00:00:01.921 --> 00:00:06.520
The evidentiary hearing in Investigation 1909016,
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Administrative Law Judge Peter Allen.
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And I do believe that this will be the last day
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of evidentiary hearings. Am I correct?
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Yes, Your Honor.
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Yes, thank you Mr. Weisman (laughs)
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everyone now, yes Your Honor.
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So the order of witnesses we have for today
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is Dalzell, Beach, Gorman,
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and then Long and Orf Finkelstein.
00:00:40.521 --> 00:00:45.521
I know parties were looking at some of their cross estimates
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are there any revisions on the cross estimates?
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Mr. Bloom?
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Yes, Your Honor.
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We think Gorman, Long, and Beach,
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we're going to try to keep it to about 20 minutes.
00:01:01.090 --> 00:01:03.960
Okay, Gorman, Long,
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and Beach 20 minutes for TCC, okay.
00:01:08.660 --> 00:01:10.020
I'll make it a little bit,
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but that should accommodate and knocks it down quite a bit.
00:01:12.988 --> 00:01:16.270
And according to what other obviously people are asking,
00:01:16.270 --> 00:01:18.890
we may be even to tighten I down.
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I don't see that you had cross for Gorman.
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It should have been in your--
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I had you listed as,
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what I have listed is 60 for Long,
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and 60 for Finkelstein.
00:01:32.720 --> 00:01:35.876
I thought we had 60 for Gorman also, Your Honor.
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That's what I show too, Your Honor.
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Is which?
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According to my record,
00:01:41.195 --> 00:01:45.620
TCC reserves 90 minutes for Gorman.
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Okay, so you'd have 20 minutes for Gorman?
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Yeah, I think we should be able to keep it down
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to about 20. It might be a little bit longer.
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And then do you still have 60 for Finkelstein?
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I said none for Finkelstein.
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None for Finkelstein, okay.
00:02:01.590 --> 00:02:04.250
Any other modifications?
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And I let them know last night.
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Last night, sir.
00:02:09.030 --> 00:02:10.150
Off the record.
00:02:15.930 --> 00:02:20.520
God bless you, Your Honor.
00:02:20.520 --> 00:02:24.830
On the record. Any other house keeping to do
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before we call the first witness?
00:02:29.220 --> 00:02:30.770
Seeing none, Ms. Cass?
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Good morning, Your Honor.
00:02:35.660 --> 00:02:37.860
Q would like to call Tom Dalzell.
00:02:37.860 --> 00:02:39.430
Thank you, off the record.
00:03:08.720 --> 00:03:09.553
On the record.
00:03:12.258 --> 00:03:13.720
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,
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and nothing but the truth?
00:03:15.200 --> 00:03:16.033
I do.
00:03:16.033 --> 00:03:17.700
Thank you, please be seated.
00:03:17.700 --> 00:03:20.230
State your full name, and spell your last name.
00:03:20.230 --> 00:03:22.240
Tom Dalzell, D-A-L-Z-E-L-L.
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Ms. Cass.
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Good morning, Dr. Dalzell.
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Do you have in front of you what has been marked
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as exhibit Q1, which is the testimony of Tom Dalzell
00:03:38.360 --> 00:03:42.290
on behalf of the Coalition of California Utility Employees?
00:03:44.508 --> 00:03:45.420
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And was that testimony prepared by you,
00:03:47.910 --> 00:03:49.690
or under your direction?
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And is it true and correct to the best of your knowledge?
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And are you sponsoring that testimony?
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Thank you.
00:04:00.910 --> 00:04:03.340
Mr. Dazell is available for cross examination.
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Thank you.
00:04:09.530 --> 00:04:14.360
I believe the cross on Mr. Dazell is by Mr. Geesman.
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Thank you, Your Honor.
00:04:16.260 --> 00:04:17.290
Morning, Mr. Dazell.
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My name is John Geesman,
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I represent the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility.
00:04:22.407 --> 00:04:26.110
Our interest in this proceeding is focused on the impact
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of PG&E's plan of reorganization on ratepayers.
00:04:31.530 --> 00:04:33.140
Besides your extensive background
00:04:33.140 --> 00:04:37.640
as the business manager of IBW Local 1245,
00:04:37.640 --> 00:04:38.870
you also serve as the chair
00:04:38.870 --> 00:04:41.310
of the California Citizens Compensation Commission,
00:04:41.310 --> 00:04:42.872
do you not?
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Yes, I'm appointed by the Governor to that position.
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Could you describe what the Commission does?
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It sets the wages for members of the Legislature
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and the constitutional officers.
00:05:01.090 --> 00:05:03.475
How many members are on the Commission?
00:05:03.475 --> 00:05:07.900
(laughs) When it's completely staffed,
00:05:07.900 --> 00:05:09.360
there are five of us.
00:05:09.360 --> 00:05:11.656
And how long have you been on the Commission?
00:05:11.656 --> 00:05:13.540
Seven or eight years.
00:05:13.540 --> 00:05:15.180
When does your term end?
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I don't know.
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Your testimony at page four, lines one through eight,
00:05:21.494 --> 00:05:24.854
describes a concern about, and I'm quoting,
00:05:24.854 --> 00:05:27.947
"Instability within the bargaining unit,"
00:05:27.947 --> 00:05:32.947
related to the high level of compensation for PG&E lineman
00:05:33.350 --> 00:05:35.000
in the Bay Area. Do you see that?
00:05:38.796 --> 00:05:43.030
So the lines were what?
00:05:43.030 --> 00:05:44.750
One through eight on page four.
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I see lines one through eight.
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Okay. How many of your members
00:05:58.780 --> 00:06:02.160
would you categorize as PG&E lineman in the Bay Area?
00:06:04.170 --> 00:06:08.493
Well, I can't tell you exactly, perhaps 300.
00:06:11.370 --> 00:06:14.230
The definition of the Bay Area
00:06:14.230 --> 00:06:16.790
sort of shifts for different purposes.
00:06:16.790 --> 00:06:21.360
For the purposes of the lineman compensation
00:06:21.360 --> 00:06:23.600
that we negotiated, it does not include Concord,
00:06:23.600 --> 00:06:26.950
for other purposes that it would.
00:06:28.750 --> 00:06:31.360
So how many lineman then would be included
00:06:31.360 --> 00:06:32.360
in the Concord area?
00:06:33.590 --> 00:06:35.960
In the Concord area? 20, 30.
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And how does that overall number compare
00:06:40.080 --> 00:06:43.300
to the number of members you have at Diabolo Canyon?
00:06:43.300 --> 00:06:45.540
Diabolo Canyon is around 500,
00:06:45.540 --> 00:06:46.990
so you can do the arithmetic.
00:06:48.319 --> 00:06:52.400
Do you recall in 2018 when several of the signatories
00:06:52.400 --> 00:06:55.940
to the Diabolo Canyon Retirement Joint Proposal,
00:06:55.940 --> 00:06:59.430
including the IBW and A4NR, my client,
00:06:59.430 --> 00:07:03.318
successfully co-sponsored Senator Monning's SB 1090,
00:07:03.318 --> 00:07:06.766
which significantly augmented the employee retention package
00:07:06.766 --> 00:07:08.980
approved by this Commission for your members
00:07:08.980 --> 00:07:10.220
at Diabolo Canyon?
00:07:10.220 --> 00:07:12.298
Objection Your Honor,
00:07:12.298 --> 00:07:13.131
outside the scope of the testimony.
00:07:14.090 --> 00:07:15.840
Foundational, over ruled.
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I'm answering?
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Do you recall that?
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I would not describe it that way,
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but I know what you're talking about.
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What would your characterization be?
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I would say that the legislation reinstated
00:07:32.710 --> 00:07:35.960
the collectively bargained agreement for retention
00:07:35.960 --> 00:07:37.440
at Diabolo Canyon.
00:07:37.440 --> 00:07:40.460
I stand by your clarification sir, thank you.
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In terms of tensions over compensation
00:07:44.590 --> 00:07:46.340
within the bargain unit,
00:07:46.340 --> 00:07:49.110
are the situations with the Bay Area Lineman
00:07:49.110 --> 00:07:51.160
and the Diabolo Canyon Workforce similar?
00:07:53.540 --> 00:07:58.540
The overriding concern in both situations was retention.
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So in that regard, yes.
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Would it be correct to assume that your strategy
00:08:04.230 --> 00:08:07.020
in dealing with the PG&E bankruptcy
00:08:07.020 --> 00:08:10.040
has been to prioritize the common interests
00:08:10.040 --> 00:08:11.910
of the entire 12,000 members?
00:08:15.160 --> 00:08:15.993
I think so.
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Please take a look at the cross examination
00:08:20.808 --> 00:08:22.100
exhibit A4NRX8.
00:08:22.990 --> 00:08:25.090
Your Honor, I'd ask that that be marked.
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So, an exhibit Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility
00:08:36.759 --> 00:08:40.061
cross examination exhibit 2019 joint proxy statement
00:08:40.061 --> 00:08:44.050
is identified as A4NRX8.
00:08:44.050 --> 00:08:45.610
Thank you very much, Your Honor.
00:08:47.282 --> 00:08:48.284
Mr. Dazell, that's--
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00:08:49.117 --> 00:08:51.840
That's an excerpt from PN&Es joint proxy statement
00:08:51.840 --> 00:08:53.270
from last year.
00:08:53.270 --> 00:08:55.510
And on the last page of the exhibit,
00:08:55.510 --> 00:08:58.030
you'll see a section identified as
00:08:58.030 --> 00:09:01.331
principle executive officers pay ratio 2018.
00:09:01.331 --> 00:09:03.870
Do you see that?
00:09:04.769 --> 00:09:05.602
I do.
00:09:07.134 --> 00:09:08.800
I'm going to read the second sentence
00:09:08.800 --> 00:09:09.930
of that section to you,
00:09:09.930 --> 00:09:11.850
and ask if I've read it correctly.
00:09:11.850 --> 00:09:13.590
And the sentence reads,
00:09:13.590 --> 00:09:17.873
the total compensation of a median employee was $177,765.
00:09:20.980 --> 00:09:22.900
Did I get that accurate?
00:09:22.900 --> 00:09:24.440
You read it.
00:09:24.440 --> 00:09:27.990
I have no idea how that number was determined, but...
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But I did read it correctly?
00:09:30.180 --> 00:09:31.390
You did.
00:09:31.390 --> 00:09:32.540
Thank you.
00:09:32.540 --> 00:09:34.250
I know it's hard to generalize
00:09:34.250 --> 00:09:37.080
about your 12,000 PG&E members,
00:09:37.080 --> 00:09:39.790
but what proportion of those 12,000 members
00:09:39.790 --> 00:09:43.030
do you think earns above the PG&E median,
00:09:43.030 --> 00:09:47.342
and what proportion falls below the median.
00:09:47.342 --> 00:09:50.870
The trouble with your question
00:09:50.870 --> 00:09:55.220
is that this refers to total compensation,
00:09:55.220 --> 00:09:57.842
and that's a pretty tricky concept.
00:09:57.842 --> 00:10:01.220
In general rate case proceedings,
00:10:01.220 --> 00:10:02.870
we've gone back and forth with
00:10:02.870 --> 00:10:06.300
the Division of Ratepayer Advocates,
00:10:06.300 --> 00:10:07.620
Office of Ratepayer Advocates,
00:10:07.620 --> 00:10:09.330
about what is total compensation,
00:10:09.330 --> 00:10:10.880
what's included and what's not.
00:10:12.980 --> 00:10:15.250
So, I really can't answer the question
00:10:15.250 --> 00:10:19.080
without knowing how they calculated
00:10:20.353 --> 00:10:24.120
the total compensation of 188,000.
00:10:25.340 --> 00:10:27.900
Well you must calculate it in some fashion
00:10:27.900 --> 00:10:31.060
in your collective bargaining strategy, do you not?
00:10:31.060 --> 00:10:34.753
We generally go, with wages we certainly do,
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with benefits we're aware of the cost,
00:10:44.090 --> 00:10:47.740
but we are negotiating the value
00:10:47.740 --> 00:10:52.460
of the benefit to the employee, rather than the cost.
00:10:52.460 --> 00:10:54.230
If that makes sense.
00:10:56.330 --> 00:10:57.800
It's sort of like a defined benefit
00:10:57.800 --> 00:11:01.070
versus a defined contribution pension plan.
00:11:01.070 --> 00:11:04.850
We have some sense of what the cost is,
00:11:04.850 --> 00:11:07.560
although especially with a pension,
00:11:07.560 --> 00:11:09.680
I mean that moves around quite a bit.
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Without trying to be too specific,
00:11:14.060 --> 00:11:15.950
just in terms of order of magnitude,
00:11:15.950 --> 00:11:17.250
would it be correct to assume
00:11:17.250 --> 00:11:19.110
that the majority of your members
00:11:19.110 --> 00:11:22.020
are most likely above the median level
00:11:22.020 --> 00:11:23.580
for the PG&E workforce?
00:11:24.730 --> 00:11:26.940
No. That might be true,
00:11:26.940 --> 00:11:30.000
but I'm not comfortable saying it's probably true.
00:11:30.000 --> 00:11:33.150
I mean a customer service representative
00:11:33.150 --> 00:11:37.810
makes around $80,000 a year in straight time wages.
00:11:39.340 --> 00:11:41.310
And so for them to get over that
00:11:41.310 --> 00:11:43.650
would have to be $100,000 in other benefits,
00:11:43.650 --> 00:11:45.480
and I don't think that that's true.
00:11:46.694 --> 00:11:49.550
I mean I could maybe try to figure this out,
00:11:49.550 --> 00:11:51.600
but off the top of my head,
00:11:51.600 --> 00:11:55.870
certainly there are employees whose wages,
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or their wage earnings including over time alone
00:12:03.683 --> 00:12:05.531
are above that.
00:12:05.531 --> 00:12:08.510
But there's significant numbers that are below that.
00:12:09.470 --> 00:12:11.010
Thank you.
00:12:11.010 --> 00:12:12.510
Why did you find it necessary
00:12:12.510 --> 00:12:15.590
to include in the IBW agreement
00:12:15.590 --> 00:12:18.410
attached to PG&Es plan of reorganization
00:12:18.410 --> 00:12:21.060
a commitment to operate Diabolo Canyon
00:12:21.060 --> 00:12:25.467
until its licenses expire?
00:12:25.467 --> 00:12:27.220
Your Honor, objection.
00:12:27.220 --> 00:12:29.470
Outside the scope of testimony.
00:12:29.470 --> 00:12:30.440
00:12:31.760 --> 00:12:36.760
We were concerned about any possible split off
00:12:37.182 --> 00:12:40.450
or break up of the company.
00:12:40.450 --> 00:12:43.514
Whether it be a line of business such as gas,
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a line of business such as hydro,
00:12:49.680 --> 00:12:54.180
an asset such as Diabolo Canyon, or municipalization.
00:12:56.030 --> 00:12:57.940
So in that general category
00:12:57.940 --> 00:13:00.760
of wanting to keep the company whole,
00:13:00.760 --> 00:13:03.330
we included it in our agreement.
00:13:04.840 --> 00:13:08.180
But Diabolo Canyon is the only plant specified,
00:13:08.180 --> 00:13:10.623
is it not, in your agreement?
00:13:10.623 --> 00:13:12.230
00:13:12.230 --> 00:13:13.130
And why is that?
00:13:15.370 --> 00:13:16.590
It's about the only one we have.
00:13:16.590 --> 00:13:20.927
We have a couple little combined cycles that don't have 10%
00:13:24.020 --> 00:13:26.740
of the number of employees as Diabolo Canyon.
00:13:28.474 --> 00:13:33.474
And there's very little chance of them being sold off,
00:13:34.120 --> 00:13:36.500
Humboldt or the other two.
00:13:37.620 --> 00:13:39.940
And would you say the same about the hydro system?
00:13:41.080 --> 00:13:43.580
There are segments of the hydro system
00:13:44.432 --> 00:13:47.910
that we recognize are no longer economically feasible,
00:13:47.910 --> 00:13:51.790
especially as relicensing happens, Potter Valley being one,
00:13:51.790 --> 00:13:55.860
an example that I heard a lot about yesterday
00:13:55.860 --> 00:13:59.260
in Washington DC from Congressman Huff.
00:14:00.450 --> 00:14:04.650
But, to some extent with hydro.
00:14:05.580 --> 00:14:07.080
But I think that, yeah.
00:14:10.310 --> 00:14:12.140
So in the hydro setting you recognize
00:14:12.140 --> 00:14:15.220
the possibility that economics may cause the company
00:14:15.220 --> 00:14:17.310
to jut the plant?
00:14:17.310 --> 00:14:19.210
Well, it's licensing concerns, yeah.
00:14:20.380 --> 00:14:22.320
How do you envision the commitment
00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:27.320
that you've successfully negotiated in the IBW agreement,
00:14:28.170 --> 00:14:29.570
attached to PG&Es plan,
00:14:29.570 --> 00:14:32.730
how do you envision that commitment being enforced?
00:14:35.110 --> 00:14:38.633
Are you talking about the wages and the medical,
00:14:42.410 --> 00:14:45.350
and the layoff, that entire language?
00:14:45.350 --> 00:14:47.160
No, I'm sorry, let me be clear.
00:14:47.160 --> 00:14:49.580
The commitment to operate Diabolo Canyon
00:14:49.580 --> 00:14:51.330
until the end of its licenses.
00:14:52.830 --> 00:14:55.400
Well, I think that commitment is there
00:14:55.400 --> 00:15:00.400
in the agreement that you are part of.
00:15:02.810 --> 00:15:06.980
I think that upon emergence from bankruptcy,
00:15:06.980 --> 00:15:09.150
assuming that the plan is confirmed,
00:15:10.260 --> 00:15:12.500
all of our agreements would be reduced
00:15:12.500 --> 00:15:17.500
to a letter of agreement, or a memorandum of understanding
00:15:19.090 --> 00:15:20.910
in the context of collective bargaining,
00:15:20.910 --> 00:15:22.710
and that's how it would be enforced.
00:15:26.180 --> 00:15:27.860
Would that commitment still apply
00:15:27.860 --> 00:15:31.030
if PG&E lost so much bundled load
00:15:31.030 --> 00:15:33.480
that its customers no longer had any use
00:15:33.480 --> 00:15:37.020
for most of the electricity generated at Diabolo Canyon?
00:15:37.020 --> 00:15:38.955
Your Honor, objection.
00:15:38.955 --> 00:15:40.050
This is far outside the scope.
00:15:41.328 --> 00:15:42.995
00:15:44.280 --> 00:15:46.190
Under the commitment made by PG&E
00:15:46.190 --> 00:15:49.212
in the IBW agreement, would there be any cap
00:15:49.212 --> 00:15:54.212
on the amount to be spent subsidizing any above market costs
00:15:55.350 --> 00:15:56.300
at Diabolo Canyon?
00:15:57.570 --> 00:15:58.948
00:15:58.948 --> 00:16:00.390
00:16:00.390 --> 00:16:02.238
Thank you, Your Honor.
00:16:02.238 --> 00:16:03.619
That's all my questioning.
00:16:03.619 --> 00:16:04.452
Thank you very much, Mr. Dazell.
00:16:04.452 --> 00:16:07.400
I'm a little disappointed, because I thought
00:16:07.400 --> 00:16:09.540
you were going to get into executive compensation,
00:16:09.540 --> 00:16:11.460
and I was ready with my claw marks,
00:16:11.460 --> 00:16:16.460
and my Gilford Plantation covenant, and the New Testament.
00:16:19.550 --> 00:16:22.070
If we had more hearing time.
00:16:22.070 --> 00:16:23.080
00:16:23.080 --> 00:16:23.913
I was ready.
00:16:25.110 --> 00:16:27.719
Thank you. Is there any redirect?
00:16:27.719 --> 00:16:30.100
No, Your Honor.
00:16:30.100 --> 00:16:31.640
Okay, thank you.
00:16:31.640 --> 00:16:33.590
Thank you, Mr. Dazell. You are excused.
00:16:38.430 --> 00:16:42.600
Did you want to move, you had one exhibit for Q, correct?
00:16:42.600 --> 00:16:44.060
Yes, thank you Your Honor.
00:16:44.060 --> 00:16:47.870
Q would like to move what has been marked as exhibit one
00:16:47.870 --> 00:16:50.980
into the record, sorry exhibit Q1 into the record.
00:16:50.980 --> 00:16:51.870
Is there any objection
00:16:51.870 --> 00:16:53.700
to the receive of exhibit Q1?
00:16:54.557 --> 00:16:58.950
Seeing none, Q1 is received.
00:17:30.954 --> 00:17:33.204
00:17:41.649 --> 00:17:42.920
Can we just have that offline?
00:17:44.410 --> 00:17:46.870
Your Honor, may I move the Q in our exhibit?
00:17:50.200 --> 00:17:52.453
One through eight. Bust across.
00:18:03.590 --> 00:18:05.140
Excuse me, I couldn't hear you.
00:18:07.396 --> 00:18:10.891
Okay, I don't think I've identified
00:18:10.891 --> 00:18:15.891
five, six, and seven on the record yet.
00:18:50.155 --> 00:18:51.993
We're off the record right Your Honor?
00:18:51.993 --> 00:18:53.306
00:18:53.306 --> 00:18:54.711
Can we just be true and clear
00:18:54.711 --> 00:18:55.989
on what exhibit we're talking about?
00:18:55.989 --> 00:18:56.990
00:18:56.990 --> 00:19:00.073
(background chatter)
00:20:09.556 --> 00:20:13.920
Okay, let's go on the record with some A4NR exhibits.
00:20:16.474 --> 00:20:21.474
So, A4NR1, which has been identified for the record,
00:20:23.080 --> 00:20:25.370
is the prepared testimony of David Lochbaum.
00:20:29.090 --> 00:20:34.090
A4NR2 is the reply testimony of John Geesman.
00:20:38.260 --> 00:20:39.697
I also have A4NR2C,
00:20:44.200 --> 00:20:49.200
which is a confidential replacement of page 18 of A4NR2.
00:20:49.970 --> 00:20:51.670
That has also already been marked.
00:21:10.860 --> 00:21:11.693
Off the record.
00:21:18.060 --> 00:21:19.953
There's 2E, F, A, I and X8.
00:21:29.660 --> 00:21:31.827
00:22:28.554 --> 00:22:29.670
Would you like another copy, Your Honor?
00:22:37.070 --> 00:22:37.903
On the record.
00:22:40.550 --> 00:22:45.550
A4NR2E is an eroded to A4NR,
00:22:47.710 --> 00:22:50.130
that had not been previously marked in the record,
00:22:50.130 --> 00:22:54.590
so I'm identifying the hearing exhibit
00:22:54.590 --> 00:22:58.930
eroded A4NR2 as A4NR2E.
00:23:11.540 --> 00:23:16.540
A4NRX3 is cross examination exhibit form 10K.
00:23:20.500 --> 00:23:22.650
That was already identified for the record.
00:23:28.198 --> 00:23:33.198
A4NRX4 is cross examination exhibit advice letter 5700E,
00:23:39.210 --> 00:23:43.627
and that was previously identified for the record.
00:23:56.819 --> 00:24:01.819
A4NRX5 had not been previously identified,
00:24:02.670 --> 00:24:07.150
so this is cross examination A4NR protest
00:24:07.150 --> 00:24:12.150
of advice letter 5700E.
00:24:12.650 --> 00:24:15.220
So that will be A4NRX5.
00:24:24.380 --> 00:24:27.460
Cross examination exhibit PG&E reply
00:24:27.460 --> 00:24:31.360
to A4NR protest of advice letter 5700E
00:24:33.520 --> 00:24:36.590
will be identified as A4NRX6.
00:24:42.420 --> 00:24:44.340
Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility
00:24:44.340 --> 00:24:49.340
a cross examination exhibit PG&E January 31st 2020,
00:24:49.650 --> 00:24:52.420
safety culture and governance quarterly report
00:24:54.000 --> 00:24:58.960
is being identified as A4NRX7.
00:25:02.410 --> 00:25:07.410
And the cross examination exhibit used today,
00:25:10.700 --> 00:25:15.700
2019 joint proxy statement, is identified as A4NRX8.
00:25:20.525 --> 00:25:21.600
Did I get that correct Mr. Geesman?
00:25:21.600 --> 00:25:23.240
Yes, Your Honor, you did.
00:25:23.240 --> 00:25:27.210
Thank you. And I take it you are moving the admission
00:25:27.210 --> 00:25:28.740
of these exhibits, is that correct?
00:25:28.740 --> 00:25:29.600
Yes, I am.
00:25:29.600 --> 00:25:32.670
Okay. Is there any objection
00:25:32.670 --> 00:25:35.270
to the receipt of the A4NR exhibits?
00:25:36.430 --> 00:25:41.430
Seeing none, exhibits A4NR1 through X8R admitted.
00:25:44.103 --> 00:25:45.530
Thank you, Your Honor.
00:25:45.530 --> 00:25:46.780
Thank you, Mr. Geesman.
00:25:53.070 --> 00:25:57.380
And Mr. Fox will you be presenting the next witness?
00:25:57.380 --> 00:26:00.020
Yes, I will. Excuse me, yes I will Your Honor.
00:26:00.020 --> 00:26:01.811
Call your witness please.
00:26:01.811 --> 00:26:04.813
The joint CCA parties call Mr. Tom Beach.
00:26:04.813 --> 00:26:05.730
Thank you.
00:26:08.361 --> 00:26:10.010
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,
00:26:10.010 --> 00:26:11.480
and nothing but the truth?
00:26:11.480 --> 00:26:12.313
I do.
00:26:12.313 --> 00:26:13.590
Thank you, please be seated.
00:26:13.590 --> 00:26:14.423
State your full name
00:26:14.423 --> 00:26:17.760
and spell your last name for the record.
00:26:17.760 --> 00:26:22.250
My name is first initial R. Thomas Beach, B-E-A-C-H.
00:26:25.750 --> 00:26:27.700
Mr. Beach, would you please state your employer
00:26:27.700 --> 00:26:29.790
and position for the record?
