 01:07:52.893
more unfortunate than I,
but I do feel the burden,
01:07:53.732 --> 01:07:55.112
of the disease
01:07:55.112 --> 01:07:58.808
so I'm calling in to vote no,
01:07:58.808 --> 01:08:00.920
on a rate increase,
01:08:00.920 --> 01:08:04.920
and hopefully that my
voice is heard, thank you.
01:08:06.627 --> 01:08:08.328
Thank you Ms. Sevilla,
01:08:08.328 --> 01:08:11.402
operator please call
on the next speaker.
01:08:11.402 --> 01:08:14.302
The next
speaker is Elizabeth Castillo,
01:08:14.302 --> 01:08:17.066
please spell your as
well as state your location,
01:08:17.066 --> 01:08:18.899
your line is now open.
01:08:20.290 --> 01:08:21.300
Hi, thank you.
01:08:21.300 --> 01:08:23.150
My name is Elizabeth Castillo
01:08:23.150 --> 01:08:27.660
that's E L I Z A B E T H
01:08:27.660 --> 01:08:32.280
Castillo is C A S T I L L O.
01:08:32.280 --> 01:08:35.900
And I live in the city of
Lakewood, California,
01:08:35.900 --> 01:08:38.880
and I am totally against this rate hike.
01:08:38.880 --> 01:08:42.333
It's at a time during great,
01:08:45.340 --> 01:08:49.450
The word is horrible risk
suffering in our country,
01:08:49.450 --> 01:08:52.471
during a pandemic is unethical, immoral.
01:08:52.471 --> 01:08:56.370
And I have horrid for
Southern California Edison,
01:08:56.370 --> 01:09:00.418
to propose a rate hike,
which is way out of line.
01:09:00.418 --> 01:09:04.250
There are people who are
unemployed, who are not working,
01:09:04.250 --> 01:09:06.356
who have lost their
healthcare, I'm a nurse,
01:09:06.356 --> 01:09:09.895
and this is to me is horrible
because there's people
01:09:09.895 --> 01:09:12.350
who are sick and do not have healthcare.
01:09:12.350 --> 01:09:14.820
Now they have to choose
what are they gonna pay?
01:09:14.820 --> 01:09:16.240
Are they gonna pay for their foods?
01:09:16.240 --> 01:09:19.710
Their rent, their
electric bills, their water.
01:09:19.710 --> 01:09:24.540
We're seeing rate hikes all
over Southeast LA in our refuse,
01:09:24.540 --> 01:09:27.270
and now they're trying
to privatize our water.
01:09:27.270 --> 01:09:29.150
and now Southern California Edison,
01:09:29.150 --> 01:09:32.050
wanna do a rate hike on electricity,
01:09:32.050 --> 01:09:35.220
this is ridiculous and
I think if this happens,
01:09:35.220 --> 01:09:36.870
you wanna see civil unrest,
01:09:36.870 --> 01:09:38.610
we're gonna see more civil unrest,
01:09:38.610 --> 01:09:41.055
because we are seeing
people being evicted,
01:09:41.055 --> 01:09:43.490
because they can't pay their rent,
01:09:43.490 --> 01:09:45.930
so I am totally totally against this,
01:09:45.930 --> 01:09:48.110
and I hope that Southern
California Edison,
01:09:48.110 --> 01:09:52.980
really decides not to do
this because let me tell you,
01:09:52.980 --> 01:09:55.510
you think you've seen
a civil arrest right now?
01:09:55.510 --> 01:09:56.917
It's gonna get worse.
01:09:56.917 --> 01:09:59.043
So thank you very much for listening.
01:10:01.090 --> 01:10:03.050
Thank you Ms. Castillo,
01:10:03.050 --> 01:10:05.150
operator, please call
on the next speaker.
01:10:06.240 --> 01:10:09.310
The next
speaker is Carolyn Leanza,
01:10:09.310 --> 01:10:12.380
please spell your name as
well as state your location,
01:10:12.380 --> 01:10:13.603
your line is open.
01:10:15.070 --> 01:10:17.110
Yes, I'm Carolyn.
01:10:17.110 --> 01:10:20.410
C A R O L Y N,
01:10:20.410 --> 01:10:24.750
Leanza, LEANZA
01:10:25.730 --> 01:10:30.360
and I'm from Aliso Viejo, California,
01:10:30.360 --> 01:10:33.840
and I am permanently disabled,
01:10:33.840 --> 01:10:36.483
and I am on poverty level,
01:10:37.570 --> 01:10:41.970
I already by bills already
exceed my income,
01:10:41.970 --> 01:10:46.180
and I don't use air
conditioning heating,
01:10:46.180 --> 01:10:48.970
I literally I'm stuck in the house,
01:10:48.970 --> 01:10:51.510
due to respiratory issues
01:10:51.510 --> 01:10:54.861
so with this pandemic,
I am isolated alone.
01:10:54.861 --> 01:10:59.861
I don't really have family or
anybody, so I'm really alone.
01:11:00.420 --> 01:11:05.420
And I basically do a lot of laundry
01:11:05.840 --> 01:11:07.430
every two weeks,
01:11:07.430 --> 01:11:10.380
so I sleep in bedding that's disgusting,
01:11:10.380 --> 01:11:13.831
I limit my showers to once a week,
01:11:13.831 --> 01:11:18.647
I'm living on absolutely
bare shoestring,
01:11:18.647 --> 01:11:20.847
and I don't know what else to do,
01:11:20.847 --> 01:11:25.847
to be able to handle my, my bills as it,
01:11:25.910 --> 01:11:27.040
as they are now,
01:11:27.040 --> 01:11:31.240
let alone have you
add more to those bills.
01:11:31.240 --> 01:11:35.340
Your company must have
some kind of humanity,
01:11:35.340 --> 01:11:38.570
your stockholders it
can't all be about money,
01:11:38.570 --> 01:11:40.620
there's gotta be some humanity
01:11:40.620 --> 01:11:44.360
in your company to help people,
01:11:44.360 --> 01:11:46.430
get through life,
01:11:46.430 --> 01:11:49.610
and keep from being out
in the street, homeless,
01:11:49.610 --> 01:11:53.140
which would cost me my life
because with my medical issues,
01:11:53.140 --> 01:11:55.660
I would be dead if I had to be homeless,
01:11:55.660 --> 01:11:56.988
so there's gotta be something,
01:11:56.988 --> 01:12:00.415
that's gonna be some
heart in your company,
01:12:00.415 --> 01:12:05.120
to help keep people from
having to have to beg,
01:12:05.120 --> 01:12:06.293
to stay alive.
01:12:09.630 --> 01:12:10.513
I'm finished.
01:12:13.140 --> 01:12:14.523
Thank you Miss Leanza,
01:12:16.360 --> 01:12:18.600
in terms of your, your specific bill,
01:12:18.600 --> 01:12:21.820
I would encourage you
to contact Mr. Aguilar,
01:12:21.820 --> 01:12:24.510
at SCE he may be able to provide.
01:12:24.510 --> 01:12:29.190
I'm on D care and
even with daycare, it's still,
01:12:29.190 --> 01:12:32.430
any little bit of increase
is gonna kill me.
01:12:32.430 --> 01:12:33.690
I don't use anything,
01:12:33.690 --> 01:12:37.100
I just stay here a lot
of times in the dark,
01:12:37.100 --> 01:12:40.273
just because I can't
afford to pay the bills.
01:12:42.510 --> 01:12:44.790
Thank you, I would still
encourage you to reach out,
01:12:44.790 --> 01:12:47.460
to Mr. Aguilar to see if
there are any options,
01:12:47.460 --> 01:12:50.170
payment options that may be considered.
01:12:50.170 --> 01:12:53.873
and again, his number is 626 302-0283.
01:12:59.410 --> 01:13:01.583
Okay, thank you.
01:13:01.583 --> 01:13:04.483
Thank you, operator
please call the next speaker.
01:13:06.730 --> 01:13:08.742
Speaker is Yvette Jay,
01:13:08.742 --> 01:13:11.590
please spell your name as
well as State your location,
01:13:11.590 --> 01:13:16.590
your line is open.
01:13:24.481 --> 01:13:26.731
Jay, are you on the line?
01:13:33.910 --> 01:13:38.057
Operator I think we may have
to move to the next speaker.
01:13:38.057 --> 01:13:41.363
Next speaker
is Fayez Kneider,
01:13:41.363 --> 01:13:44.275
please spell your name as
well as state your location,
01:13:44.275 --> 01:13:45.775
your line is open.
01:13:47.124 --> 01:13:50.560
Thank you,
Fayez Kneider, F-A-Y-E-Z,
01:13:50.560 --> 01:13:52.830
01:13:52.830 --> 01:13:54.303
Valencia, California.
01:14:00.030 --> 01:14:03.200
Okay so we've heard
some conflicting numbers,
01:14:03.200 --> 01:14:06.450
one gentleman at the earlier stage,
01:14:06.450 --> 01:14:10.530
of the call mentioned that the increase,
01:14:10.530 --> 01:14:13.963
will be in the amount of $12 per month.
01:14:15.270 --> 01:14:19.470
I'd like to learn how could
he reach that number?
01:14:19.470 --> 01:14:23.435
What average did he take
and what kind of a household,
01:14:23.435 --> 01:14:28.250
could have such a very low monthly fee,
01:14:28.250 --> 01:14:31.030
that would only go up by 12%,
01:14:31.030 --> 01:14:35.210
keeping in mind the
double digit price increase,
01:14:35.210 --> 01:14:37.180
that they're suggesting,
01:14:37.180 --> 01:14:38.700
the other thing that I wanna say,
01:14:38.700 --> 01:14:40.241
is that was my question.
01:14:40.241 --> 01:14:43.090
The other thing that I
wanted to say is many callers,
01:14:43.090 --> 01:14:47.520
have been emphasizing
about their own timing,
01:14:47.520 --> 01:14:51.120
I, in my opinion, one
thing is the wrong timing,
01:14:51.120 --> 01:14:53.230
however we need to focus on the fact
01:14:53.230 --> 01:14:55.854
of the huge cost increase,
01:14:55.854 --> 01:14:57.610
regardless of the timing,
01:14:57.610 --> 01:15:01.702
even if the economy was
striving in a free market,
01:15:01.702 --> 01:15:06.430
where competition could have existed,
01:15:06.430 --> 01:15:09.810
no one would have ever
been able to propose,
01:15:09.810 --> 01:15:14.270
such a huge increase, even
if the economy was striving,
01:15:14.270 --> 01:15:16.790
we all understand what the
whole in this to make money,
01:15:16.790 --> 01:15:19.293
okay and Southern California,
01:15:19.293 --> 01:15:21.747
this is also in there to make money,
01:15:21.747 --> 01:15:24.306
but we can just say that I'm
gonna keep on increasing,
01:15:24.306 --> 01:15:27.360
my profit, yet I don't have money,
01:15:27.360 --> 01:15:28.910
to upgrade my infrastructure,
01:15:28.910 --> 01:15:31.453
and for me to do so, I'm
gonna increase your rate,
01:15:32.699 --> 01:15:35.057
there's something
wrong with this equation.
01:15:35.057 --> 01:15:35.890
Thank you very much for allowing
01:15:35.890 --> 01:15:38.653
this a very democratic forum, thank you.
01:15:41.340 --> 01:15:42.560
Thank you for your comment,
01:15:42.560 --> 01:15:44.530
just to address your first question,
01:15:44.530 --> 01:15:49.530
the $12 average increases
based off of average usage,
01:15:49.680 --> 01:15:53.560
and I'll just note that any
increase would really depend on
01:15:53.560 --> 01:15:55.733
a customer's individual usage.
01:15:56.810 --> 01:15:59.658
Thank you operator please
move to The next week,
01:15:59.658 --> 01:16:03.653
Suggest that
the monthly averages,
01:16:03.653 --> 01:16:08.653
involved per month, which I
don't think is close to reality,
01:16:09.020 --> 01:16:11.533
but thank you, I know
how he came up with it so.