00:26:29.790 --> 00:26:32.760
I'm a Principal Consultant at Cross Border Energy.
00:26:32.760 --> 00:26:35.390
And Mr. Beach, will you please state
00:26:35.390 --> 00:26:37.870
on whose behalf you are testifying today?
00:26:37.870 --> 00:26:40.260
Yes, I am testifying on behalf of
00:26:41.220 --> 00:26:43.360
The Joint Community Choice Aggregator.
00:26:44.320 --> 00:26:47.670
For the purposes of this proceeding there are five of them
00:26:47.670 --> 00:26:49.630
listed on page two of my testimony.
00:26:50.820 --> 00:26:53.770
And Your Honor, I do want to clarify
00:26:53.770 --> 00:26:57.100
that one of those parties is the city of San Jose.
00:26:57.100 --> 00:27:00.440
The city of San Jose is represented by Ms. Elkins
00:27:00.440 --> 00:27:02.730
from the San Jose City Attorneys Office.
00:27:02.730 --> 00:27:05.710
And Ms. Elkins has asked me to handle the cross examination
00:27:05.710 --> 00:27:07.640
and redirect for Mr. Beach today.
00:27:07.640 --> 00:27:08.990
Thank you, Mr. Fox.
00:27:10.480 --> 00:27:13.780
Mr. Beach, do you have what has been marked as JCCA1?
00:27:18.179 --> 00:27:19.012
00:27:20.142 --> 00:27:21.330
Your prepared testimony?
00:27:21.330 --> 00:27:22.163
00:27:23.080 --> 00:27:25.460
Was it prepared by you or under your supervision?
00:27:25.460 --> 00:27:26.590
Yes, it was.
00:27:26.590 --> 00:27:28.450
And do you have any corrections that you'd like to make
00:27:28.450 --> 00:27:30.430
to that testimony, Mr. Beach?
00:27:30.430 --> 00:27:33.310
Yes, I have one correction,
00:27:33.310 --> 00:27:36.190
or actually maybe two corrections.
00:27:36.190 --> 00:27:41.190
On page 23 of the testimony lines 12 through 15,
00:27:46.040 --> 00:27:50.010
there is a section there that in my original testimony
00:27:50.010 --> 00:27:54.890
was confidential. But I believe PG&E has agreed
00:27:54.890 --> 00:27:57.781
that that information is no longer confidential.
00:27:57.781 --> 00:28:02.781
So the sentence there starting on line 12
00:28:03.360 --> 00:28:06.860
and ending on line 15, the words begin confidential
00:28:06.860 --> 00:28:09.970
and end confidential should be removed.
00:28:11.110 --> 00:28:15.159
And then on line 14 on page 23
00:28:15.159 --> 00:28:19.592
in the formerly confidential sentence,
00:28:19.592 --> 00:28:24.592
the figure 163 million should be revised.
00:28:25.855 --> 00:28:26.830
Hold on, off the record.
00:28:29.770 --> 00:28:32.190
I think Mr. Dazell was trying to reference
00:28:32.190 --> 00:28:33.090
the New Testament.
00:28:35.420 --> 00:28:37.450
Okay, on the record.
00:28:38.520 --> 00:28:43.520
Yes, on line 14 of page 23 the figure 163 million
00:28:46.560 --> 00:28:50.190
should be changed to 154 million
00:28:50.190 --> 00:28:53.480
based on some updated information from PG&E.
00:28:53.480 --> 00:28:55.680
I'm sorry, could you repeat that correction again?
00:28:55.680 --> 00:29:00.182
Yes. The correction is on line 14 of page 23,
00:29:00.182 --> 00:29:04.460
the testimony the figure 163 million
00:29:04.460 --> 00:29:08.590
that appears on that line should be changed to 154 million.
00:29:14.070 --> 00:29:16.680
Mr. Beach with those corrections,
00:29:16.680 --> 00:29:19.459
if I was to ask you the same questions today
00:29:19.459 --> 00:29:21.670
that appear in your testimony,
00:29:21.670 --> 00:29:22.890
would your answers be the same?
00:29:22.890 --> 00:29:24.210
Yes, they would.
00:29:24.210 --> 00:29:25.650
And is your testimony true and correct
00:29:25.650 --> 00:29:27.260
to the best of your knowledge and belief?
00:29:27.260 --> 00:29:28.750
00:29:28.750 --> 00:29:31.370
Your Honor, Mr. Beach is available for cross examination.
00:29:31.370 --> 00:29:33.580
[Judge} Thank you.
00:29:33.580 --> 00:29:34.670
Your Honor before you proceed,
00:29:34.670 --> 00:29:37.260
can I just get some clarification on the correction
00:29:37.260 --> 00:29:39.231
just made by Mr. Beach?
00:29:39.231 --> 00:29:42.140
The copy I have is blank. There's nothing there.
00:29:42.140 --> 00:29:46.300
There's no sentences between begin confidential
00:29:46.300 --> 00:29:47.300
and end confidential.
00:29:47.300 --> 00:29:50.570
So you've substituted a number in a sentence I take it?
00:29:50.570 --> 00:29:51.650
00:29:51.650 --> 00:29:53.020
Could you read the sentence for us?
00:29:53.020 --> 00:29:54.440
Maybe that would help.
00:29:54.440 --> 00:29:55.970
Sure. The sentence reads,
00:29:55.970 --> 00:29:59.580
"In addition PG&Es confidential financial projections
00:29:59.580 --> 00:30:04.580
for 2020 to 2024 appear to assume that ratepayers
00:30:04.720 --> 00:30:09.720
will bear 154 million in costs for the exit financing
00:30:09.720 --> 00:30:12.630
required for PG&E to emerge from chapter 11."
00:30:13.520 --> 00:30:16.244
And then there was a footnote that footnoted
00:30:16.244 --> 00:30:21.244
PG&Es financial package released on February 14th
00:30:23.400 --> 00:30:26.903
at tab 11 rows 21 to 24.
00:30:26.903 --> 00:30:29.280
Thank you.
00:30:30.116 --> 00:30:31.760
Mr. Fox, can you make sure that you distribute
00:30:31.760 --> 00:30:35.123
to the parties, or make sure the parties have who don't have
00:30:35.123 --> 00:30:38.600
the public version, or confirm that they got it?
00:30:38.600 --> 00:30:39.700
They do.
00:30:39.700 --> 00:30:41.890
The public version was served on the service list
00:30:41.890 --> 00:30:43.910
the morning of February 26th, Your Honor.
00:30:43.910 --> 00:30:48.510
I guess the currently public version,
00:30:48.510 --> 00:30:50.450
which includes that sentence.
00:30:50.450 --> 00:30:52.660
That was served on the morning of the 26th
00:30:52.660 --> 00:30:53.800
on the service list.
00:30:53.800 --> 00:30:55.000
Okay, thank you.
00:31:03.094 --> 00:31:05.150
Off the record.
00:31:09.619 --> 00:31:11.426
Okay who's going first, you going first?
00:31:11.426 --> 00:31:16.426
Okay, as I have PG&E Q and TCC is that correct?
00:31:19.929 --> 00:31:24.929
Your Honor, I have my little possible moment as well.
00:31:25.050 --> 00:31:27.130
Oh maybe he should go first.
00:31:28.430 --> 00:31:29.930
Sure, why don't we let,
00:31:29.930 --> 00:31:31.620
we'll start with Mr. Craig.
00:31:32.798 --> 00:31:33.631
What were you going--
00:31:34.653 --> 00:31:37.150
We were just gonna offer, like yesterday for convenience
00:31:37.150 --> 00:31:39.360
we create a binder that has the materials
00:31:39.360 --> 00:31:41.610
that I plan to refer to in cross examination,
00:31:43.002 --> 00:31:45.360
both for Beach and for Gorman actually, same binder.
00:31:45.360 --> 00:31:48.830
So I was hoping we could just leave it with the witness
00:31:48.830 --> 00:31:51.460
and if Your Honor would like a copy, certainly.
00:31:51.460 --> 00:31:52.870
Leave it with the witness, that's fine.
00:31:53.766 --> 00:31:56.870
00:31:56.870 --> 00:31:57.870
It's the same thing.
00:31:59.500 --> 00:32:01.493
Right, but we didn't get it.
00:32:02.342 --> 00:32:04.509
00:32:11.094 --> 00:32:15.100
Okay so we'll start with Mr. Craig
00:32:15.100 --> 00:32:16.400
and then we'll go to PG&E.
00:32:18.559 --> 00:32:20.142
00:32:29.730 --> 00:32:31.450
On the record.
00:32:31.450 --> 00:32:34.220
First cross examination will be by Mr. Craig.
00:32:35.100 --> 00:32:36.320
Thank you, Your Honor.
00:32:36.320 --> 00:32:37.810
I'm Brian Craig representing
00:32:37.810 --> 00:32:40.390
The Independent Energy Producers Association.
00:32:41.380 --> 00:32:44.320
At this point I would ask for the identification
00:32:44.320 --> 00:32:48.340
of a three page exhibit entitled joint community choice
00:32:48.340 --> 00:32:52.380
aggregators February 28th 2020 responses.
00:32:53.686 --> 00:32:55.000
To the first set of data requests of
00:32:55.000 --> 00:32:58.930
The Independent Energy Producers Association.
00:32:58.930 --> 00:33:02.540
Thank you, Mr. Craig. That is marked as IEP1.
00:33:07.790 --> 00:33:10.520
I would also ask for the admission
00:33:10.520 --> 00:33:12.900
of exhibit IEP1 at this point.
00:33:15.160 --> 00:33:16.620
Why don't you do your cross first
00:33:16.620 --> 00:33:18.575
and then you can move again?
00:33:18.575 --> 00:33:19.933
Okay, Your Honor.
00:33:19.933 --> 00:33:21.190
Unless there is testimony that is inconsistent
00:33:21.190 --> 00:33:23.720
with the content of IEP1,
00:33:23.720 --> 00:33:26.150
I have no cross examination for Mr. Beach.
00:33:28.100 --> 00:33:30.560
Okay, run that by me one more time.
00:33:32.610 --> 00:33:37.349
As long as the testimony elicited in cross examination
00:33:37.349 --> 00:33:40.850
is consistent with the testimony, or the answers
00:33:40.850 --> 00:33:44.770
that Mr. Beach provided in exhibit IEP1,
00:33:44.770 --> 00:33:47.380
I have no additional cross examination.
00:33:47.380 --> 00:33:49.580
In other words, I expect to have no cross.
00:33:49.580 --> 00:33:53.152
Presumably, unless somehow inconsistent information
00:33:53.152 --> 00:33:55.020
comes up in cross examination.
00:33:56.310 --> 00:33:58.950
Maybe I should have had you go last.
00:33:58.950 --> 00:34:01.153
I'm happy to do that as well, Your Honor.
00:34:01.153 --> 00:34:02.840
00:34:02.840 --> 00:34:05.710
Well let me ask you this,
00:34:05.710 --> 00:34:08.605
Mr. Beach, have you had a chance to look at IEP1?
00:34:08.605 --> 00:34:10.370
Yes, I prepared it.
00:34:11.571 --> 00:34:13.620
Do you anticipate answering any questions
00:34:13.620 --> 00:34:17.230
differently than what is contained in IEP1?
00:34:17.230 --> 00:34:20.460
Not at this time. (laughs)
00:34:20.460 --> 00:34:22.540
Is there any objection to the receive
00:34:22.540 --> 00:34:24.340
of IEP1 into the record?
00:34:26.130 --> 00:34:28.640
Seeing none, IEP1 is admitted.
00:34:31.940 --> 00:34:32.980
Thank you, Mr. Craig.
00:34:32.980 --> 00:34:34.993
Thank you, Your Honor.
00:34:34.993 --> 00:34:37.893
I appreciate the very concise cross examination.
00:34:38.800 --> 00:34:39.633
Mr. Weisman?
00:34:39.633 --> 00:34:40.820
Thank you, Your Honor.
00:34:41.740 --> 00:34:43.560
Good morning, my name is Henry Weisman.
00:34:43.560 --> 00:34:46.966
I'm one of the lawyers representing PG&E in this proceeding.
00:34:46.966 --> 00:34:47.799
Good morning.
00:34:47.799 --> 00:34:51.930
Please turn to your testimony, page 18 lines 16 to 18.
00:34:58.360 --> 00:34:59.193
00:35:00.820 --> 00:35:03.200
So here you recommend that the Commission
00:35:03.200 --> 00:35:06.520
should condition approval on the adoption of a goal
00:35:07.870 --> 00:35:12.870
of a majority residing in the service territory, right?
00:35:13.530 --> 00:35:14.430
00:35:14.430 --> 00:35:16.540
By using the word goal, you're not suggesting
00:35:16.540 --> 00:35:18.590
that it would be a strict quota, correct?
00:35:22.190 --> 00:35:27.190
I didn't propose for example a specific number
00:35:27.593 --> 00:35:30.380
of board members that should reside.
00:35:30.380 --> 00:35:33.760
But that should be, and a goal also means
00:35:33.760 --> 00:35:37.040
that it could be accomplished over a period of time.
00:35:37.040 --> 00:35:40.050
[Mr. Weisman} Okay. So the process
00:35:40.050 --> 00:35:44.900
of assembling a board requires consideration
00:35:44.900 --> 00:35:47.444
of a number of different skills, correct?
00:35:47.444 --> 00:35:48.277
00:35:49.750 --> 00:35:51.490
And you need to make sure that the board
00:35:51.490 --> 00:35:54.448
has the right mix of those skills?
00:35:54.448 --> 00:35:55.281
00:35:56.910 --> 00:35:58.270
Have you reviewed
00:35:58.270 --> 00:35:59.750
Ms. Brownelle's testimony?
00:36:00.750 --> 00:36:02.280
Yes, I did read that.
00:36:02.280 --> 00:36:04.230
So if you'll take a look please
00:36:10.220 --> 00:36:11.820
at tab five in the binder.
00:36:11.820 --> 00:36:15.370
This is what's been previously marked for identification
00:36:15.370 --> 00:36:16.670
as PG&E one.
00:36:19.219 --> 00:36:22.040
And I'll ask you to turn to pages 4-11 and 4-12.
00:36:30.292 --> 00:36:32.430
00:36:32.430 --> 00:36:37.430
So here in the bullet points, starting on 4-11 line 14,
00:36:39.590 --> 00:36:44.262
Ms. Brownelle sets forth a number of attributes
00:36:44.262 --> 00:36:48.860
that PG&E intends to use in composing its board, correct?
00:36:50.663 --> 00:36:52.480
00:36:53.570 --> 00:36:56.380
Do you agree that these are important attributes
00:36:56.380 --> 00:36:57.550
for PG&E to consider?
00:36:58.740 --> 00:36:59.573
00:37:09.977 --> 00:37:14.977
Do you agree that a strict inflexible requirement of 50%
00:37:15.270 --> 00:37:18.110
residence in the service territory could conflict
00:37:18.110 --> 00:37:20.710
with the need to bAllence the range of skills needed?
00:37:24.730 --> 00:37:29.730
I think that given the service territory that PG&E serves,
00:37:31.800 --> 00:37:36.800
which is large, and diverse, and is if you will
00:37:42.440 --> 00:37:45.400
one of the business and intellectual capitals
00:37:45.400 --> 00:37:49.740
of the United States, with lots of talented people,
00:37:51.600 --> 00:37:56.600
I would hope that PG&E could find individuals who have
00:37:59.030 --> 00:38:02.620
relevant expertise who reside in its service territory.
00:38:02.620 --> 00:38:04.640
Well I certainly share your hope.
00:38:04.640 --> 00:38:06.952
But my question was is there a possibility
00:38:06.952 --> 00:38:10.560
that limiting it to that geography
00:38:10.560 --> 00:38:15.560
could conflict with the objective of obtaining a board
00:38:15.870 --> 00:38:17.360
with this mix of skills?
00:38:20.400 --> 00:38:22.710
You know, I would doubt that that would be
00:38:22.710 --> 00:38:25.000
a limiting factor.
00:38:25.000 --> 00:38:26.570
Okay, well first of all
00:38:26.570 --> 00:38:29.360
have you conducted a search for directors?
00:38:30.800 --> 00:38:33.570
Not for utility, no.
00:38:34.760 --> 00:38:37.120
Let me give you a hypothetical.
00:38:37.120 --> 00:38:40.740
Let's say that PG&E assembled a board,
00:38:40.740 --> 00:38:44.740
it selected board members,
00:38:44.740 --> 00:38:49.740
45% of which were residents of a service territory.
00:38:50.310 --> 00:38:52.060
And they had one final spot to fill
00:38:52.904 --> 00:38:54.810
to compose the full slate.
00:38:56.040 --> 00:38:57.620
And there are two candidates,
00:38:57.620 --> 00:39:02.620
one who has wildfire preparedness and mitigation expertise,
00:39:02.700 --> 00:39:04.780
who lives in the state of Washington.
00:39:04.780 --> 00:39:09.211
And one who has business and technology expertise
00:39:09.211 --> 00:39:11.400
and lives in Silicon Valley.
00:39:11.400 --> 00:39:12.350
What should happen?
00:39:13.990 --> 00:39:16.210
You know, it's kind of, your hypothetical
00:39:16.210 --> 00:39:18.320
I don't know what the skills
00:39:18.320 --> 00:39:20.050
of the remaining board members are.
00:39:20.050 --> 00:39:22.630
So if there are other people on the board
00:39:22.630 --> 00:39:24.860
with wildfire skills,
00:39:24.860 --> 00:39:28.460
then I would say for sure you should take the local resident
00:39:28.460 --> 00:39:31.160
whose got business and technology background.
00:39:31.160 --> 00:39:31.993
And if not?
00:39:34.290 --> 00:39:37.095
You know, I think that that would be,
00:39:37.095 --> 00:39:40.670
this is as I've put down here,
00:39:40.670 --> 00:39:42.930
45% residing in PG&E's territory
00:39:42.930 --> 00:39:46.490
would be a significant improvement over the situation today.
00:39:46.490 --> 00:39:51.490
So PG&E certainly would be making progress
00:39:51.730 --> 00:39:54.200
towards its goal in those circumstances.
00:39:54.200 --> 00:39:56.670
Let's turn to page 18 of your testimony please.
00:39:58.320 --> 00:39:59.220
Okay, I'm there.
00:40:04.977 --> 00:40:07.217
You site CalPERS here right?
00:40:07.217 --> 00:40:08.750
00:40:09.710 --> 00:40:11.990
And CalPERS says that board members should
00:40:11.990 --> 00:40:14.410
become and remain independently familiar with
00:40:14.410 --> 00:40:16.040
company operations, right?
00:40:16.910 --> 00:40:18.070
00:40:18.070 --> 00:40:20.410
And your assertion is that the most effective way
00:40:20.410 --> 00:40:23.880
to obtain independent information is to be a resident
00:40:23.880 --> 00:40:25.200
of the service territory?
00:40:25.200 --> 00:40:27.200
Well I think it's very helpful
00:40:27.200 --> 00:40:29.020
if you are a resident and a customer,
00:40:29.020 --> 00:40:34.020
and you have friends, and neighbors, and associates
00:40:34.080 --> 00:40:38.190
who also are customers of PG&E.
00:40:38.190 --> 00:40:41.000
It would give you a source of, readily available source
00:40:41.000 --> 00:40:43.840
of independent information about the company.
00:40:43.840 --> 00:40:46.440
Sure. About certain things about the company?
00:40:46.440 --> 00:40:47.273
00:40:48.205 --> 00:40:50.890
But there are other ways that board members
00:40:50.890 --> 00:40:53.980
can become independently familiar
00:40:53.980 --> 00:40:56.830
with a companies operations, correct?
00:40:56.830 --> 00:40:57.663
00:41:01.080 --> 00:41:02.175
Okay, I'm going to turn to another subject.
00:41:02.175 --> 00:41:04.360
Please turn to page 25 starting at line 24.
00:41:14.112 --> 00:41:14.945
00:41:14.945 --> 00:41:19.270
So here you say the Commission cannot make the necessary
00:41:21.240 --> 00:41:25.380
determination that the plan is neutral on average,
00:41:25.380 --> 00:41:29.680
unless it answers neutral compared to what, correct?
00:41:29.680 --> 00:41:30.690
00:41:30.690 --> 00:41:34.370
And then you state, "The comparison that must be made
00:41:34.370 --> 00:41:36.510
is to what ratepayers would have paid
00:41:37.560 --> 00:41:39.980
without the bankruptcy." Correct?
00:41:39.980 --> 00:41:40.813
00:41:43.540 --> 00:41:48.470
So in your opinion in future cost of capital proceedings,
00:41:48.470 --> 00:41:51.160
a Commission would have to compare PG&Es
00:41:51.160 --> 00:41:53.500
actual financing costs
00:41:53.500 --> 00:41:55.800
to that hypothetical baseline, correct?
00:41:55.800 --> 00:41:56.633
00:41:59.660 --> 00:42:03.080
So the Commission would have to look at the cost
00:42:03.080 --> 00:42:05.580
ratepayers would pay compared to the costs
00:42:05.580 --> 00:42:07.860
they would have paid in a hypothetical world
00:42:07.860 --> 00:42:09.960
in which there was no bankruptcy. Correct?
00:42:11.550 --> 00:42:13.200
00:42:13.200 --> 00:42:16.370
So how would the Commission determine the cost
00:42:16.370 --> 00:42:19.490
that PG&E ratepayers would pay in that hypothetical world?
00:42:21.530 --> 00:42:24.621
Well, now you can certainly look at
00:42:24.621 --> 00:42:27.510
what PG&E paid before the bankruptcy.
00:42:28.842 --> 00:42:32.436
You can look at what other California utilities
00:42:32.436 --> 00:42:35.170
cost of capital is.
00:42:35.170 --> 00:42:37.580
Utilities that face the same
00:42:37.580 --> 00:42:42.580
regulatory and statutory structures as PG&E.
00:42:46.180 --> 00:42:50.660
And operate in the same state with similar wildfire risks.
00:42:50.660 --> 00:42:53.380
You can look at what their cost of capital,
00:42:53.380 --> 00:42:55.930
the trajectory of that over time.
00:42:55.930 --> 00:43:00.930
And from that information, you can construct
00:43:02.685 --> 00:43:05.080
the counterfactual if you will baseline
00:43:05.080 --> 00:43:07.950
for what PG&Es cost of capital would have been
00:43:08.785 --> 00:43:10.136
absent the bankruptcy.
00:43:10.136 --> 00:43:15.136
Have you quantified the costs that PG&E ratepayers
00:43:16.100 --> 00:43:19.130
would have paid in a world without bankruptcy?
00:43:20.630 --> 00:43:22.100
Not for this testimony, no.
00:43:22.100 --> 00:43:23.450
I recommend that it be that
00:43:24.565 --> 00:43:26.110
in the cost of capital update proceeding
00:43:26.110 --> 00:43:29.520
that the Commission is planning to conduct.
00:43:29.520 --> 00:43:32.140
That would certainly be a much more appropriate proceeding
00:43:32.140 --> 00:43:36.440
to gather that kind of detailed information.
00:43:36.440 --> 00:43:38.190
Okay. So as you sit here today
00:43:38.190 --> 00:43:40.980
you don't have any opinion as to what the cost of capital
00:43:40.980 --> 00:43:44.480
would have been in the absence of the bankruptcy, correct?
00:43:44.480 --> 00:43:47.490
Not on a quantitative basis, no.
00:43:48.500 --> 00:43:52.000
Did you hear Ms. Meel's testimony yesterday?
00:43:52.000 --> 00:43:54.140
I did not, I've read her testimony.
00:43:54.140 --> 00:43:54.973
You read it?
00:43:54.973 --> 00:43:56.951
I read her written testimony.
00:43:56.951 --> 00:43:58.700
Okay, but you didn't hear her testify live yesterday?
00:43:58.700 --> 00:44:00.200
No I didn't.
00:44:00.200 --> 00:44:03.820
Okay. I'll represent to you that she testified
00:44:05.320 --> 00:44:09.170
that for the Commission to determine what PG&Es
00:44:09.170 --> 00:44:10.610
cost of capital would have been
00:44:10.610 --> 00:44:14.668
had it not declared bankruptcy would be highly speculative.
00:44:14.668 --> 00:44:15.590
Do you agree with that?
00:44:16.830 --> 00:44:18.130
I don't agree with that.
00:44:33.440 --> 00:44:36.380
PG&Es currently authorized cost of debt is lower
00:44:36.380 --> 00:44:39.130
than it would have been absent the bankruptcy, correct?
00:44:45.430 --> 00:44:47.690
No, I think that's one of the things
00:44:47.690 --> 00:44:50.090
that would need to be determined
00:44:50.090 --> 00:44:52.790
in the cost of capital update proceeding
00:44:52.790 --> 00:44:57.790
is what is the relationship between PG&Es
00:44:58.820 --> 00:44:59.890
current cost of debt,
00:44:59.890 --> 00:45:02.390
and what it would have been absent the bankruptcy.
00:45:04.970 --> 00:45:09.013
PG&Es current authorized cost of debt is 5.16, right?
00:45:12.940 --> 00:45:15.220
Their currently authorized cost of debt,
00:45:17.930 --> 00:45:20.520
it's I believe that that number,
00:45:20.520 --> 00:45:22.140
if that number is from the most recent
00:45:22.140 --> 00:45:23.580
cost of capital decision,
00:45:23.580 --> 00:45:27.070
then I don't remember the decimal points of that,
00:45:27.070 --> 00:45:28.770
but that sounds about right.
00:45:31.010 --> 00:45:35.060
Would PG&Es authorized cost of debt,
00:45:35.060 --> 00:45:38.740
sorry a net 5.16 is based on the cost
00:45:38.740 --> 00:45:43.290
of the debtor in possession financing right?
00:45:43.290 --> 00:45:45.190
I don't know how that was developed.
00:45:46.452 --> 00:45:48.216
I haven't looked at the record of that case.
00:45:48.216 --> 00:45:50.260
Is it your opinion that PG&Es authorized cost of debt
00:45:50.260 --> 00:45:53.950
would be lower than 5.16 had it not filed for bankruptcy
00:45:53.950 --> 00:45:55.220
in January 2019?
00:45:56.330 --> 00:45:57.950
It could have been.
00:45:59.470 --> 00:46:02.260
Well, if PG&E had not filed for bankruptcy,
00:46:02.260 --> 00:46:03.093
it could not have gotten
00:46:03.093 --> 00:46:04.830
debtor in possession financing, right?
00:46:04.830 --> 00:46:07.570
It wouldn't have needed debtor in possession financing
00:46:07.570 --> 00:46:08.838
by definition.
00:46:08.838 --> 00:46:11.800
It would have had to borrow those funds
00:46:11.800 --> 00:46:13.580
without debtor in possession financing, right?
00:46:13.580 --> 00:46:15.500
Right, it would have presumably undertaken
00:46:15.500 --> 00:46:18.204
ordinary utility financing,
00:46:18.204 --> 00:46:21.170
the way it does in the normal course of business.
00:46:21.170 --> 00:46:25.870
Right. And normal course financing for PG&E
00:46:27.890 --> 00:46:32.890
in January 2019 would have been higher than the cost
00:46:33.150 --> 00:46:35.450
of the debtor in possession financing, correct?
00:46:35.450 --> 00:46:36.450
I don't know that.
00:46:37.675 --> 00:46:39.760
Do you have an understanding
00:46:39.760 --> 00:46:42.490
of how debtor in possession financing works?
00:46:42.490 --> 00:46:45.130
Not in any depth, no.
00:46:46.029 --> 00:46:47.870
Do you understand that it's a first priority lien?
00:46:49.700 --> 00:46:51.140
Yes, I think that's true.
00:46:51.140 --> 00:46:53.950
So logically would not a first priority lien
00:46:53.950 --> 00:46:57.330
be cheaper than borrowing--
00:46:58.447 --> 00:47:00.710
Again, I'm not an expert in financing bankruptcy, so--
00:47:00.710 --> 00:47:02.500
Let's make sure that we have
00:47:02.500 --> 00:47:03.780
just one person speaking.
00:47:03.780 --> 00:47:06.380
So make sure the question's complete
00:47:06.380 --> 00:47:07.780
before you give your answer.
00:47:28.960 --> 00:47:31.200
I'll direct your attention to what's been marked
00:47:31.200 --> 00:47:35.970
for identification as PG&E X7,
00:47:35.970 --> 00:47:40.730
which is the joint CCA response to our data request.
00:47:40.730 --> 00:47:42.420
It's tab two in your binder.
00:47:50.990 --> 00:47:53.240
So first let's just establish a foundation,
00:47:53.240 --> 00:47:55.290
are you familiar with this document?
00:47:55.290 --> 00:47:56.843
00:47:56.843 --> 00:47:57.990
Were you involved in its preparation?
00:47:57.990 --> 00:47:58.823
00:47:59.677 --> 00:48:04.677
And do you agree with what's stated in PG&EX7?
00:48:07.390 --> 00:48:08.616
00:48:08.616 --> 00:48:09.643
Let me just,
00:48:09.643 --> 00:48:10.476
I'm not sure that's actually been identified
00:48:10.476 --> 00:48:12.043
on the record yet.
00:48:12.043 --> 00:48:13.239
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
00:48:13.239 --> 00:48:16.932
So this is PG&E hearing room exhibit JCCA
00:48:16.932 --> 00:48:20.350
response to PG&E data request number 001,
00:48:20.350 --> 00:48:23.073
and review of debt savings from PG&E plan.xlsx
00:48:25.600 --> 00:48:28.150
is identified as PG&EX7.
00:48:29.010 --> 00:48:30.510
Sorry about that, go ahead Mr. Weisman.
00:48:30.510 --> 00:48:31.700
Thank you, Your Honor.
00:48:31.700 --> 00:48:34.000
So looking at the response to question two,
00:48:34.000 --> 00:48:35.560
are you there?
00:48:35.560 --> 00:48:36.430
00:48:36.430 --> 00:48:40.846
And here you say PG&Es overall cost of debt upon emergence
00:48:40.846 --> 00:48:43.430
may be somewhat lower than PG&Es overall cost of debt
00:48:43.430 --> 00:48:45.760
before PG&E filed for bankruptcy,
00:48:46.850 --> 00:48:49.570
due in part to the interest rate savings
00:48:50.450 --> 00:48:53.260
that PG&E has negotiated as part of its plan.
00:48:54.521 --> 00:48:56.440
And in part to interest rate changes over time
00:48:56.440 --> 00:48:58.040
in the normal course of business
00:48:58.040 --> 00:49:00.310
that are not related to the plan or to the bankruptcy.
00:49:00.310 --> 00:49:01.440
Do you see that?
00:49:01.440 --> 00:49:02.520
00:49:02.520 --> 00:49:07.520
And the interest rate savings that PG&E has negotiated
00:49:08.950 --> 00:49:11.750
as part of its plan, that refers to the note holder RSA?
00:49:13.175 --> 00:49:14.910
00:49:18.290 --> 00:49:21.820
And in that agreement PG&E was able to refinance
00:49:21.820 --> 00:49:23.410
pre-petition high coupon debt
00:49:23.410 --> 00:49:25.440
at lower interest rates, right?
00:49:25.440 --> 00:49:27.120
That's my understanding.
00:49:27.120 --> 00:49:28.980
And PG&E could not have done that
00:49:28.980 --> 00:49:31.090
absent the bankruptcy, correct?
00:49:33.270 --> 00:49:35.580
Yes, I'll agree that that was the result
00:49:35.580 --> 00:49:36.420
of the bankruptcy.
00:49:36.420 --> 00:49:41.420
So the direct rate impact is, withdrawn.
00:49:44.030 --> 00:49:46.970
The direct rate impacts of the plan are those
00:49:46.970 --> 00:49:49.800
that would result from the cost of capital update
00:49:49.800 --> 00:49:51.650
that would follow emergence, correct?
00:49:53.510 --> 00:49:55.790
Well that's where the first time
00:49:55.790 --> 00:49:58.970
that those savings would be incorporated into rates.
00:49:58.970 --> 00:50:01.170
And that would result in a rate reduction?
00:50:02.780 --> 00:50:04.590
Yes, I'll agree with that.
00:50:04.590 --> 00:50:05.423
00:50:15.020 --> 00:50:17.710
Please take a look at what's been previously marked
00:50:17.710 --> 00:50:20.870
for identification as PG&E 11.
00:50:20.870 --> 00:50:24.040
Which is tab eight of your binder.
00:50:34.060 --> 00:50:39.060
And this is a PG&E data response to a request from Turn.
00:50:42.416 --> 00:50:45.740
And directing your attention to the third page
00:50:45.740 --> 00:50:48.990
of that document, which has a table.
00:50:48.990 --> 00:50:51.067
Let me know when you're there.
00:50:51.067 --> 00:50:51.920
Yeah, I'm there.
00:50:51.920 --> 00:50:54.284
So this reflects PG&Es calculation
00:50:54.284 --> 00:50:58.250
of the estimated 2021 revenue requirement savings,
00:50:58.250 --> 00:51:00.300
resulting from the plan, right?
00:51:00.300 --> 00:51:01.900
00:51:01.900 --> 00:51:03.630
And do you have any reason to disagree
00:51:03.630 --> 00:51:06.750
with this estimated revenue requirement savings?
00:51:06.750 --> 00:51:11.260
Well I think as I was asked this in data response
00:51:11.260 --> 00:51:12.920
that we just referenced.
00:51:12.920 --> 00:51:17.920
And I haven't had a chance to verify the source
00:51:20.660 --> 00:51:22.510
and accuracy of all of these numbers.
00:51:23.680 --> 00:51:27.530
But assuming that they're, but I have no reason
00:51:27.530 --> 00:51:29.450
sitting here to believe that they're incorrect.
00:51:31.760 --> 00:51:35.720
So this spreadsheet shows a 4.3% post-merging
00:51:35.720 --> 00:51:36.940
cost of debt, right?
00:51:38.064 --> 00:51:39.710
00:51:39.710 --> 00:51:43.030
And that factors in the amortization of the debt financing
00:51:43.030 --> 00:51:45.630
related fees that PG&E is seeking to recover, right?
00:51:46.580 --> 00:51:47.413
00:51:51.590 --> 00:51:53.980
And if I understood, well let me just ask you,
00:51:53.980 --> 00:51:57.320
do you have an opinion as to whether PG&Es cost of debt
00:51:57.320 --> 00:52:00.690
would lower than 4.31 had it not filed for bankruptcy?
00:52:02.500 --> 00:52:04.520
Well it's my recommendation
00:52:04.520 --> 00:52:06.630
that that's what the Commission should take a look at.
00:52:06.630 --> 00:52:09.150
Right. You don't have an opinion one way or the other?
00:52:09.150 --> 00:52:10.500
Not sitting here I don't.
00:52:11.880 --> 00:52:16.880
I think you said before, if I wrote it down correctly,
00:52:17.560 --> 00:52:22.560
that in determining the baseline mission should consider
00:52:25.650 --> 00:52:29.260
the cost of debt of other California utilities, correct?
00:52:29.260 --> 00:52:30.110
00:52:30.110 --> 00:52:33.130
And if we look at your testimony page 26,
00:52:33.130 --> 00:52:34.290
lines eight through 12.
00:52:47.471 --> 00:52:48.470
Are you there?
00:52:48.470 --> 00:52:49.303
00:52:49.303 --> 00:52:52.540
So here you say that, you say that the baseline
00:52:52.540 --> 00:52:54.310
should consider the financing cost
00:52:54.310 --> 00:52:56.510
for the other California utilities, right?
00:52:56.510 --> 00:52:58.110
00:52:58.110 --> 00:53:03.110
So SCEs cost of debt for 2020 is 4.74%, correct?
00:53:03.233 --> 00:53:08.233
Again, I have to look at the cost of capital decision.
00:53:11.750 --> 00:53:13.210
Okay, take my word for it.
00:53:13.210 --> 00:53:17.140
If that's where you got it from I subject to check.
00:53:17.140 --> 00:53:21.780
Yeah, take my word for it per decision 1912056,
00:53:21.780 --> 00:53:23.280
which we'll cite in the brief,
00:53:24.410 --> 00:53:28.650
SCEs cost of debt for 2020 is 4.74%.
00:53:30.100 --> 00:53:34.440
Well that's what it was estimated to be at the time
00:53:34.440 --> 00:53:36.970
of that cost of capital case.
00:53:36.970 --> 00:53:38.930
It's the authorized amount.
00:53:38.930 --> 00:53:41.050
00:53:41.050 --> 00:53:46.050
And SDG&Es authorized cost of debt for 2020 is. 4.59%.
00:53:47.160 --> 00:53:49.153
Again, subject to check.
00:53:49.153 --> 00:53:54.010
Okay. And we just established that PG&Es
00:53:54.010 --> 00:53:57.880
anticipated cost of debt on exit is 4.3%, correct?
00:54:00.310 --> 00:54:01.143
00:54:02.931 --> 00:54:05.570
So PG&Es cost of debt would be lower
00:54:05.570 --> 00:54:09.030
than the authorized cost of debt for Edison and San Diego.
00:54:09.030 --> 00:54:13.430
Well again that was, the San Diego and Edison
00:54:13.430 --> 00:54:17.580
cost of debt were figures that were estimated some time ago.
00:54:19.121 --> 00:54:22.743
And you're comparing that to a PG&E cost of debt
00:54:23.610 --> 00:54:26.080
that was estimated very recently.
00:54:26.080 --> 00:54:31.080
So, that's something you would have to look at
00:54:31.870 --> 00:54:34.520
in the cost of capital proceeding.
00:54:34.520 --> 00:54:35.490
I'm not going to agree
00:54:35.490 --> 00:54:39.270
that that's an apples and apples comparison.
00:54:39.270 --> 00:54:41.770
That may be an apples and oranges comparison
00:54:41.770 --> 00:54:46.100
because the Edison and San Diego numbers
00:54:46.100 --> 00:54:48.870
may have been estimated several years ago,
00:54:48.870 --> 00:54:53.190
and their actual cost of debt today,
00:54:53.190 --> 00:54:55.180
because of lower interest rates,
00:54:55.180 --> 00:54:57.934
may be something lower than that.
00:54:57.934 --> 00:55:01.190
Okay this decision was issued in December of 19.
00:55:02.440 --> 00:55:07.370
Yes, but the cases were filed quite a bit before that,
00:55:07.370 --> 00:55:10.040
and the information was prepared even earlier.
00:55:15.680 --> 00:55:20.680
Let's say that, so let me step back,
00:55:21.160 --> 00:55:24.590
you're suggesting that there be this baseline established,
00:55:24.590 --> 00:55:28.800
and then Commission will compare PG&Es actual cost of debt
00:55:28.800 --> 00:55:31.320
to that baseline, correct?
00:55:31.320 --> 00:55:32.153
00:55:32.153 --> 00:55:34.290
And then make some adjustment of some kind
00:55:34.290 --> 00:55:37.030
if there's a deviation from the baseline?
00:55:37.030 --> 00:55:40.660
Well my recommendation would be that the cost of capital
00:55:40.660 --> 00:55:43.340
for rates would be set based on the baseline.
00:55:43.340 --> 00:55:46.860
Okay. So if PG&E actual cost of debt
00:55:46.860 --> 00:55:49.000
is below the baseline,
00:55:49.000 --> 00:55:50.600
would PG&E recover the baseline?
00:55:52.950 --> 00:55:55.580
Well again, and this is what the Commission
00:55:55.580 --> 00:55:57.680
needs to have a proceeding for.
00:55:57.680 --> 00:56:02.680
If it turns out by some that PG&E can show
00:56:03.490 --> 00:56:06.510
that its cost of capital is actually lower
00:56:06.510 --> 00:56:09.000
than it would have been without the bankruptcy,
00:56:09.000 --> 00:56:11.240
then I would assume the Commission would say,
00:56:11.240 --> 00:56:13.255
"Okay you've met the rate neutrality provision,
00:56:13.255 --> 00:56:17.930
and we'll go forward based on your actual cost of capital."
00:56:17.930 --> 00:56:19.530
Ah, so it's a one way ratchet?
00:56:20.739 --> 00:56:25.739
Yes, because that's certainly the way I interpret AB1054,
00:56:26.720 --> 00:56:29.760
is you have to achieve neutrality.
00:56:31.455 --> 00:56:33.130
And once you've achieved neutrality,
00:56:33.130 --> 00:56:38.130
then you've satisfied that portion of the statute,
00:56:39.230 --> 00:56:44.230
and you can move forward on a business as usual basis.
00:56:44.700 --> 00:56:49.700
Ah, so once PG&E cost of debt is below the baseline,
00:56:49.950 --> 00:56:52.300
then this comparison ends?
00:56:53.640 --> 00:56:57.001
Well once the Commission has found
00:56:57.001 --> 00:57:02.001
that PG&Es costs are neutral on average,
00:57:02.660 --> 00:57:05.560
and the Commission has to determine what on average means,
00:57:06.400 --> 00:57:08.360
and over what time period.
00:57:08.360 --> 00:57:10.460
Once that has been satisfied,
00:57:10.460 --> 00:57:12.990
then you've met the condition for the statute.
00:57:12.990 --> 00:57:14.800
Yeah, I'm asking you what the end date is
00:57:14.800 --> 00:57:15.730
for your proposal.
00:57:15.730 --> 00:57:17.400
Well I don't know what the end date is.
00:57:17.400 --> 00:57:19.920
The Commission needs to sit down and set a baseline
00:57:19.920 --> 00:57:21.990
and see where we are.
00:57:21.990 --> 00:57:23.970
Right, but my question is
00:57:23.970 --> 00:57:28.502
does the proposal that you're setting forth end
00:57:28.502 --> 00:57:32.873
when PG&Es cost of debt is at or below the baseline?
00:57:32.873 --> 00:57:37.873
Well that would certainly be a time for the Commission,
00:57:39.030 --> 00:57:42.110
in other words if PG&Es costs have been above the baseline,
00:57:42.110 --> 00:57:47.110
if rates have been set at the baseline
00:57:48.636 --> 00:57:53.636
and after several years PG&Es costs fall below the baseline,
00:57:53.840 --> 00:57:55.620
then that would probably be the right time
00:57:55.620 --> 00:57:57.040
to end the mechanism.
00:57:57.040 --> 00:58:00.456
Okay. What if PG&Es costs are below the baseline on exit?
00:58:00.456 --> 00:58:03.102
Well, that's what we need to figure out.
00:58:03.102 --> 00:58:05.020
I understand we need to figure out
00:58:05.020 --> 00:58:07.190
whether that's the case. My question is,
00:58:07.190 --> 00:58:09.469
if PG&Es costs were below the baseline on exit,
00:58:09.469 --> 00:58:14.469
would that mean that your recommendation would not apply?
00:58:14.730 --> 00:58:15.600
Your Honor, objection.
00:58:15.600 --> 00:58:18.440
I believe this has been asked and answered.
00:58:18.440 --> 00:58:19.690
Overruled for now,
00:58:19.690 --> 00:58:21.640
but let's not go too much more on this.
00:58:24.540 --> 00:58:29.540
I think that would be for the Commission to determine
00:58:30.370 --> 00:58:35.370
if the rate neutrality on average condition of AB1054
00:58:37.150 --> 00:58:38.100
had been satisfied.
00:58:39.370 --> 00:58:42.440
Please turn to page 24, lines 13 to 17.
00:58:49.660 --> 00:58:50.493
00:58:55.980 --> 00:58:59.440
Here you posit higher financing costs, correct?
00:59:02.467 --> 00:59:04.460
00:59:04.460 --> 00:59:05.780
But you've not quantified
00:59:05.780 --> 00:59:07.680
those higher financing costs, correct?
00:59:09.250 --> 00:59:14.180
No, I'm positing them because PG&Es witnesses
00:59:14.180 --> 00:59:17.020
seem to suggest that there will be a path
00:59:17.020 --> 00:59:19.110
to improving its credit ratings.
00:59:19.110 --> 00:59:22.780
And while you're on that path it would stand to reason
00:59:22.780 --> 00:59:25.110
that you would have higher financing costs.
00:59:25.110 --> 00:59:27.710
And there are many factors that contribute
00:59:27.710 --> 00:59:30.020
to those higher financing costs, correct?
00:59:39.410 --> 00:59:42.000
Yeah, I would agree that there are a number of factors
00:59:42.000 --> 00:59:44.870
that contribute to what a utilities financing costs are.
00:59:44.870 --> 00:59:47.090
Like a fire risk exposure in the future?
00:59:49.610 --> 00:59:50.580
00:59:54.715 --> 00:59:55.777
But these factors, now that is a risk that's faced
01:00:02.220 --> 01:00:04.080
by all California utilities.
01:00:04.080 --> 01:00:07.300
Correct, so it's not a result of the bankruptcy right?
01:00:08.350 --> 01:00:13.350
Generally I would agree that so long as its a risk
01:00:15.920 --> 01:00:18.490
that's also faced by Edison and San Diego,
01:00:18.490 --> 01:00:20.540
that it would not be due to the bankruptcy.
01:00:20.540 --> 01:00:23.760
Right. And another risk is rating agencies perception
01:00:23.760 --> 01:00:26.160
of the California regulatory environment, right?
01:00:27.060 --> 01:00:29.920
Sure, that is a factor, yes.
01:00:29.920 --> 01:00:33.396
Including its being fair and bAllenced, correct?
01:00:33.396 --> 01:00:34.460
01:00:34.460 --> 01:00:36.510
And not have one-way ratchets, correct?
01:00:38.686 --> 01:00:40.180
(laughs) I'm not sure I would agree
01:00:40.180 --> 01:00:41.780
one-way ratchets are unfair.
01:00:44.010 --> 01:00:48.040
So, do you have a methodology for separating
01:00:48.040 --> 01:00:50.310
the potential impacts of the bankruptcy
01:00:50.310 --> 01:00:53.030
versus other factors?
01:00:53.030 --> 01:00:55.258
Well that's why I suggest comparing,
01:00:55.258 --> 01:00:59.300
bringing in information on the financing costs
01:00:59.300 --> 01:01:01.320
for Edison and San Diego.
01:01:01.320 --> 01:01:04.790
Because those utilities are subject to,
01:01:04.790 --> 01:01:08.600
as we just discussed, many of these same considerations.
01:01:08.600 --> 01:01:11.360
Okay. Please turn back to the data responses,
01:01:11.360 --> 01:01:16.080
which have been marked as PG&EX7, tab two in your binder.
01:01:17.320 --> 01:01:21.060
And take a look at question and answer eight.
01:01:28.410 --> 01:01:29.243
01:01:30.755 --> 01:01:34.200
So here you recommend a baseline that should start
01:01:34.200 --> 01:01:39.200
with PG&Es cost of capital in this 24 month period,
01:01:40.610 --> 01:01:44.400
from November 16 to October 18, correct?
01:01:44.400 --> 01:01:45.290
01:01:45.290 --> 01:01:47.350
Where did this period come from?
01:01:48.680 --> 01:01:50.230
How did you invent that period?
01:01:55.468 --> 01:02:00.468
I was asked in these data responses what the pre-petition,
01:02:04.234 --> 01:02:09.234
about how to establish this baseline,
01:02:10.300 --> 01:02:15.300
and to consider what PG&Es financial situation was
01:02:17.510 --> 01:02:20.540
before chapter 11.
01:02:20.540 --> 01:02:22.830
You need to look at it over a certain period of time,
01:02:22.830 --> 01:02:25.861
and it seemed to me that those two years
01:02:25.861 --> 01:02:30.083
were a reasonable period of time to assess
01:02:33.170 --> 01:02:35.630
PG&Es financial condition before bankruptcy.
01:02:35.630 --> 01:02:39.320
Why didn't you extend it to January 28th, 2019,
01:02:42.490 --> 01:02:44.660
the day before PG&E filed for bankruptcy?
01:02:46.610 --> 01:02:50.140
It seemed to me that sort of the precipitating factor
01:02:50.140 --> 01:02:52.510
in PG&Es bankruptcy was the campfire.
01:02:52.510 --> 01:02:57.510
So I chose the two years prior to that incident.
01:02:57.890 --> 01:03:02.510
Ah, so actually the baseline is a world
01:03:02.510 --> 01:03:04.090
in which there was no campfire?
01:03:05.578 --> 01:03:08.000
01:03:08.000 --> 01:03:09.940
So it's not the bankruptcy,
01:03:09.940 --> 01:03:13.310
it's the bankruptcy plus the campfire is the baseline?
01:03:13.310 --> 01:03:16.910
Well, I think that there's certainly, seems to me,
01:03:17.827 --> 01:03:19.390
to be a pretty close connection between the two.
01:03:22.220 --> 01:03:23.970
I don't think PG&E would be bankrupt today
01:03:23.970 --> 01:03:25.590
without the campfire.
01:03:25.590 --> 01:03:28.950
Okay. Well what about the 2017 fires,
01:03:28.950 --> 01:03:30.380
are you excluding those?
01:03:30.380 --> 01:03:32.000
No, they're part of this period
01:03:32.000 --> 01:03:36.820
because PG&E did not declare bankruptcy after those fires.
01:03:36.820 --> 01:03:39.670
But if the 17 fires had not occurred,
01:03:39.670 --> 01:03:42.370
and the campfire did occur, would PG&E have filed?
01:03:45.534 --> 01:03:48.510
No way to answer that question right?
01:03:48.510 --> 01:03:50.060
Yeah, there's no way to answer that,
01:03:50.060 --> 01:03:51.310
that's not what happened.
01:03:52.287 --> 01:03:54.387
But your methodology is camp in, 17 out?
01:03:56.613 --> 01:04:00.190
Well again, it certainly yeah it's my opinion
01:04:00.190 --> 01:04:04.380
that the campfire was the precipitating in PG&Es bankruptcy.
01:04:04.380 --> 01:04:05.530
What's that based on?
01:04:06.692 --> 01:04:07.525
What's your opinion based on?
01:04:08.471 --> 01:04:10.971
Well, the campfire happened in November of 2018,
01:04:14.340 --> 01:04:17.270
and PG&E declared bankruptcy a couple months later.
01:04:17.270 --> 01:04:18.950
Yeah, you have the chronology correct,
01:04:18.950 --> 01:04:20.360
but you're attributing the filing,
01:04:20.360 --> 01:04:23.773
you're saying the precipitating factor is the campfire.
01:04:23.773 --> 01:04:24.770
I'm asking what's your basis?
01:04:25.910 --> 01:04:30.890
Well I think it was PG&Es liabilities after the campfire
01:04:30.890 --> 01:04:34.230
that caused it, from the campfire, that caused it
01:04:34.230 --> 01:04:35.380
to file for bankruptcy.
01:04:37.695 --> 01:04:39.810
So let's just get some facts clear.
01:04:39.810 --> 01:04:44.690
The rating agency's downgraded PG&E to sub-investment grade
01:04:44.690 --> 01:04:46.840
on January 10th, 2019, correct?
01:04:48.460 --> 01:04:50.400
I accept that subject to check.
01:04:52.843 --> 01:04:53.700
That was before it filed for bankruptcy right?
01:04:55.270 --> 01:04:56.103
01:04:57.053 --> 01:04:59.850
So, had PG&E not filed for bankruptcy,
01:04:59.850 --> 01:05:04.850
any borrowings after it was sub investment grade
01:05:07.070 --> 01:05:09.613
would have reflected that rating. Right?
01:05:18.152 --> 01:05:19.751
Sure, presumably yeah.
01:05:19.751 --> 01:05:22.420
Okay. So let's look at your 24 month period.
01:05:24.339 --> 01:05:26.390
So, PG&E had different credit ratings
01:05:26.390 --> 01:05:28.558
throughout this period, correct?
01:05:28.558 --> 01:05:29.540
01:05:30.400 --> 01:05:32.500
So for the starting point,
01:05:33.650 --> 01:05:38.650
are you using an average of the costs over that period,
01:05:39.060 --> 01:05:40.710
or a point and time?