01:16:12.771 --> 01:16:15.930
Thank you, operator,
01:16:15.930 --> 01:16:17.633
please move on to the next speaker.
01:16:19.942 --> 01:16:23.410
The next
commenter is Thomas Swope,
01:16:23.410 --> 01:16:26.303
please spell your name as
well as state your location,
01:16:26.303 --> 01:16:28.143
your line is now open.
01:16:29.490 --> 01:16:33.890
Yes, my name is
Thomas is spelled T H O M A S.
01:16:33.890 --> 01:16:36.820
Last name is Swope,
it's spelled S as in Sam,
01:16:36.820 --> 01:16:41.010
W O P as in puppy, E as in Edward,
01:16:41.010 --> 01:16:42.300
I'm in cathedral city,
01:16:42.300 --> 01:16:44.820
California nine two two three four.
01:16:44.820 --> 01:16:49.000
And I was calling in, I just
wanted to make a Statement.
01:16:49.000 --> 01:16:53.380
I am a disabled veteran, a
hundred percent disabled,
01:16:53.380 --> 01:16:58.380
and I live off of my disability
pay and that's all I have to
01:16:58.673 --> 01:16:59.506
live off of.
01:16:59.506 --> 01:17:01.390
I'm also on the care program,
01:17:01.390 --> 01:17:05.500
and the increase is going to drastically
01:17:05.500 --> 01:17:08.663
affect my ability to pay the bill,
01:17:09.570 --> 01:17:11.330
We're at the shoestring in,
01:17:11.330 --> 01:17:13.310
and I know everyone's
talking about the timing,
01:17:13.310 --> 01:17:15.270
which is horrific, by the way.
01:17:15.270 --> 01:17:18.096
I think you guys might
wanna think about delaying,
01:17:18.096 --> 01:17:21.383
this for a bit due to worldly situation,
01:17:21.383 --> 01:17:25.710
but the amount of the
increase is astronomical,
01:17:25.710 --> 01:17:29.530
I'm reading this and I,
my mouth hit the desk,
01:17:29.530 --> 01:17:33.240
I'm like, okay, why so much up front?
01:17:33.240 --> 01:17:35.410
And then you spent
it out little by little.
01:17:35.410 --> 01:17:37.820
maybe you want to reverse that process,
01:17:37.820 --> 01:17:40.190
but I just wanted to make
my statement to let you know,
01:17:40.190 --> 01:17:42.090
the type of people that
you're hitting with this,
01:17:42.090 --> 01:17:45.374
I'm disable, I served this
country for many years,
01:17:45.374 --> 01:17:47.856
and I was happy to do so,
01:17:47.856 --> 01:17:50.020
but I'm in a big situation,
01:17:50.020 --> 01:17:51.430
and you guys got to address that,
01:17:51.430 --> 01:17:53.550
we affect that with this increase,
01:17:53.550 --> 01:17:56.173
and that's all I have to say, thank you.
01:17:58.180 --> 01:18:01.620
Thank you Mr. Swopes,
your comments are appreciated,
01:18:01.620 --> 01:18:04.170
operator please call the
next speaker in the queue.
01:18:06.930 --> 01:18:09.910
commenter is Jamie Bailey,
01:18:09.910 --> 01:18:12.880
please spell your name
as well as State location,
01:18:12.880 --> 01:18:14.163
your line is open.
01:18:15.790 --> 01:18:17.170
My name is Jaymie Bailey,
01:18:17.170 --> 01:18:20.860
that's J A Y M I E.
01:18:20.860 --> 01:18:23.800
Last name Bailey B as in boy,
01:18:23.800 --> 01:18:26.033
A I L E Y.
01:18:27.460 --> 01:18:29.070
I agree with all of the callers.
01:18:29.070 --> 01:18:33.380
It is just horrific that SCE
would even think about,
01:18:33.380 --> 01:18:35.274
doing something like this,
01:18:35.274 --> 01:18:39.450
and like previous gentleman
said, even if it wasn't COVID,
01:18:39.450 --> 01:18:42.758
people are going through
situations I got a pay cut,
01:18:42.758 --> 01:18:45.593
I'm trying to manage my
bills while your investors,
01:18:45.593 --> 01:18:49.520
are getting fat it is not okay.
01:18:49.520 --> 01:18:51.985
You're just adding to
the term level that people
01:18:51.985 --> 01:18:56.660
are going through, including
myself, my bill increased for.
01:18:56.660 --> 01:18:58.950
I still can't understand why,
01:18:58.950 --> 01:19:00.580
and I'm trying to understand this bill
01:19:00.580 --> 01:19:03.370
and I'll definitely contact Mr. Aguilar,
01:19:03.370 --> 01:19:04.910
it's almost a hundred dollars,
01:19:04.910 --> 01:19:08.230
I don't have AC I'm running a fan,
01:19:08.230 --> 01:19:11.040
I'm using a little
electricity as I can manage,
01:19:11.040 --> 01:19:13.590
considering everyone's home these days,
01:19:13.590 --> 01:19:17.600
and yet SCE is still getting
fed off of these charges.
01:19:17.600 --> 01:19:19.730
So I'm just not understanding,
01:19:19.730 --> 01:19:23.430
but we need to revaluate this,
01:19:23.430 --> 01:19:25.990
and it should not come at this time.
01:19:25.990 --> 01:19:27.550
And it shouldn't be so hefty.
01:19:27.550 --> 01:19:30.180
It should be spread out over time,
01:19:30.180 --> 01:19:34.560
and consider your customers
that like the other caller said,
01:19:34.560 --> 01:19:37.850
there was another
company jumped ship quickly,
01:19:37.850 --> 01:19:40.640
but unfortunately it is not monopolized,
01:19:40.640 --> 01:19:44.732
but area you live in be
more fair to the consumer,
01:19:44.732 --> 01:19:48.283
it's just only right
to do the right thing,
01:19:49.300 --> 01:19:50.470
that's all I think.
01:19:52.450 --> 01:19:54.260
Thank you, Ms. Jaymie,
01:19:54.260 --> 01:19:57.670
operator please call on the
next speaker in the queue.
01:19:57.670 --> 01:19:59.380
Thank you
our next question comes
01:19:59.380 --> 01:20:02.913
from Helen Sacara, your line is open.
01:20:04.320 --> 01:20:09.320
Hi, my name is H E L E N.
01:20:10.090 --> 01:20:11.500
Last name Fukuhara,
01:20:11.500 --> 01:20:15.503
F U K U H A R A,
01:20:16.700 --> 01:20:17.803
and actually,
01:20:19.840 --> 01:20:24.840
if I had known about a
different program to say,
01:20:25.062 --> 01:20:29.480
my bill is now lowest, but I do,
01:20:29.480 --> 01:20:34.180
I do wish that we don't increase
01:20:34.180 --> 01:20:35.800
because of other people
01:20:35.800 --> 01:20:39.563
until you check other electricity.
01:20:43.550 --> 01:20:46.020
electricity dealers,
01:20:46.020 --> 01:20:48.100
I guess SCE I thinks,
01:20:48.100 --> 01:20:53.100
to if needed coincide with them,
01:20:53.830 --> 01:20:58.413
before submitting this height increase,
01:21:01.933 --> 01:21:06.890
but the rest of my
question is regard to billing,
01:21:06.890 --> 01:21:10.293
and so I understand
that needs to go to Jerry.
01:21:12.840 --> 01:21:15.833
So could you repeat that again?
01:21:19.164 --> 01:21:21.036
the phone number and his name please.
01:21:21.036 --> 01:21:23.253
and I was continuing my doing there.
01:21:24.430 --> 01:21:29.430
Of course, Mr. Aguilar may
be reached at 626 302-0283.
01:21:34.783 --> 01:21:37.430
And how do
you spell with me?
01:21:37.430 --> 01:21:40.563
Jerry, J-E-R-R-Y.
01:21:43.176 --> 01:21:47.427
Last name, A-G-U-I-L-A-R.
01:21:48.937 --> 01:21:51.888
A-G, what? I'm sorry.
01:21:51.888 --> 01:21:56.888
01:21:59.970 --> 01:22:01.830
Thank you so much.
01:22:01.830 --> 01:22:02.663
Thank you.
01:22:03.940 --> 01:22:06.040
Operator, please call
on the next speaker.
01:22:07.479 --> 01:22:10.420
Our next comment
comes from Thomas Sebring,
01:22:10.420 --> 01:22:11.453
your line is open,
01:22:13.290 --> 01:22:14.880
My name is Thomas Sebring.
01:22:14.880 --> 01:22:17.770
That's T-H-O-M-A-S,
01:22:17.770 --> 01:22:21.690
01:22:21.690 --> 01:22:24.660
And I work at a senior
living nonprofit community,
01:22:24.660 --> 01:22:27.098
in Goodna Hills, California.
01:22:27.098 --> 01:22:29.420
I see you mentioned one of the reasons,
01:22:29.420 --> 01:22:31.040
for this rate increase proposal
01:22:31.040 --> 01:22:33.800
is to improve the
safety of their services
01:22:33.800 --> 01:22:35.837
for their customers and
the general community,
01:22:35.837 --> 01:22:38.650
and our company certainly
aligns with that desire.
01:22:38.650 --> 01:22:41.170
However, the rate
increases they're proposing
01:22:41.170 --> 01:22:44.920
during this time provides
an additional safety risk.
01:22:44.920 --> 01:22:47.050
We have witnessed
residents deciding not to run,
01:22:47.050 --> 01:22:49.220
their air conditioning or even fan,
01:22:49.220 --> 01:22:50.420
because they cannot afford their
01:22:50.420 --> 01:22:52.670
FTE bills at their current rates.
01:22:52.670 --> 01:22:56.133
Even with being on the low
income programs that FTE offers,
01:22:57.160 --> 01:22:59.140
this is a huge safety risk.
01:22:59.140 --> 01:23:02.360
In addition, our seniors rely
on cost of living adjustments,
01:23:02.360 --> 01:23:03.193
to their social security,
01:23:03.193 --> 01:23:06.273
check it cover any
rate in the experience.
01:23:06.273 --> 01:23:10.350
and we're seeing
projections of zero to a 1%
01:23:10.350 --> 01:23:13.240
for the cost of living
adjustment in 2021,
01:23:13.240 --> 01:23:16.220
which would not sufficiently
cover this rate increase,
01:23:16.220 --> 01:23:19.810
that SCE opposing during
the current pandemic,
01:23:19.810 --> 01:23:21.990
is totally unreasonable
for SCE to make this,
01:23:21.990 --> 01:23:24.820
rate increase request at this time,
01:23:24.820 --> 01:23:26.020
we're all in this together,
01:23:26.020 --> 01:23:29.090
and we need to make
sacrifices for the greater good.
01:23:29.090 --> 01:23:31.890
Our nonprofit covers
our expenses with rent,
01:23:31.890 --> 01:23:34.550
so it's common for us to
raise rents on an annual basis.
01:23:34.550 --> 01:23:37.010
However, due to this current pandemic,
01:23:37.010 --> 01:23:38.980
we have decided not to raise our rates,
01:23:38.980 --> 01:23:41.313
I highly recommend SCE do the same,
01:23:42.170 --> 01:23:44.885
I appreciate you all sharing
that Governor Newsom
01:23:44.885 --> 01:23:47.040
made an order to have
no electricity disconnects,
01:23:47.040 --> 01:23:48.595
to in April, 2021
01:23:48.595 --> 01:23:52.690
with the bills will continue
to pile up for the customers.
01:23:52.690 --> 01:23:53.710
this leads to residents,
01:23:53.710 --> 01:23:56.450
making decisions without
put their health at risk,
01:23:56.450 --> 01:23:58.390
to avoid getting larger bill,
01:23:58.390 --> 01:23:59.590
thank you for your time.
01:24:01.480 --> 01:24:02.680
Thank you Mr. Sebring,
01:24:03.630 --> 01:24:05.680
operator please call
on the next speaker.
01:24:07.613 --> 01:24:09.470
Our next comment
comes from Katherine Cohen,
01:24:09.470 --> 01:24:10.563
your line is open.
01:24:12.230 --> 01:24:15.180
Hi, thank you so
much for all your comments,
01:24:15.180 --> 01:24:17.660
thank you for holding this forum,
01:24:17.660 --> 01:24:19.280
my name is Katherine Cohen,
01:24:19.280 --> 01:24:22.520
K A T H E R I N E, C O H E N,
01:24:22.520 --> 01:24:24.550
I live in Santa Monica, California.
01:24:24.550 --> 01:24:27.173
I'm a frontline worker,
01:24:29.110 --> 01:24:30.063
01:24:32.130 --> 01:24:36.790
it's definitely a challenge
this whole pandemic,
01:24:36.790 --> 01:24:39.984
I understand that when
this was first proposed,
01:24:39.984 --> 01:24:43.183
no one could have possibly anticipated,
01:24:43.183 --> 01:24:48.183
you know, pandemic
however, at this time in history,
01:24:48.900 --> 01:24:53.040
that is time in my opinion,
to look at what is workable,
01:24:53.040 --> 01:24:56.423
and I have to agree
with my fellow residents,
01:24:58.410 --> 01:24:59.333
01:25:00.960 --> 01:25:04.163
mercy is the better part of Valor,
01:25:06.020 --> 01:25:10.243
in 1752, Benjamin Franklin,
01:25:11.570 --> 01:25:15.110
you know, discovered electricity,
01:25:15.110 --> 01:25:19.900
I'll be it there've been some
misconceptions about that,
01:25:19.900 --> 01:25:22.273
you know, we all know
the story about the kite,
01:25:24.560 --> 01:25:28.539
the electricity has been
around for nearly 300 years,
01:25:28.539 --> 01:25:30.433
in terms of research and development.
01:25:34.000 --> 01:25:39.000
We can survive without it,
01:25:39.170 --> 01:25:40.810
at this point, though,
01:25:40.810 --> 01:25:45.810
in our lives, we have
learned to not be able to do so,
01:25:46.240 --> 01:25:49.640
we need more than fan,
01:25:49.640 --> 01:25:51.550
we need air conditioning,
01:25:51.550 --> 01:25:54.393
We need light at night,
01:25:56.380 --> 01:26:01.090
and there are those
in lower income areas,
01:26:01.090 --> 01:26:02.820
There are those in Laguna Hills,
01:26:02.820 --> 01:26:05.593
actually my parents who,
01:26:08.260 --> 01:26:09.370
you know,
01:26:09.370 --> 01:26:12.850
have to continuously pay for repairs,
01:26:12.850 --> 01:26:15.263
on an AC unit,
01:26:16.700 --> 01:26:20.863
let alone pay for it to run,
01:26:23.090 --> 01:26:27.133
I am asking that,
01:26:28.330 --> 01:26:29.423
as much,
01:26:31.141 --> 01:26:36.141
and it might've previously
made sense to do a rate increase
01:26:36.340 --> 01:26:38.053
when this was first proposed,
01:26:39.670 --> 01:26:43.750
I'm requesting that as a Judge,
01:26:43.750 --> 01:26:48.639
as a resident and the human being,
01:26:48.639 --> 01:26:51.263
you deny their request,
01:26:52.330 --> 01:26:56.700
and see come back to it in four years,
01:26:56.700 --> 01:26:58.840
come back to it,
01:26:58.840 --> 01:27:00.920
see if it's workable in four years
01:27:02.620 --> 01:27:03.513
01:27:06.010 --> 01:27:07.630
see what happens then.
01:27:07.630 --> 01:27:11.690
But right now the
residents cannot handle it,
01:27:11.690 --> 01:27:14.000
we don't want it,
01:27:14.000 --> 01:27:14.833
01:27:19.300 --> 01:27:20.560
I mean,
01:27:20.560 --> 01:27:23.733
even the frontline workers,
jobs are being threatened,
01:27:25.110 --> 01:27:30.110
the ones who are doing
our best to protect you all,
01:27:31.690 --> 01:27:33.110
we're gonna get a pay cut,
01:27:33.110 --> 01:27:37.181
we're gonna get laid
off is what I'm getting.
01:27:37.181 --> 01:27:40.490
(bell chimes)
01:27:40.490 --> 01:27:43.453
So I just wanna say thank
you for all that you do.
01:27:44.900 --> 01:27:46.220
I know my time is up,
01:27:46.220 --> 01:27:50.810
but I just want you guys
to get everything that I said,
01:27:50.810 --> 01:27:51.677
and thank you.
01:27:54.296 --> 01:27:55.890
Thank you Ms. Cohen,
01:27:55.890 --> 01:27:58.000
operator please call on the next week.
01:27:59.099 --> 01:28:01.386
Our next comment
comes from Bessie Polit,
01:28:01.386 --> 01:28:02.286
your line is open.
01:28:03.370 --> 01:28:05.040
Hi, good afternoon,
01:28:05.040 --> 01:28:06.980
While I respect and
understand that allegation,
01:28:06.980 --> 01:28:10.960
all that you have for
public hearing, we must,
01:28:10.960 --> 01:28:13.940
at some point in time
discontinue that public opinions,
01:28:13.940 --> 01:28:15.960
fall on deaf ears.
01:28:15.960 --> 01:28:18.840
I certainly hope that the
pattern of hearing opposition,
01:28:18.840 --> 01:28:21.733
only to see approved
rates, hike stops now,
01:28:22.670 --> 01:28:26.010
even if you have a record
attendance on this call today,
01:28:26.010 --> 01:28:28.700
that should speak volumes to all of you,
01:28:28.700 --> 01:28:31.044
your customers are home,
01:28:31.044 --> 01:28:34.310
price gouging at this
time during this pandemic,
01:28:34.310 --> 01:28:35.970
is against the law.
01:28:35.970 --> 01:28:38.430
And this is what I
view this re-power hike,
01:28:38.430 --> 01:28:40.483
as is simply priced Algeria.
01:28:41.530 --> 01:28:44.040
You're taking advantage of us,
01:28:44.040 --> 01:28:46.610
many families are required to re adjust,
01:28:46.610 --> 01:28:48.820
their daily home life to accommodate,
01:28:48.820 --> 01:28:52.910
for home bound college
students, home bound employment,
01:28:52.910 --> 01:28:54.050
housing relatives,
01:28:54.050 --> 01:28:56.280
and friends who have become unemployed,
01:28:56.280 --> 01:28:58.760
and have no means to
support personal housing,
01:28:58.760 --> 01:29:02.563
and basic human needs
such as food and medical care.
01:29:04.180 --> 01:29:06.380
The reason Stated
earlier for requesting,
01:29:06.380 --> 01:29:08.040
rates increased by Edison,
01:29:08.040 --> 01:29:11.350
but just paying for staff
and upgrading of equipment
01:29:11.350 --> 01:29:13.290
is not adequately justified
01:29:13.290 --> 01:29:16.430
this substantial increase as I know,
01:29:16.430 --> 01:29:19.730
unemployment is at an
all time high for businesses,
01:29:19.730 --> 01:29:22.270
in order for them to
operate their sacrifice,
01:29:22.270 --> 01:29:25.250
and made difficult decisions
to lay off and reduce staff,
01:29:25.250 --> 01:29:28.463
in order to balance their
revenue and expenses,
01:29:29.420 --> 01:29:32.780
you are one of the most
expensive electric companies around
01:29:32.780 --> 01:29:36.533
one of which customers have
no choice in carrier selection.
01:29:37.750 --> 01:29:41.590
It is at this time for
Edison to also take action,
01:29:41.590 --> 01:29:43.610
and reduce their overhead.
01:29:43.610 --> 01:29:46.240
Customers are already
accustomed to long wait,
01:29:46.240 --> 01:29:48.320
to do to COVID-19,
01:29:48.320 --> 01:29:50.640
asking us to wait a little longer,
01:29:50.640 --> 01:29:53.200
so that we can save money
in order to communicate,
01:29:53.200 --> 01:29:54.990
with you about our electric bill,
01:29:54.990 --> 01:29:58.753
is something every customer I
am sure, is willing to manage,
01:30:00.600 --> 01:30:02.320
during COVID-19,
01:30:02.320 --> 01:30:05.040
I find the timing to
be not only insensitive,
01:30:05.040 --> 01:30:07.338
but one that exhibits and
unawareness of the realities,
01:30:07.338 --> 01:30:10.299
of what human beings and
their families are enduring,
01:30:10.299 --> 01:30:12.390
in today's world.
01:30:12.390 --> 01:30:15.513
This is a complete lack
of exhibiting any humanity,
01:30:16.360 --> 01:30:20.300
in closing this mean this rate
hype needs to be declined,
01:30:20.300 --> 01:30:22.590
it should not be approved,
01:30:22.590 --> 01:30:25.400
and is imperative that
you all exhibit some level,
01:30:25.400 --> 01:30:28.620
of compassion for all those
and the decision classes,
01:30:28.620 --> 01:30:30.830
that we'll be able to
give us your support,
01:30:30.830 --> 01:30:32.773
and future requests, thank you.
01:30:34.510 --> 01:30:35.343
Thank you, Ms. Betty
01:30:35.343 --> 01:30:37.210
and would you mind spelling your name
01:30:37.210 --> 01:30:38.463
for our transcript today,
01:30:39.340 --> 01:30:42.090
Bessie B E S S I E,
01:30:42.090 --> 01:30:44.050
politesse P as in Paul,
01:30:44.050 --> 01:30:47.853
O L I T as in Tom and I'm in Arcadia.
01:30:48.750 --> 01:30:50.410
Thank you very much,
01:30:50.410 --> 01:30:52.290
operator please call the next speaker,
01:30:52.290 --> 01:30:54.890
and a reminder for everyone
to please spell your name,
01:30:54.890 --> 01:30:57.317
when you first start
speaking, thank you.
01:30:58.730 --> 01:31:00.130
Our next
comment comes from
01:31:00.130 --> 01:31:02.820
DOR Miranda for your next comment,
01:31:02.820 --> 01:31:05.020
if you would please spell your name,
01:31:05.020 --> 01:31:06.473
before making your comment.
01:31:10.780 --> 01:31:12.840
Dory Yolanda's open.
01:31:12.840 --> 01:31:14.930
Okay, hello my
name is Dora Miranda,
01:31:14.930 --> 01:31:16.940
that's spelled D-O-R-A,
01:31:16.940 --> 01:31:20.893
M-I-R-A-N-D-A, I'm
from Ontario, California,
01:31:21.930 --> 01:31:23.870
honestly this is the
worst possible time,
01:31:23.870 --> 01:31:27.910
for a rate increase due to
this COVID-19 pandemic,
01:31:27.910 --> 01:31:31.138
or about to enter another recession,
01:31:31.138 --> 01:31:33.360
we don't know how long this will last,
01:31:33.360 --> 01:31:36.120
and it does nothing
but us to raise rates,
01:31:36.120 --> 01:31:37.600
when people don't have any options,
01:31:37.600 --> 01:31:38.683
but to stay at home,
01:31:39.577 --> 01:31:42.350
the rate increase will literally
jeopardize people's health,
01:31:42.350 --> 01:31:44.620
if they are forced to choose
between paying for food,
01:31:44.620 --> 01:31:46.073
and paying for electricity,
01:31:46.970 --> 01:31:50.950
in 2018, 72 years old, died in Arizona,
01:31:50.950 --> 01:31:53.640
after APS cut off her electricity.
01:31:53.640 --> 01:31:55.570
she was $3 short on her bill,
01:31:55.570 --> 01:31:57.510
and yet APS because her power,
01:31:57.510 --> 01:32:01.080
in the middle of the
triple digit heat, she died.
01:32:01.080 --> 01:32:04.470
The cause of death was listed
as environmental exposure,
01:32:04.470 --> 01:32:05.683
by the medical examiner.
01:32:06.630 --> 01:32:09.180
I hate to see a similar
situation repeat itself.