01:05:41.960 --> 01:05:43.420
Or how are we to understand the starting point?
01:05:48.800 --> 01:05:51.930
Yes, I would generally think
01:05:51.930 --> 01:05:54.330
that you would use the average over that period.
01:05:57.100 --> 01:06:01.070
So the average implies that you're not permitting
01:06:01.070 --> 01:06:04.290
the cost of capital baseline to reflect the full effects
01:06:04.290 --> 01:06:07.890
of the 2017 fires, right?
01:06:07.890 --> 01:06:08.940
Well they reflect,
01:06:10.410 --> 01:06:15.410
since the period includes the 2017 fires, so it does,
01:06:15.770 --> 01:06:18.330
it reflects time both before and after those fires.
01:06:18.330 --> 01:06:21.500
Right. So the average does not fully reflect
01:06:21.500 --> 01:06:23.320
the effects of the fires?
01:06:24.460 --> 01:06:26.230
I suppose if you had wanted to do that,
01:06:26.230 --> 01:06:29.430
you would just take a one year period after the 2017 fires.
01:06:29.430 --> 01:06:32.150
Yeah, the lowest point. But you're not doing that.
01:06:32.150 --> 01:06:34.239
I'm not doing that, right.
01:06:34.239 --> 01:06:35.490
01:06:35.490 --> 01:06:37.900
So let's continue with your response to the data request.
01:06:40.178 --> 01:06:44.297
And question and answer eight, I'm in PG&EX7.
01:06:46.540 --> 01:06:48.990
So you're saying the baseline should be adjusted,
01:06:51.040 --> 01:06:54.600
sorry step back, we're starting out with an average
01:06:54.600 --> 01:06:55.720
over this time period.
01:06:57.072 --> 01:06:57.930
And then the next thing that you say is,
01:06:58.800 --> 01:07:01.440
adjust that baseline or debt an equity
01:07:01.440 --> 01:07:05.530
PG&E would have raised after November 18,
01:07:05.530 --> 01:07:07.740
had it not been in chapter 11.
01:07:09.040 --> 01:07:11.840
Based on its credit ratings during the pre-petition
01:07:11.840 --> 01:07:15.230
baseline period, that's the average right?
01:07:19.210 --> 01:07:20.043
01:07:20.043 --> 01:07:23.932
And adjusted for interest rate changes over time, right?
01:07:23.932 --> 01:07:25.410
01:07:27.194 --> 01:07:28.610
So, when you begin the sentence
01:07:28.610 --> 01:07:30.460
the baseline should be adjusted,
01:07:31.560 --> 01:07:34.040
are you saying it should be adjusted in terms of
01:07:34.040 --> 01:07:36.560
the quantum of debt, or the cost of the debt?
01:07:43.720 --> 01:07:45.170
You probably consider both.
01:07:46.880 --> 01:07:49.330
So you're asking the Commission to determine
01:07:49.330 --> 01:07:52.220
the debt and equity PG&E would have raised
01:07:53.204 --> 01:07:55.780
had it not been in bankruptcy,
01:07:55.780 --> 01:07:57.830
how much and how much it would have cost?
01:07:59.460 --> 01:08:00.350
Generally, yes.
01:08:03.380 --> 01:08:06.340
And you're asking the Commission to assume that PG&E
01:08:06.340 --> 01:08:11.340
had the average credit rating for the period
01:08:11.481 --> 01:08:15.180
when determining what it would have done after October 18
01:08:15.180 --> 01:08:17.080
absent the bankruptcy?
01:08:17.080 --> 01:08:17.990
Generally, yes.
01:08:18.897 --> 01:08:21.630
And again, you can bring in information
01:08:21.630 --> 01:08:24.900
about what was going on with the other utilities
01:08:24.900 --> 01:08:26.690
during this period would be useful
01:08:26.690 --> 01:08:29.011
in establishing that baseline as well.
01:08:29.011 --> 01:08:30.575
Let's talk about that next.
01:08:30.575 --> 01:08:32.480
So continuing with your response,
01:08:32.480 --> 01:08:33.830
you say in establishing the baseline
01:08:33.830 --> 01:08:37.392
Commission should also consider the cost of capital
01:08:37.392 --> 01:08:42.392
both for the 24 month period and after November 19
01:08:44.639 --> 01:08:48.740
for the Edison and San Diego, right?
01:08:48.740 --> 01:08:49.710
01:08:49.710 --> 01:08:53.740
So when you say the Commission should consider
01:08:55.760 --> 01:08:57.900
Edison and San Diego's cost of capital,
01:08:57.900 --> 01:08:59.590
what does it mean to consider?
01:09:01.270 --> 01:09:04.500
Well again, I think you're trying to read
01:09:04.500 --> 01:09:07.150
a mathematical formula into testimony
01:09:07.150 --> 01:09:10.080
that is not proposing a mathematical formula.
01:09:10.080 --> 01:09:14.430
I'm simply proposing the type of information
01:09:14.430 --> 01:09:16.180
that the Commission should look at
01:09:16.180 --> 01:09:18.810
in the cost of capital update proceeding
01:09:18.810 --> 01:09:20.680
in order to establish this baseline.
01:09:22.608 --> 01:09:27.608
The Commission considers such information as it sees fit.
01:09:28.516 --> 01:09:31.330
Yeah, I'm just seeking your opinion sir.
01:09:32.340 --> 01:09:34.250
So you don't have a specific recommendation
01:09:34.250 --> 01:09:36.400
about how they should consider in your testimony today?
01:09:36.400 --> 01:09:37.233
No, I don't.
01:09:38.660 --> 01:09:41.220
You would acknowledge that decreases in credit rating
01:09:41.220 --> 01:09:42.870
not attributable to the bankruptcy
01:09:42.870 --> 01:09:44.470
are part of the baseline, right?
01:09:46.820 --> 01:09:50.190
Yeah, if there are other things going on
01:09:50.190 --> 01:09:53.020
that affect credit ratings that should be considered
01:09:53.020 --> 01:09:55.600
in establishing the baseline, that would be fine.
01:09:55.600 --> 01:09:57.770
And all of the, sorry.
01:09:58.910 --> 01:10:02.050
Edison and San Diego's credit ratings went down
01:10:02.050 --> 01:10:04.020
during this timeframe, correct?
01:10:05.100 --> 01:10:06.560
I don't know that.
01:10:06.560 --> 01:10:08.560
I haven't reviewed their credit ratings.
01:10:12.700 --> 01:10:17.700
So, let me ask you to accept
01:10:19.270 --> 01:10:22.660
that Edison had a credit rating one notch higher than PG&E
01:10:22.660 --> 01:10:24.620
during the proposed baseline period.
01:10:27.050 --> 01:10:28.940
Subject to check, I'll accept that.
01:10:31.330 --> 01:10:35.250
So would that mean that in conducting
01:10:35.250 --> 01:10:37.820
this analysis that you're proposing,
01:10:37.820 --> 01:10:41.250
we would expect PG&Es baseline to be a credit rating
01:10:41.250 --> 01:10:42.430
one notch below Edison?
01:10:45.460 --> 01:10:48.710
Again, that would certainly be one way to do it.
01:10:48.710 --> 01:10:51.986
I'm not presenting a detailed recommendation here.
01:10:51.986 --> 01:10:55.791
The intent here was to broadly outline
01:10:55.791 --> 01:10:58.720
how this process would work, and the kind of information
01:10:58.720 --> 01:11:01.050
that the Commission could look at.
01:11:01.050 --> 01:11:01.883
All right.
01:11:01.883 --> 01:11:03.890
The same exhibit, page four, question nine.
01:11:13.990 --> 01:11:18.500
And here you make reference to a chart or figure
01:11:18.500 --> 01:11:23.060
from Ms. Meel's testimony, correct?
01:11:23.060 --> 01:11:23.893
01:11:23.893 --> 01:11:27.020
So are you saying the baseline should be triple B plus?
01:11:29.600 --> 01:11:33.280
Well that was the average of PG&E credit rating
01:11:33.280 --> 01:11:35.330
over those 24 months.
01:11:35.330 --> 01:11:36.930
Right, that's not my question.
01:11:39.000 --> 01:11:40.260
It sounded like it was your question.
01:11:40.260 --> 01:11:44.276
The question is in your submission, is it your opinion
01:11:44.276 --> 01:11:48.340
that baseline should be set at triple B plus?
01:11:53.140 --> 01:11:56.510
Again, that's my recommendation for a baseline period,
01:11:56.510 --> 01:11:59.130
and over that period PG&Es average credit rating
01:11:59.130 --> 01:12:00.330
was triple B plus.
01:12:00.330 --> 01:12:05.330
So that certainly would be probably where I would start.
01:12:06.500 --> 01:12:08.230
Right, and then there's adjustments after that.
01:12:08.230 --> 01:12:09.865
That's right.
01:12:09.865 --> 01:12:11.100
Including decreases that the other utilities
01:12:11.100 --> 01:12:12.520
in California experience?
01:12:12.520 --> 01:12:13.930
Possibly, yes.
01:12:13.930 --> 01:12:17.070
You're not aware that other utilities experience--
01:12:17.070 --> 01:12:19.130
Again, I'm not aware of what the trajectory
01:12:19.130 --> 01:12:21.140
of their credit rating has been.
01:12:21.140 --> 01:12:22.160
Your Honor, I have to object
01:12:22.160 --> 01:12:23.340
to this line of questioning.
01:12:23.340 --> 01:12:25.270
I believe that Mr. Beach has testified
01:12:25.270 --> 01:12:27.650
that he is not offering a specific proposal
01:12:27.650 --> 01:12:30.900
for how to calculate this in this proceeding.
01:12:30.900 --> 01:12:33.424
That he has merely proposed a way to go about
01:12:33.424 --> 01:12:37.326
a procedural mechanism that the Commission can use
01:12:37.326 --> 01:12:40.100
to establish a baseline.
01:12:40.100 --> 01:12:41.300
I think we have some clarity
01:12:41.300 --> 01:12:43.402
as to where we are on here.
01:12:43.402 --> 01:12:44.735
I'm moving on.
01:12:45.781 --> 01:12:48.330
So if you could move onto the next,
01:12:48.330 --> 01:12:49.540
that would be good.
01:12:49.540 --> 01:12:53.480
So given the lack of specificity around your proposal,
01:12:53.480 --> 01:12:56.290
this sounds fairly uncertain about how the Commission
01:12:56.290 --> 01:12:58.660
would implement it, correct?
01:13:02.330 --> 01:13:03.840
I think the parties will stipulate
01:13:03.840 --> 01:13:05.930
that there's often uncertainty as to how the Commission
01:13:05.930 --> 01:13:06.980
will consider things.
01:13:07.961 --> 01:13:10.044
01:13:13.220 --> 01:13:16.120
And creating more uncertainty around
01:13:16.120 --> 01:13:20.860
the Commissions rate making is not a positive
01:13:20.860 --> 01:13:22.840
for the rating agency's perception
01:13:22.840 --> 01:13:24.790
of the regulatory environment, correct?
01:13:26.550 --> 01:13:29.280
Well, it is what it is.
01:13:29.280 --> 01:13:33.670
This is a case where the Commission has a statute
01:13:33.670 --> 01:13:35.760
that it has to satisfy.
01:13:35.760 --> 01:13:40.760
And I simply do not see that you can satisfy that condition
01:13:41.260 --> 01:13:45.057
of ratepayer neutrality on average without doing
01:13:45.057 --> 01:13:48.860
a counterfactual but for a comparison.
01:13:50.190 --> 01:13:54.600
PG&Es witnesses in their testimony say the same thing,
01:13:54.600 --> 01:13:56.940
so I think that's what needs to be done
01:13:56.940 --> 01:13:58.310
to satisfy this statute.
01:14:16.020 --> 01:14:18.220
Turn to page 23 of your testimony please.
01:14:23.450 --> 01:14:24.283
01:14:26.840 --> 01:14:29.540
So here you're talking about PG&Es
01:14:29.540 --> 01:14:34.540
interest cost savings calculation, right?
01:14:35.533 --> 01:14:37.320
01:14:37.320 --> 01:14:39.720
And you note that PG&Es calculation
01:14:39.720 --> 01:14:44.720
is at the present value of the interest cost savings
01:14:44.770 --> 01:14:47.320
is approximately $1 billion, right?
01:14:48.690 --> 01:14:50.292
01:14:50.292 --> 01:14:52.740
And you calculate it at a lower amount, correct?
01:14:52.740 --> 01:14:53.730
01:14:53.730 --> 01:14:55.610
And you provided us a spreadsheet
01:14:55.610 --> 01:14:57.580
that set forth your calculation?
01:14:58.470 --> 01:15:00.044
01:15:00.044 --> 01:15:02.680
So directing your attention to that spreadsheet,
01:15:08.650 --> 01:15:11.840
which is I believe part of PG&EX7.
01:15:13.320 --> 01:15:16.970
Which is tab two of your binder.
01:15:21.350 --> 01:15:22.200
It's at the back.
01:15:32.690 --> 01:15:34.331
01:15:34.331 --> 01:15:35.860
You prepared this spreadsheet, right?
01:15:37.600 --> 01:15:39.350
Well it was prepared under my direction.
01:15:39.350 --> 01:15:41.440
You adopt it as your testimony?
01:15:41.440 --> 01:15:42.273
01:15:43.130 --> 01:15:46.440
Okay, so looking at the right-hand side,
01:15:56.066 --> 01:16:00.540
so the far right column is PG&Es analysis, correct?
01:16:01.590 --> 01:16:02.859
01:16:02.859 --> 01:16:03.709
That's the 943.
01:16:05.777 --> 01:16:08.260
And then your responsive one is one over to the left,
01:16:08.260 --> 01:16:10.960
which is labeled savings/costs, correct?
01:16:10.960 --> 01:16:12.570
01:16:12.570 --> 01:16:15.790
And that's 796?
01:16:15.790 --> 01:16:16.623
01:16:17.750 --> 01:16:22.590
And to do this calculation you did the present value
01:16:22.590 --> 01:16:25.410
of the interest and principle, correct?
01:16:25.410 --> 01:16:26.243
01:16:36.203 --> 01:16:41.203
01:16:48.454 --> 01:16:53.454
Going back to page two of exhibit PG&EX7,
01:16:59.210 --> 01:17:00.630
response to question five.
01:17:06.730 --> 01:17:07.563
01:17:08.437 --> 01:17:11.020
So here you talk about various discount rates,
01:17:11.860 --> 01:17:15.040
10.25 and 7.81, right?
01:17:15.040 --> 01:17:15.990
01:17:15.990 --> 01:17:19.780
And in your opinion are 7.81 and 10.25
01:17:21.060 --> 01:17:25.120
standard discount rates used in rate making analysis?
01:17:25.120 --> 01:17:25.953
01:17:27.260 --> 01:17:28.900
Okay. Just taking a step back,
01:17:28.900 --> 01:17:33.200
all of these various calculations show interest cost savings
01:17:33.200 --> 01:17:35.000
resulting from the plan, correct?
01:17:35.000 --> 01:17:35.833
01:17:40.723 --> 01:17:43.520
That's all I have, Your Honor.
01:17:43.520 --> 01:17:45.810
Thank you, Mr. Weisman.
01:17:45.810 --> 01:17:46.643
Off the record.
01:17:52.040 --> 01:17:56.460
So we have Q and DCC, any preference of order?
01:18:01.684 --> 01:18:05.058
Sure, any objection to, actually no this is a good time.
01:18:05.058 --> 01:18:06.810
On the record,
01:18:06.810 --> 01:18:10.310
we will take a recess until 10:30 by the wall clock.
01:18:25.406 --> 01:18:27.480
Ms. Cass?
01:18:27.480 --> 01:18:30.720
Thank you. Good morning, Mr. Beach.
01:18:30.720 --> 01:18:32.194
Good morning.
01:18:32.194 --> 01:18:33.434
My name is Rachel Cass,
01:18:33.434 --> 01:18:34.636
I'm here on behalf of
01:18:34.636 --> 01:18:35.700
Coalition of California Utility Employees.
01:18:35.700 --> 01:18:37.450
It's nice to see you again.
01:18:37.450 --> 01:18:38.570
Nice to see you.
01:18:40.210 --> 01:18:44.990
In your testimony, you recommend that PG&E
01:18:44.990 --> 01:18:48.410
phase out its electric generation service
01:18:48.410 --> 01:18:51.200
and associated procurement by 2025,
01:18:51.200 --> 01:18:55.210
so that PG&E can focus on safety.
01:18:57.170 --> 01:18:58.970
You understand that Diabolo Canyon
01:18:58.970 --> 01:19:03.220
is scheduled to be closed in 2024 and 2025, right?
01:19:03.220 --> 01:19:04.053
01:19:05.020 --> 01:19:07.220
And so that will end the largest portion
01:19:07.220 --> 01:19:09.470
of PG&Es generation. Is that right?
01:19:13.944 --> 01:19:17.610
Well I mean the hydro system probably has more
01:19:17.610 --> 01:19:19.230
mega watts than Diabolo Canyon.
01:19:20.969 --> 01:19:22.620
So I'm not sure what you mean by largest.
01:19:22.620 --> 01:19:24.910
Let's rephrase, the single largest.
01:19:24.910 --> 01:19:26.736
Single largest, yes.
01:19:26.736 --> 01:19:29.200
01:19:29.200 --> 01:19:33.000
I provided to you a chart,
01:19:35.240 --> 01:19:39.837
it has been marked as TURN exhibit X2.
01:19:45.550 --> 01:19:49.240
This is a 42-page chart, it was provided by PG&E to TURN
01:19:49.240 --> 01:19:54.240
in response to data request TURN 17 question three.
01:19:57.490 --> 01:20:00.070
It shows the organizational structure
01:20:00.070 --> 01:20:03.280
of the corporation and the utility.
01:20:05.770 --> 01:20:08.150
Have you had the chance to review that chart?
01:20:10.370 --> 01:20:12.580
Very briefly, yes I've looked through it.
01:20:12.580 --> 01:20:14.890
Okay. Do you have any reason to dispute
01:20:14.890 --> 01:20:17.670
the information in the chart?
01:20:17.670 --> 01:20:18.503
01:20:25.149 --> 01:20:28.706
Let me go off the record for a moment.
01:20:28.706 --> 01:20:30.086
Off the record.
01:20:30.086 --> 01:20:31.357
Would you like a copy of it?
01:20:31.357 --> 01:20:32.352
I have one somewhere,
01:20:32.352 --> 01:20:33.830
I'm familiar with the org chart though, so you can go ahead.
01:20:33.830 --> 01:20:34.663
On the record.
01:20:37.803 --> 01:20:41.130
And approximately what percentage of PG&E
01:20:41.130 --> 01:20:43.658
including the corporation and the utility
01:20:43.658 --> 01:20:46.180
according to this 42-page chart
01:20:46.180 --> 01:20:48.170
is dedicated to electric generation?
01:20:50.200 --> 01:20:52.836
Are you looking for a percentage?
01:20:52.836 --> 01:20:57.836
There's 42-pages, can you identify about how many of them
01:20:59.150 --> 01:21:02.730
are dedicated to electric generation?
01:21:31.440 --> 01:21:33.710
Ms. Cass, does that exhibit,
01:21:34.930 --> 01:21:39.930
is that a complete org chart of PG&E or is that excerpts?
01:21:40.240 --> 01:21:44.009
My understanding is that it is a complete work chart
01:21:44.009 --> 01:21:46.380
of the organizational structure.
01:21:46.380 --> 01:21:47.540
Okay, thank you.
01:22:15.599 --> 01:22:17.780
I mean basically it looks like there's three pages
01:22:17.780 --> 01:22:18.910
that are on generation,
01:22:18.910 --> 01:22:23.490
and there's I think another one on electric procurement.
01:22:24.500 --> 01:22:29.500
So four pages of the organization of the 42
01:22:29.500 --> 01:22:32.600
are dedicated to generation and procurement?
01:22:34.540 --> 01:22:37.130
I mean obviously there's a lot of shared services
01:22:37.130 --> 01:22:41.180
in here too where people would support
01:22:42.250 --> 01:22:43.710
those functions in PG&E.
01:22:45.440 --> 01:22:49.240
And PG&E has about 24,000 employees, right?
01:22:49.240 --> 01:22:50.073
01:22:51.450 --> 01:22:53.160
And how many of those employees do you know
01:22:53.160 --> 01:22:56.020
are dedicated to electric procurement?
01:22:56.020 --> 01:22:58.110
I don't know the answer to that.
01:22:58.110 --> 01:23:00.210
Would you agree that it's a small number?
01:23:01.460 --> 01:23:03.200
In the context of 24,000,
01:23:03.200 --> 01:23:05.200
I'm sure it's a relatively small number.
01:23:06.860 --> 01:23:09.800
And because it's losing so much load to CCAs,
01:23:09.800 --> 01:23:12.940
PG&E is over-procured for renewables, right?
01:23:13.790 --> 01:23:15.230
01:23:15.230 --> 01:23:19.370
And much of what PG&Es procurement department is now doing
01:23:20.370 --> 01:23:23.680
is selling off its excess procurement. Is that right?
01:23:25.420 --> 01:23:27.920
That's certainly something that's going on, yes.
01:23:29.160 --> 01:23:31.930
And that revenue is then credited back
01:23:31.930 --> 01:23:33.230
to ratepayers, right?
01:23:34.298 --> 01:23:36.580
01:23:38.140 --> 01:23:42.490
You're not suggesting that PG&E end that activity
01:23:42.490 --> 01:23:45.510
depriving ratepayers of that revenue, are you?
01:23:45.510 --> 01:23:46.343
01:23:47.580 --> 01:23:49.860
Have you performed a quantitative analysis
01:23:49.860 --> 01:23:53.630
of safety improvements from PG&E phasing out
01:23:53.630 --> 01:23:55.630
its electric generation service?
01:23:58.887 --> 01:24:00.310
I have not,
01:24:01.571 --> 01:24:06.450
but if you look at the history of the last 10 years,
01:24:06.450 --> 01:24:11.450
most of the safety related issues have arisen
01:24:11.620 --> 01:24:15.880
with the delivery of energy by PG&E,
01:24:15.880 --> 01:24:18.930
either gas or electricity, not with the generation.
01:24:20.610 --> 01:24:24.010
But you yourself have not performed an analysis
01:24:24.010 --> 01:24:28.410
of safety improvements from PG&E phasing out procurement?
01:24:28.410 --> 01:24:30.070
01:24:30.070 --> 01:24:32.590
Thank you, Your Honor. I have no further questions.
01:24:32.590 --> 01:24:34.390
Thank you, Mr. Beach.
01:24:34.390 --> 01:24:36.300
Thank you Miss Cass.
01:24:36.300 --> 01:24:37.133
Mr. Bloom?
01:24:40.117 --> 01:24:40.950
Good morning, Mr. Beach.
01:24:40.950 --> 01:24:43.270
My name is Jerry Bloom, and I'm here on behalf
01:24:43.270 --> 01:24:44.870
of the Tort Claimants Committee.
01:24:46.560 --> 01:24:48.500
In your testimony on page three,
01:24:48.500 --> 01:24:53.270
you express you're concerned with how the plan complies
01:24:53.270 --> 01:24:58.270
with AB1054 in both the short-term and in the long-term,
01:24:58.580 --> 01:24:59.670
is that correct?
01:24:59.670 --> 01:25:01.090
01:25:01.090 --> 01:25:06.090
And assuming that the CPUC approves the plan
01:25:06.173 --> 01:25:07.951
with or without changes,
01:25:07.951 --> 01:25:12.150
your testimony is that you believe the CPUC
01:25:12.150 --> 01:25:14.847
needs continuing active oversight
01:25:14.847 --> 01:25:17.637
of PG&E's safety and reliability
01:25:17.637 --> 01:25:20.483
to assure safety and reliability?
01:25:20.483 --> 01:25:24.040
Yes, I agree with that.
01:25:24.040 --> 01:25:26.196
And that all tools are needed
01:25:26.196 --> 01:25:31.196
to assure that outcome again, a safe and reliable system?
01:25:32.540 --> 01:25:33.373
01:25:34.830 --> 01:25:37.450
And the focus if I understand your testimony
01:25:38.410 --> 01:25:43.410
is as to potential changes that may be needed
01:25:43.810 --> 01:25:47.430
in the scope and structure of the business. Is that correct?
01:25:47.430 --> 01:25:48.870
01:25:48.870 --> 01:25:51.500
Would you accept that there are other reasons
01:25:51.500 --> 01:25:55.419
besides potential changes to scope
01:25:55.419 --> 01:25:57.960
and structure of the business
01:25:57.960 --> 01:26:00.193
that might need to be adjusted
01:26:00.193 --> 01:26:03.140
in this interim or this continuum period
01:26:03.140 --> 01:26:05.070
that you're talking about from moving
01:26:06.029 --> 01:26:07.780
as we move from the short-term to the long-term?
01:26:07.780 --> 01:26:10.269
Are you saying are there other reasons
01:26:10.269 --> 01:26:15.269
why the scope and structure of PG&E as an organization
01:26:15.590 --> 01:26:18.000
might need to be adjusted over time?
01:26:18.000 --> 01:26:20.085
No, that there are other things besides
01:26:20.085 --> 01:26:23.430
corporate structure and the scope of the business
01:26:23.430 --> 01:26:26.280
that also may need to be adjusted over time
01:26:26.280 --> 01:26:31.280
in order to assure or move toward safety and reliability?
01:26:31.567 --> 01:26:36.500
Sure, I mean obviously there are a lot of
01:26:36.500 --> 01:26:39.990
ongoing initiatives in that direction, yes.
01:26:41.210 --> 01:26:44.310
And can you explain or clarify,
01:26:44.310 --> 01:26:47.800
given the plan gets adopted or approved by the Commission
01:26:47.800 --> 01:26:49.500
in the timeframe we're looking at,
01:26:50.350 --> 01:26:51.400
how does this work?