01:32:09.180 --> 01:32:11.430
People are already hurting financially,
01:32:11.430 --> 01:32:13.590
and it was in months
because of the time that
01:32:13.590 --> 01:32:15.490
and I know I'm not the only one,
01:32:15.490 --> 01:32:18.183
this is not the time for a
week increased, thank you.
01:32:20.690 --> 01:32:22.350
Thank you, Ms. Miranda,
01:32:22.350 --> 01:32:24.730
operator, please call the next speaker.
01:32:28.330 --> 01:32:31.280
Next call from
Julie Arthur, you line is open.
01:32:33.990 --> 01:32:34.950
Hi, good afternoon,
01:32:34.950 --> 01:32:37.450
my name is Julie, J U L I E,
01:32:37.450 --> 01:32:40.820
last name Arthur, A R T H U R,
01:32:40.820 --> 01:32:43.120
and I'm calling from
Palm Springs, California.
01:32:46.590 --> 01:32:48.735
I am the executive director
of facilities and science,
01:32:48.735 --> 01:32:51.243
for the Palm Springs
unified school district,
01:32:52.220 --> 01:32:53.960
I am also the chair for the coalition,
01:32:53.960 --> 01:32:55.830
for adequate school housing,
01:32:55.830 --> 01:32:58.399
which has over several thousand
members most throughout,
01:32:58.399 --> 01:33:01.480
the State of California
and their school's facility,
01:33:01.480 --> 01:33:02.313
district staff.
01:33:03.970 --> 01:33:06.803
Also, let me tell you a
little bit about unified,
01:33:06.803 --> 01:33:10.010
unified it includes
the cities of desert hot
01:33:10.010 --> 01:33:14.603
Springs, Palm Springs,
cathedral city, Rancho Mirage,
01:33:15.920 --> 01:33:18.100
Palm desert, and thousand pounds,
01:33:18.100 --> 01:33:20.670
and a couple other of the
Riverside County areas.
01:33:20.670 --> 01:33:23.610
We cover over 500 square
miles of land in the desert,
01:33:23.610 --> 01:33:28.610
and we serve 21,000 students
of those 21,000 students,
01:33:28.650 --> 01:33:33.010
85% students qualify
for low and free lunch,
01:33:33.010 --> 01:33:34.953
do their family's economic stats.
01:33:36.310 --> 01:33:39.200
So also not only do I oversee
the planning construction,
01:33:39.200 --> 01:33:41.390
of all of SCE capital projects,
01:33:41.390 --> 01:33:44.390
but I also receive the energy
conservation managers,
01:33:44.390 --> 01:33:45.840
the district is implementing.
01:33:46.760 --> 01:33:49.450
I believe this requests
for increases in the cost
01:33:49.450 --> 01:33:51.850
of electricity, following the T O,
01:33:51.850 --> 01:33:54.860
a T O use changes implemented last year,
01:33:54.860 --> 01:33:57.407
is ill conceived and will
cause harm to teachers,
01:33:57.407 --> 01:33:59.973
and students throughout
SCE coverage area,
01:34:01.160 --> 01:34:05.290
so first let's talk about
the time of use change.
01:34:05.290 --> 01:34:08.630
The time of use changes
that occurred last year,
01:34:08.630 --> 01:34:11.510
or a double hit to low income families,
01:34:11.510 --> 01:34:15.630
changing the highest shoes rate to from,
01:34:15.630 --> 01:34:16.740
four to 9:00 PM
01:34:19.880 --> 01:34:21.450
and removing the weekend low rate,
01:34:21.450 --> 01:34:23.330
was meant to hit low
income families that typically,
01:34:23.330 --> 01:34:25.300
can't afford solar batteries.
01:34:25.300 --> 01:34:27.620
This really is a form
of social injustice,
01:34:27.620 --> 01:34:30.330
meant to harm lower
income earners in the desert.
01:34:30.330 --> 01:34:31.180
During the summer months,
01:34:31.180 --> 01:34:33.820
you must turn on the
AC upon riding home,
01:34:33.820 --> 01:34:36.240
or you cannot function, let alone sleep,
01:34:36.240 --> 01:34:38.440
for families that have a
higher economic ability,
01:34:38.440 --> 01:34:41.550
they purchase solar to
offset electricity costs,
01:34:41.550 --> 01:34:44.270
but lower income
families cannot afford solar,
01:34:44.270 --> 01:34:47.233
they are the main victims
of this time of use change.
01:34:48.130 --> 01:34:51.540
Next let's talk about the
rate increase electricity costs,
01:34:51.540 --> 01:34:52.930
alterations by school district,
01:34:52.930 --> 01:34:55.980
we spend over $4.5 million every year,
01:34:55.980 --> 01:34:59.140
on electricity cost for 27 schools,
01:34:59.140 --> 01:35:02.370
and the district administration
and central kitchen,
01:35:02.370 --> 01:35:05.280
this rate increase will
cost the district roughly,
01:35:05.280 --> 01:35:09.353
400,000 to 500,000 per year.
01:35:09.353 --> 01:35:12.930
That's salaries that's teachers
01:35:12.930 --> 01:35:15.550
who are going to be laid off.
01:35:15.550 --> 01:35:17.970
Many of our home or utility bills,
01:35:17.970 --> 01:35:20.533
are over 75% demand charges.
01:35:21.710 --> 01:35:24.710
So the budget cuts caused
by COVID-19 pandemic,
01:35:24.710 --> 01:35:25.990
every government agency,
01:35:25.990 --> 01:35:28.810
especially K-12 public
schools will be required,
01:35:28.810 --> 01:35:32.640
to cut staffing to cover
these SEC increases,
01:35:32.640 --> 01:35:35.590
which means SEC will
continue to add to its billions of
01:35:35.590 --> 01:35:36.630
dollars in reserves.
01:35:36.630 --> 01:35:39.650
SEC continues to pay a stock holders,
01:35:39.650 --> 01:35:41.940
a consistent and established dividends,
01:35:41.940 --> 01:35:44.180
and this is on the
back of the end users,
01:35:44.180 --> 01:35:46.780
including California public school,
01:35:46.780 --> 01:35:47.970
through our diligence review,
01:35:47.970 --> 01:35:49.940
our districts delayed throughout
over the last two years,
01:35:49.940 --> 01:35:52.270
we have bought a
number of errors on the bill,
01:35:52.270 --> 01:35:54.800
including incorrect rate billing errors,
01:35:54.800 --> 01:35:57.180
and taxes being assessed on the bill.
01:35:57.180 --> 01:36:00.162
And they are a representative,
01:36:00.162 --> 01:36:03.460
that can investigate the errors
and arrange for corrections.
01:36:03.460 --> 01:36:05.860
But only after we have alerted her,
01:36:05.860 --> 01:36:08.530
I can only imagine the same
happens to every individual
01:36:08.530 --> 01:36:09.860
rate payer out there,
01:36:09.860 --> 01:36:12.991
but no one to really
look into it on their behalf.
01:36:12.991 --> 01:36:17.290
All Californians are being
asked to sacrifice with COVID-19.
01:36:17.290 --> 01:36:20.690
I have ask SEC be
denied this rate increase,
01:36:20.690 --> 01:36:23.730
and instead, hold on, paying
dividends with stockholders,
01:36:23.730 --> 01:36:26.200
make the cut so their
top administrator salaries,
01:36:26.200 --> 01:36:27.370
instead of FTEs,
01:36:27.370 --> 01:36:29.551
literally asking all school districts,
01:36:29.551 --> 01:36:31.833
to make cuts by increasing its rates.
01:36:32.890 --> 01:36:35.934
If a school district is asked for funds,
01:36:35.934 --> 01:36:39.688
either proper tax or monetary tax
01:36:39.688 --> 01:36:40.521
Thank you Ms. Arthur
01:36:40.521 --> 01:36:43.210
I want to be fair to our
other speakers today,
01:36:43.210 --> 01:36:45.364
can you please wrap up your comments?
01:36:45.364 --> 01:36:48.210
I've got just a couple
more sentences absolutely,
01:36:48.210 --> 01:36:50.690
so we go to our voters
to ask for an increase.
01:36:50.690 --> 01:36:53.260
I would ask this to something
SEC also have to do,
01:36:53.260 --> 01:36:56.060
is actually take this to
the vote of the taxpayers,
01:36:56.060 --> 01:36:58.370
in this area and in addition,
01:36:58.370 --> 01:37:00.810
I do believe a separate rate
scale should be established,
01:37:00.810 --> 01:37:03.412
for schools and government offices,
01:37:03.412 --> 01:37:04.430
that are funded through public taxes.
01:37:04.430 --> 01:37:06.530
The schools are required by
State law to provide services
01:37:06.530 --> 01:37:08.400
for all children's rock California.
01:37:08.400 --> 01:37:11.000
And we are sitting ducks
when it comes to rate increases,
01:37:11.000 --> 01:37:12.770
unless we cut other programs
01:37:12.770 --> 01:37:15.370
that are meant to help our
students learn thank you.
01:37:17.250 --> 01:37:20.173
Thank you, operator
please call the next speaker.
01:37:22.023 --> 01:37:25.230
Comes Diana
Luxeberg, your line is open
01:37:28.630 --> 01:37:32.200
It's D I A N A,
01:37:32.200 --> 01:37:37.200
L U X E N B E R G.
01:37:37.830 --> 01:37:39.490
I would like to make
a couple of comments,
01:37:39.490 --> 01:37:43.129
and also a question why hasn't Edison,
01:37:43.129 --> 01:37:45.402
given my comments in the past
01:37:45.402 --> 01:37:48.482
about waste up here in three rivers,
01:37:48.482 --> 01:37:51.883
actually addressed some of those issues,
01:37:53.000 --> 01:37:57.060
I would also like to suggest
to send it may be cheaper,
01:37:57.060 --> 01:38:01.096
to actually provide
insulation to some of their care
01:38:01.096 --> 01:38:06.096
clients so that they
use less electricity,
01:38:07.043 --> 01:38:11.240
I would also like to know
that the research they did,
01:38:11.240 --> 01:38:13.720
on the time of usage,
01:38:13.720 --> 01:38:16.900
before they implemented it,
01:38:16.900 --> 01:38:20.356
I think was a deficient,
01:38:20.356 --> 01:38:23.560
because the time
periods they were using,
01:38:23.560 --> 01:38:28.036
didn't really call inside with
what I see in bigger towns,
01:38:28.036 --> 01:38:31.550
or even a big city like Fresno,
01:38:31.550 --> 01:38:35.624
in terms of how much
electricity is actually being used
01:38:35.624 --> 01:38:39.483
after 7:00 PM after 9:00 PM.
01:38:40.710 --> 01:38:43.563
And I would like to
suggest to everyone that,
01:38:45.340 --> 01:38:48.760
part of why Edison
makes a profit is also to pay
01:38:48.760 --> 01:38:53.760
the pensions of the
teachers and other individuals
01:38:54.140 --> 01:38:56.250
who invest in Edison.
01:38:56.250 --> 01:38:59.560
So before people start
yelling about greed,
01:38:59.560 --> 01:39:03.770
they should also look at
themselves to see whether or not,
01:39:03.770 --> 01:39:07.300
in fact they can reduce their expenses,
01:39:07.300 --> 01:39:10.850
or whether they put in
insulation like I did in my house.
01:39:10.850 --> 01:39:15.100
As soon as I moved in,
you don't go out to dinner.
01:39:15.100 --> 01:39:16.740
You don't go to movies.
01:39:16.740 --> 01:39:20.450
And that inflation has kept mine bill,
01:39:20.450 --> 01:39:23.870
at about $75 a month.
01:39:23.870 --> 01:39:27.430
When other people up
here in the three rivers area,
01:39:27.430 --> 01:39:32.040
would be paying $300 a
month in the summertime
01:39:32.040 --> 01:39:35.360
so I think people have
to take responsibility,
01:39:35.360 --> 01:39:36.618
for where they live.
01:39:36.618 --> 01:39:40.920
I would also ask Edison to think about,
01:39:40.920 --> 01:39:44.404
why they haven't done some
of the trimming in the past,
01:39:44.404 --> 01:39:46.660
up in the three rivers area.