01:26:51.400 --> 01:26:54.110
Where does this oversight or where do these things come,
01:26:54.110 --> 01:26:57.143
what's the mechanism to make these adjustments or changes
01:26:57.143 --> 01:27:01.870
be they broader things or more narrow things,
01:27:01.870 --> 01:27:03.250
but course corrections if you will
01:27:03.250 --> 01:27:04.680
as we go through the process?
01:27:04.680 --> 01:27:05.980
How does that work?
01:27:05.980 --> 01:27:07.828
Well the Commission has,
01:27:07.828 --> 01:27:12.828
they have still open the safety culture OII.
01:27:14.420 --> 01:27:17.000
And one of our recommendations
01:27:17.000 --> 01:27:21.450
is that that case needs to remain open,
01:27:23.311 --> 01:27:27.690
and that that certainly the Commission
01:27:27.690 --> 01:27:32.690
has held several workshops,
01:27:33.210 --> 01:27:38.160
and taken a lot of thoughtful and important comments
01:27:38.160 --> 01:27:40.400
in that process.
01:27:40.400 --> 01:27:44.650
And that some of the recommendations
01:27:44.650 --> 01:27:46.840
that have been made in that process
01:27:46.840 --> 01:27:49.630
need to remain on the table
01:27:49.630 --> 01:27:54.630
and remain something that if necessary
01:27:54.650 --> 01:27:58.370
the Commission could use in the future.
01:27:59.370 --> 01:28:03.464
So in addition to that proceeding that you've just cited,
01:28:03.464 --> 01:28:07.630
there's a number of other parts and plans of limitation
01:28:07.630 --> 01:28:09.390
that aren't part of the record yet,
01:28:09.390 --> 01:28:11.490
aren't part of the actual plan, is that correct?
01:28:11.490 --> 01:28:14.000
For example, the regional reorganization plan
01:28:14.000 --> 01:28:16.320
that's yet to be developed or brought to the Commission?
01:28:16.320 --> 01:28:20.850
Yes, I mean that is in extremely skeletal form,
01:28:22.208 --> 01:28:25.500
and there are going to be a lot of important details
01:28:25.500 --> 01:28:26.900
about how that's going to work
01:28:26.900 --> 01:28:30.660
that the Commission's going to need to review going forward.
01:28:30.660 --> 01:28:33.960
So the Commissions decision that will be made
01:28:33.960 --> 01:28:37.200
pursuant to this proceeding will be on the existing plan,
01:28:37.200 --> 01:28:40.110
but there's a number of other things that will occur
01:28:40.110 --> 01:28:43.740
as we move through immediately to the longer term,
01:28:43.740 --> 01:28:46.080
such as the restructuring plan,
01:28:46.080 --> 01:28:48.500
number of other things that are going to be filled
01:28:48.500 --> 01:28:51.680
in the details that will be filed as we move through this,
01:28:51.680 --> 01:28:52.640
that's correct?
01:28:52.640 --> 01:28:54.090
So beyond the safety proceeding,
01:28:54.090 --> 01:28:55.840
there may be a number of other proceedings?
01:28:55.840 --> 01:28:59.860
Yes, and I think we had a lot of discussion this morning
01:28:59.860 --> 01:29:02.250
about the ratepayer neutrality aspect,
01:29:02.250 --> 01:29:05.151
which in our view is something that
01:29:05.151 --> 01:29:08.470
it's not just a snapshot in time.
01:29:08.470 --> 01:29:11.070
We're not just going to take one snapshot
01:29:11.070 --> 01:29:13.900
as of the moment PG&E emerges from its plan
01:29:13.900 --> 01:29:17.460
and decide that it's ratepayer neutral.
01:29:18.460 --> 01:29:20.710
So just using that again for clarification,
01:29:21.888 --> 01:29:23.020
at the time we're going to make this decision
01:29:23.020 --> 01:29:25.720
to move forward and get PG&E out of bankruptcy
01:29:25.720 --> 01:29:28.480
and get them into the Wildfire Fund.
01:29:28.480 --> 01:29:31.305
There will be a snapshot right now that we have to look at
01:29:31.305 --> 01:29:33.230
as the plan is developed,
01:29:33.230 --> 01:29:35.855
as the plan is now sitting before the Commission,
01:29:35.855 --> 01:29:38.410
saying this meets the standard.
01:29:38.410 --> 01:29:40.070
And we're going to have to make that determination.
01:29:40.070 --> 01:29:42.366
We can't make the long-term determination yet,
01:29:42.366 --> 01:29:44.040
lots of things aren't known,
01:29:44.040 --> 01:29:46.351
lots of other things that will come later,
01:29:46.351 --> 01:29:48.960
but you agree that for right now we have to look
01:29:48.960 --> 01:29:50.460
at the plan and what's before the Commission,
01:29:50.460 --> 01:29:52.170
they're going to make a decision
01:29:52.170 --> 01:29:54.795
on what's here in front of us right now?
01:29:54.795 --> 01:29:59.795
Yes. For better or for worse the Legislature
01:30:00.055 --> 01:30:04.280
put a deadline, and that's why we're in this
01:30:04.280 --> 01:30:09.280
sort of rocket docket to get us to June 30th.
01:30:10.353 --> 01:30:15.353
But this is also a really important moment for the long-term
01:30:16.058 --> 01:30:21.058
and it's important for the Commission to at least indicate
01:30:21.280 --> 01:30:26.280
an outline of what it wants PG&E to look like going forward.
01:30:26.430 --> 01:30:29.020
We're not going to be able to fill in all of the details
01:30:29.020 --> 01:30:31.990
of what that picture should be,
01:30:31.990 --> 01:30:35.398
but it is a really important moment to provide
01:30:35.398 --> 01:30:37.880
some kind of outline.
01:30:37.880 --> 01:30:40.020
And your testimony, if I understand it,
01:30:40.020 --> 01:30:44.020
would be as you develop later in your testimony
01:30:44.020 --> 01:30:47.940
that that includes the metrics and the measurements,
01:30:47.940 --> 01:30:50.850
and if you will even the milestones that might be needed
01:30:50.850 --> 01:30:54.230
to be considered, or met, or looked at as we move forward
01:30:54.230 --> 01:30:56.690
after they exit from bankruptcy?
01:30:56.690 --> 01:30:57.523
01:31:05.290 --> 01:31:09.740
And do those metrics, milestones things,
01:31:10.680 --> 01:31:12.350
how and where do they get developed,
01:31:12.350 --> 01:31:13.830
or how does that get adjusted,
01:31:13.830 --> 01:31:15.720
or as these filings get made,
01:31:15.720 --> 01:31:18.470
how does the Commission use those tools,
01:31:18.470 --> 01:31:20.740
or develop those tools and criteria?
01:31:22.210 --> 01:31:24.030
Well I think we've had some discussion
01:31:24.030 --> 01:31:25.670
about the financial metrics.
01:31:25.670 --> 01:31:29.210
And there's the cost of capital update proceedings
01:31:29.210 --> 01:31:32.430
has been established for that.
01:31:34.510 --> 01:31:39.340
And again, there's the ongoing safety culture proceeding,
01:31:41.025 --> 01:31:43.080
and it's our recommendation that that should stay open
01:31:43.080 --> 01:31:45.776
and that the Commission should retain
01:31:45.776 --> 01:31:50.776
its full jurisdictional flexibility to take any action
01:31:53.700 --> 01:31:56.430
in that proceeding that's necessary going forward
01:31:56.430 --> 01:31:58.670
as circumstances evolve.
01:31:58.670 --> 01:32:00.460
So from a victim's perspective
01:32:00.460 --> 01:32:03.530
particularly as to safety and reliability,
01:32:03.530 --> 01:32:07.920
the ability to make these course corrections in your opinion
01:32:07.920 --> 01:32:12.070
would be necessary to optimize the outcome
01:32:12.070 --> 01:32:15.140
of maintaining a safe and reliable system and avoiding
01:32:15.140 --> 01:32:19.614
the catastrophic or other unacceptable events going forward?
01:32:19.614 --> 01:32:21.840
Yes, I mean if nothing,
01:32:21.840 --> 01:32:24.460
if the last few years have taught us anything,
01:32:24.460 --> 01:32:29.460
it's that there may be additional shocks in the future.
01:32:30.860 --> 01:32:35.480
Hopefully not, but you have to prepare for that.
01:32:35.480 --> 01:32:38.211
And the Commission needs to be able to respond
01:32:38.211 --> 01:32:40.810
to what happens in the future
01:32:40.810 --> 01:32:42.760
with all of the tools it has available.
01:32:43.740 --> 01:32:44.573
Thank you Mr. Beach.
01:32:44.573 --> 01:32:46.250
I have no further questions Your Honor.
01:32:47.310 --> 01:32:48.700
Thank you, Mr. Bloom.
01:32:52.050 --> 01:32:53.850
My understanding is this completes
01:32:53.850 --> 01:32:57.260
the cross examination of Mr. Beach. Is that correct?
01:32:58.280 --> 01:32:59.500
Is that correct Mr. Craig?
01:32:59.500 --> 01:33:00.400
Yes, Your Honor.
01:33:01.339 --> 01:33:03.530
Thank you. Is there any redirect?
01:33:05.800 --> 01:33:09.130
Okay, thank you Mr. Beach. You are excused.
01:33:11.740 --> 01:33:12.940
Let's go off the record.
01:33:15.660 --> 01:33:20.170
So, next up is Mr. Gorman,
01:33:20.170 --> 01:33:22.610
did you want to move exhibits at this time?
01:33:23.500 --> 01:33:25.030
Yes, Your Honor.
01:33:25.030 --> 01:33:29.054
The only one we have is just the joint CCA one.
01:33:29.054 --> 01:33:31.461
Yes, I believe that's correct--
01:33:31.461 --> 01:33:36.461
Once we go back on the record we can move that in.
01:34:10.933 --> 01:34:11.930
Can I ask you a question?
01:34:11.930 --> 01:34:12.932
01:34:12.932 --> 01:34:16.028
Would this be marked, Mr. Gorman's testimony,
01:34:16.028 --> 01:34:21.028
as the (mumbles)
01:34:24.873 --> 01:34:29.873
Gorman's, right here.
01:34:31.679 --> 01:34:33.846
01:34:51.483 --> 01:34:56.483
It's identified for the record
01:34:58.539 --> 01:35:03.539
and it's marked as TURN ebook IS two.
01:35:03.827 --> 01:35:07.850
So over the last several days (mumbles)
01:35:07.850 --> 01:35:12.665
my colleague (mumbles) has been helpful
01:35:12.665 --> 01:35:15.984
in trying to decipher some documents
01:35:15.984 --> 01:35:18.948
that we want to enter into the record today.
01:35:18.948 --> 01:35:22.647
The first of those is a public document,
01:35:22.647 --> 01:35:27.647
we marked it yesterday at EPC1 (mumbles)
01:35:29.758 --> 01:35:32.125
It did not contain attachments
01:35:32.125 --> 01:35:34.122
that we were still discussing,
01:35:34.122 --> 01:35:36.802
we've now resolved that and I would care to substitute
01:35:36.802 --> 01:35:39.544
what we gave you yesterday for a now complete version
01:35:39.544 --> 01:35:43.949
with attachments, while noting the document itself
01:35:43.949 --> 01:35:48.397
has exceptions to a complete set of attachments.
01:35:48.397 --> 01:35:53.397
In part because (mumbles)
01:35:55.600 --> 01:35:57.717
So I'm replacing (murmurs)
01:35:57.717 --> 01:36:02.717
There's three of those.
01:36:04.174 --> 01:36:07.257
(background chatter)
01:37:22.545 --> 01:37:24.972
Two is fine, as is.
01:37:24.972 --> 01:37:29.972
What we need to do in addition to the public version of one
01:37:31.216 --> 01:37:35.377
is to also identify and introduce a confidential version
01:37:35.377 --> 01:37:39.537
of one, because it contains one sheet
01:37:39.537 --> 01:37:44.537
which is (mumbles)
01:37:46.157 --> 01:37:51.157
I should also advise this document (mumbles)
01:37:52.694 --> 01:37:57.694
does reflect several credit agency reports
01:37:57.787 --> 01:38:00.158
that are subscription reports,
01:38:00.158 --> 01:38:05.158
however PG&E has consented to allow those to (mumbles)
01:38:06.924 --> 01:38:10.041
There is one summary (mumbles)
01:38:10.041 --> 01:38:12.133
So that's the only that's confidential is that one page?
01:38:12.133 --> 01:38:13.769
This is the confidential document.
01:38:13.769 --> 01:38:16.217
Why don't we, do me a favor, take that one page
01:38:16.217 --> 01:38:21.217
put it in an envelope, and then we can mark that one page
01:38:25.835 --> 01:38:30.835
as essentially it'll be like EPUC1A
01:38:32.853 --> 01:38:36.419
because it's an attachment, C so it's confidential.
01:38:36.419 --> 01:38:39.330
So they know it's not here and it's confidential.
01:38:39.330 --> 01:38:42.274
Are you going to need to refer to that at all
01:38:42.274 --> 01:38:43.765
during cross examination?
01:38:43.765 --> 01:38:45.361
That document?
01:38:45.361 --> 01:38:47.123
01:38:47.123 --> 01:38:49.177
Not the numbers in that document.
01:38:49.177 --> 01:38:52.059
I think that there were some questions to Mr. Gorman
01:38:52.059 --> 01:38:56.084
whether he feels (mumbles)
01:38:56.084 --> 01:38:57.914
01:38:57.914 --> 01:39:00.602
The other thing I want to be clear for Mr. Weisman,
01:39:00.602 --> 01:39:02.825
and all the parties, I do have other copies
01:39:02.825 --> 01:39:04.818
of that confidential copy.
01:39:04.818 --> 01:39:07.448
We have not served it, we're not going to serve it.
01:39:07.448 --> 01:39:11.687
(mumbles) We can provide them a copy,
01:39:11.687 --> 01:39:16.285
but otherwise we're not going to.
01:39:16.285 --> 01:39:18.717
That's fine.
01:39:18.717 --> 01:39:21.640
(background chatter)
01:39:21.640 --> 01:39:23.468
Yes, I did want to clarify that.
01:39:23.468 --> 01:39:28.468
The highlighted text in there was Mr. Gorman's highlights,
01:39:29.020 --> 01:39:31.894
and they are there to reflect the passages
01:39:31.894 --> 01:39:36.894
that he was particularly focusing on (mumbles)
01:39:39.308 --> 01:39:41.343
Yeah, when we go on the record.
01:39:41.343 --> 01:39:44.426
(background chatter)
01:39:55.784 --> 01:39:57.167
Are those documents if we've signed
01:39:57.167 --> 01:39:58.982
that confidentiality agreement,
01:39:58.982 --> 01:40:02.279
can they be made available for us?
01:40:02.279 --> 01:40:05.362
(background chatter)
01:40:09.128 --> 01:40:14.128
Yes, I have. Thank you.
01:40:15.053 --> 01:40:19.717
Thank you.
01:40:19.717 --> 01:40:24.527
Okay, so what I'll do is when I go on the record,
01:40:24.527 --> 01:40:27.128
let me do a little housekeeping with Mr. Fox.
01:40:27.128 --> 01:40:30.286
And then once we do that, we'll have you call Mr. Gorman.
01:40:30.286 --> 01:40:34.588
Then I'll swear you in and cross on Mr. Gorman
01:40:34.588 --> 01:40:39.542
is by PG&E and TCC, correct? Okay.
01:40:39.542 --> 01:40:44.542
And PG&E you would go first? Okay.
01:40:46.194 --> 01:40:50.634
On the record. Mr. Fox?
01:40:50.634 --> 01:40:52.876
Your Honor, the joint CCAs would like to move
01:40:52.876 --> 01:40:56.013
what has been marked as exhibit JCC1,
01:40:56.013 --> 01:40:59.212
the prepared reply testimony of R. Thomas Beach,
01:40:59.212 --> 01:41:00.673
into the record.
01:41:00.673 --> 01:41:04.064
Is there any objection to the receipt of the exhibit?
01:41:04.064 --> 01:41:09.064
Seeing none, joint CCA1 is received.
01:41:11.607 --> 01:41:15.431
Thank you, Mr. Fox.
01:41:15.431 --> 01:41:17.570
Mr. Alcantar, please call your witness.
01:41:17.570 --> 01:41:19.040
Your Honor,
01:41:19.040 --> 01:41:23.165
at this time EPUC and Indicated Shippers
01:41:23.165 --> 01:41:25.646
calls Michael Gorman to the stand.
01:41:25.646 --> 01:41:29.003
Thank you. Do you swear to tell the truth,
01:41:29.003 --> 01:41:31.072
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
01:41:31.072 --> 01:41:32.336
I do.
01:41:32.336 --> 01:41:33.788
Would you please be seated. State your full name,
01:41:33.788 --> 01:41:35.371
and spell your last name for the record.
01:41:35.371 --> 01:41:37.080
My name is Michael Gorman,
01:41:37.080 --> 01:41:40.244
M-I-C-H-A-E-L G-O-R-M-A-N.
01:41:40.244 --> 01:41:41.739
Thank you, Mr. Alcantar.
01:41:41.739 --> 01:41:43.306
Your Honor, as we discussed off the record
01:41:43.306 --> 01:41:45.827
there are a few documents that have been
01:41:45.827 --> 01:41:50.827
marked for identification, EPUC1 and EPUC1C.
01:41:56.894 --> 01:41:59.677
I want to make sure that it is clear
01:41:59.677 --> 01:42:01.655
as the council has requested,
01:42:01.655 --> 01:42:04.503
that we note that of the attachments
01:42:04.503 --> 01:42:08.294
that are the public version
01:42:08.294 --> 01:42:13.294
as well as the confidential version of these exhibits,
01:42:13.840 --> 01:42:17.408
there are some yellow highlights attachments.
01:42:17.408 --> 01:42:22.376
These highlights were made by Mr. Gorman,
01:42:22.376 --> 01:42:24.984
a review of these documents to highlight areas
01:42:24.984 --> 01:42:29.375
we're replying upon particular passages.
01:42:29.375 --> 01:42:31.276
Let me just make sure we're clear
01:42:31.276 --> 01:42:34.262
on which is what.
01:42:34.262 --> 01:42:39.262
So previously prepared testimony of Mr. Gorman
01:42:40.655 --> 01:42:45.228
was marked as TURN EPUCIS2, correct?
01:42:45.228 --> 01:42:46.885
Yes, thank you Your Honor.
01:42:46.885 --> 01:42:49.217
And then you've presented me
01:42:49.217 --> 01:42:54.217
with exhibits in the hearing room.
01:42:54.401 --> 01:42:58.089
One is an EPUC response to PG&E
01:42:58.089 --> 01:43:02.495
and use data set one in accompanying attachments.
01:43:02.495 --> 01:43:04.266
And my understanding is that would be marked
01:43:04.266 --> 01:43:06.783
as just ECUC1.
01:43:06.783 --> 01:43:08.677
Correct, that is a public version.
01:43:08.677 --> 01:43:10.769
And that's a public version of that document.
01:43:10.769 --> 01:43:14.724
And then you have provided there's a one page
01:43:14.724 --> 01:43:19.724
attachment to that document that is confidential?
01:43:20.255 --> 01:43:22.833
Correct, the so called attachment 13.
01:43:22.833 --> 01:43:25.409
And what I have done is I have marked that
01:43:25.409 --> 01:43:30.409
as EPUC1AC, since that's an attachment that's confidential.
01:43:33.332 --> 01:43:38.332
And that is identified as yes, EPUC1AC.
01:43:43.203 --> 01:43:46.885
And then the other document that was provided
01:43:46.885 --> 01:43:51.706
is attachment to PG&E omnibus supplemental data response,
01:43:51.706 --> 01:43:54.836
set two on February 29th,
01:43:54.836 --> 01:43:58.117
excuse me, on February 19th, et cetera.
01:43:58.117 --> 01:44:02.560
And that would be identified as EPUC2, correct?
01:44:02.560 --> 01:44:03.824
01:44:03.824 --> 01:44:08.824
Okay that one is identified as EPUC2.
01:44:11.834 --> 01:44:13.580
Okay, go ahead Mr. Alcantar.
01:44:13.580 --> 01:44:17.236
And then the highlighted text that you were discussing
01:44:17.236 --> 01:44:20.728
are in which exhibit?
01:44:20.728 --> 01:44:23.167
01:44:23.167 --> 01:44:25.229
Okay, thank you. Go ahead.
01:44:25.229 --> 01:44:28.190
I should also I think point out to you that EPUC2
01:44:28.190 --> 01:44:33.190
has also a confidential version, or materials,
01:44:33.550 --> 01:44:38.550
that are confidential.
01:44:39.471 --> 01:44:41.196
I'm not sure how many of those documents
01:44:41.196 --> 01:44:43.471
still remain confidential to be perfectly blunt
01:44:43.471 --> 01:44:46.629
with you this morning from a PG&E standpoint.
01:44:46.629 --> 01:44:51.629
But there was a previously marked identified addition
01:44:51.718 --> 01:44:56.718
of C2 (mumbles)
01:44:57.917 --> 01:44:59.444
Yeah, I'm not sure.
01:44:59.444 --> 01:45:02.636
Okay, I'm not sure that that has been marked for the record.
01:45:02.636 --> 01:45:07.636
Just to be clear that EPUC2C is a confidential version
01:45:09.133 --> 01:45:11.865
of EPUC2.
01:45:11.865 --> 01:45:15.556
01:45:15.556 --> 01:45:18.072
Okay. Thank you.
01:45:18.072 --> 01:45:21.413
Lastly to be somewhat efficient, PG&E has agreed
01:45:21.413 --> 01:45:26.413
that these documents as identified by stipulation.
01:45:29.555 --> 01:45:33.499
And which, is that everything that we've talked about,
01:45:33.499 --> 01:45:38.499
including TURN EPUCIS, or just the EPUC1, 1AC, 2, and 2C?
01:45:43.444 --> 01:45:46.242
The latter, the EPUC testimony
01:45:46.242 --> 01:45:51.201
that Mr. Gorman is supporting in conjunction with TURN
01:45:51.201 --> 01:45:54.716
and IS is still across.
01:45:54.716 --> 01:45:56.455
01:45:56.455 --> 01:46:01.147
So, is there any objection to the receive into the record
01:46:01.147 --> 01:46:06.147
01:46:12.286 --> 01:46:13.852
May we be off the record for just a moment please?
01:46:13.852 --> 01:46:15.921
Yes, off the record.
01:46:15.921 --> 01:46:19.004
(background chatter)
01:46:47.729 --> 01:46:51.063
We can do this later if you want.
01:46:51.063 --> 01:46:52.358
Could we?
01:46:52.358 --> 01:46:54.527
Why don't we just readjust that.
01:46:54.527 --> 01:46:57.688
I don't anticipate a problem (mumbles)
01:46:57.688 --> 01:47:02.680
On the record. We'll hold that motion in abeyance for now
01:47:02.680 --> 01:47:07.514
while parties may examine and confer.
01:47:07.514 --> 01:47:10.089
Mr. Alcantar, you may present your witness.
01:47:10.089 --> 01:47:11.272
Thank you, Your Honor.
01:47:11.272 --> 01:47:12.906
Mr. Gorman, do you have before you
01:47:12.906 --> 01:47:14.960
what's been marked for purposes of identification
01:47:14.960 --> 01:47:19.960
TURN TTC IS exhibit two?
01:47:22.530 --> 01:47:26.754
Which is your prepared direct testimony in this case,
01:47:26.754 --> 01:47:29.524
prepared replied testimony in this case, excuse me.
01:47:29.524 --> 01:47:31.198
I do.
01:47:31.198 --> 01:47:34.140
Was that information or testimony prepared
01:47:34.140 --> 01:47:36.137
under your direction?
01:47:36.137 --> 01:47:38.428
It was.
01:47:38.428 --> 01:47:40.304
Do you adopt it as true and correct?
01:47:40.304 --> 01:47:43.167
I do.
01:47:43.167 --> 01:47:45.844
Witness is available for cross examination.
01:47:45.844 --> 01:47:48.149
Thank you Mr. Alcantar. Mr. Weisman?
01:47:48.149 --> 01:47:51.004
Thank you, Your Honor. Good morning.
01:47:51.004 --> 01:47:52.878
Good morning.
01:47:52.878 --> 01:47:54.318
My name is Henry Weisman,
01:47:54.318 --> 01:47:56.731
I'm one of the attorneys representing PG&E in this matter.
01:47:56.731 --> 01:47:58.337
Good morning.
01:47:58.337 --> 01:48:03.337
Please turn your testimony page 20.
01:48:07.605 --> 01:48:09.775
I'm there.
01:48:09.775 --> 01:48:11.281
Directing your attention
01:48:11.281 --> 01:48:14.905
to lines 15 through 18.
01:48:14.905 --> 01:48:16.191
I'm there.
01:48:16.191 --> 01:48:18.539
You state, "Approximately $5.8 billion
01:48:18.539 --> 01:48:23.207
of RSA debt will be subject to financing
01:48:23.207 --> 01:48:28.207
at the companies post exit credit rating and cost of debt.
01:48:28.995 --> 01:48:33.650
The change in interest rate for this other RSA debt
01:48:33.650 --> 01:48:37.314
has simply not been estimated by PG&E in its testimony."
01:48:37.314 --> 01:48:38.784
do you see that?
01:48:38.784 --> 01:48:39.781
I do.
01:48:39.781 --> 01:48:40.780
So is it your understanding
01:48:40.780 --> 01:48:42.675
a portion of the debt under the note holder RSA
01:48:42.675 --> 01:48:45.691
would be issued at market interest rates?
01:48:45.691 --> 01:48:47.556
Well, at the time I wrote this testimony
01:48:47.556 --> 01:48:50.024
it was unclear to me
01:48:50.024 --> 01:48:52.695
whether or not that was going to be repriced.
01:48:52.695 --> 01:48:55.079
And data submittals by the company since then
01:48:55.079 --> 01:48:59.787
it appears as though I may be reinstated at the coupon rates
01:48:59.787 --> 01:49:02.651
that previously existed.