01:39:46.660 --> 01:39:51.610
And I'm sure in other places
and who is looking at the crews
01:39:51.610 --> 01:39:52.968
that are doing the trimming.
01:39:52.968 --> 01:39:56.481
Cause I think some of those
crews actually do work for
01:39:56.481 --> 01:39:59.823
individuals while they've been on,
01:40:01.350 --> 01:40:02.700
their company times.
01:40:02.700 --> 01:40:06.810
So that means that Edison is
overpaying for work because
01:40:06.810 --> 01:40:11.280
they should have done more
work in that same period of time.
01:40:11.280 --> 01:40:14.480
I would like to ask the
Commissioner why she isn't
01:40:14.480 --> 01:40:16.978
addressing the efficiency of Edison,
01:40:16.978 --> 01:40:20.788
which has been woeful
over the past years,
01:40:20.788 --> 01:40:25.440
given that the pandemic
has reduced employment.
01:40:25.440 --> 01:40:26.599
And so many people,
01:40:26.599 --> 01:40:30.630
I don't understand why
they would need to increase
01:40:34.260 --> 01:40:38.680
salaries or even give
people the same benefits,
01:40:38.680 --> 01:40:40.600
especially the CEO.
01:40:40.600 --> 01:40:44.780
And so many people in
administration versus the people who
01:40:44.780 --> 01:40:47.980
are actually doing the
work on the ground,
01:40:47.980 --> 01:40:52.980
why they would need
to give these individuals,
01:40:53.240 --> 01:40:54.720
their whole salaries.
01:40:54.720 --> 01:40:59.400
There are other institutions
that are actually reducing
01:40:59.400 --> 01:41:03.853
their salary by 15 to 25%.
01:41:04.900 --> 01:41:08.680
So I would ask Edison to look
at themselves and see whether
01:41:08.680 --> 01:41:12.013
or not they haven't been
overcharging for years.
01:41:12.013 --> 01:41:14.900
They didn't think about storage.
01:41:14.900 --> 01:41:18.110
They didn't encourage
people to do solar.
01:41:18.110 --> 01:41:22.330
They weren't giving people
money back when they were,
01:41:22.330 --> 01:41:26.480
people were over producing
solar in their homes more than
01:41:26.480 --> 01:41:27.313
they could use.
01:41:27.313 --> 01:41:32.313
So I believe that Edison and
the Commissioner and the public
01:41:32.720 --> 01:41:36.520
utilities Commission are all guilty
01:41:36.520 --> 01:41:40.838
of not being the most
efficient that they could be.
01:41:40.838 --> 01:41:45.640
And perhaps over emphasizing,
01:41:45.640 --> 01:41:48.033
what's happening with the stockholders.
01:41:49.140 --> 01:41:54.140
I would like to ask
them why they're not,
01:41:54.540 --> 01:41:56.210
01:41:56.210 --> 01:42:00.280
much bigger refunds for
higher efficiency appliances,
01:42:00.280 --> 01:42:04.540
which they did in the past
and to educate the public.
01:42:04.540 --> 01:42:06.593
Does it not make a difference anymore?
01:42:07.940 --> 01:42:09.210
Did it make a difference?
01:42:09.210 --> 01:42:12.210
Where's the research because
they were all gung ho about
01:42:12.210 --> 01:42:13.803
that for so long.
01:42:14.760 --> 01:42:16.829
And again storage is crucial,
01:42:16.829 --> 01:42:21.829
and whether or not the
tiers that they have instituted,
01:42:22.040 --> 01:42:25.510
are really fair for people
who are conserving,
01:42:25.510 --> 01:42:29.350
like myself versus
those who are wasteful.
01:42:29.350 --> 01:42:33.649
There are some people in
higher income environments.-
01:42:33.649 --> 01:42:36.570
(bell chimes)
01:42:36.570 --> 01:42:40.680
And so to look at those
issues with their tiering.
01:42:40.680 --> 01:42:41.943
Thank you very much.
01:42:43.190 --> 01:42:44.840
Thank you. Miss. Luxeberg,
01:42:44.840 --> 01:42:47.955
operator please move
on to the next speaker.
01:42:47.955 --> 01:42:50.143
OUR next comment
comes from Carol Gonzales,
01:42:50.143 --> 01:42:51.476
you line is open
01:42:54.067 --> 01:42:57.890
Hi, thank you
for taking my call,
01:42:57.890 --> 01:42:59.190
or my comments.
01:42:59.190 --> 01:43:00.557
Carol Gonzales,
01:43:00.557 --> 01:43:02.820
C A R O L,
01:43:02.820 --> 01:43:05.910
01:43:05.910 --> 01:43:07.563
signal Hill, California.
01:43:08.960 --> 01:43:13.370
And I'm asking the Commission,
01:43:13.370 --> 01:43:15.550
to restore our faith
01:43:15.550 --> 01:43:17.990
in the power of these hearings,
01:43:17.990 --> 01:43:22.197
and to deny the request
for FTEs requests,
01:43:22.197 --> 01:43:24.083
for rate increases,
01:43:26.950 --> 01:43:30.761
as has been cited by all of
the previous commentators
01:43:30.761 --> 01:43:34.780
the rate increases quite remarkable,
01:43:34.780 --> 01:43:39.710
and especially given FTEs ability,
01:43:39.710 --> 01:43:41.610
to still pay dividends,
01:43:41.610 --> 01:43:46.586
as well as its failure
to update systems,
01:43:46.586 --> 01:43:51.586
and also commented by
the previous of the coalition,
01:43:52.250 --> 01:43:56.070
and the various groups
and organizations,
01:43:56.070 --> 01:43:59.580
that within FTEs
01:43:59.580 --> 01:44:04.373
requests is are many faults,
01:44:06.149 --> 01:44:07.560
in the structured,
01:44:07.560 --> 01:44:10.480
in the manner in which
the request is structured.
01:44:10.480 --> 01:44:13.770
Also, I am a small business owner,
01:44:13.770 --> 01:44:16.163
and the fact is that nobody,
01:44:17.070 --> 01:44:20.400
gets a 14% rate increase
in the last they have been
01:44:20.400 --> 01:44:25.038
phenomenal and from
the comments prior to mine,
01:44:25.038 --> 01:44:27.930
it certainly sounds like a SCE,
01:44:27.930 --> 01:44:29.780
has a lot to,
01:44:29.780 --> 01:44:34.780
has quite a few
shortcomings to that, to merit it,
01:44:34.980 --> 01:44:38.202
that would not justify such an increase.
01:44:38.202 --> 01:44:42.310
Also FTE is not lacking.
01:44:42.310 --> 01:44:43.534
They have recently,
01:44:43.534 --> 01:44:46.540
they actually have an
abundance of energy.
01:44:46.540 --> 01:44:50.972
They recently put out
a request for offers,
01:44:50.972 --> 01:44:55.187
on renewable energy credit, for example.
01:44:55.187 --> 01:44:59.447
so there's definitely an abundance here.
01:44:59.447 --> 01:45:01.830
SCE has a remarkable as owned into them.
01:45:01.830 --> 01:45:05.362
They're still asking for it
to increase what basically
01:45:05.362 --> 01:45:09.380
amounts to a pay increase,
which none of us get.
01:45:09.380 --> 01:45:10.390
And, you know,
01:45:10.390 --> 01:45:14.893
even the elderly who would
be even the most effected,
01:45:17.910 --> 01:45:20.830
when they get their
cost of living adjustments,
01:45:20.830 --> 01:45:24.640
those are basically taken
up by their Medicare costs
01:45:24.640 --> 01:45:25.950
and increasing their Medicare.
01:45:25.950 --> 01:45:28.900
So they basically have
no cost of living adjustment
01:45:28.900 --> 01:45:30.800
and neither do the rest of us.
01:45:30.800 --> 01:45:34.000
And right now is not
the time for pay rates.
01:45:34.000 --> 01:45:38.180
Unfortunately we all depend on FTE,
01:45:38.180 --> 01:45:40.345
and there's no, no real competition.
01:45:40.345 --> 01:45:43.782
Otherwise I would
definitely cut those FTE wires
01:45:43.782 --> 01:45:46.760
and rely on solar energy.
01:45:46.760 --> 01:45:48.160
That's all I have thank you.
01:45:50.040 --> 01:45:54.387
Thank you Ms. Gonzalez
operator putting call it speaker
01:45:55.433 --> 01:45:58.973
Comments come
from Blanca Castro line is open.
01:46:01.660 --> 01:46:03.580
Hi, thank you so much.
01:46:03.580 --> 01:46:08.580
On behalf of ARP,
California, Judge Siebert,
01:46:08.970 --> 01:46:11.810
Judge park and Commissioner Shiroma
01:46:11.810 --> 01:46:16.650
I'm speaking on behalf of over
700,000 members that are also
01:46:16.650 --> 01:46:19.570
customers for Southern
California Edison.
01:46:19.570 --> 01:46:22.500
And I'm not gonna repeat all
the comments that you've heard
01:46:22.500 --> 01:46:23.878
today. Thus far.
01:46:23.878 --> 01:46:28.760
I just want to urge the Commission
01:46:28.760 --> 01:46:32.570
and the Administrative Law Judges
01:46:32.570 --> 01:46:35.040
that in this current environment
01:46:35.910 --> 01:46:40.580
that there they stop this proceeding.
01:46:40.580 --> 01:46:44.607
This particular proposal
was drafted before COVID-19,
01:46:44.607 --> 01:46:49.077
and a lot has changed a
lot it's changed for many.
01:46:49.077 --> 01:46:51.991
And as you've been
hearing over and over again,
01:46:51.991 --> 01:46:55.380
this is not the time
to be increasing rates
01:46:55.380 --> 01:46:58.130
for the consumers.
01:46:58.130 --> 01:47:01.330
We also just want to urge you
01:47:01.330 --> 01:47:05.284
to not only ask them to go
back to the drawing board,
01:47:05.284 --> 01:47:10.284
but this is also a
three year forecasting.
01:47:10.427 --> 01:47:13.183
And in California, we need to,
01:47:14.199 --> 01:47:17.024
the Commission really needs to consider,
01:47:17.024 --> 01:47:18.420
instead of doing these
three year rate cases,
01:47:18.420 --> 01:47:22.515
let's do this on an annual
basis where there can be actual
01:47:22.515 --> 01:47:27.010
numbers and real estimates on
where this money can be spent,
01:47:27.010 --> 01:47:28.353
but more importantly,
01:47:28.353 --> 01:47:32.460
estimating based on the
market and all of the conditions
01:47:32.460 --> 01:47:33.750
that are going on.
01:47:33.750 --> 01:47:37.296
So thank you on behalf of
VRP members and for this very
01:47:37.296 --> 01:47:39.183
democratic process.
01:47:42.310 --> 01:47:43.240
Excuse me, Judge.
01:47:43.240 --> 01:47:44.933
This is the court reporter Doris.
01:47:46.800 --> 01:47:48.560
Could you please remind
people to spell their names?
01:47:48.560 --> 01:47:51.500
And can I get the last
spelling of the sign of the last?
01:47:51.500 --> 01:47:53.112
My apologies yes.
01:47:53.112 --> 01:47:55.890
Blanca B-L-A-N-C-A,
01:47:55.890 --> 01:47:59.280
last name is Castro, C-A-S-T-R-O,
01:47:59.280 --> 01:48:02.193
and I'm representing ARP, California.
01:48:03.965 --> 01:48:04.920
Thank you.
01:48:04.920 --> 01:48:06.930
Thank you, Ms. Castro,
01:48:06.930 --> 01:48:09.890
operator, I'd like to confirm
that we have gone through
01:48:09.890 --> 01:48:11.540
all of the speakers in the queue.
01:48:15.100 --> 01:48:16.350
Thank you at this time.
01:48:17.280 --> 01:48:18.113
01:48:22.338 --> 01:48:24.470
Have we gone through all
the speakers in the queue?