01:49:02.651 --> 01:49:05.787
But it was unclear to me at the time
01:49:05.787 --> 01:49:07.822
I filed this testimony.
01:49:07.822 --> 01:49:09.583
All right. And at the time you filed this testimony,
01:49:09.583 --> 01:49:11.355
you had Mr. Wells testimony right?
01:49:11.355 --> 01:49:12.828
I did.
01:49:12.828 --> 01:49:16.664
All right. Would you please turn to Mr. Wells testimony?
01:49:16.664 --> 01:49:21.664
So you have a binder there that you might want to look at.
01:49:22.947 --> 01:49:26.557
It's in tab five.
01:49:26.557 --> 01:49:28.336
I'm there.
01:49:28.336 --> 01:49:33.336
Turn to page 2-28.
01:49:41.558 --> 01:49:43.610
I'm there.
01:49:43.610 --> 01:49:47.568
So, there's subsections A, B, and C
01:49:47.568 --> 01:49:50.027
on pages 20 and then 29. Do you see that?
01:49:50.027 --> 01:49:52.260
I do.
01:49:52.260 --> 01:49:55.798
And these passages describe the terms of the debt
01:49:55.798 --> 01:49:59.917
being issued pursuant to the note holder RSA, correct?
01:49:59.917 --> 01:50:03.459
That's correct.
01:50:03.459 --> 01:50:07.789
So if we look at A,
01:50:07.789 --> 01:50:12.789
it states, I'm reading from page 2-28 starting at line five.
01:50:14.770 --> 01:50:19.770
1.949 million, sorry 1,949 million in new notes
01:50:23.682 --> 01:50:28.131
bearing an interest rate of 3.15%. Do you see that?
01:50:28.131 --> 01:50:29.164
I do.
01:50:29.164 --> 01:50:31.766
And then a little further down, starting around line 10,
01:50:31.766 --> 01:50:35.730
it refers to another 1,949 million of notes
01:50:35.730 --> 01:50:38.210
bearing an interest rate of 4.5, correct?
01:50:38.210 --> 01:50:41.311
01:50:41.311 --> 01:50:45.433
And then if we turn to page 2-29,
01:50:45.433 --> 01:50:49.735
we have the medium term notes
01:50:49.735 --> 01:50:53.814
and referencing around line three it's stated
01:50:53.814 --> 01:50:55.906
that the interest rate on that issue
01:50:55.906 --> 01:50:58.170
would be 3.45%, correct?
01:50:58.170 --> 01:50:59.314
01:50:59.314 --> 01:51:01.687
And then on line A, 3.75%, correct?
01:51:01.687 --> 01:51:03.534
01:51:03.534 --> 01:51:08.534
And are these the notes that you are referencing
01:51:14.811 --> 01:51:19.811
that add up to the 5.8 billion?
01:51:24.939 --> 01:51:26.499
Appear to be.
01:51:26.499 --> 01:51:31.499
So your testimony was in error?
01:51:50.410 --> 01:51:52.694
Well, there was a stated interest rates,
01:51:52.694 --> 01:51:57.694
I don't know if I could have articulated it more clearly.
01:51:59.426 --> 01:52:02.504
There was a lot of information to consume in this,
01:52:02.504 --> 01:52:05.506
the interest rates were firmly stated
01:52:05.506 --> 01:52:10.506
than what I was originally understood.
01:52:10.736 --> 01:52:12.702
But I don't know whether or not the state interest rates
01:52:12.702 --> 01:52:16.592
in any way reflects the credit standing of the utility
01:52:16.592 --> 01:52:21.011
as it exits bankruptcy.
01:52:21.011 --> 01:52:25.518
From that standpoint, it will not be refinanced
01:52:25.518 --> 01:52:28.626
at market rates, but the stated interest rates
01:52:28.626 --> 01:52:33.626
on these notes has been identified exiting bankruptcy.
01:52:35.307 --> 01:52:38.694
But I can't say for certain whether or not
01:52:38.694 --> 01:52:41.791
those interest rates were impacted by the credit standing
01:52:41.791 --> 01:52:43.226
and the utility.
01:52:43.226 --> 01:52:44.623
Yeah, that wasn't my question.
01:52:44.623 --> 01:52:46.391
Well your question was he made an error,
01:52:46.391 --> 01:52:51.391
so I think he's explaining why maybe he didn't--
01:52:51.519 --> 01:52:52.737
01:52:52.737 --> 01:52:54.127
Go ahead, Mr. Weisman.
01:52:54.127 --> 01:52:59.094
Your testimony on page 20 was that the interest rate
01:52:59.094 --> 01:53:02.025
for this other RS state debt
01:53:02.025 --> 01:53:05.922
simply has not been estimated by PG&E in its testimony.
01:53:05.922 --> 01:53:09.260
That was an error?
01:53:09.260 --> 01:53:14.260
It had been estimated, so that's correct.
01:53:14.421 --> 01:53:19.421
Turn to page 12 of your testimony.
01:53:22.733 --> 01:53:27.686
I'm there.
01:53:27.686 --> 01:53:32.686
Lines five through eight.
01:53:33.040 --> 01:53:38.040
So, here you assert that costs directly associated
01:53:39.629 --> 01:53:42.102
with the bankruptcy should not be included
01:53:42.102 --> 01:53:46.538
in the development of perspective rates, correct?
01:53:46.538 --> 01:53:49.214
01:53:49.214 --> 01:53:54.214
And turning to page 21, lines five through six.
01:54:08.075 --> 01:54:09.103
Are you there?
01:54:09.103 --> 01:54:10.212
Yes, I am.
01:54:10.212 --> 01:54:14.405
And here you reference other aspects of PG&Es
01:54:14.405 --> 01:54:19.405
at interest cost that may result in increased interest costs
01:54:20.325 --> 01:54:24.101
as a result of PG&E filing for bankruptcy, correct?
01:54:24.101 --> 01:54:27.977
I do.
01:54:27.977 --> 01:54:30.869
So is it your recommendation that the Commission
01:54:30.869 --> 01:54:34.822
examine the costs that ratepayers pay
01:54:34.822 --> 01:54:37.893
compared to the cost they would have paid,
01:54:37.893 --> 01:54:42.893
in a world in which there had been no bankruptcy?
01:54:45.997 --> 01:54:48.459
In measuring whether or not the bankruptcy
01:54:48.459 --> 01:54:50.883
led to debt interest rate savings,
01:54:50.883 --> 01:54:52.912
I would recommend that the Commission consider
01:54:52.912 --> 01:54:55.868
whether or not there were increases in interest rates
01:54:55.868 --> 01:55:00.868
cost associated with the bankruptcy
01:55:01.020 --> 01:55:03.079
in determining whether or not the net impact
01:55:03.079 --> 01:55:05.585
from the bankruptcy had the effect of producing
01:55:05.585 --> 01:55:07.951
interest rate savings to customers,
01:55:07.951 --> 01:55:09.885
or interest rate costs.
01:55:09.885 --> 01:55:12.175
Right. And to determine if there were increased costs,
01:55:12.175 --> 01:55:14.401
you would compare the actual costs
01:55:14.401 --> 01:55:19.146
to the costs that would have existed
01:55:19.146 --> 01:55:24.146
had there not been a bankruptcy, correct?
01:55:26.672 --> 01:55:29.026
To the extent there was increased interest costs
01:55:29.026 --> 01:55:31.889
that can be attributable to the bankruptcy filing.
01:55:31.889 --> 01:55:34.689
Right, I'm asking you how you would determine that.
01:55:34.689 --> 01:55:37.691
So my question is increased compared to what?
01:55:37.691 --> 01:55:39.178
Increased compared to a world
01:55:39.178 --> 01:55:41.210
in which there was no bankruptcy?
01:55:41.210 --> 01:55:42.512
There would be an increased cost
01:55:42.512 --> 01:55:44.922
associated with the companies actual interest cost are
01:55:44.922 --> 01:55:49.330
having then exiting bankruptcy compared to what
01:55:49.330 --> 01:55:51.350
the interest rates would have been
01:55:51.350 --> 01:55:53.264
had it not filed for bankruptcy.
01:55:53.264 --> 01:55:55.625
Thank you.
01:55:55.625 --> 01:55:58.128
And in that hypothetical world
01:55:58.128 --> 01:56:03.128
in which there was no bankruptcy,
01:56:08.427 --> 01:56:10.723
are you assuming that there would have been
01:56:10.723 --> 01:56:15.723
wildfire claims costs?
01:56:17.639 --> 01:56:19.631
I haven't made the assumption yet,
01:56:19.631 --> 01:56:24.631
but it would be an estimate based on the financial condition
01:56:25.290 --> 01:56:29.802
and the borrowing cost of utility,
01:56:29.802 --> 01:56:32.898
that would exclude any financial consequences
01:56:32.898 --> 01:56:35.366
of costs that are not appropriate for recovering
01:56:35.366 --> 01:56:37.593
from retail ratepayers.
01:56:37.593 --> 01:56:38.867
Let me try the question again.
01:56:38.867 --> 01:56:41.735
So you're saying we should compare the actual costs
01:56:41.735 --> 01:56:46.735
that PG&E will incur to the costs it would have incurred
01:56:47.052 --> 01:56:50.300
without a bankruptcy, correct?
01:56:50.300 --> 01:56:54.162
Well I'm not really following your methodology, I guess.
01:56:54.162 --> 01:56:55.907
It's similar, but a little different.
01:56:55.907 --> 01:56:59.075
I think there might be identifiable interest cost
01:56:59.075 --> 01:57:02.541
the utility would incur that attributable to it
01:57:02.541 --> 01:57:04.547
having filed for bankruptcy,
01:57:04.547 --> 01:57:07.411
or having incurred certain cost
01:57:07.411 --> 01:57:10.203
that may not be recoverable from retail customers.
01:57:10.203 --> 01:57:11.810
01:57:11.810 --> 01:57:14.439
In either interest, there may be increased interest cost
01:57:14.439 --> 01:57:16.363
that would not be appropriate
01:57:16.363 --> 01:57:17.732
for recovering from retail customers.
01:57:17.732 --> 01:57:21.951
So a few minutes ago I thought we set this premise,
01:57:21.951 --> 01:57:23.777
maybe I need to go back over it.
01:57:23.777 --> 01:57:27.620
I think you said it's increased costs,
01:57:27.620 --> 01:57:30.054
to determine if there are increased costs,
01:57:30.054 --> 01:57:33.673
we compare the actual costs to a world
01:57:33.673 --> 01:57:37.020
in which there was no bankruptcy. Correct?
01:57:37.020 --> 01:57:39.862
Yeah, but I wasn't limiting it to that.
01:57:39.862 --> 01:57:42.315
Ah, so it's increased cost that would have existed
01:57:42.315 --> 01:57:47.315
in a world without bankruptcy and without wildfire claims?
01:57:47.485 --> 01:57:49.985
It's any increased costs that are associated
01:57:49.985 --> 01:57:53.581
with imprudent or unreasonable, imprudent actions
01:57:53.581 --> 01:57:55.283
of the utility or unreasonable cost incurred--
01:57:55.283 --> 01:57:57.585
I'm sorry.
01:57:57.585 --> 01:58:02.227
Whose phone? Whose is that?
01:58:02.227 --> 01:58:05.701
Who has a phone or machine?
01:58:05.701 --> 01:58:08.814
Make sure it's turned off please.
01:58:08.814 --> 01:58:10.138
I'm sorry Your Honor I lost the train.
01:58:10.138 --> 01:58:11.743
You can back up.
01:58:11.743 --> 01:58:15.650
On the record, go ahead Mr. Weisman.
01:58:15.650 --> 01:58:18.883
I apologize, let me go back over this.
01:58:18.883 --> 01:58:22.092
So you're referencing increased costs,
01:58:22.092 --> 01:58:24.391
and to determine if they're increased costs
01:58:24.391 --> 01:58:26.526
you would compare the actual costs
01:58:26.526 --> 01:58:31.526
to a world in which there was no bankruptcy and no fires?
01:58:33.998 --> 01:58:38.091
I'm describing a situation where we identify
01:58:38.091 --> 01:58:40.593
increased costs that are not appropriate
01:58:40.593 --> 01:58:43.354
to recover from retail customers.
01:58:43.354 --> 01:58:45.245
Those increased costs can be attributable
01:58:45.245 --> 01:58:47.844
to imprudent actions of the utility or cost
01:58:47.844 --> 01:58:49.662
that simply are unreasonable.
01:58:49.662 --> 01:58:52.622
Factors that could have resulted in the utility incurring
01:58:52.622 --> 01:58:56.628
unreasonable cost include its bankruptcy filing,
01:58:56.628 --> 01:59:01.259
and certain consequences that deal with wildfire
01:59:01.259 --> 01:59:06.259
damage claims imposed on the utility in 2017 and 2018.
01:59:08.075 --> 01:59:11.106
So to implement your recommendation,
01:59:11.106 --> 01:59:13.698
would the Commission need to conduct a review
01:59:13.698 --> 01:59:17.560
into the prudence of PG&E actions
01:59:17.560 --> 01:59:21.797
relative to the 2017 and 2018 fires?
01:59:21.797 --> 01:59:26.367
If the utility makes a claim that the cost
01:59:26.367 --> 01:59:29.381
related to those fires were prudent and reasonable,
01:59:29.381 --> 01:59:31.475
then I think the Commission would want a record
01:59:31.475 --> 01:59:34.998
on whether or not the utilities claim was accurate.
01:59:34.998 --> 01:59:39.036
Sorry, let me back up.
01:59:39.036 --> 01:59:40.734
Let me see if I can define some terms
01:59:40.734 --> 01:59:42.339
that will maybe make this easier.
01:59:42.339 --> 01:59:45.317
You're comparing the actual costs to the baseline,
01:59:45.317 --> 01:59:48.330
and we'll define the baseline as a world in which
01:59:48.330 --> 01:59:53.330
there were no bankruptcy, and I think you're saying
01:59:54.008 --> 01:59:59.008
no fire claims costs that are deemed imprudent.
01:59:59.767 --> 02:00:00.941
Is that correct?
02:00:00.941 --> 02:00:02.940
Well I haven't completely designed the analysis
02:00:02.940 --> 02:00:05.237
I think that would be necessary in order to identify
02:00:05.237 --> 02:00:06.988
whether or not costs are inappropriate
02:00:06.988 --> 02:00:09.249
for recovering from customers.
02:00:09.249 --> 02:00:11.941
But the basic objective would be to identify costs
02:00:11.941 --> 02:00:15.585
which were incurred as a result of imprudent management,
02:00:15.585 --> 02:00:19.334
or costs which are found to be unreasonable.
02:00:19.334 --> 02:00:23.656
And based on this record, I would suggest
02:00:23.656 --> 02:00:25.786
that the cost related to the bankruptcy filing,
02:00:25.786 --> 02:00:28.896
which in part was triggered by the 2017 and 2018
02:00:28.896 --> 02:00:31.748
wildfire damage claims against the utility
02:00:31.748 --> 02:00:34.880
would fall into that imprudent and unreasonable category.
02:00:34.880 --> 02:00:38.637
Well there's been no determination of whether PG&Es
02:00:38.637 --> 02:00:42.309
conduct was imprudent or unreasonable, correct?
02:00:42.309 --> 02:00:45.941
I haven't reviewed whether or not
02:00:45.941 --> 02:00:47.680
there's been a determination of that.
02:00:47.680 --> 02:00:50.576
I do know that the 2017 and 2018 settlements
02:00:50.576 --> 02:00:53.317
are part of the reorganization plan
02:00:53.317 --> 02:00:55.812
that deal with the bankruptcy filing.
02:00:55.812 --> 02:00:58.821
Right, but there was no finding or admission
02:00:58.821 --> 02:01:00.724
of imprudence or unreasonableness.
02:01:00.724 --> 02:01:03.233
I'm not aware of the utility asserting in any way
02:01:03.233 --> 02:01:07.235
that the cost incurred for 17 and 18 wildfire damage claims
02:01:07.235 --> 02:01:09.131
is prudent and reasonable.
02:01:09.131 --> 02:01:11.950
So I'm not aware of any utility responding to an assertion
02:01:11.950 --> 02:01:14.714
the utility hasn't yet made.
02:01:14.714 --> 02:01:18.744
To implement your recommendation, to define the baseline,
02:01:18.744 --> 02:01:20.818
the Commission would have to make a determination,
02:01:20.818 --> 02:01:23.279
with respect to prudence and reasonableness
02:01:23.279 --> 02:01:25.408
of utilities conduct, right?
02:01:25.408 --> 02:01:27.821
They would if the utility sought recovery of those costs
02:01:27.821 --> 02:01:30.749
from customers, yes. I presume they would.
02:01:30.749 --> 02:01:32.251
That's really a legal question,
02:01:32.251 --> 02:01:34.251
but I presume that would be a finding that Commission
02:01:34.251 --> 02:01:37.146
would use in order to determine whether or not
02:01:37.146 --> 02:01:40.267
they're appropriate from recovering from retail customers.
02:01:40.267 --> 02:01:42.299
Yeah but if the utility doesn't seek the recovery
02:01:42.299 --> 02:01:46.778
of the costs, we're just implementing your baseline concept,
02:01:46.778 --> 02:01:51.778
they would still need to make that finding, right?
02:01:51.795 --> 02:01:54.417
When? I mean when they file rates,
02:01:54.417 --> 02:01:56.423
if the utility doesn't seek recovery of those costs,
02:01:56.423 --> 02:01:58.370
the Commission wouldn't need to assess
02:01:58.370 --> 02:02:01.285
whether or not the company is seeking to recover costs
02:02:01.285 --> 02:02:03.589
which are the results of imprudent actions,
02:02:03.589 --> 02:02:05.448
or costs that are unreasonable.
02:02:05.448 --> 02:02:07.072
Right, but to implement your baseline,
02:02:07.072 --> 02:02:10.418
they would have to make that finding, correct?
02:02:10.418 --> 02:02:14.110
My baseline is to not include costs
02:02:14.110 --> 02:02:16.979
in the development of rates which the Commission finds
02:02:16.979 --> 02:02:18.680
to be imprudent or unreasonable
02:02:18.680 --> 02:02:20.921
to the extent the utility doesn't seek recovery
02:02:20.921 --> 02:02:24.870
of such costs, then the Commission would not need
02:02:24.870 --> 02:02:27.141
to make a finding of the unreasonable or imprudence
02:02:27.141 --> 02:02:30.719
of the cost if they're not subject of costs the utility
02:02:30.719 --> 02:02:35.719
is seeking to recover in rates.
02:02:41.521 --> 02:02:44.941
Okay. So in your hypothetical world
02:02:44.941 --> 02:02:49.941
without bankruptcy, without imprudent costs,
02:02:50.254 --> 02:02:55.212
would we also posit that inverse condemnation exists,
02:02:55.212 --> 02:02:58.701
as a legal doctrine?
02:02:58.701 --> 02:03:00.855
I think you would look at the actual circumstances
02:03:00.855 --> 02:03:04.720
facing the risk of utility as it actually stood.
02:03:04.720 --> 02:03:08.677
As well as legislation, which mitigated the risk
02:03:08.677 --> 02:03:11.613
of utility investors of inverse condemnation.
02:03:11.613 --> 02:03:13.612
So yes, those would be factors
02:03:13.612 --> 02:03:15.187
that would be considered, yes.
02:03:15.187 --> 02:03:18.978
And so we're talking about the world before the bankruptcy
02:03:18.978 --> 02:03:22.620
or the world in the future?
02:03:22.620 --> 02:03:25.293
We would be talking about the world in which the utility
02:03:25.293 --> 02:03:28.115
files a test year proceeding seeking certain cost
02:03:28.115 --> 02:03:31.030
to be included in the development of its revenue requirement
02:03:31.030 --> 02:03:33.985
and recovering retail rates.
02:03:33.985 --> 02:03:35.751
So it would be based on that context,
02:03:35.751 --> 02:03:37.792
and whether or not any of those costs included
02:03:37.792 --> 02:03:40.915
and cost to service should be excluded on the basis
02:03:40.915 --> 02:03:43.381
of imprudence or unreasonableness.
02:03:43.381 --> 02:03:48.381
So we would consider the risks associated with wildfires?
02:03:48.547 --> 02:03:53.092
If it were relevant in that future test year
02:03:53.092 --> 02:03:55.808
to the extent inverse condemnation
02:03:55.808 --> 02:03:59.849
and other regulatory practices by the Commission
02:03:59.849 --> 02:04:02.658
are a factor in establishing the utilities credit standing
02:04:02.658 --> 02:04:04.589
and access to capitaling.
02:04:04.589 --> 02:04:07.784
Now have you set forth an analysis of the costs
02:04:07.784 --> 02:04:10.927
that PG&Es ratepayers would have paid
02:04:10.927 --> 02:04:13.027
in a world without the bankruptcy?
02:04:13.027 --> 02:04:15.460
Not in this case.
02:04:15.460 --> 02:04:19.142
But you would ask the Commission to catalog those costs?
02:04:19.142 --> 02:04:21.153
I would ask the Commission to set a standard
02:04:21.153 --> 02:04:23.973
that costs that are imprudent or unreasonable
02:04:23.973 --> 02:04:27.797
would be included in the development of perspective rates.
02:04:27.797 --> 02:04:29.437
And those costs in this case would include
02:04:29.437 --> 02:04:32.274
bankruptcy related costs, which include
02:04:32.274 --> 02:04:37.274
the settlement claims for 2017 and 2018 wildfire damage.
02:04:37.385 --> 02:04:42.385
Well those, okay.
02:04:46.411 --> 02:04:48.796
But what we're talking about here
02:04:48.796 --> 02:04:51.498
is the cost of debt, correct?
02:04:51.498 --> 02:04:53.211
What we're talking about here is whether or not
02:04:53.211 --> 02:04:56.833
the bankruptcy has resulted in debt interest rates savings.
02:04:56.833 --> 02:04:58.786
Right. So we have to posit
02:04:58.786 --> 02:05:02.727
what the cost of debt would have been.
02:05:02.727 --> 02:05:05.099
We have to respond to the utilities claim
02:05:05.099 --> 02:05:07.031
that there was interest rates savings
02:05:07.031 --> 02:05:09.295
that was produced by the bankruptcy filing.
02:05:09.295 --> 02:05:10.876
And in doing that, I've acknowledged
02:05:10.876 --> 02:05:13.140
that there may have been interest rate savings
02:05:13.140 --> 02:05:15.670
associated with high coupon debt
02:05:15.670 --> 02:05:18.067
that you were able to refinance down to market levels,
02:05:18.067 --> 02:05:20.952
that you may not have been able to economically refinance
02:05:20.952 --> 02:05:23.968
absent the bankruptcy.
02:05:23.968 --> 02:05:27.084
And whether or not those debt interest rate savings
02:05:27.084 --> 02:05:30.241
were offset by increased interest costs
02:05:30.241 --> 02:05:32.177
that were related to the bankruptcy filing.
02:05:32.177 --> 02:05:34.147
Right. So let's talk about that.
02:05:34.147 --> 02:05:39.097
So to determine what the increased costs may have been,
02:05:39.097 --> 02:05:43.204
we have to limit it as you've said,
02:05:43.204 --> 02:05:48.204
to actions of PG&E right?
02:05:50.827 --> 02:05:53.500
Would have been factors that would have led
02:05:53.500 --> 02:05:56.338
to the degradation in its bond writing,
02:05:56.338 --> 02:05:58.708
that may have been avoided had it not needed
02:05:58.708 --> 02:06:02.413
to file bankruptcy.
02:06:02.413 --> 02:06:05.351
Well certainly changes,
02:06:05.351 --> 02:06:08.013
would you agree that the actual approved cost of debt
02:06:08.013 --> 02:06:13.013
for Edison and San Diego are reasonable comparators?
02:06:13.100 --> 02:06:16.011
Not necessarily to PG&E. Their cost of debt would reflect
02:06:16.011 --> 02:06:18.698
their contractual provisions, and the time period
02:06:18.698 --> 02:06:20.918
where they went to the market to issue debt,
02:06:20.918 --> 02:06:24.078
and the contractual limits to refinance that debt.
02:06:24.078 --> 02:06:26.730
I think both of their embedded debt structures
02:06:26.730 --> 02:06:29.254
are reasonable, but they may or may not be
02:06:29.254 --> 02:06:31.015
an appropriate benchmark for comparing
02:06:31.015 --> 02:06:33.511
the reasonableness of PG&Es embedded debt.
02:06:33.511 --> 02:06:36.128
In fact PG&E cost of debt coming out of bankruptcy
02:06:36.128 --> 02:06:39.957
will be lower than Edison and San Diego's
02:06:39.957 --> 02:06:42.645
authorized cause of debt, it that correct?
02:06:42.645 --> 02:06:44.015
Well you've estimated that, yes.
02:06:44.015 --> 02:06:48.512
So that is my understanding, I have no reason to dispute it.
02:06:48.512 --> 02:06:50.995
My dispute is whether or not you've considered
02:06:50.995 --> 02:06:54.196
all factors that support your assertion
02:06:54.196 --> 02:06:57.489
that the bankruptcy has produced interest rate savings.
02:06:57.489 --> 02:06:59.825
Were you here yesterday for Ms. Meel's testimony?
02:06:59.825 --> 02:07:01.982
I was not.
02:07:01.982 --> 02:07:03.721
Ms. Meel, I'll represent to you,
02:07:03.721 --> 02:07:05.811
testified that it would be highly speculative
02:07:05.811 --> 02:07:07.778
to try to construct a world in which
02:07:07.778 --> 02:07:12.196
PG&E had not declared bankruptcy. Do you agree?
02:07:12.196 --> 02:07:16.457
I think you could produce a reasonable proxy
02:07:16.457 --> 02:07:18.588
looking at what has occurred
02:07:18.588 --> 02:07:22.092
with other California utilities.
02:07:22.092 --> 02:07:25.925
What has occurred with other California utilities
02:07:25.925 --> 02:07:28.362
but not their authorized cost of debt?