01:48:24.470 --> 01:48:27.267
Yeah, no question
thank you at this time.
01:48:27.267 --> 01:48:28.177
Thank you.
01:48:28.177 --> 01:48:32.060
And that concludes all the
speakers who signed up to speak.
01:48:32.060 --> 01:48:34.750
If any of you would like to
provide additional input or
01:48:34.750 --> 01:48:36.061
comments after this hearing,
01:48:36.061 --> 01:48:39.900
you may submit written
comments on the docket card for this
01:48:39.900 --> 01:48:40.800
01:48:40.800 --> 01:48:42.970
which can be found on
the Commission's website
01:48:42.970 --> 01:48:47.925
at www dot cpuc dot ca dot
01:48:47.925 --> 01:48:52.925
gov back splash back black slash S C E
01:48:54.300 --> 01:48:57.893
2021 G R C. Public comment.
01:48:58.910 --> 01:49:01.600
If you need assistance with
providing additional comments,
01:49:01.600 --> 01:49:04.400
please contact the
Commission's public advisor office
01:49:06.968 --> 01:49:10.730
Would you like to take them?
01:49:10.730 --> 01:49:12.030
Yes, please.
01:49:12.030 --> 01:49:14.160
Let's take the additional
questions in the queue operator.
01:49:14.160 --> 01:49:15.610
Please call the next speaker.
01:49:17.250 --> 01:49:19.873
Jack Miranda
your line is open
01:49:21.460 --> 01:49:23.930
Thank you, pastor Jack Miranda,
01:49:23.930 --> 01:49:27.150
M I R A N D A representing,
01:49:27.150 --> 01:49:30.580
the Hispanic faith community
01:49:30.580 --> 01:49:35.580
in Southern California and
some levels nationally, just
01:49:39.070 --> 01:49:42.090
dominantly you've heard over and over.
01:49:42.090 --> 01:49:46.050
And the exact that any
rate increase would have.
01:49:46.050 --> 01:49:48.470
And you heard from
the national diversity
01:49:51.651 --> 01:49:53.963
I am a board member of that,
01:49:55.170 --> 01:49:58.850
and I understand
01:50:03.470 --> 01:50:07.877
there's a pretty
comprehensive relief package.
01:50:07.877 --> 01:50:12.877
You heard our rate
year of your customer,
01:50:12.930 --> 01:50:15.530
say that even with that,
01:50:15.530 --> 01:50:17.950
it's still prohibitive
with the rate increase.
01:50:17.950 --> 01:50:22.350
But what I'd like to say is the
marketing and the outreach
01:50:22.350 --> 01:50:26.990
for those programs is deficient
that there's not enough that
01:50:26.990 --> 01:50:30.530
you've got the program in place,
01:50:30.530 --> 01:50:34.730
but there's not a good
distribution of that information to
01:50:34.730 --> 01:50:37.243
the Spanish speaking community.
01:50:37.243 --> 01:50:42.243
We have to do a lot of the
chasing for that information.
01:50:42.280 --> 01:50:46.747
And it's prohibitive that
everybody has an acumen.
01:50:57.270 --> 01:50:59.773
this is the court reporter
a Judge Can I go off?
01:51:01.160 --> 01:51:02.253
Yes off the record,
01:51:03.690 --> 01:51:06.630
I'm having a lot of
difficulty hearing this speaker.
01:51:06.630 --> 01:51:10.633
I'm not sure if they are
speaking on a speaker phone,
01:51:10.633 --> 01:51:14.220
but I'm having a lot of
the words being cut off
01:51:14.220 --> 01:51:15.423
and I can't hear them.
01:51:16.790 --> 01:51:18.123
Thank you.
01:51:18.123 --> 01:51:19.930
Mr. Miranda, if you're on speakerphone,
01:51:19.930 --> 01:51:22.560
please pick up so that-
(cross talking)
01:51:22.560 --> 01:51:23.610
I don't know if anybody else
01:51:23.610 --> 01:51:27.330
was able to hear what
I was at to say, but.
01:51:27.330 --> 01:51:28.940
Okay, hold on just a second.
01:51:28.940 --> 01:51:32.000
Let me wait until I
go back on the record.
01:51:32.000 --> 01:51:33.450
Go back on record.
01:51:34.420 --> 01:51:35.253
01:51:37.270 --> 01:51:38.270
I hope this is better.
01:51:38.270 --> 01:51:41.550
Jack Miranda with the
National Diversity Coalition
01:51:41.550 --> 01:51:46.270
and a representative for
the Latino Faith Community
01:51:46.270 --> 01:51:47.823
here in Southern California.
01:51:48.770 --> 01:51:53.770
Again, the programs for
relief for LMI are adequate
01:51:56.130 --> 01:51:59.190
when they can get to the consumer,
01:51:59.190 --> 01:52:00.410
and that is a problem.
01:52:00.410 --> 01:52:02.710
Marketing and outreach
continues to be a problem
01:52:02.710 --> 01:52:04.840
for those that I represent.
01:52:04.840 --> 01:52:06.573
I guess my question would be,
01:52:06.573 --> 01:52:11.080
when is the last time
Southern California Edison's
01:52:12.390 --> 01:52:14.830
application increase application
01:52:14.830 --> 01:52:19.830
was denied by CPUC and those in charge.
01:52:20.470 --> 01:52:23.660
And then finally, where do I get record
01:52:23.660 --> 01:52:26.910
of the corporate social responsibility,
01:52:26.910 --> 01:52:30.760
and I guess what I
want to see investment
01:52:30.760 --> 01:52:33.380
back into community of ISCE,
01:52:33.380 --> 01:52:35.420
where would that
information be available?
01:52:35.420 --> 01:52:36.633
Thank you very much.
01:52:40.890 --> 01:52:42.580
I apologize, Mr. Miranda.
01:52:42.580 --> 01:52:46.220
Some of what you said
towards the end cut off on my line
01:52:46.220 --> 01:52:48.923
so I wasn't able to
hear your last question.
01:52:51.780 --> 01:52:53.830
My question,
if I can repeat it.
01:52:54.730 --> 01:52:58.857
Two questions, the one
would be when was the last time
01:52:58.857 --> 01:53:01.870
the rate increased by
Southern California Edison
01:53:01.870 --> 01:53:06.053
was denied by CPUC and those,
01:53:07.300 --> 01:53:09.830
also those other
voices in charge of that?
01:53:09.830 --> 01:53:12.830
Second question, where
would I find information
01:53:12.830 --> 01:53:17.430
for FCE's corporate social
responsibility and investment
01:53:17.430 --> 01:53:19.530
back into community?
01:53:19.530 --> 01:53:23.190
If that information is available.
01:53:23.190 --> 01:53:25.823
And I can hear offline.
01:53:31.260 --> 01:53:32.240
Thank you, Mr. Miranda.
01:53:32.240 --> 01:53:33.710
In response to your first question,
01:53:33.710 --> 01:53:36.890
I'll just note that the
Commission process
01:53:36.890 --> 01:53:40.240
to hear all of the party
opinions and proceedings
01:53:40.240 --> 01:53:43.090
and the final outcome is generally a mix
01:53:43.090 --> 01:53:46.100
of the requests from
Southern California Edison,
01:53:46.100 --> 01:53:50.200
as well as in considering other
party testimony and comments
01:53:50.200 --> 01:53:52.880
that are provided in the proceeding.
01:53:52.880 --> 01:53:55.470
In terms of your second question,
01:53:55.470 --> 01:53:58.800
I'll have to let someone from
Southern California Edison
01:53:58.800 --> 01:54:01.123
follow up with you on that one.
01:54:02.190 --> 01:54:05.360
If you have a contact provided
where they could do that,
01:54:05.360 --> 01:54:06.460
that would be helpful.
01:54:07.760 --> 01:54:10.263
Yes, would you
like me to give that now?
01:54:11.500 --> 01:54:12.930
Yes, sir.
01:54:12.930 --> 01:54:13.860
01:54:13.860 --> 01:54:17.823
Email jack@mirandacenter.com.
01:54:19.900 --> 01:54:20.733
01:54:20.733 --> 01:54:21.566
Thank you.
01:54:21.566 --> 01:54:24.112
Operator, can we move
to the next speaker?
01:54:24.112 --> 01:54:25.930
Our next comment
comes from Doug Morton.
01:54:25.930 --> 01:54:26.883
Your line is open.
01:54:28.330 --> 01:54:29.893
Hi, can you hear me?
01:54:30.900 --> 01:54:32.220
01:54:32.220 --> 01:54:33.280
Yes, thank you.
01:54:33.280 --> 01:54:34.800
Oh, hi.
01:54:34.800 --> 01:54:35.890
Thanks for taking the time.
01:54:35.890 --> 01:54:39.240
I'll make it quick because
I don't want to drag this on.
01:54:39.240 --> 01:54:41.900
I just want to say that I am
01:54:41.900 --> 01:54:44.370
a retiring individual in Palm Springs
01:54:44.370 --> 01:54:46.370
and I appreciate everybody's comments
01:54:46.370 --> 01:54:48.600
and I appreciate what
the judges are doing.
01:54:48.600 --> 01:54:52.110
And I also appreciate
what, getting my electricity.
01:54:52.110 --> 01:54:56.400
What I also want to say is
that, as a retired individual,
01:54:56.400 --> 01:54:59.380
I actually retired from the
state of Colorado 10 years ago,
01:54:59.380 --> 01:55:02.610
and we were assured a
3% increase every year.
01:55:02.610 --> 01:55:05.440
Compounding that makes
quite a fantastic sum.
01:55:05.440 --> 01:55:06.750
It did not happen.
01:55:06.750 --> 01:55:08.590
In fact, like many retirement programs,
01:55:08.590 --> 01:55:09.880
it was reduced to two.
01:55:09.880 --> 01:55:12.840
We received 0% for a couple of years.
01:55:12.840 --> 01:55:15.670
This year, I understand we get 1.25%
01:55:15.670 --> 01:55:17.860
and I don't know what
we'll get in the future.
01:55:17.860 --> 01:55:19.170
I'm sure, as with everything,
01:55:19.170 --> 01:55:21.073
it's in jeopardy at this point.
01:55:22.160 --> 01:55:24.250
So I guess
01:55:25.480 --> 01:55:29.030
that's complicated even
further by the elimination,
01:55:29.030 --> 01:55:30.700
the windfall elimination provision,
01:55:30.700 --> 01:55:32.360
which says you must work three times
01:55:32.360 --> 01:55:34.960
as long as anybody else if
you want to get Social Security
01:55:34.960 --> 01:55:37.400
and then you get 40% up to 90%
01:55:37.400 --> 01:55:41.110
for each additional year after 34 years.
01:55:41.110 --> 01:55:43.650
Therefore, taking 40
years of private time
01:55:43.650 --> 01:55:45.570
in addition to get any,
01:55:45.570 --> 01:55:48.170
to get 90% of your Social Security.
01:55:48.170 --> 01:55:50.650
Therefore, I guess my question would be
01:55:50.650 --> 01:55:53.390
in the event they really
are going to put an increase,
01:55:53.390 --> 01:55:55.480
it would put such a huge dent
01:55:55.480 --> 01:55:59.430
on almost fixed incomes
by many, many retirees,
01:55:59.430 --> 01:56:00.820
then my question would be,
01:56:00.820 --> 01:56:05.130
is it time to look at a program
for just not only income,
01:56:05.130 --> 01:56:09.660
but for retirees who are
on fixed amounts of money
01:56:09.660 --> 01:56:11.620
and maybe they're not getting increases
01:56:11.620 --> 01:56:14.450
so that every time you
give this big of an increase,
01:56:14.450 --> 01:56:16.480
this large of an increase to anybody,
01:56:16.480 --> 01:56:19.350
then it really does cut
so many other things out.
01:56:19.350 --> 01:56:20.350
Thank you so much.
01:56:20.350 --> 01:56:22.150
Oh, by the way, my name,
01:56:22.150 --> 01:56:24.620
I hope the court report doesn't hate me.