02:07:28.362 --> 02:07:30.376
Well again, there's an apples an oranges
02:07:30.376 --> 02:07:33.536
comparison of that because of the contractual terms
02:07:33.536 --> 02:07:36.258
and the time periods they went to the market to sell debt
02:07:36.258 --> 02:07:38.939
may have produced embedded debt costs,
02:07:38.939 --> 02:07:43.293
which are unique to those specific factors,
02:07:43.293 --> 02:07:45.601
which don't make them reasonable in comparison
02:07:45.601 --> 02:07:48.209
to what PG&Es embedded cost would have been
02:07:48.209 --> 02:07:51.682
had it not been constrained by its bankruptcy filing
02:07:51.682 --> 02:07:54.310
and significant erosion to its credit standing.
02:07:54.310 --> 02:07:55.928
Yeah, but if PG&E had not declared bankruptcy,
02:07:55.928 --> 02:07:58.140
you said they couldn't have re-negotiated
02:07:58.140 --> 02:08:00.854
their existing debt.
02:08:00.854 --> 02:08:04.166
Right. But there are other debt issues,
02:08:04.166 --> 02:08:05.639
or even new debt issues,
02:08:05.639 --> 02:08:08.033
that may have been issued at more favorable interest rates
02:08:08.033 --> 02:08:10.840
that would have resulted in a reduction of their debt
02:08:10.840 --> 02:08:15.424
relative to that embedded debt structure they had in 2019.
02:08:15.424 --> 02:08:17.787
They have been, so have you quantified that?
02:08:17.787 --> 02:08:20.263
I have, and I attempted to get that kind of information
02:08:20.263 --> 02:08:24.870
from the company to see what debt issues might have been
02:08:24.870 --> 02:08:28.305
subject to refinancing from 2017 forward,
02:08:28.305 --> 02:08:30.839
and a discovery request where I asked them to
02:08:30.839 --> 02:08:34.467
provide the list of embedded debt cost structure
02:08:34.467 --> 02:08:37.757
for utility before and after bankruptcy,
02:08:37.757 --> 02:08:41.844
and the utility was not able to provide that.
02:08:41.844 --> 02:08:43.305
That would have told me whether or not
02:08:43.305 --> 02:08:45.656
there were certain issues,
02:08:45.656 --> 02:08:48.109
bond issues or note issues for the company
02:08:48.109 --> 02:08:52.685
that may have been subject to maturing or refinancing
02:08:52.685 --> 02:08:57.685
during 2018, 2019, which may have resulted
02:08:59.550 --> 02:09:02.059
in a reduction in the embedded debt cost structure
02:09:02.059 --> 02:09:04.422
if there were not constraints
02:09:04.422 --> 02:09:07.305
caused by the bankruptcy filing.
02:09:07.305 --> 02:09:09.578
Caused by the bankruptcy filing.
02:09:09.578 --> 02:09:11.486
Okay, let's talk about that for a minute.
02:09:11.486 --> 02:09:16.486
So, if PG&E had issued new debt in January 2019
02:09:18.019 --> 02:09:22.144
before it filed for bankruptcy,
02:09:22.144 --> 02:09:27.144
those would have reflected its sub-investment grade
02:09:27.175 --> 02:09:29.986
credit rating at the time, right?
02:09:29.986 --> 02:09:32.851
Well PG&Es bond rating eroded significantly
02:09:32.851 --> 02:09:37.143
before it actually filed for bankruptcy.
02:09:37.143 --> 02:09:39.738
So I would say that probably through most of 2018
02:09:39.738 --> 02:09:41.568
its bond rating was downgraded
02:09:41.568 --> 02:09:44.655
before Southern Cal and San Diegos.
02:09:44.655 --> 02:09:46.990
Its dividend was suspended at the beginning of the year
02:09:46.990 --> 02:09:48.944
because you were signaling to the market
02:09:48.944 --> 02:09:51.027
of significant liability exposure
02:09:51.027 --> 02:09:54.027
associated with wildfire damage claims.
02:09:54.027 --> 02:09:57.199
So there's many factors which was providing
02:09:57.199 --> 02:09:59.791
clear signals to the market that the wildfire damage claims
02:09:59.791 --> 02:10:02.887
against the utility were causing financial distress.
02:10:02.887 --> 02:10:06.862
And those distresses did not exist at the other utilities.
02:10:06.862 --> 02:10:08.658
So it would--
02:10:08.658 --> 02:10:10.535
Move to strike Your Honor, as non-responsive.
02:10:10.535 --> 02:10:12.062
I asked a very simple question,
02:10:12.062 --> 02:10:14.592
and he's off on a different topic.
02:10:14.592 --> 02:10:18.357
No, that is correctly responding.
02:10:18.357 --> 02:10:19.778
No my question was--
02:10:19.778 --> 02:10:21.516
Okay, stop.
02:10:21.516 --> 02:10:23.021
Let's go ahead ask another question,
02:10:23.021 --> 02:10:25.286
and allow the witness to answer the question.
02:10:25.286 --> 02:10:28.327
I actually thought there was some interesting material
02:10:28.327 --> 02:10:30.998
in the answer, but I'll allow you to proceed.
02:10:30.998 --> 02:10:32.704
Please ask another question.
02:10:32.704 --> 02:10:37.704
Had PG&E issued new debt in January 19, withdrawn.
02:10:40.687 --> 02:10:44.287
In January 19, before PG&E filed for bankruptcy
02:10:44.287 --> 02:10:49.287
its credit rating was sub-investment grade, correct?
02:11:01.637 --> 02:11:03.865
It fell below investment grade based on my notes
02:11:03.865 --> 02:11:06.431
around January 7th, 2019.
02:11:06.431 --> 02:11:09.321
And had PG&E issued debt at that time,
02:11:09.321 --> 02:11:12.309
the cost of that debt would have reflected
02:11:12.309 --> 02:11:15.240
that credit rating, correct?
02:11:15.240 --> 02:11:17.575
It would have and the bond rating reflected
02:11:17.575 --> 02:11:20.519
the significant reliability obligations of the utility,
02:11:20.519 --> 02:11:25.519
which ultimately led to the bankruptcy filing.
02:11:27.019 --> 02:11:31.045
In your opinion, would the interest rate on such debt
02:11:31.045 --> 02:11:36.045
issued in January 2019, have been lower
02:11:36.624 --> 02:11:37.912
than the interest rate on
02:11:37.912 --> 02:11:42.832
the debtor in possession financing?
02:11:42.832 --> 02:11:44.441
I don't know.
02:11:44.441 --> 02:11:46.682
I presume it would have been reasonably comparable.
02:11:46.682 --> 02:11:49.920
The debtor in possession financing had a senior loan rate,
02:11:49.920 --> 02:11:53.269
which may have given it a more favorable interest rate
02:11:53.269 --> 02:11:57.524
than what PG&E could have issued on a non-secured basis
02:11:57.524 --> 02:12:00.222
at that time.
02:12:00.222 --> 02:12:02.776
But again, the interest rate was caused by the factors
02:12:02.776 --> 02:12:07.776
leading up to the decree and its bond rating.
02:12:18.403 --> 02:12:23.403
Okay, turning back to your testimony, page 21.
02:12:27.707 --> 02:12:30.695
So starting on line eight you refer to a variety
02:12:30.695 --> 02:12:35.695
of factors that could lead to increased costs.
02:12:42.462 --> 02:12:45.321
02:12:45.321 --> 02:12:46.472
Yes, I'm sorry.
02:12:46.472 --> 02:12:48.744
As PG&E proposed to increase customer rates
02:12:48.744 --> 02:12:53.744
to reflect any of the items you mentioned?
02:13:06.139 --> 02:13:07.570
No, they have not.
02:13:07.570 --> 02:13:10.543
The cost of capital is based on the information
02:13:10.543 --> 02:13:12.332
that was available prior to the utility
02:13:12.332 --> 02:13:15.196
filing their restructuring plan.
02:13:15.196 --> 02:13:16.746
In fact the only change in customer rates
02:13:16.746 --> 02:13:19.432
coming out of the plan of reorganization
02:13:19.432 --> 02:13:21.111
that PG&E has proposed
02:13:21.111 --> 02:13:26.111
is to update the cost of capital, right?
02:13:32.245 --> 02:13:35.698
I need to review that, but certainly they did ask
02:13:35.698 --> 02:13:37.764
to adjust their cost of capital, yes.
02:13:37.764 --> 02:13:42.764
Okay. Sticking on page 22, starting on line six.
02:13:46.408 --> 02:13:47.757
I'm there.
02:13:47.757 --> 02:13:51.374
You refer to collateral posting.
02:13:51.374 --> 02:13:56.374
And you refer to the interest rate of 4.75%.
02:13:58.844 --> 02:14:00.440
02:14:00.440 --> 02:14:02.914
So is it your contention that PG&Es
02:14:02.914 --> 02:14:05.669
post bankruptcy interest rate and collateral postings
02:14:05.669 --> 02:14:08.172
would be 4.75%?
02:14:08.172 --> 02:14:10.512
It's my best estimate that's what you estimated
02:14:10.512 --> 02:14:13.121
your cost of debt to be at that time.
02:14:13.121 --> 02:14:15.421
And what I was looking for was a proxy
02:14:15.421 --> 02:14:20.421
for essentially making deposits for commodity purchases.
02:14:20.943 --> 02:14:22.283
And the interest rate would relate to
02:14:22.283 --> 02:14:25.289
whatever that cost of deposit would be.
02:14:25.289 --> 02:14:28.017
And I estimated it to be 4.75%,
02:14:28.017 --> 02:14:30.430
because that was one estimate you made
02:14:30.430 --> 02:14:32.356
of what your cost of debt would be
02:14:32.356 --> 02:14:35.231
in one of your debt interest rate savings--
02:14:35.231 --> 02:14:36.384
It's the--
02:14:36.384 --> 02:14:37.382
02:14:37.382 --> 02:14:40.086
- Sorry. It's the average interest rate
02:14:40.086 --> 02:14:43.256
under the note holder RSA on the high coupon
02:14:43.256 --> 02:14:45.488
pre-petition debt exchange, right?
02:14:45.488 --> 02:14:48.170
It is, yes.
02:14:48.170 --> 02:14:50.427
So, do you have an understanding of how
02:14:50.427 --> 02:14:55.402
short-term debt costs are recovered in rates?
02:14:55.402 --> 02:14:58.158
Well it depends on what the purpose
02:14:58.158 --> 02:14:59.685
of the short-term debt is.
02:14:59.685 --> 02:15:01.168
Typically short-term debt is used to finance
02:15:01.168 --> 02:15:03.483
construction work and progress.
02:15:03.483 --> 02:15:05.460
And those short-term debt interest rates are capitalized
02:15:05.460 --> 02:15:08.288
along with plant and service.
02:15:08.288 --> 02:15:12.075
If there is any cost, any use of short-term debt
02:15:12.075 --> 02:15:15.060
in providing direct service to customers,
02:15:15.060 --> 02:15:17.363
then they recover that interest cost in line
02:15:17.363 --> 02:15:20.211
with the need for that borrowing instrument
02:15:20.211 --> 02:15:23.368
to provide service.
02:15:23.368 --> 02:15:24.994
According to the actual cost,
02:15:24.994 --> 02:15:27.517
or according to a prescribe interest rate
02:15:27.517 --> 02:15:29.151
established by the Commission based on
02:15:29.151 --> 02:15:32.222
the commercial pay rate?
02:15:32.222 --> 02:15:35.085
Well the actual cost would be based on the prescribed
02:15:35.085 --> 02:15:38.367
interest rate in the companies borrowing facility.
02:15:38.367 --> 02:15:41.943
So, it should reflect what the companies actual cost is,
02:15:41.943 --> 02:15:43.896
unless the Commission found that that cost
02:15:43.896 --> 02:15:46.230
was inappropriate for setting rates.
02:15:46.230 --> 02:15:48.074
Then in which case it would be based on
02:15:48.074 --> 02:15:50.377
what the Commission found to be appropriate
02:15:50.377 --> 02:15:51.896
for setting rates.
02:15:51.896 --> 02:15:54.045
So just to clarify, to your understanding
02:15:54.045 --> 02:15:56.865
of California rate making that the actual cost
02:15:56.865 --> 02:15:59.116
of short-term debt is flowed through into rates,
02:15:59.116 --> 02:16:02.051
as you've described?
02:16:02.051 --> 02:16:03.614
I think my description related to
02:16:03.614 --> 02:16:07.257
capitalized construction period capital cost,
02:16:07.257 --> 02:16:10.475
and whether or not there was any use of short-term borrowing
02:16:10.475 --> 02:16:13.370
instrument in providing retail service.
02:16:13.370 --> 02:16:16.473
To the extent the utility realized predominantly
02:16:16.473 --> 02:16:19.092
on long-term capital market costs
02:16:19.092 --> 02:16:23.125
to fund working capital and planned investment.
02:16:23.125 --> 02:16:24.387
Then short-term debt
02:16:24.387 --> 02:16:26.130
probably wouldn't be included in base rates,
02:16:26.130 --> 02:16:28.590
but it would be included in construction work
02:16:28.590 --> 02:16:30.783
and progress across plant investments.
02:16:30.783 --> 02:16:33.409
Yeah for capital projects, but I'm saying for expense,
02:16:33.409 --> 02:16:38.409
like for well collateral postings.
02:16:40.145 --> 02:16:42.198
That would be part of the working capital requirements,
02:16:42.198 --> 02:16:47.198
which likely would be included in rate base.
02:16:50.868 --> 02:16:54.052
Are you familiar with treasury operations?
02:16:54.052 --> 02:16:55.264
Of PG&E?
02:16:55.264 --> 02:16:57.758
Yes, or generally.
02:16:57.758 --> 02:17:00.151
I'm not sure what you mean by treasury operations,
02:17:00.151 --> 02:17:03.775
but I'm accustom to measuring utility cost
02:17:03.775 --> 02:17:08.063
for including and developing utilities rates.
02:17:08.063 --> 02:17:11.644
I know, are you familiar with the financing instruments
02:17:11.644 --> 02:17:15.476
used to satisfy collateral requirements?
02:17:15.476 --> 02:17:17.696
There's various methods. One can be a pre-payment
02:17:17.696 --> 02:17:19.855
of commodities, which was what I was assuming
02:17:19.855 --> 02:17:22.448
in this example here. Others can be posting bonds,
02:17:22.448 --> 02:17:25.082
other can be revocable letters of credits.
02:17:25.082 --> 02:17:29.986
So there may be ways of supporting that collateralize
02:17:29.986 --> 02:17:34.986
that guarantee for payment that may produce different cost
02:17:36.723 --> 02:17:38.784
than what I've estimated.
02:17:38.784 --> 02:17:40.401
But for this purpose I was assuming
02:17:40.401 --> 02:17:42.848
prepayment of commodity supply.
02:17:42.848 --> 02:17:45.106
So if a letter of credit were posted,
02:17:45.106 --> 02:17:47.487
what would be the cost?
02:17:47.487 --> 02:17:48.792
Would typically be stated
02:17:48.792 --> 02:17:51.562
in a letter of credit what the irrevocable line of credit
02:17:51.562 --> 02:17:53.646
would be to the utility.
02:17:53.646 --> 02:17:56.486
Much lower than this 4.75%, correct?
02:17:56.486 --> 02:17:58.741
Well it depends on the credit standing of the utility
02:17:58.741 --> 02:18:02.099
and the cost the bank demands for offering
02:18:02.099 --> 02:18:07.099
the irrevocable line of credit. It could be lower.
02:18:15.147 --> 02:18:19.248
So setting aside in a world in which there had been
02:18:19.248 --> 02:18:24.248
no bankruptcy, PG&E would have required access to short-term
02:18:26.892 --> 02:18:29.543
debt facilities, correct?
02:18:29.543 --> 02:18:30.680
02:18:32.761 --> 02:18:35.425
And have you analyzed what PG&Es short-term debt needs
02:18:35.425 --> 02:18:36.610
would have been in that world?
02:18:36.610 --> 02:18:37.443
I have not.
02:18:40.910 --> 02:18:43.790
So do you have an opinion about, withdrawn.
02:18:45.140 --> 02:18:49.330
In 2018 PG&E asked for an increase in its short-term
02:18:49.330 --> 02:18:51.800
debt authorization to $6 million, correct?
02:18:52.864 --> 02:18:55.630
That is correct, yes.
02:18:55.630 --> 02:18:59.010
I know they asked for a change, I believe it was $6 million.
02:18:59.010 --> 02:19:01.640
And that was before the bankruptcy, correct?
02:19:01.640 --> 02:19:02.990
I believe that's correct.
02:19:05.130 --> 02:19:07.570
Okay, turn to, well I guess we still are,
02:19:07.570 --> 02:19:11.258
page 21 of your testimony please.
02:19:11.258 --> 02:19:13.350
02:19:13.350 --> 02:19:16.110
So here you assert that PG&Es financial position
02:19:16.110 --> 02:19:18.780
post emergent should be compared to
02:19:18.780 --> 02:19:22.770
PG&Es financial position in 2017, correct?
02:19:27.086 --> 02:19:28.830
Lines eight through ten.
02:19:30.042 --> 02:19:32.018
Well I looked at the difference in bond rating
02:19:32.018 --> 02:19:34.480
from the end of 2017 down to what they've estimated
02:19:34.480 --> 02:19:36.580
their bond rating would be post emergence,
02:19:37.610 --> 02:19:39.710
and estimating that change in bond rating.
02:19:41.567 --> 02:19:42.600
I would note that the minus bond rating
02:19:42.600 --> 02:19:44.060
was an unsecured bond rating,
02:19:44.060 --> 02:19:48.890
and the B double A two is a secured bond rating.
02:19:48.890 --> 02:19:52.348
Right. So are you saying that the relevant comparison
02:19:52.348 --> 02:19:55.340
baseline should be A minus?
02:19:57.600 --> 02:20:00.040
Well that is the actual change in bond rating
02:20:00.040 --> 02:20:01.640
from a secured down the secured.
02:20:03.210 --> 02:20:05.740
And I think it is probably pretty good,
02:20:05.740 --> 02:20:08.940
and I've continued to review this throughout this hearing.
02:20:11.255 --> 02:20:13.780
And in consideration of the other California utilities
02:20:13.780 --> 02:20:15.160
bond ratings.
02:20:15.160 --> 02:20:17.530
I think the other California Utilities bond ratings
02:20:17.530 --> 02:20:21.080
were decreased in 2019,
02:20:21.080 --> 02:20:23.460
as a result of the wildfire damage claims
02:20:23.460 --> 02:20:25.200
and the inverse condemnation risk.
02:20:27.288 --> 02:20:29.550
I looked at Southern California Edison's bond rating
02:20:29.550 --> 02:20:33.340
the decrease from around Triple B plus from S&P to triple B.
02:20:33.340 --> 02:20:35.690
That's an unsecured bond rating.
02:20:35.690 --> 02:20:38.790
I think the difference between an unsecured
02:20:38.790 --> 02:20:41.070
and a secured bond rating is about a two notch
02:20:41.070 --> 02:20:42.650
rating category.
02:20:42.650 --> 02:20:45.772
And I believe Mr. Plaster of PG&E confirmed that.
02:20:45.772 --> 02:20:50.710
So a triple B for an unsecured bond rating at SCE
02:20:50.710 --> 02:20:52.822
would be equivalent to an A minus
02:20:52.822 --> 02:20:54.900
if it had a secured bond rating,
02:20:54.900 --> 02:20:58.150
which is essentially what PG&Es bond rating was
02:20:58.150 --> 02:20:59.390
at the end of 2019.
02:21:01.660 --> 02:21:05.670
So there's some of the initial assessments I've made
02:21:05.670 --> 02:21:07.240
in changing credit standing
02:21:07.240 --> 02:21:10.410
and potential increase in borrowing cost to PG&E
02:21:10.410 --> 02:21:13.890
as a result of its financial distress
02:21:13.890 --> 02:21:16.350
caused by its bankruptcy filing
02:21:16.350 --> 02:21:19.800
and protecting itself against its wildfire damage claims.
02:21:19.800 --> 02:21:21.670
So let me just clarify.
02:21:21.670 --> 02:21:23.350
Edison was at triple B plus,
02:21:23.350 --> 02:21:25.890
and then went down to triple B, correct?
02:21:25.890 --> 02:21:27.930
Correct, that's an unsecured bond rating.
02:21:27.930 --> 02:21:30.552
And PG&E was at A minus correct?
02:21:30.552 --> 02:21:31.860
02:21:31.860 --> 02:21:34.340
So you're saying PG&E should stay as A minus
02:21:34.340 --> 02:21:39.340
as the baseline, even though Edison was decreased
02:21:40.260 --> 02:21:41.850
to triple B?
02:21:41.850 --> 02:21:43.802
Oh I thought you were asking me
02:21:43.802 --> 02:21:48.090
would the proxy of an A minus bond rating for PG&E
02:21:48.090 --> 02:21:51.470
not filing for bankruptcy is that reasonable?
02:21:51.470 --> 02:21:52.841
02:21:52.841 --> 02:21:53.800
And I was walking through the logic
02:21:53.800 --> 02:21:56.350
under why I think it's a reasonable starting point.
02:22:00.010 --> 02:22:02.040
Without bankruptcy if Southern Cal Edison
02:22:02.040 --> 02:22:04.380
had gone from triple B plus to triple B
02:22:04.380 --> 02:22:06.043
on an unsecured bond rating,
02:22:06.043 --> 02:22:09.250
and if the secured bond rating was two notches stronger
02:22:09.250 --> 02:22:12.000
than triple B, then that would put it at about A minus,
02:22:12.970 --> 02:22:16.720
which is what PG&Es bond rating was at the end of 2017.
02:22:17.970 --> 02:22:18.977
For unsecured.
02:22:18.977 --> 02:22:22.215
For unsecured. So if the spread for a secured bond rating
02:22:22.215 --> 02:22:27.215
post emergency is minimum investment grade of triple B minus
02:22:27.900 --> 02:22:31.370
versus an A minus that might be available to it
02:22:31.370 --> 02:22:34.900
on a secured basis had it not filed for bankruptcy,
02:22:34.900 --> 02:22:37.410
then it would be about a full notch downgrade
02:22:37.410 --> 02:22:38.900
in its credit standing.
02:22:38.900 --> 02:22:42.218
Right. But if you're using Edison as a benchmark,
02:22:42.218 --> 02:22:47.218
my point is, withdrawn.
02:22:52.830 --> 02:22:55.810
Just as a matter of history PG&Es credit ratings
02:22:55.810 --> 02:22:58.410
began dropping in early 2018, correct?
02:23:00.900 --> 02:23:02.501
They did.
02:23:02.501 --> 02:23:04.990
I think the first downgrade was in February 2018.
02:23:04.990 --> 02:23:09.040
By July of 2018, PG&E was at a low investment grade.
02:23:14.670 --> 02:23:17.830
I have it June 13th it was downgraded
02:23:17.830 --> 02:23:22.313
to triple B by S&P and B double A two by Moodys.
02:23:22.313 --> 02:23:23.510
02:23:24.920 --> 02:23:29.270
Its minimum investment grade came in November of 2018.
02:23:29.270 --> 02:23:34.270
Thank you. And so these downgrades,
02:23:35.300 --> 02:23:38.650
and we already established it was below investment grade
02:23:38.650 --> 02:23:40.290
in January 2019, right?
02:23:42.000 --> 02:23:46.440
Yeah January 7th is when I noted that it was
02:23:46.440 --> 02:23:49.780
downgraded to below investment grade by both S&P and Moodys.
02:23:49.780 --> 02:23:54.730
So these occurred before PG&E filed for Chapter 11
02:23:54.730 --> 02:23:57.180
on January 29, 2019, correct?
02:23:57.180 --> 02:23:59.130
They did, yeah but they were all leading up
02:23:59.130 --> 02:24:01.140
to the understanding of the financial distress
02:24:01.140 --> 02:24:05.210
the company was under as a result of 2017 and 2018
02:24:05.210 --> 02:24:06.810
wildfire damage claims.
02:24:06.810 --> 02:24:10.180
Why are you proposing to use PG&Es 2017 rating
02:24:10.180 --> 02:24:11.828
as opposed to the national average
02:24:11.828 --> 02:24:14.160
for investor owned utilities?
02:24:18.593 --> 02:24:20.600
Well, the objective here is to attempt to gauge
02:24:26.745 --> 02:24:30.090
what the additional interest expense will be
02:24:30.090 --> 02:24:33.530
as a result of the financial erosion to PG&E,
02:24:33.530 --> 02:24:38.350
and reduction in its credit rating caused by the events
02:24:38.350 --> 02:24:40.850
that led it ultimately file for bankruptcy.
02:24:43.001 --> 02:24:44.630
The California regulatory mechanisms
02:24:44.630 --> 02:24:47.990
are important considerations in assigning bond ratings.
02:24:47.990 --> 02:24:50.800
PG&Es service territory,
02:24:50.800 --> 02:24:53.650
the economic strength of a service territory is relevant.
02:24:55.567 --> 02:24:57.630
The California regulatory mechanisms also apply
02:24:57.630 --> 02:24:59.210
to other California utilities.
02:25:00.602 --> 02:25:03.360
So I think the question is more limited to
02:25:04.270 --> 02:25:06.030
what the credit rating would be
02:25:06.030 --> 02:25:10.180
for the large electric and gas utility inside California
02:25:11.169 --> 02:25:15.230
that did not suffer this same financial distress
02:25:15.230 --> 02:25:18.860
that PG&E did that ultimately caused it
02:25:18.860 --> 02:25:21.010
to file for bankruptcy.
02:25:21.010 --> 02:25:25.890
So in making that assessment, I think a general guideline,
02:25:25.890 --> 02:25:27.680
and I haven't completed the analysis,
02:25:27.680 --> 02:25:31.860
but a general guideline is the financial distress
02:25:31.860 --> 02:25:34.178
caused by the wildfire damage claims,
02:25:34.178 --> 02:25:38.350
and the filing for bankruptcy probably had the effect
02:25:38.350 --> 02:25:39.800
of reducing the credit rating
02:25:39.800 --> 02:25:41.830
by a full credit rating category.