01:56:24.620 --> 01:56:26.360
My name is Doug, D-O-U-G,
01:56:26.360 --> 01:56:27.510
Just like one of the judges,
01:56:27.510 --> 01:56:30.863
Morton, M-O-R-T-O-N.
01:56:32.580 --> 01:56:34.910
Palm Springs, California.
01:56:34.910 --> 01:56:37.170
Thank you so much for your time.
01:56:37.170 --> 01:56:39.225
Thank you, Mr. Morton.
01:56:39.225 --> 01:56:42.205
Operator, will you please
call on the next speaker.
01:56:42.205 --> 01:56:44.020
Our next comment
comes from Jeff Peters.
01:56:44.020 --> 01:56:45.053
Your line is open.
01:56:46.565 --> 01:56:48.870
Hi, good afternoon
everyone and thank you.
01:56:48.870 --> 01:56:49.703
I'm Jeff Peters.
01:56:49.703 --> 01:56:52.400
I'm consumer in
Cathedral City, California,
01:56:52.400 --> 01:56:54.740
and I, like everyone else am-
01:56:54.740 --> 01:56:56.030
Excuse me, Judge.
01:56:56.030 --> 01:56:57.640
This is the court reporter.
01:56:57.640 --> 01:56:59.850
I need to, one, have that person
01:56:59.850 --> 01:57:01.247
spell their name, the speaker.
01:57:01.247 --> 01:57:04.690
And I also need him to
talk directly into the line
01:57:04.690 --> 01:57:05.523
if he is not
01:57:05.523 --> 01:57:07.310
because I'm having trouble hearing you.
01:57:08.320 --> 01:57:09.153
Okay, I'll start over.
01:57:09.153 --> 01:57:10.120
Can you hear me now?
01:57:11.088 --> 01:57:12.226
01:57:12.226 --> 01:57:13.059
01:57:13.059 --> 01:57:15.520
My name is Jeff Peters, J-E-F-F,
01:57:15.520 --> 01:57:20.290
Peters, P-E-T-E-R-S from
Cathedral City, California.
01:57:20.290 --> 01:57:23.150
And I am a consumer of
Southern California Edison
01:57:23.150 --> 01:57:25.170
and like everyone else on this call,
01:57:25.170 --> 01:57:28.910
I'm shocked as well
as completely disagree
01:57:28.910 --> 01:57:33.240
with the rate request
that SCE is asking for.
01:57:33.240 --> 01:57:35.930
I would like to point
out a couple of things.
01:57:35.930 --> 01:57:40.530
As mentioned earlier in
2019, according to SCE,
01:57:40.530 --> 01:57:45.070
they posted an earnings
per share of $4.70.
01:57:45.070 --> 01:57:49.433
This is an increase from 2018 of $4.15.
01:57:51.660 --> 01:57:54.540
Another shocking fact is at
the end of the year, again,
01:57:54.540 --> 01:57:59.540
per their own report,
their stock was up 32.8%.
01:58:00.926 --> 01:58:04.960
01:58:04.960 --> 01:58:07.970
Their CEO of Edison International,
01:58:07.970 --> 01:58:10.170
and this is public record,
01:58:10.170 --> 01:58:15.170
makes $10 million in 2019.
01:58:15.670 --> 01:58:20.670
Up $1.5 million from the year prior.
01:58:20.950 --> 01:58:25.950
The Southern California
Edison CEO, $2.8 million in 2019.
01:58:28.310 --> 01:58:32.713
That's an increase of over
$1 million from a year prior.
01:58:33.960 --> 01:58:36.260
My point is,
01:58:36.260 --> 01:58:41.260
is this 18% increase going
to be passed right onto staff,
01:58:42.150 --> 01:58:44.978
the C suite, and the shareholders
01:58:44.978 --> 01:58:47.513
of Southern California Edison?
01:58:48.610 --> 01:58:52.053
My other point is
the cost of electricity.
01:58:53.219 --> 01:58:58.219
SCE is charging 18, just
over 18 cents per kilowatt hour.
01:58:58.360 --> 01:59:02.620
How is it possible that
that is, if not the highest,
01:59:02.620 --> 01:59:05.380
one of the highest in California?
01:59:05.380 --> 01:59:10.190
How is it possible that in
Cathedral City it's 18 cents
01:59:10.190 --> 01:59:13.220
and yet a couple of miles away in Indio,
01:59:13.220 --> 01:59:18.220
under IID Utilities, it's under
12 cents per kilowatt hour?
01:59:22.020 --> 01:59:27.020
Again, this is irresponsible
and completely unethical
01:59:27.490 --> 01:59:29.740
for SCE to ask for this increase.
01:59:29.740 --> 01:59:30.573
Thank you.
01:59:31.650 --> 01:59:33.750
Thank you, Mr. Peters.
01:59:33.750 --> 01:59:35.850
Operator, please call
on the next speaker.
01:59:37.778 --> 01:59:40.020
The next comment
comes from Gloria Petricko.
01:59:40.020 --> 01:59:41.387
Your line is open.
01:59:42.760 --> 01:59:43.593
Thank you.
01:59:43.593 --> 01:59:47.260
And this is Gloria, G-L-O-R-I-A,
01:59:47.260 --> 01:59:51.370
Petricko, P-E-T-R-I-C-K-O,
01:59:51.370 --> 01:59:53.740
in Whittier, California.
01:59:53.740 --> 01:59:55.910
And I am an SCE customer.
01:59:55.910 --> 01:59:58.800
I am a retiree in my 70's,
01:59:58.800 --> 02:00:02.010
and I think it's, going into the future,
02:00:02.010 --> 02:00:07.010
it is time that SCE
either changes its way
02:00:07.430 --> 02:00:11.123
of doing business or is removed.
02:00:12.120 --> 02:00:14.640
We all know that there
are other sources of power.
02:00:14.640 --> 02:00:15.803
One is solar.
02:00:16.930 --> 02:00:19.640
As each of these programs come about,
02:00:19.640 --> 02:00:24.640
SCE requests applications for increases
02:00:24.770 --> 02:00:26.660
to cover their losses
02:00:26.660 --> 02:00:28.433
when there is solar energy.
02:00:29.280 --> 02:00:34.280
Cover their losses for money
they lost in a pilot program,
02:00:34.890 --> 02:00:38.520
the new heater, the
smart part, excuse me,
02:00:38.520 --> 02:00:41.640
smart heat pump water heater program.
02:00:41.640 --> 02:00:45.113
Again, they want to
cover their losses for that.
02:00:46.720 --> 02:00:49.650
I see all of these
applications for increase
02:00:49.650 --> 02:00:52.420
because they're losing money,
losing money, losing money,
02:00:52.420 --> 02:00:55.240
and to cover things.
02:00:55.240 --> 02:00:57.950
It makes no sense.
02:00:57.950 --> 02:01:01.900
Going into 2030, there
has to be a change.
02:01:01.900 --> 02:01:06.900
And I do not see SCE in 2030.
02:01:07.350 --> 02:01:10.890
Not the way it is working at this time.
02:01:10.890 --> 02:01:15.150
So I would ask the
public utilities company
02:01:15.150 --> 02:01:17.950
to take a good look at SCE
02:01:17.950 --> 02:01:21.800
and the way that the other
energies are doing business.
02:01:21.800 --> 02:01:25.660
And we need to look
at alternative sources
02:01:25.660 --> 02:01:27.300
and we do have solar.
02:01:27.300 --> 02:01:28.133
02:01:28.133 --> 02:01:28.966
02:01:28.966 --> 02:01:33.480
why do we have SCE
charging so much even on solar?
02:01:34.890 --> 02:01:36.660
I don't get it.
02:01:36.660 --> 02:01:39.050
I have paid exorbitant prices
02:01:39.050 --> 02:01:44.050
to get a special solar energy
efficient roof on my house,
02:01:45.240 --> 02:01:47.090
paint on my house,
02:01:47.090 --> 02:01:48.900
insulation in the roof,
02:01:48.900 --> 02:01:50.950
insulation under the house,
02:01:50.950 --> 02:01:55.100
insulation in the walls, ceiling fans,
02:01:55.100 --> 02:01:58.200
no central air, no central heating.
02:01:58.200 --> 02:02:00.800
And yet these increases go up.
02:02:00.800 --> 02:02:03.990
I try to make my house energy efficient,
02:02:03.990 --> 02:02:06.577
and it's taken away from me
02:02:06.577 --> 02:02:08.950
and the money that I have to pay out
02:02:08.950 --> 02:02:11.140
in all of these increases.
02:02:11.140 --> 02:02:12.630
It has to stop.
02:02:12.630 --> 02:02:16.460
And again, I do not see the way that SCE
02:02:16.460 --> 02:02:21.460
is currently doing business in 2030.
02:02:21.620 --> 02:02:22.453
Thank you.
02:02:24.230 --> 02:02:26.040
Thank you, Ms. Petricko.
02:02:26.040 --> 02:02:28.710
Operator, please call
him the next speaker.
02:02:28.710 --> 02:02:31.230
The next comment
comes from Alison Miller.
02:02:31.230 --> 02:02:32.253
Your line is open.
02:02:35.210 --> 02:02:36.043
Hi, can you hear me?
02:02:36.043 --> 02:02:37.693
My name is Alison Miller.
02:02:38.920 --> 02:02:41.360
Spelled A-L-L-I-S-O-N,
02:02:41.360 --> 02:02:43.470
Miller, M-I-L-L-E-R.
02:02:43.470 --> 02:02:45.620
I'm in Long Beach, California.
02:02:45.620 --> 02:02:50.620
and I'm a working RN in
the midst of this pandemic,
02:02:52.477 --> 02:02:56.000
and I cannot believe that it would even
02:02:56.000 --> 02:02:59.593
be considered to raise rates.
02:03:02.754 --> 02:03:06.410
A colleague on the line earlier
mentioned the social unrest.
02:03:06.410 --> 02:03:09.543
I believe that will
possibly have more of that.
02:03:10.560 --> 02:03:13.700
I think we really need to assure
02:03:13.700 --> 02:03:15.707
that we don't do this at this time,
02:03:15.707 --> 02:03:19.550
and that there's a logical
reason as to raise the rate.
02:03:19.550 --> 02:03:22.830
To hear the gentleman
speak about the amounts
02:03:22.830 --> 02:03:25.160
of money made and
the profits being made,
02:03:25.160 --> 02:03:29.300
there's really not a reason
to be raising the rates
02:03:29.300 --> 02:03:31.230
in the manner that they are.
02:03:31.230 --> 02:03:35.441
And I just please beg
you to not make this move.
02:03:35.441 --> 02:03:36.274
Thank you.
02:03:38.290 --> 02:03:39.480
Thank you, Ms. Miller.
02:03:39.480 --> 02:03:41.310
Operator, please call
in the next speaker
02:03:41.310 --> 02:03:43.520
and a reminder again for everyone
02:03:43.520 --> 02:03:45.570
to please spell your
first and last name.
02:03:48.260 --> 02:03:49.740
If you would
like to ask a question,
02:03:49.740 --> 02:03:50.760
please press star one,
02:03:50.760 --> 02:03:53.630
along with spelling
your first and last name.
02:03:53.630 --> 02:03:56.013
Next comment comes from Adrian Martinez.
02:03:57.652 --> 02:03:58.485
Your line is open.
02:03:59.400 --> 02:04:01.310
Hi, thank you very much.
02:04:01.310 --> 02:04:03.920
My name is Adrian Martinez.
02:04:03.920 --> 02:04:05.630
It's spelled A as in apple,
02:04:05.630 --> 02:04:07.230
D as in December,
02:04:07.230 --> 02:04:08.910
R as in rain,
02:04:08.910 --> 02:04:10.710
I as in indigenous,
02:04:10.710 --> 02:04:11.560
A as in apple,
02:04:11.560 --> 02:04:13.073
N as in Nancy.
02:04:13.940 --> 02:04:16.580
Martinez, M as in ma'am,
02:04:16.580 --> 02:04:17.640
A as in apple,
02:04:17.640 --> 02:04:19.090
R as in rain,
02:04:19.090 --> 02:04:20.850
T as in tree,
02:04:20.850 --> 02:04:23.690
I as in indigenous,
02:04:23.690 --> 02:04:26.543
N as in November,
02:04:27.390 --> 02:04:30.010
E as in eucalyptus,
02:04:30.010 --> 02:04:31.914
and Z as in zoo.
02:04:31.914 --> 02:04:34.670
Yeah, so I'm a resident
of Long Beach, California,
02:04:34.670 --> 02:04:38.120
and I'm calling it a long
time customer consumer
02:04:38.120 --> 02:04:39.673
of Southern California Edison.
02:04:40.820 --> 02:04:43.770
I can not afford a 40% hike rate
02:04:43.770 --> 02:04:46.830
because my income
is not going up by 40%.
02:04:46.830 --> 02:04:47.820
In addition to that,
02:04:47.820 --> 02:04:50.920
and I am a transgender
person that lives with a disability
02:04:50.920 --> 02:04:53.160
and I rely on these critical utilities
02:04:53.160 --> 02:04:57.910
to stay healthy and safe in
the middle of a pandemic.
02:04:57.910 --> 02:05:01.210
I cannot afford to go to the hospital.
02:05:01.210 --> 02:05:02.850
I am also a transgender person,
02:05:02.850 --> 02:05:04.520
which means that I am at high risk
02:05:04.520 --> 02:05:07.130
of being discriminated
against in the hospital.
02:05:07.130 --> 02:05:09.970
So it is really critical that
I stay home and stay safe
02:05:09.970 --> 02:05:13.910
and that I have access
to these kinds of utilities.
02:05:13.910 --> 02:05:18.110
So I just want to say
that I, in addition to that,
02:05:18.110 --> 02:05:21.340
I'm also kind of a
breadwinner for my family,
02:05:21.340 --> 02:05:22.470
and there's five people
02:05:22.470 --> 02:05:25.700
that are dependent
upon me and my income.
02:05:25.700 --> 02:05:29.130
So I'm really nervous about
this leading to more shutoffs
02:05:29.130 --> 02:05:32.339
and the risks that it will
have to public health,
02:05:32.339 --> 02:05:34.220
and I really, really hope
02:05:34.220 --> 02:05:35.540
that in the middle of this pandemic,
02:05:35.540 --> 02:05:38.520
I've been hearing a lot
of comments from folks
02:05:38.520 --> 02:05:40.890
that these corporations will not profit
02:05:40.890 --> 02:05:42.820
in the middle of the
pandemic, shame on them.
02:05:42.820 --> 02:05:45.220
I think it's really
important that we consider
02:05:45.220 --> 02:05:47.030
the California working people,
02:05:47.030 --> 02:05:48.530
the undocumented folks,
02:05:48.530 --> 02:05:50.460
the families over big profit.
02:05:50.460 --> 02:05:52.890
That's the only way that
we are going to survive
02:05:52.890 --> 02:05:55.640
this pandemic in 2020 and beyond.
02:05:55.640 --> 02:05:58.480
So thank you so much for
your time, for this process,
02:05:58.480 --> 02:06:01.720
and for the advocates at
the Utility Reform Network
02:06:01.720 --> 02:06:03.750
for their leadership in this.
02:06:03.750 --> 02:06:04.940
I yield my time.
02:06:04.940 --> 02:06:05.773
Thank you.
02:06:06.690 --> 02:06:08.260
Thank you, Ms. Martinez.
02:06:08.260 --> 02:06:10.360
Operator, please call
in the next speaker.
02:06:11.429 --> 02:06:13.613
Our next comment
comes from Joshua Holland.
02:06:13.613 --> 02:06:15.113
Your line is open.
02:06:23.370 --> 02:06:25.787
Mr. Holland, are you there?
02:06:27.580 --> 02:06:29.477
Our next comment
comes from Kristin Balnet.
02:06:29.477 --> 02:06:30.923
Your line is open.
02:06:32.660 --> 02:06:34.530
Hello, this
is Kristin Balnet.
02:06:34.530 --> 02:06:35.363
Can you hear me?
02:06:36.620 --> 02:06:37.830
02:06:37.830 --> 02:06:38.860
Okay, great.
02:06:38.860 --> 02:06:40.470
I'm in Springville, California.
02:06:40.470 --> 02:06:43.780
And one, thank you for doing
this, it's just phenomenally-
02:06:43.780 --> 02:06:46.230
And Ms. Balnet,
will you please spell
02:06:46.230 --> 02:06:49.040
your first and last name
for our court reporters?
02:06:49.040 --> 02:06:52.600
K-R-I-S-T-I-N, Kristin,
02:06:52.600 --> 02:06:56.253
Balnet, B-A-L-N-E-T.
02:06:57.330 --> 02:06:59.990
My comment today is I would like to have
02:06:59.990 --> 02:07:03.460
a little bit more
transparency with some of the
02:07:05.160 --> 02:07:08.500
supposed upgrades that
are happening right now.
02:07:08.500 --> 02:07:10.440
They're trying to replace a few poles
02:07:10.440 --> 02:07:13.610
and it's taken me several
hours to actually get someone
02:07:13.610 --> 02:07:16.740
on the phone to tell me what and why
02:07:16.740 --> 02:07:19.820
they are doing on my property.
02:07:19.820 --> 02:07:22.130
And I feel like it's really
frustrating that they,
02:07:22.130 --> 02:07:27.010
that this company has more
power through their easements
02:07:27.010 --> 02:07:31.040
than I do as a tax-paying,
home-owning citizen.
02:07:31.040 --> 02:07:34.280
And a lot of times they've
been come up onto my property
02:07:34.280 --> 02:07:36.870
like they own the place
and it feels like there
02:07:36.870 --> 02:07:39.503
are very few ways to
hold them accountable.
02:07:39.503 --> 02:07:40.860
So that's my first part,
02:07:40.860 --> 02:07:43.800
is I would like to see a
little bit more transparency
02:07:43.800 --> 02:07:47.507
in these plans being
actually accessible to myself
02:07:47.507 --> 02:07:50.070
and to my 70-year-old neighbors
02:07:50.070 --> 02:07:52.860
who maybe aren't as tech-savvy as I am.
02:07:52.860 --> 02:07:55.610
And then the second thing
I would like to comment on
02:07:55.610 --> 02:07:59.710
is I feel like some
racial disparity issues
02:07:59.710 --> 02:08:01.230
should be addressed
02:08:01.230 --> 02:08:03.500
with the workers of
Southern California Edison.
02:08:03.500 --> 02:08:04.897
I've been here for 10 years
02:08:04.897 --> 02:08:08.260
and I have never once
seen an African American
02:08:08.260 --> 02:08:11.040
and maybe one time
seen a person of color
02:08:11.040 --> 02:08:15.380
actually being employed,
coming to service my meter,
02:08:15.380 --> 02:08:16.740
and to come and do the work.
02:08:16.740 --> 02:08:19.780
There are large crews
of usually white men
02:08:19.780 --> 02:08:21.453
and I feel like at this time,
02:08:22.328 --> 02:08:24.770
that that should also be
addressed moving forward,
02:08:24.770 --> 02:08:26.840
a woman said earlier about
02:08:26.840 --> 02:08:29.860
the Southern California
Edison in the 2030s,
02:08:29.860 --> 02:08:33.540
I would like to see a
much more racially diverse
02:08:33.540 --> 02:08:35.070
group of people come and work
02:08:35.070 --> 02:08:37.920
and make sure that this
money is being, you know,
02:08:37.920 --> 02:08:39.990
the people who can work
for Southern California Edison
02:08:39.990 --> 02:08:41.563
are not just white men.
02:08:42.778 --> 02:08:45.310
So that is what I would
like to contribute today.
02:08:45.310 --> 02:08:46.143
And thank you.
02:08:47.489 --> 02:08:49.090
Thank you, Ms. Balnet.
02:08:49.090 --> 02:08:52.307
Operator, please call in the
next speaker in the queue.
02:08:52.307 --> 02:08:54.850
Our next comment
comes from Hasan Mirza.
02:08:54.850 --> 02:08:55.963
Your line is open.
02:08:57.470 --> 02:09:00.810
Hi, my first name
is Hasan, H-A-S-A-N.
02:09:00.810 --> 02:09:03.447
Last name is Mirza, M-I-R-Z-A,
02:09:03.447 --> 02:09:04.853
and I am a consumer.
02:09:05.690 --> 02:09:07.860
This was my personal opinion.
02:09:07.860 --> 02:09:11.310
If you want to look at a company,
02:09:11.310 --> 02:09:16.310
you should go online and
look at the job boards on there
02:09:16.330 --> 02:09:19.640
and look at the comments and reviews
02:09:19.640 --> 02:09:22.890
that come from the
employee themselves, right?
02:09:22.890 --> 02:09:25.390
I am not an employee of this company,
02:09:25.390 --> 02:09:28.320
but I just looked them up on job boards
02:09:28.320 --> 02:09:31.700
like Glassdoor, job
boards like indeed.com.
02:09:31.700 --> 02:09:35.520
And then if you actually
read the comments
02:09:35.520 --> 02:09:37.004
that come from the employee,
02:09:37.004 --> 02:09:39.510
one can tell that this business
02:09:39.510 --> 02:09:41.870
is not run as it should be.
02:09:41.870 --> 02:09:45.340
One frequent word that
I see in the comments
02:09:45.340 --> 02:09:48.954
is nepotism and favoritism.
02:09:48.954 --> 02:09:52.330
One can think just by looking
02:09:52.330 --> 02:09:56.596
at what the internal employees
of that company are seeing,
02:09:56.596 --> 02:10:00.160
that there's something
fundamentally wrong
02:10:00.160 --> 02:10:00.993
with this company.
02:10:00.993 --> 02:10:03.900
People should look inside the company.
02:10:03.900 --> 02:10:06.420
They should be
looked into to figure out,
02:10:06.420 --> 02:10:10.880
why is it that this company
is run the way it is run today?
02:10:10.880 --> 02:10:13.560
Is it efficient?
02:10:13.560 --> 02:10:16.670
The answer would probably be yes.
02:10:16.670 --> 02:10:18.130
So that is my thought.
02:10:18.130 --> 02:10:22.420
I think that if we were to approve it,
02:10:22.420 --> 02:10:24.250
it should come with contingencies.
02:10:24.250 --> 02:10:28.420
They should be audited,
a hundred percent,
02:10:28.420 --> 02:10:30.800
to ensure that this company runs
02:10:30.800 --> 02:10:32.920
in the best interest of its employees
02:10:32.920 --> 02:10:35.500
and in the best interests
of their consumers.
02:10:35.500 --> 02:10:36.333
Thank you.
02:10:37.380 --> 02:10:39.260
Thank you, Mr. Mirza.
02:10:39.260 --> 02:10:42.624
Operator, please call on
the next speaker in the queue.
02:10:42.624 --> 02:10:44.010
There are
currently no other questions.
02:10:44.010 --> 02:10:45.243
Thank you at this time.
02:10:46.762 --> 02:10:47.595
Thank you.
02:10:47.595 --> 02:10:49.780
I will remind folks again
that if you would like
02:10:49.780 --> 02:10:52.720
to submit written
comments in this proceeding,
02:10:52.720 --> 02:10:54.960
you may do so at the
Commission's website
02:10:54.960 --> 02:10:56.198
02:10:56.210 --> 02:10:59.960
02:11:06.760 --> 02:11:08.040
We will also be doing another
02:11:08.040 --> 02:11:11.453
remote public participation
hearing at 6:00 p.m. tonight.
02:11:12.310 --> 02:11:15.010
With that, that
concludes this afternoon's
02:11:15.010 --> 02:11:16.900
public participation hearing.
02:11:16.900 --> 02:11:19.693
I want to thank everyone
for your input and comments.
02:11:20.630 --> 02:11:21.463
Thank you.
02:11:21.463 --> 02:11:22.810
We will now be off the record.