02:26:01.160 --> 02:26:04.770
In your opinion, had the 2017 wildfires occurred,
02:26:10.610 --> 02:26:12.710
but the campfire had not occurred,
02:26:12.710 --> 02:26:14.680
would PG&E have filed for bankruptcy?
02:26:16.256 --> 02:26:19.180
I can't speak to specific events.
02:26:19.180 --> 02:26:22.150
What I really looked at was market responses
02:26:22.150 --> 02:26:25.400
to the financial distress PG&E was under.
02:26:25.400 --> 02:26:29.120
And you suspended your dividend at the beginning of 2018
02:26:29.120 --> 02:26:32.380
your credit rating suffered significant downgrades
02:26:32.380 --> 02:26:35.630
in advance of other California electric utility companies.
02:26:36.540 --> 02:26:40.710
So that was more of my focus than trying to look at
02:26:40.710 --> 02:26:44.110
the actual events that helped contribute
02:26:44.110 --> 02:26:47.300
to the significant financial distress for PG&E
02:26:47.300 --> 02:26:49.413
throughout that time period.
02:26:49.413 --> 02:26:50.830
And among those events
02:26:50.830 --> 02:26:53.120
included inverse condemnation, right?
02:26:54.440 --> 02:26:59.330
That was a risk that California utilities have faced
02:26:59.330 --> 02:27:00.400
for quite some time.
02:27:00.400 --> 02:27:02.740
I think it was highlighted with a disallowance
02:27:02.740 --> 02:27:05.040
for San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
02:27:05.040 --> 02:27:06.740
When did that happen? Remind me.
02:27:08.420 --> 02:27:10.703
San Diego Gas and Electric disallowance,
02:27:10.703 --> 02:27:13.160
I have to double check that,
02:27:13.160 --> 02:27:17.277
but I believe it was maybe five years ago, 2005?
02:27:22.550 --> 02:27:24.380
Off the record, just a second Your Honor.
02:27:26.630 --> 02:27:27.850
Off the record.
02:27:31.940 --> 02:27:35.940
Actually Mr. Weisman, I think that's the subject
02:27:35.940 --> 02:27:37.940
in Commission decisions, so it's public record.
02:27:37.940 --> 02:27:40.110
Okay, I'll move on.
02:27:40.110 --> 02:27:41.170
On the record.
02:27:45.191 --> 02:27:47.950
And among the other events, was the increased risk
02:27:47.950 --> 02:27:51.680
of wildfires in PG&E service territory, correct?
02:27:58.540 --> 02:28:01.740
The risk of wildfire damage in PG&E service territory,
02:28:01.740 --> 02:28:05.880
and whether or not the company was doing everything it could
02:28:05.880 --> 02:28:10.880
to avoid containing the risk of those, that natural event.
02:28:17.520 --> 02:28:22.390
Let's take a look at what's previously been marked
02:28:22.390 --> 02:28:26.590
for identification as PG&EX3, it's tab nine in your binder.
02:28:42.790 --> 02:28:43.623
I'm there.
02:28:44.625 --> 02:28:46.570
So this is a Moodys report on Edison
02:28:46.570 --> 02:28:48.820
dated April 11, 2018, correct?
02:28:49.810 --> 02:28:50.660
That's correct.
02:28:51.693 --> 02:28:54.343
And it reflects negative outlook for Edison, right?
02:28:56.070 --> 02:28:57.210
It does.
02:28:57.210 --> 02:29:02.130
Reflecting or referring to strict liability, right?
02:29:13.732 --> 02:29:15.060
It says large contingent exposure
02:29:15.060 --> 02:29:17.640
created by application is strict liability standard
02:29:17.640 --> 02:29:19.540
in California, that's right.
02:29:19.540 --> 02:29:20.600
Why a fire risk?
02:29:22.760 --> 02:29:25.755
Case of wildfires where utility equipment
02:29:25.755 --> 02:29:27.520
was determined to be in the source of the fire.
02:29:32.870 --> 02:29:35.090
The tax law changes.
02:29:41.690 --> 02:29:45.030
Yeah, tax law change did weaken utilities cash flows.
02:29:45.030 --> 02:29:47.500
Not necessarily to the point we're of increased risk,
02:29:47.500 --> 02:29:50.640
but they did produce a reduction in cash flows.
02:29:52.900 --> 02:29:57.510
So none of these factors is specific
02:29:57.510 --> 02:29:59.370
to PG&Es bankruptcy, right?
02:30:03.938 --> 02:30:05.880
I think PG&E faced some of the same risks
02:30:05.880 --> 02:30:09.770
associated with both wildfire exposures
02:30:09.770 --> 02:30:12.310
and change in the federal tax law, that's true.
02:30:12.310 --> 02:30:14.890
And those were not related to the bankruptcy filing.
02:30:14.890 --> 02:30:16.520
Okay. And by the way,
02:30:16.520 --> 02:30:18.720
San Diego Gas and Electric's credit ratings
02:30:18.720 --> 02:30:21.620
have also declined since 2017, right?
02:30:21.620 --> 02:30:22.453
They have.
02:30:30.750 --> 02:30:35.730
And that's obviously not due to a chapter 11 filing right?
02:30:35.730 --> 02:30:38.460
Yeah, their credit rating was downgraded
02:30:38.460 --> 02:30:40.870
by about two notches on an unsecured basis.
02:30:40.870 --> 02:30:43.224
They're triple B plus I believe by S&P
02:30:43.224 --> 02:30:45.590
for electric operations.
02:30:45.590 --> 02:30:47.590
One notch stronger than Southern Cal Ed.
02:30:52.630 --> 02:30:57.583
So, PG&E would have been subject to similar changes
02:30:58.550 --> 02:31:02.610
in its ratings regardless of bankruptcy right?
02:31:04.528 --> 02:31:05.740
It would have been subject to the same forces
02:31:05.740 --> 02:31:08.050
that were affecting Edison and San Diego?
02:31:08.050 --> 02:31:10.040
Well I mean it's hard to say definitively.
02:31:10.040 --> 02:31:12.360
I think one thing that kind of put a magnifying glass
02:31:12.360 --> 02:31:15.810
on the state was PG&Es significant exposure
02:31:15.810 --> 02:31:19.640
to wildfire damage claims that highlighted the interest
02:31:19.640 --> 02:31:21.890
in the markets of what those risks are,
02:31:21.890 --> 02:31:26.840
and what the potential exposure would be to the utilities.
02:31:26.840 --> 02:31:30.230
So, if the wildfire events had not occurred,
02:31:31.373 --> 02:31:34.180
and wildfire damage claims had not been made,
02:31:35.150 --> 02:31:37.130
then there may not have been downgrades
02:31:37.130 --> 02:31:40.310
in electric utility companies
02:31:40.310 --> 02:31:42.748
generally in California in that year.
02:31:42.748 --> 02:31:47.748
So had those wildfire events not occurred,
02:31:48.020 --> 02:31:50.070
then I can't say what would have happened
02:31:50.070 --> 02:31:53.880
to all the utilities bond ratings in California.
02:31:53.880 --> 02:31:57.610
But presumably if that risk would have been noted
02:31:57.610 --> 02:32:01.960
by the investment community, and PG&Es exposure
02:32:01.960 --> 02:32:04.610
would have been less to the extent it was
02:32:04.610 --> 02:32:06.640
in seeking bankruptcy protection,
02:32:06.640 --> 02:32:09.240
its bond ratings probably would have been downgraded
02:32:10.551 --> 02:32:12.010
along with Southern San Diego Gas
02:32:12.010 --> 02:32:14.340
and Electric and Southern Cal Edison.
02:32:14.340 --> 02:32:15.970
Okay. And in the future
02:32:15.970 --> 02:32:20.343
Edison and San Diego's bond ratings may fluctuate
02:32:20.343 --> 02:32:23.530
for circumstances unique to them, correct?
02:32:23.530 --> 02:32:24.363
02:32:25.730 --> 02:32:29.660
So how is the Commission to isolate any effects
02:32:29.660 --> 02:32:33.040
in the future attributable to the chapter 11 filing,
02:32:33.040 --> 02:32:35.010
as opposed to other factors?
02:32:35.010 --> 02:32:37.006
I think the Commission should focus on
02:32:37.006 --> 02:32:41.410
ensuring that costs that are imprudent or unreasonable
02:32:41.410 --> 02:32:43.050
should not be included in the development
02:32:43.050 --> 02:32:45.140
of prospective rates.
02:32:45.140 --> 02:32:48.830
So I would encourage the Commission to focus on
02:32:49.740 --> 02:32:51.930
whether or not the utility is seeking to recover
02:32:51.930 --> 02:32:54.610
only prudent and reasonable cost in setting rates.
02:32:56.090 --> 02:33:01.090
But in determining the cost of capital, the cost of debt,
02:33:03.286 --> 02:33:08.220
you're suggesting that the Commission compare
02:33:08.220 --> 02:33:09.660
the actual cost of debt
02:33:09.660 --> 02:33:13.313
to the cost of debt had the bankruptcy
02:33:15.436 --> 02:33:18.930
and associated events not occurred, correct?
02:33:21.120 --> 02:33:23.490
At this point I'm disputing the companies finding
02:33:23.490 --> 02:33:25.790
that there are interest rate savings
02:33:25.790 --> 02:33:27.060
coming out of bankruptcy.
02:33:27.060 --> 02:33:29.300
I don't believe the company has accurately measured
02:33:29.300 --> 02:33:31.940
what its total impact on interest expense will be.
02:33:33.486 --> 02:33:37.250
And in terms of setting rates prospectively
02:33:37.250 --> 02:33:40.480
I imagine that, I haven't reviewed this yet,
02:33:40.480 --> 02:33:42.580
and I haven't discussed it with either TURN,
02:33:42.580 --> 02:33:46.770
or Ebook, or IS, what the appropriate method might be
02:33:46.770 --> 02:33:49.730
for establishing the cost of utility debt.
02:33:49.730 --> 02:33:51.270
Would it be appropriate for including
02:33:51.270 --> 02:33:53.350
in the overall rate of return?
02:33:53.350 --> 02:33:55.830
I'll be making that investigation.
02:33:55.830 --> 02:33:58.880
But I'll say at this point that I will object
02:33:58.880 --> 02:34:03.450
and recommend disallowance of any debt interest cost,
02:34:03.450 --> 02:34:06.090
which are the result of imprudent actions of the utility
02:34:06.090 --> 02:34:08.170
or costs that are unreasonable.
02:34:08.170 --> 02:34:10.384
And to make that determination,
02:34:10.384 --> 02:34:14.410
what debt interest costs are attributable
02:34:14.410 --> 02:34:17.794
to unreasonable or imprudency,
02:34:17.794 --> 02:34:22.794
you would compare your recommendation as the Commission,
02:34:24.040 --> 02:34:26.510
compare the actual interest costs
02:34:26.510 --> 02:34:29.830
to some benchmark, correct?
02:34:33.510 --> 02:34:37.180
I would look at changes in the companies
02:34:37.180 --> 02:34:39.630
embedded cost of debt and identify whether or not
02:34:41.505 --> 02:34:44.452
there are certain issues that were at higher interest rates
02:34:44.452 --> 02:34:46.550
than maybe they would have otherwise been.
02:34:46.550 --> 02:34:49.095
And encourage the Commission to focus on those
02:34:49.095 --> 02:34:53.015
newly refinanced debt issues to determine whether or not
02:34:53.015 --> 02:34:56.110
there's certain debt issue costs that are not appropriate
02:34:56.110 --> 02:34:57.920
for revering from retail rate payers.
02:34:57.920 --> 02:35:00.000
Right, I'm just trying to explore
02:35:00.000 --> 02:35:02.080
how this practically would work,
02:35:02.080 --> 02:35:05.004
higher than they would otherwise have been.
02:35:05.004 --> 02:35:06.020
So is the Commission to determine
02:35:06.020 --> 02:35:07.910
what they would otherwise have been
02:35:07.910 --> 02:35:10.030
if it has not conducted a prudence review
02:35:10.030 --> 02:35:12.440
of the 2017, 2018 fire costs?
02:35:14.970 --> 02:35:17.230
Well I haven't offered any testimony
02:35:17.230 --> 02:35:19.610
specifically adjusting the embedded cost of debt
02:35:19.610 --> 02:35:22.930
for the utility, but the focus would be on prudence
02:35:22.930 --> 02:35:24.200
and reasonableness of cost.
02:35:24.200 --> 02:35:26.820
And that would include an assessment
02:35:26.820 --> 02:35:30.278
of whether or not the credit rating and the interest cost,
02:35:30.278 --> 02:35:33.461
the credit rating at the time of issue and the interest rate
02:35:33.461 --> 02:35:37.801
on the security that is issued at that time
02:35:37.801 --> 02:35:42.400
were negatively impacted because of the companies
02:35:42.400 --> 02:35:46.710
bankruptcy filing, or any other factor that would result
02:35:46.710 --> 02:35:49.930
in part of the cost being imprudent or unreasonable.
02:35:49.930 --> 02:35:52.390
Right. And so to make that determination,
02:35:52.390 --> 02:35:55.200
the Commission would have to compare the actual cost
02:35:55.200 --> 02:35:58.345
to some hypothetical alternative--
02:35:58.345 --> 02:35:59.620
I got--
02:35:59.620 --> 02:36:01.894
Let me finish my question please.
02:36:01.894 --> 02:36:04.004
My question is in doing so,
02:36:04.004 --> 02:36:07.250
are you envisioning that the Commission
02:36:07.250 --> 02:36:11.310
would look to Edison and San Diego's cost of debt?
02:36:12.440 --> 02:36:14.650
Well I haven't taken the position yet,
02:36:14.650 --> 02:36:17.430
but those would be factors I would consider
02:36:17.430 --> 02:36:20.690
in attempting to estimate what costs would be
02:36:20.690 --> 02:36:23.300
more reasonable had they not been attributed
02:36:23.300 --> 02:36:26.390
to reduction in bond rating caused by the bankruptcy filing.
02:36:36.840 --> 02:36:39.340
But in the future Edison and San Diego's cost
02:36:39.340 --> 02:36:43.460
could be effected by lots of other factors.
02:36:44.520 --> 02:36:46.810
But I wouldn't be looking at their embedded debt cost,
02:36:46.810 --> 02:36:48.760
I would be looking at the cost of debt
02:36:48.760 --> 02:36:51.754
that is issued in say a specific month of the year,
02:36:51.754 --> 02:36:56.137
with the market interest rate on debt at that specific time
02:36:56.137 --> 02:37:01.070
and assess whether or not the utilities actual cost of debt
02:37:01.070 --> 02:37:02.890
is above or below markets.
02:37:02.890 --> 02:37:04.770
If it's above markets and it's attributable
02:37:04.770 --> 02:37:09.330
to a weakened credit standing, then those costs associated
02:37:09.330 --> 02:37:10.840
with that weakened credit standing
02:37:10.840 --> 02:37:13.530
may not be appropriate for recovering from retail customers.
02:37:13.530 --> 02:37:17.890
Okay, so let's say that PG&E in the future issues debt
02:37:17.890 --> 02:37:22.395
at a lower cost than an incremental
02:37:22.395 --> 02:37:25.310
new issuance of debt by San Diego Gas and Electric.
02:37:27.975 --> 02:37:29.120
Do you have that assumption in mind?
02:37:29.120 --> 02:37:30.930
I wouldn't make that comparison,
02:37:30.930 --> 02:37:33.610
but I'll accept that hypothetical.
02:37:34.810 --> 02:37:37.070
Okay. Why wouldn't you make that comparison?
02:37:37.070 --> 02:37:38.600
Because there could be other factors.
02:37:38.600 --> 02:37:42.342
The term of the bond could impact the interest rate.
02:37:42.342 --> 02:37:46.400
I mean the regulatory mechanisms approved by the Commission
02:37:46.400 --> 02:37:50.370
for some specific investment may be different for San Diego
02:37:50.370 --> 02:37:51.750
than it would be for PG&E.
02:37:52.676 --> 02:37:53.800
I think the relevant factor
02:37:53.800 --> 02:37:58.800
is what would the cost of the new bond issue be for PG&E
02:37:58.830 --> 02:38:02.600
at its actual bond rating relative to the bond rating
02:38:02.600 --> 02:38:04.370
that might have existed
02:38:04.370 --> 02:38:08.300
had it not lost its bond rating due to its bankruptcy.
02:38:08.300 --> 02:38:10.150
Right. And what I'm driving at is
02:38:10.150 --> 02:38:13.294
how could the Commission possibly ever determine
02:38:13.294 --> 02:38:17.530
what that PG&E interest cost would have been?
02:38:19.092 --> 02:38:21.670
I think it would have to look at average bond yields,
02:38:21.670 --> 02:38:25.510
comparable bond ratings at the time the bond issue was sold.
02:38:25.510 --> 02:38:29.250
By a company like Edison or San Diego?
02:38:30.170 --> 02:38:32.000
Just general market interest rates
02:38:32.000 --> 02:38:34.613
on bonds at that rating category, that can include
02:38:34.613 --> 02:38:37.770
any utility company with the same bond rating.
02:38:37.770 --> 02:38:40.178
Sorry I thought we were saying,
02:38:40.178 --> 02:38:42.270
didn't you say before that what's relevant
02:38:42.270 --> 02:38:44.140
is Edison and San Diego?
02:38:45.200 --> 02:38:48.450
In establishing what the bond rating target would be,
02:38:49.441 --> 02:38:52.550
that may be one factor I would rely on to establish
02:38:52.550 --> 02:38:54.090
what that target is.
02:38:54.090 --> 02:38:55.410
But then the question would be
02:38:55.410 --> 02:38:59.450
is what's the actual bond rating relative to that target,
02:38:59.450 --> 02:39:01.720
and what's the difference in interest costs?
02:39:01.720 --> 02:39:02.553
02:39:03.441 --> 02:39:05.233
But how do we know what the bond rating would have been?
02:39:05.233 --> 02:39:07.480
We would--
02:39:07.480 --> 02:39:10.500
I have a feeling that this--
02:39:10.500 --> 02:39:15.500
Okay, I'll move on. I'll move on.
02:39:17.250 --> 02:39:18.724
In determining credit rating,
02:39:18.724 --> 02:39:23.090
rating agencies look at quantitative metrics, correct?
02:39:23.090 --> 02:39:24.553
They do.
02:39:24.553 --> 02:39:28.040
Such as funds from operation to debt, and debt to EBITDA.
02:39:28.040 --> 02:39:28.873
02:39:30.219 --> 02:39:31.330
Have you reviewed those quantitative metrics
02:39:31.330 --> 02:39:32.740
for PG&E at exit?
02:39:33.880 --> 02:39:38.310
I did, PG&E provided financial projections
02:39:38.310 --> 02:39:40.670
right before I filed my testimony.
02:39:40.670 --> 02:39:44.270
So I was not able to review their financial projections
02:39:44.270 --> 02:39:47.980
and include a comment in my testimony.
02:39:47.980 --> 02:39:49.540
But since I've filed my testimony,
02:39:49.540 --> 02:39:51.500
I have looked at their financial projections
02:39:51.500 --> 02:39:55.430
and the resulting credit metric outlook of the utility.
02:39:55.430 --> 02:39:56.263
02:39:56.263 --> 02:39:59.693
Both at exit and over a five year forecast period, correct?
02:39:59.693 --> 02:40:03.020
Right, I believe 2020 out through 2024
02:40:03.020 --> 02:40:06.020
were the financial projections I primarily focused on.
02:40:06.020 --> 02:40:09.150
And are those quantitative metrics comparable to Edisons?
02:40:10.390 --> 02:40:12.070
I have not made that comparison.
02:40:12.070 --> 02:40:13.400
Are those quantitative metrics
02:40:13.400 --> 02:40:16.590
similar to those PG&E had in 2017?
02:40:16.590 --> 02:40:18.410
I didn't make those comparisons.
02:40:22.230 --> 02:40:24.631
Are those quantitative metrics in line with
02:40:24.631 --> 02:40:29.020
the quantitative metrics of other investor owned utilities
02:40:29.020 --> 02:40:31.540
with investment grade issuer ratings?
02:40:34.230 --> 02:40:36.700
I didn't make that comparison either.
02:40:36.700 --> 02:40:41.700
Both S&P and Moodys published credit rating target ranges
02:40:42.247 --> 02:40:45.690
that support various bond ratings, given the business risk,
02:40:45.690 --> 02:40:48.840
financial risk outlooks of the utilities.
02:40:48.840 --> 02:40:51.570
I did look at the projected financial metrics
02:40:51.570 --> 02:40:53.790
in comparison to those target ranges.
02:40:54.980 --> 02:40:59.078
Okay. And the reason that PG&E
02:40:59.078 --> 02:41:02.830
would have a sub-investment grade issue or rating
02:41:02.830 --> 02:41:06.090
is because of the rating agencies evaluation
02:41:06.090 --> 02:41:07.590
of the business risk, correct?
02:41:09.020 --> 02:41:11.700
Well business risk and financial risk of the company.
02:41:11.700 --> 02:41:14.280
I mean there is significant debt of this company
02:41:14.280 --> 02:41:17.540
that is not used to support investments
02:41:17.540 --> 02:41:18.690
that produce cash flow.
02:41:19.630 --> 02:41:23.510
So I think that will certainly be a factor
02:41:23.510 --> 02:41:26.660
of the credit rating agencies when reviewing the adequacy
02:41:26.660 --> 02:41:28.580
of the credit metrics going forward.
02:41:28.580 --> 02:41:33.143
If the S&P rated the business risk as strong,
02:41:33.143 --> 02:41:36.980
would those credit metrics support
02:41:36.980 --> 02:41:40.480
an investment grade credit rating issuer?
02:41:40.480 --> 02:41:43.010
The greater the business risk, than the higher
02:41:43.010 --> 02:41:45.960
the financial threshold to support a bond rating.
02:41:45.960 --> 02:41:48.790
So, the S&P, previously PG&E
02:41:48.790 --> 02:41:50.460
had an excellent business profile score
02:41:50.460 --> 02:41:53.380
and a strong financial profile score,
02:41:53.380 --> 02:41:57.470
so the range of credit metrics that would support
02:41:57.470 --> 02:42:00.710
an investment grade triple B, or a single A bond rating,
02:42:00.710 --> 02:42:03.850
would depend on S&Ps financial and business risk outlook
02:42:03.850 --> 02:42:06.860
for the utility. Moody's is similar,
02:42:06.860 --> 02:42:08.950
but they don't have a specific
02:42:08.950 --> 02:42:11.430
financial and business risk profile score.
02:42:11.430 --> 02:42:14.940
They do have various metric ranges,
02:42:14.940 --> 02:42:16.720
standard grade ranges,
02:42:16.720 --> 02:42:19.020
that correspond with the credit ratings
02:42:19.020 --> 02:42:23.080
for utility companies with an assessment
02:42:23.080 --> 02:42:24.650
of what their business risk is.
02:42:24.650 --> 02:42:26.240
For example, they go standard range
02:42:26.240 --> 02:42:28.430
with most electric utility companies
02:42:28.430 --> 02:42:30.625
that have commodity cost recovery risk.
02:42:30.625 --> 02:42:32.570
For other utility companies that don't have
02:42:32.570 --> 02:42:34.080
commodity cost recovery risks,
02:42:34.080 --> 02:42:37.770
there might be a low volatility table
02:42:37.770 --> 02:42:40.840
they would look at for appropriate metric targets.
02:42:42.860 --> 02:42:45.599
So those are the factors I considered.
02:42:45.599 --> 02:42:46.980
Right. That wasn't my question, so let me try again.
02:42:48.497 --> 02:42:52.507
If S&P rated the business risk for PG&E as strong, strong,
02:42:54.540 --> 02:42:57.560
would the credit metrics support an investment grade
02:42:57.560 --> 02:42:59.410
credit rating at the issuer level?
02:43:00.702 --> 02:43:02.320
I would have to make that determination.
02:43:02.320 --> 02:43:03.470
I did reviews them with an
02:43:03.470 --> 02:43:05.650
excellent business position ranking,
02:43:05.650 --> 02:43:08.640
that's what S&P rated PG&E
02:43:08.640 --> 02:43:11.890
around the end of 2017, beginning of 2018.
02:43:11.890 --> 02:43:14.760
If their business risk assessment changes,
02:43:14.760 --> 02:43:18.760
then the target metric would change as well.
02:43:19.640 --> 02:43:22.239
So the answer to my question is you don't know?
02:43:22.239 --> 02:43:23.072
I haven't looked at it
02:43:23.072 --> 02:43:26.000
with that business risk position ranking.
02:43:26.000 --> 02:43:28.320
So at this point, I do not know.
02:43:28.320 --> 02:43:33.112
Okay. So the business risk ranking for PG&E
02:43:33.112 --> 02:43:38.112
is based on the rating agencies evaluation
02:43:39.450 --> 02:43:44.450
of the regulatory environment, among other things, correct?
02:43:44.460 --> 02:43:47.200
Yeah, but importantly also regulatory environment
02:43:47.200 --> 02:43:49.990
and management strength are major components
02:43:49.990 --> 02:43:51.880
that go into business ranking.
02:43:51.880 --> 02:43:54.580
So just focusing on the regulatory environment,
02:43:57.540 --> 02:44:02.350
the rating agencies will consider the predictability
02:44:02.350 --> 02:44:04.750
and timeliness or Commission decisions, correct?
02:44:06.590 --> 02:44:09.240
They will on recovery of prudent and reasonable cost,
02:44:09.240 --> 02:44:11.940
which is a standard of rate making across the country.
02:44:30.090 --> 02:44:32.640
Mr. Weisman, let's do a time check here.
02:44:43.040 --> 02:44:46.000
Maybe another half-hour.
02:44:46.000 --> 02:44:48.310
So I'm thinking this might be a good time
02:44:48.310 --> 02:44:49.370
for a lunch recess.
02:44:50.290 --> 02:44:55.083
So let's be in recess until 1:00 by the clock on the wall.